HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/06/1957 VB minutes ,r"4 -0; "}l ~) ~ question, the Deputy CJ.srk called tl~e roll, with tri8 foJ_loliJinp; r~8sult: .!.1l';18s: fl'rl1stees A.i.rey, Cas terline, Norr:'L s.? Scblaver, t'fill er. Nays: 'I'rustee Br'oad. 'I'here-"lpon the Py'e sicien t declared tree f:1otic:n carried and t:;he y.esolutinn adopted. T'here bei'lg no f'urther business to come before the board, a motion \<'Jas made by Trustee Airey and seconded by 'Trustee Norris that the meeting be adjourned. 'l'hemot:'Lon \ioTaS voted upon by acc1mnation ""hereupon the President declared the l"rlot.ioYl ca10ri.ed a.nc_ th.8 meet I~eguJ~a.rl.~:r aC.j:y,n'neci at 12 0 I clock P ,,1'1. ~,_ ,':l.0. '-v: O"-/1:<4._~____ E. G.. ~Jl.: (J I.::eputy Clerk ' :VII OI' A REGULAE IJJEErTING OF' PFJ:<~SIDEN'l' AND BOARD OP 'IIRU S 'TEE SHELl:: 'lRE I{(J1H C I PAL BUILDI:I'TG, lVlOUN'I' PHOSP 1";0'1', ILLINOIS ON 'TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1957.. "'Jas In the called to absence of President order' by the Village Lill~S, the meeting (v' l_"e r l,-, ,,+- Po. L" ') t-j lVi _ -~ au 'v". i-{- - .--'. Upon roll call, -cne l'ollmvina: llPrc,qentll. A'-\"'ev T~f'oarl (;qs-i-c.r.l-.;nc,'''' ..1. Vl--.' .... " _'-_ u, -'--'__ U, ..1(..... V\...I. ...J- v, and Willere Absent: President Lams.. 11ir1.1S tees fu"J.s~\TeI~ed Norris, Sclllaver, .4. motion 1o\Jas made by Trus tee Schl& vel' and seconded by Trustee Broad that Trustee ~illor be appointee. President Pro--'I'em to serve ::1n the absence of' President LarCls. The Clerk put the quest ion artd a vote Has taken by acclamation, whel'eupon t!:le Clerk declared the motio::'l carried and 'l'n,lstee vJill8r ass'Lmled the President's chair.. A motioJ:lifms made by 'I:y'ustee Airey 2nd seconded by 'l'rustee Br02.cc that t'ne minutes of a meeting held July 23, 1957 be aDproved as corrected bv 'l'rustee Airev. tho President Pro-"l'em put t11e question. a~d a vote 1'H1S " taken by acclama on whereupon the lno -Cion IN as de clared cal"4ried. an.cl saio_ minu.tes ELpprov-ed as corrected_te Trustee Norris then read the following report: 1.'his is a reply to the cOrill,'lunica tion 1rJhich \ioTaS presented to the Mt. Prosnect Villape Board of Trustees 8"t the Tuesday, July 16 m,eetins of the Boal'd.. A form.al l~ep()l)t vIas reclu,8sted ~bJ'" I:-lr. lliarrJ. CIEt:-.elc 'l^Jl~J) reacL trle Jllly 16 corcG.1TtJ,.J:1ic.atioYl to tl18 BOclr~d.. of 11Ir'1.)_stees as spokes- ma..'l. :Cor the group of residen ts on South '~J:t.lle, South Pine, ana. South blmhurst Avenue in l'jlt. Prospect. 'I'flis reply was prepared by ~rustee Norris and is concurred in by the 0 ther rnembers of t.1J.e Boa rd of Trus tees, ViII age President 'l'heodoro Laras, and Village ]\lana r, Ea:20ld Appleby.. Ny repol't 1o\Jill cover the points 'L'>JLlcn were out- lined in .. ClLrk! S cOL1."!J.unication to the lvlount Prospec t VTiJ_lag~e BOEtrd. Po~gt_l. Passage of' 2.n ordinm,ce prohibi t:ing connectt 'n of d01,mspouts to the sewage system. ~te building code adopted January 2, 1957 proviaes that ilresidsntial roof drains sraIl not be COilllGcted to sanitary or combination se'L'>Jers, but :may be connected to t '- ., Ii C"1..- . .., 1 . separaJe s~orm sewers on~y. bl13 provlslon 13 oOlng enforced on neliJ buildings. The Vill aGe Attorne;y' is exploring tbe possi bill ty 0 f legislation Tequiring tIle disconnection of downspouts nCH-J connected to sehrers. July 23~ 1957 Aug. 6~ 1957 (\'1:, .""", _ . _.. . J~L; Point 2.JJr1rlledlate dJ_verSlOD of water f'rom the southern area of ht. Prospect in the ev.ent of' rain 'There is no shut off valve north of' the trE.cks and therefor t:ti s cannot be accomplished. Poi:t}.t 3. Investie;ation of other possibili ties 1'01' immediate relief sucb as installation of pmnps or construction of additional facilities.VJe are attempt ing to obtain permission to divert some drainar:e from the delleI' Creek to the }'eehanville District sewers at Henry Aven'Ll8 . 'The Villaf3e Manager has been authorized to purchase one addi tlonal pump 8..t'1.d the one T:>Te have 'will be repai:r'ed. In i'utD..re raiD.s pumpsvJill be used wherever feasible to alleviate the drainage of water. 'I'he Cr:icap:o Sa.lJ,~ tary District ~,Till '~)e urp:ec_ to jnstall the 72!l sewer on l:~l~hurst from ller Cr~ek to Lincoln Avenue and as soon as :t t is comple ted, to t:l e in the Elmhurst and Lincoln (west to east) sO'"Jers. 'l'his would alleviate the pressure a t the Lincoln-Bln:Lhurst and Pine Street poi,nts. Otb.er~ sU[jg.esti(~n3 rnacle vJer~f:: .,.~"';..." " #4,,,"'" \,... ' ~. (a) 'l'ne lnspectioD: and the sewer on Pine Street. T inspected and does not appear if necessary, cleaning 0 s sewer has been to require cleaning. .,<",; (b) I'h[:lt some one should cbe clc to see when water pressure drops in Ghe Pine Street area. I understand OD.r Street Superintendent, Harry ller, has done this and will continue to do as much as possible to check t118se rn.atter~s al1cl to aJ_le-v-i.8.to tl}ese corlditi.OD_S. .~~~ (c) Boostel~ l,)-U-~1J.p to r),D~sl-l water 0 ..~t. TitLe ~,Sr~gir.i.ee 118."'18 ad\Ti sed tllD.:l: u S lS 1.l!11)ractical (t (d) Inlm8d::Lote cleaning of streets Emo spraying. is, or course, was done as swiftly and expeditiously as possible. (e) Procee{ with all speen installation of sewers under sanitary district. Tbis too is being done as qui ckly as pos 8i 'ole. (f) Can Village f1lJ stanfs up to b feet de ? chec legal aspects in vacaIl t lot s 1rJb.ere ~vater 'l'hc llc,(f;e Attorney J.. s of) t}J.j_s Q1J8StioD" I believe that all of tbe officials of e Villa of ht. Prospect (includini" the Trustees, Village Pl-"es- ident, V:5_11age jVlano.ger, C ef of Police, .Sc:.perintenden and mer~ers of the Street Lepartment, etc) were well aware of the catastrophe caused by the unusally heavy rainfall on i'riday, J'Lcly 12, and thc.t everyone COllYJ8 c t8d~ irJi trl -cr"-8 \1 i llars8 in Etrl 0 f'f}ic 18_1 c apaci -by (1 i d. everyUdng humanly possible to cope ltdtl: the d:1saster. In some areas residents had three or i'O'L'r teet of \ioiater in tbe street but ,\ferE, fo:ctunate, due to overhead seT/JeI'S and sump pUlnps, hav:iYlg dry '.)o.sement I.1aYJ.",y resicen.ts, incJ_u.di ol~f'lc18~ls of tl18 1IiJ_la,;:e of' . Pr'Dsl=)8ct, rLacl tlJl'lee to .fO"ltl'"1 :feet of 1A!ater in. tb.eir basements. 'The odor and da:CupIlcsS w~cich permea teCl these hornes 1rJere, no less obnoxious -CLan the odor in the s trcets. Certa:Lnly the Hater :Ln ttLe base:ments l1'lUS have been more obnoxious than water streets. It 'vIas unfOJ~tunElt8 tr--,-o~t a resiclent O~J t1rJC) Ji~ tl-'ii \lilla.ri'8 cb.oise to lie a stOI~Y to a C.:10.'O i"181nJS:P f3r TtJrl:L ct:~, i _f' a c C'L-~ra t 81 ~~I I" 8P Ol~ t e ~j :~);;T -cr,.s ~P8~9 e r, ltJO'Ll_~Lc5~ in tirrla te trJ.8~ t r.i.O one of' trle \/ il18.,c~e o~Cficials cEtreC~ or was j_nter~sted lD tb,e welrare 8f the residents of ttJ. S V i11 cl \SO . Aug. 6, 1957 ~~'26 C,--, ..d I~ftel~ tl}is calarni tJ"r 2:8 ToJOrO JJJ.xrl~8T"(YLlS trouble spots in tt.8 Vjlla~e, SO-TIe could 1)8 al.lev- :La"ceCc iynr,1ed:1_ately and 0 J' inund2. ted spots, cr- W81)8 served wi surcharged sewers l)eyond them, cou~lc3 not lJe f~=L\Ter} an;{ ir;'2f:lecliate reli~;f it I, t118 O~~Q~ .3. Oc~~ m~~~Q~S ~~d~ \J~l'a,~p ~,~res1c-n~t 1~a0S U..l..;_,-,.L- _ (.^ ..1...:_ _,l........;...!.,j<,./_ , a...._ _.~__;.....LC:..t..L)'0.. __. ~'J""_ o~_~....., feel co~n_:fldent tt.Ei. t OllI~ v'il1age tIIftn.2_fj8I"1, B.Rrol.d l~ppleby and harry Hiller.? Sl.)_per:Ln tendent of OUT' Street Departrrlent and all of bts ~Jor'1mrs, perfOrlT18Q tb_E: '\.~;est possible jOt) 11:r1de~ t11;linJj CirCl.lillstaIl.eeS aYld "fATe certair~.l'JT 1'eel ttLey Sl'10tlld.. lJ8 compli.rnerlted aYld COlrJl1lSrlcJe d b~r aJ..l ~ Certainly from reports which I have, no one ltJ[~S derelict in ~(}is dU.t.J..8S in. tD.8 elTI8rE~ency Etlld T l\:lJ.0 "1.J tt.e~ t J_IGT~ 8.D.cl tli S lnen. wo r~l(ed f:tro-cm(1 tIle cJ_ock lltJ.tll the 1'\Ta ter GancI1 t:::~LC'Yl ~Jas s.J_18\Tla -cec_ -- -cr1en i~o 11o'vI\Jed the cle811 "llp job on. tt.e s -treet s ~ 8 tc G I C_OD.! t .b31i(:;"\T8 arl~ro:r"le -v~7~(I_0 lcn,o'his al~l of~ tb,e i',slCts tt~eE3e [!leX1 8~t J_east 0110 ~;ooci t'i s :rest before y starte6 the clca~ ,job. ~ certainly don't ~.Ylten~ to enter into a contr'oversy vJl tr, tr.le i vldual 'lAir: 0 ga'Ie the repcrt to tlJ8 c8.fjO },1e~\f\JsIJaper~. e'lel~, 1 do 't,\JaI1t r:o assu~"e tl~at 0J:,].8 1.\li(l1)_.9.~L~ 8.11.d~ .for~ t;r'.!.~lt Eytt8~, 8\/erj- res-" ce!~t of II/It e ?r-ospec t~, t~C1f;lt tn.e tee S ELnCJ '\lj_J_l e pYJes UD.-c are at nIl s interested the weJ_.rare of all of trl-8 resio.ents o~f t.r1e COYCC111JJJ.it:l. I I)el~SOrlal.l.JT "[(i_aOe several trips to tl18 30 Pine Street and ~0 Set_oal and 01:J6=~1 Street ~lre2~S crl Stl tl1~'dD..'r~l, S'uy~Qd.a'-.)T f{Ild_ L'oll.()\,'\j~- inr:: t}:~e r,' ~ 11 G .1 t3.JT1. 01..., '~i\T311 c1cqlIa,in ted. l,'\J:i t11 o -; , I}eSTQSn-CE:-.; tl-.8. t rnan.~! tIle f2~Ct.~ i~J)p 1 e b~ST , cb_e c:6:s 0 f ill. (-c..e nor-c.r:. al"")ea. 110W::::'\T8Y:l, J~esi68nts of tile SG Pine area ,=U:J. C~ e I~ .C Ci:L :(l 1.r-lJ_ v' e 1') 1. t I was there and also ssrs~ 3rcad, s, lleY" 8.:t1d 0 tl'.l8:r~ BOf~_.l~C~ rrJ.eJ'rlJers !i~l8ct G :981-;,iodj'._ C t118 tlJree I-J.aro_8st rL.lt al-?88.S i.n. tl18 \TillEt tC.8.t In conclu~ ttlis art lot us n.ot all CJ:Ji car'.o SllblIrr)S '~;Jo~ee clrerlc110cl, ftJ_l fOJ:" , ~c (,.ac.t r'Ol}.c s ~.Jill ]~loc de d bas8?nel1t. s E~r.l. d s tl~ =.; e"1::; s, 8.:c..C1 aJ_ J t'La6_ CJ_ eGJl 1.-11= -P J\S a r:latter o~C f'D~C.t trl_8 C~jt oJ~ Cl1lcfi too ~Jas hard DJ.'Ce [110S D.l"1Q [l.~oa:-tjT~erlt ., S v\TrJ. 1. c t~ ,- ['_ao_ rle\l81~ llaci 1fJ8~ t.e l') j_Yl. t118 l)a s e:Ci1erlt~ S Ill0'l).=Ld Ll.P .~~j tl"l .~ OJ') 1..1. f'eet of '~JEtter -- uIloe=r'pa.sse:s T'J'.s:2e ~Clcl()d e~i f'Ol" d. s"'" &Xl,j.. tl:.2:)'- toe liB.d a eleEJ.r lJ.lJ }~l~()t)lel'n. i~LLiC s 5" t~'1.1Ett=I.orl 'LA] fLS 21(, t D315- ~t1).e to 1-'1"t 0 }) r~o s ~p e c t 4ll 0 tl.LO :C~ Et.ce ;>:1 S ~-lG..C~ t LI.O S8.Yr18 ;ger:~eraJ_ I)Y~O-ble:Cls 8..Yld I 8..rn. Sl)..re t:lei.}:- o~Cf.'lci.8_1s 1rJ0~e1-=ed~ jl~st EtS dJ..J~ig:sn.t~J_~T ~:m.d [:Larcl as li'J[;'tS t~lj.e CB.se 1181"8 in .Pros~pecto the otmj t thJ to r-eD181TLC1811 i_ 3 t~h.n_"G throup;b. t~t,e c~~ilj~Gent ef:~eo~t~j of tl'1~ s 130Etrcl and J.ts lJJ:~eclccess(JJ~EJ the l\1~et::~opol=Ltflrl SatJit C1-~-rlct ()1~ C'Y~eat~e~~~ Ct.iea ~ s nO~,'J :;'.10 OD. 2:. l~elief' 2Cl,~Ter syst:er1 to adeCl":.-lfl "T jJ.arj.lI1 e s e:\j-9r~ 0'1 e l-'}lo ad. s " 1.1I:h_o "\I:5- 1J_ E't :~-. e G:.81~ 'iJ~Jf';L S 2:"1.6. -\Tt. s e (1 tl15..s lilO tr-J.at }JJ_2..ns arJ.d. specifi.cgwt~lcl}}s ~3.re tC) lJ8- delivered to Lhe t:ary ~.l_S ct by tie b~n nGers ~r ...4. t 23$ l~S sonI} 8 S ttlose dOC':J~(;"J.8rlts ar-e d.e -i_\7GI~8d_:) t1:J8 SftTlit8J~~rY 8tl~ict l)\JiIl ~~)l:'}oeeed t<) sell. t.Ile l)(JJ}C18. It ant5.cipates tl~~_s wil-I. be ~~ccomrJlisb8d i.D teG~er aYld thct ~5.ds can 1')8 ill.. OCtol:)6X"; ",.. D. rn.'"l.lcJ.i e8J:'li;~)i.~ ds.te t~Rn was oripinally anticj.pai~8do JIll"D.S tee ,., '" l'~ orrlS . ~Lr'L.S t'88 ]_ s n18.c18 G.n.8 st[{tetrJ.8l"1 t tll~lt 1J:1 c: rC~.el" to PI}O te c t. \Jil~L8vF!",e of' tll'u g;ei:leY"t1J_ 1'l8 1JXlt Prospect, th al1d welfare Q~ the it :3 felt the plans of F:<?~tlell }.;.e~_ ts Estates, Urlit ~;>To. 3 Et~ee 110-G adecfc..ate ir.lso ~t~tl"") &LS d~rair12~.~e is COilC8J.:I18 d. L1YJ.cJ t118 Cor!T;~(l.i. t te e is ~e8:'e tY~"8 r)lt~ t cf 2'Lt-tJci5_ s 1 OIl ~i~) a__ +',r, uv tIe ,(). C 0 Y1 S t :'~'.L.l C t ~_, 0 IJ. C c: Fro c1Y.l ~f ~f 0 =r -~> T' ':) \/ j. s i 0 t.J. 0 !." fJ. c18 q.u.u t, e s l1r~ J~ 8~ C e l.tJatsl') dr;:ai ii. rnoti.ol1 T"lB..;] :~l-~'.8.(~.0; 'tee 8 al.:,.ci sC"::ccJ:1d.ecJ st8e ~3ro8_c1 tl--i.[1-L, tLLC V'5_11ELc;8 Cl.o'rile be ,~ll]_ tl~o T}=t ?~C' <=?_ t 0 :::~G .:Ce :c-~ tl:L8 -01.::1 t o.f' I~~:s_ t~J_elJ. 1:!.0 i t. s J-lS tat:os, L' .., o 3 1:)[;lCI~ -C.G tJ_':;J:"l CCY':.3 l~I"'U c ticrl Aug. 6 t 1957 C) 6) F1 o ;/...; &1 Corul)an-:I :for re 2--.8 011. S rJ:r.e.~jj.. OLls1 --Sf E~i \T en. })re S.t clent Pro-rllelll 'VJil1el~ ~put tn.8 ql.lesti':-)Yl 8J:J.d~ tll.G Clerk c2~11eci the roll 'rJith the follo1eJ" :,eSp?rlse: ~~yes: _1, l\J"a~rs: I\lon.e" ereuypon ~n_e PreS~LO ell t :1eclar)eCL tl"1e motion carri ed. ...D.... :rrlotlorl ~'1Jas rl1Elde by stee l\Jorr-;.is anc_ secol:Ld.ed ~i~el~stee I3road. tr18,t t118 rdDort Dre-viou.sl '.,f y.ead -b~T ':CY'l1st'pP Nr'Y'Y'l'" a Q ~ Y"cq"j \' +-~ -i-he"- -l.~''''''''lJ~ :::;i- ~o-' '7 _V~ U-'-.J -..)_..:..___.0, -'_' ....... -1_t.:'.tj.........~, vU '_'1...,_ V'-J. v~v"-;) . 'dill:l aIn Cls.I'1;:, be inel uded in it entire ty in the I:1ini)..tes of tn.is 'Fleot F)1'4esid8nt; ,,?ro-1renl ~pllt the q~lJ..estloll illl.cl [i "{lote 1tJas l)~T 2.cc]_arwstt:LoYl, ll\J.tleI~e- U_1JOIl tt'~8 l1l0t:l.JYJ lr,T,~ts declal:ed. c2.rried~ 1:ruste2 ~chlaver read tllO followinr~ lottGr: J'111'~( ,29, 1957 Mr. f. La,ills, President Board of Trustees Nt. Pr~ospect, Ill. s :1 s to n()ti]~~T Y01J. t I 8XQ ter Juper:Lntenden-c ef'fect:'Lv8 August as .,..... '- cr:: r'" I have enjoyed VJorKEF' th tbe Viator .copar'tment cr(~d :r_a\l~irlr; }J.Etc.. a haYld j.l1 bl.:Lil:jinp~ it lll) to =L ts 1)1')8serlt sta-c"L:s It ..e':~: I.l~T rec1so:t1S l~OX~ j~m~()ss:L":::JIG to Hork e system of control 0 ro sl [S11 cien t]."JT are olyviou_s as it unde~" t:t:e present is Cl I i, :.:- -y),r: 1""1 Z 0/ ..L........ ..L\"-1.,::t~.;..' Via tel'" ~lIp =::In.te{:.den. t It ':J.9.S -:-~Jo\led.. b7:l ~[1r~uste8 Sct~la\Ter alJ.,.j s8corlded.. l)~I l'!r;~-:.stee i~~~I'~ey ttl.8.t tI18 rssi tion, o.f P11l1brose rCrartz as '~vater' Superintendent 'he accepted. Pres:Ldent F:r>o-Te:c llol" Dut the que stlon 811d a 'ITO te 'Has t,aken by ~ -",',n'~,..,..., on, T,-,1r-'{.~~-~~_~.l..,Y)...... +_1 '-, "Pl'"';lAQ"'-~,'A""'-:', L r-,r:, _ ...,..., aCC-La:rlO,0J_')__J J,.u~_"e,-lJ:JOl.L 'In,-, -,-,,_~"/lU~_J.0 j,.O o_eCLarec. ttLe Inotiol'J. c[J~erie(i. JTr"LlS t E: e S c,b la '\1 cr re ad e fallaH' comrrnml ca tj 01 Jul~r 30, 1957 ihe honorable Mem":::Jers of the Board of trustees Villa[;e c:C 1,10 un t Pro SDec t Gentlemen: I take pleasure in appoL'lt ,1a ter 0'J_psrintendent" Harold Alldredge ("',""'-' -..-I..L s arJpo5_r1trr1ent is rnade 011 trlG recoynrrJ.e:n.dati'..'n_ trlG "\/il18. (':~e }>'1Et~nar~er, arJ.ci ~lo11r COYlCU.l"r}e~nc.e tllere:1..n respectfully requested. J_S Sirlcere -:J our s , s/ 'l't.eoc oY'e A. L8J'<Js r:i.ne si 6.. en. t . It vms r,1oved by 'i'I'US tee Scblaver anc seconded by 'l'r~l-l s te e j\1.2"6 ~r t}-; [1 t tl'l e Et })PO 11'"1 trQe n t 0 f" I:L~)_rold llJ_J_o.re cige 8..3 '~'la-ter Super~intencJ.ent lJ8 COl1CD.:rrec in tb.8 V.j.J_12~[~e Board. ~ihe Presi~ent Fro-fern er put the question B_ne) the Clerk calle d tbe roll, ~'lfi th the i'olloHing re s})onse: J~~Te s: All,' N'cI..Jr,s : l\fone. 1ih.2 r lJ_llOIl tlB motion was declared carried. ITru_stee Casterline g~1\Te E:~ relJOrt OJ~ 81l. a1...1torI1.o'clile accident 8_t Cath:Y' L.:::me am', Busse Jtreet on gust b, an,d 8'XlJressed regret. President Pro-~em Willer read the following CO" 'IllunJ_ c 8, t 1. on : Aug. 6t 1957 ;:.,~ (,2 Q ",) 0 '0'; -j 1.. _-C.. ~L ~~ 0, 19:;:7 . ~'l~ecldo:ce l~. L03LS, ~'?r"esi.derlt Vill of }iJ:Oll11t Prospect JY~Ql)n.t ~ros~pect, Tlj -'- .-'-....... . Dear e Lanls: ~Due to an altel~ecl P,s.ttE;rrl in IUS" vJ01~:~~, lJLLJcrl frequently re res travel, it has becon8 irrlpossi'bJ_8 to aS3"01re ~TOL: TrlJi re ,attSD.C)_flrlce 2:.G rneetinE;s o:C ZOllirl?3 Co.rmilission.$ J_D. fairness to :rO'l)~ c?Ln.cl tl~.e \/i1]_(1['8, I cOl1soquentl~r ~e8el olJlised to tODciex:l rn"JT I'8s:igna-sic1J. at tL~j_s tlllle 0 ;?J_ ease a c eeJ) t Y!12T cCYlcIra -G'u_~18," tio.n.,s o:r\ J-o'u_~r: 1--) C:-; 81 e c ti OIl TO tJ~,8 \Til18Le~e PT'es=LctelJ.c~r aJ.o -rVlTittl be3t "[J'Jishc)s for~ [1 lTlC) S -c S tJ. C C e s s ~Ge 10{'1. e Sine 81'"}81';yT 81"t L.Fi()J:ltairlcg A moticTI was mad.e ~=) ~T '....jl~lJ" s t::: e L. (1 1) 7l 1:101:1 tal r:.c !J.lr'1)~S tr.08 ad tLL8.t tr18 ros]_ t j_ OIl 11el.~, so o f 110 l) Cl-; t frot1 tl:e Zor15.rl(~.1: CcrlYrll s s i, or:. be EtC cell t8~ e [1'1J.8 F'r':::; s =L (5. 8Y1 t Pro-l_ten1 ~o11t tl~e qucst~,:LorJ. EtYlQ fl iJOt~'8 -tr,.r8.E tD..l(eJ~1 lJ~r 2_C elar(],a ti 011, J~Cl]_pOn tl~_8 1--'re s ide::1 t PI'O -ITorrl de clsyred the wotion carried$ fIT~tIS tee llcl~ :rea"ci tr1:3 .follolrJirlF< COYnnl1..1Y1ica.tj..o~t,: ttU',7'11r+! I c;.r.j7 .L (_~~ ,....~0 v ...L S .1.. l:J I [11~_e i=.or~ol~abJ_e er.s of ~h8 Board of trusteos Vi of ~ount Prospect rospect, Illinois G.011 GIne]:l ~ Dll8 to tb.8 resl atiC)Ilot"l Ro l:';c:r~t L $ }il0J1'-ca:Li:t8 ~~18as1;Lrc: in sen Stre8"t "G.O i- I,;- .foro;:} tti8 ns~ Corr:rrnj_ssic'l.!., I t el~le~T of 6 l~.o irl;2 '$ Iiobel)t il tL.l.s vacancj~ e .[:",,, I -, ..L J_ -,-_L Y () ll::e C01'1e.llr1" Dll. C e 1.11 tlJ.is alJ~9()l.Tltlne:rlt ~ 0 _-L "J respoct~- fl.lll~! rO:11)_Gstedo Sjl ""}) 8 n ('; !Y'0" t. L-- ^' ,-~ C5 ...L.~_ .. '-A...... _ '-' ....l. () c...1 !..Lu \T iJ_J_a,qe Pl'?O sidOTi. t. ii trloticin \':'..;fLS ilJ.B.de by I_Lir'u.stoe 'Vlill::"~J:: (:3J:ld s8co:!:1d.8(J Trustee I'Topr:Lsthat the Boecpc1_ concur in tbe appo:Ll.tment of E\.obert L:8e1(18)"' to trle Zonirte; COIYI(rJ.i s sian to i~i 11 the \JaC8_rlC~y left by the resignation 0,1':' Ro(0)l't L. Fonta:Lne. '1.'"08 i'res- t.dent J?1':lQ-...ille:-r1 p"llt tr~e '1l..l9StioX1 aJl~1 tr-:.o C,J_erl,;:: ca]_l(~dv th(; 1'011, l.tJ=2_tb. trlG f'o1101/vinF\ :r'esIJon,se: ~{j~JTes: , 1~3'Jrs: I'JOJle. ~tllGr~el,ll-::;oIl the fl.8s~Lderlt .Pro-Iliern c~8cl,3-r8(1 ,,:il0ticl.11 C f3..1-ri ed $ 1iru_s te G or read Ordinance n .--' . j P:~~}1 !10 l'~rGS OJ~i l~_J~.L 8.U C()I'~.SlliRTJC:lIT~I: 11T ij.lI-ir.~ \ 1~J.~Ot:)p_':':';Cf~CGlrt A rnotiol1 1rv'as mad,e l:J~l JI'r'u~s tee VJiJ_131~ an.d~ secol'ldec. lJ::r il'r.u_s tee Sc.rLl(.:tv0Y. ';CI1B~t.Ord:trlarlce .561 be passed._ i~the Fres-id~~nt Pro..-fl'ern .PlJt th,e qU8stl.Orl c~rlc!. tlle CJ_el~l{ c.al~Led tt18 :2011., -hiJ. tb_ tl-18 -(-'olloli>Jing respoll.se: 11.Y'8 S: 1\11, .l'J8..-::rS: l~on,e e .L:r~G7:'.o lJI) 011 .t118 ,Pre s illeIl t Pro -fJ;el'11 d.e c18_rerJ the rco t 1. 011. caJ~ri,8cJ. and saj_d Ol'di.nttl1ce pflssed. rIT"U~stee vliller~ ~ead_ a PTjOl-lOsed n:YlCt=tnan.ce f"o}! triG l'i r s t tirn8. if !-~LJ l) RI~, II-.J j\._['TC}~ (}}11~~1~~r.I l\fG. ~eo I ITC I S i3.GI-.JIJ C~)j:'L?i~:rJ'Y, CI~R~Cj~I1T r~I~}lj.fI.S 11<[ I1'I..,L \!IILj:\.~}l~ OF.] .t'::~C1JJ,~'rll rltC).SPI~crrd! Ii ~:rust8e Willer read the ~olll)wins lstter: Aug. 6~ 1957 ~4:Ugl18 t b, 1 957 3?q L." ~"' q R a~Trr1oJ:1 d L. .~} i 1J_ 8 rJ Chal rm.an, Juc:.i cim:'y C OITlid t tee Village Hall T\]our~ t Pro spe c t -' Illinoi s Re: S~~~rys8.l': V8. 'lillDJ.~c o:f fjlollUt I)rospect. L e ~:n" . lV:il1er: 1J1his is to aG..vise tbE~~;-' ~!lJ(;_ }Iarr~~r Iv1. IilSl18lr.l -entered a decree in the ahove enti,tled cause on August 1, I or:~( J"n 1,]-,-1 ch 'he,' \i'l \ ove,r>->1,'100" +-1,0 on ';ec+-';"~,,,, c -I.. 7~ . - 'JV.....:.L l.l. J.-'-''"''''. .-'- J v.L '-A._Lv _. vol..."""" ,...,,' J uJ~'...)l.J.. u 'f'iled b\' tr'e u"il-:q;,'eo (';J) DYW'rove,o thp -""noy>+- of' tte ,~,- F '~ -'~) ./ ---'- -CL<::'J (~ \ \.....- ~l.:_~J ~ l...... ~ . :..:....... ..L v..t..... _ v.. ......:... ..l.. i1las-cer In Cnancery \j) fOL'J.'lQ trje oI'dlnfH~CO VOlC anc invalic. 1iJi.th relation to the property in question; (4) held tt;at the Olimers and any subsequent m\Tners ma:y' 1101d aIld raain t<iin tlli s IJr"oI)c rt;l [lS El conf8ina tion resi.dence 2C.~L(i ctelj.t:~al of.fice for tt_8 pr<actice of d . -"- I _J , " "t' q- . - ,- .' ,p . eJllSLr~l; \j} eUJo:lnec.\ r:~e V~Ll..lage f'ro:nl lrlter.L8r~1.ng wtth sucl., use aild (6) D""c"'esser! +-J.-'e ""o"t'-s Q'-:'P~Y;C;+ - - ,.... ::J ~ '" 'wl.-'.......... I....L l.J~J.. v 1.:) CLf..:)........_Lt.l..l<o..l'....' the Villap;e. .,-~' Please adv:L se at furtbcr steps you Hi s11 me to talc8 tllis matter. The Villa.ge has 60 days within It\Thich to f'iIe clXl appeal. I:n order~ that me d~entist m.a~r be preverltec~ I~l~()Dl {(la.t=ins 1.1813 O.r Sllcl'l props rt~T fOl') dental purposes, a nOTice of appeal must 'oe f'iled l,-Jl.thin 20 days on the filinD; of a bond .ror costs ("ih:'Lch "oond Flay be excused because the defendant :ts a municIpality). '.L'he appeal the:reby becomes a supersedeas leaving matters :in a status quo duri.,ng the pendIng of the appeal. ~~ ~.."V>, '" ;It ~'" Your early advj ces :i.n thi s Elatter 11 be appreciated Y'8l1rs vcr-;/ trlJly, c; I i-l'r" Y< 17 1-.."'/ 1. c."J...:....t.:.."~ . O~Je;!:a P... fn.otioIl 1'\TaS mac).e lJJT l'r'l18 tee VJillGJ~ and~ secorlded b~T jlil~-Llst8e Br~o2~d tl-',at \lill.9.G8 l\.tto:rJJ.e"JT l)Ol"Jl'}irlp~ be t3~1).thor::t7.8(i to proceed to tal-r8 tl'l8 3,00\1e rn[~tt~er to the'Supreme Court on behalf o.e the 'Ii e 0 f IJlODnt Prospect Etnd tl'l8. t . Opel~a. be aci.v"ised of t l'1is 8..ct~Lonw 'l'he P:c'esident Pro-1'em put the question 2nd the Clerk called the roll Hi tt. the follo'0Ting response: Ayes: All, Nays: }Jone. 11he:reupon the President Pro-'l'em de clared the mo ti on carri ed. Trustee Willer read a letter f:rom Schavilje & l\nlJth, Tnc. reqlJestlne; pr~otection ~fo:r~ ~:Jlle east of cons truc tiClf", <:1. sewer in Su.nset heights 3ubdi vi s1 on. A motion Has mad.e by 'l'rt::.stee ~1Tiller and secondeci by 'l:rustee Airey that tho agreement betHeon Schavilje & Knuth, Inc.. aDd the V:'Lllage 0 f dount Pr"o spect to nrovide for reimbursement of nro-rate share of "constn..wtion of' combined trunk SOlder in Lonnquist Blvd., Hount Prospect, Illinois be approved, and that the VillageClerk and President be authorized to s,"_gn tho agree~;;'ent on behaLf' 01' the V:i.llage of lvlOUDt Prospect. 'l'he Presiden t put the question and the Clerk called the roll, ""JJ_ th the fol10vr:.ng response:: Aye s: All, Nays: None. 'llhereupon the Pre sideYl t. Pro- Tern declared the motion carriedd 'l'rusteeu'Iiller read ()rcUnance No. 562. liAN ORDINANCE HES'I'RIC1IING 'lE,E 8'11ANDING OR PI\R KING OP 'IIRUCI\:S AND OR HO':L'OR VEHICI.J::;S DI RESIDENCE ST'RIC'l': A motion 't,j'as IT:,ade by 'l'ruste8~,jillo::: and secondeci by 'l'rustee j'orris that Ordinance ]\]'0. 562 be passed. Pr~esJ.(1elLt Pro-fLern 1)11-G tIle CluCstj_Oll 2nd. the Clerlr calleci the roll 'IfJl. th the l'011m,Jing response: Ayes: [I.l-I :11!:l-V-'S' l\fonp 'L'l~c>reuDmJ. -"'he Prpsident P"'o-'l'em J..'"'l. , _If.....,- . . _~~. ~l~.v_. _,"'__ iJ_./ '-" _~ _ declared the motion carried and said Ordinance passed. Aug. 6, 1957 .:) ~~. 0' <0,...J VIlla{\e IJlanager Appleby informed the Board that the Public Service Company is filing a petition for all Increase in rates. 'I'his matter was deferred until the next meeting of the 'Village B08_rd. 'llhe follo'JJing mo t.i on 'das made by 'I'I' LlS tee NorI'is and seconded by trustee Schlaver: That plaI1S aIle SlJ8cificatioDs f"lor sani tf:ll~'S" S0vJerS, s~t{:)r111 seHers, water Yi1ains, pavement;, curb &'ld gutter, sidevJalk and drainage appurtenfu'lCeS for Frank Serafine I s Second Addi tion (:'Ldentified as C'l'&A 57-B8) be approved subject to the filing of bonds approved by the Village Attorney as required by ol~dina:..'1. ce and "Ji th the 1.mder s tend ing that the 1,'i'ater main on 'l'hayer Street bet;~een Elm Street 8.!':1d IJlaple Stre et Hill be ins taIled at the t 1me the wnter main is installed in the subject sub- d:ivision. 'l'he Presiden t Pro-'l'em put the question and the Clerk called the roll ,'iJi th the follmrLng response: Ayes: All, Nays: J'-Tone. 'l'hereupon the President Pro-'l'em declared the motion carried. Mr. Robert IVlilligan spoke from t:;hefloor, questioning the legali ty of an ordj_nance that TiJOuld compel home owners to disconnect dovmspouts from se1rJers. Village Attorney I:owning ini'ormec. IvIr. jYlilligan and the Village Boare that he h,<:ts the legali ty o:f such an ordinance 1mder serj_ous con- sic3.eration. There being no further business to come before the Boar-d, a motion 1'1laS made by 'l'rustee Norris and seconded by Trustee Broad that the meeting be adj01Jrned. 'Ihe mot:Lon '\'i'as voted u.pOn bV acclamo.tion Where'LlpOn the President Pro-'l'em decls.red the motion carried and the meeting regularly adjou~ned at 9:47 P.M. u/~~#%-~ ;;'Jilliam E-. Ke:i.tE'~ Villar;:e Clerk c.' J!lnm'I'ES OF A REGULIcP, 11:r:mrr'ING OF' :BOl'~ftD Olli 1IRus~e.\-!~E~:; REID IN IilUNICIPAL BUILDIITG, l'lOUl{lj_' PHOSIJEC'l', ILLINOIS ON SDAY, AI:JGUST 13, 19,57. The meeting was called to 0 President Pro-Tern \i.Jiller appointee. absence of President Lams.. er 8~ t 8: L~ 0 J? - . to S8Y'Ve in the hy On roll call, the following Trustees ansTN'er'ed H'O-,'ooen'tli. 1\-I'('py -:=>"'0"'0" '-'as'i-e,..ll',n,'C> Qr>})l""~F"r' 'l"'d .L..._v0 _..:... . .L;..~_.../., D_ Cl-_, v v..... _~..i.'-'" f.....lv...... o..\/~, , c.U..r.,.l ~l:'Lller.. Absent: Trustee Norris an,d President Lams. All Trustees having previously received copies of the minutes of the meeting held August 6, 1957, a motion -:rIas made by 'l':eustee Broad a'l.G. seconded by Trl1stCje Airey triat tbe minutes be approved as subrnitted. ThePT'esident:; Pro-'l'em 1)'ixt the Question and a vote was tah:en bv acclaYrJation, ,,_'," n _~ "'-,'" 0:" .t'.." e 0 -,,";: s -i, r:i 0',"" +- P 1"0 _ rl"e'~n Ii e c1 c"', ',"ed -'. irl~ 'r,'1o:i-l' (''''' r>" }"'rJ en vJ_.LvJ..'vlJ~1-' .l.,~ I..... .L1.'J _\.-^-v._J.v....._ J,.:..J.. .J~ --.._v_ _ Gl_v.l..:..L u .-)).!. ,---,C-l__ -~,~, and said minutes approved. A motion '"Tas made by 'I'rustee Broc..c), a:clc, seconded by T1rlJ_stee Casterline to J)81"J'[rli.ic r~i.r. Poczate}:~ to constru_ct. a temlJo:;::ary 6-inch house serv:'Lee in the public st:c'eet to the existing manhole at FOl~est al'ld i-:',rec;o:r-y. l\.ecorcJ. an ar'~reement rw'lning hrit:b. the 18_nd~ ".Therein he 8.g;rees to abandon th:Ls tem,porary connection irJhen the permanent se-\iJer becomes available, 8,110 :r.'ein }le agrees not to protest a seweI' assessment by reason of no benef:Lt. Such a recorded agreement would be equivalent to a deed Aug. 6, 1957 Aug. 13, 1957