HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/13/1957 VB minutes ",'" Un Q) VillaE:~e llilaLl~le:er" AIJpleby irl~for~D18(t the "(3oclrcl that the Public 'ser'vice Conpanyisfiling a petition :fo r arl il1.CreaSe :tIl ra~ to S e T1r-li s Yna. t ter 'was d.efer:red 'u.::C1til tIle 118xt rllee-t 01""\ tr:}.e \lil=Lag~e Boo.r'd. ~rlle follo~(lJirl?; fi10t.:l.OTL ~^J~3.S Elade lJY l:tl~L~stco J:Jorri sand seeol'lded by 1lrllS tee Sc111['c-ver: T11ct t plal~s allQ SlJecificE~ticrls 1")01" sani tar~r SeTrJerS, st1:!rlll SGhTerS, l".Jat.er :[naiI1S, paV6ynent, c'lJ~r1:) and. gu~tt8r", sio_8vJallr arJ.ci c1rainf:t?~e 8~~(~pu_l~tenanc;e s :Cor ,serafine I s Second Addi tJ_ on (j,den tified as C',l'&:A ~7 A 0 \ , ,. -'- i 1-1 ~. -I ' f' - j I -tl(J) oe appro"'\rea slJ.bJ ec:.., :.0 ~u '18 IJ__.L:Lne; 0 - 00r10.8 apPr'oved by the 'Village Attorney as required by ordinaclce and 'di th tte under sta.'1.ding tbat the water main on Thayer Street bet.ween Elm Street a.~(1 1'/181)le Street 'lrJill 1J8 irlstal1ed at t tiG tirn.e the v-Jater main. is ins talled in the sub je at sub- o5vision. S_'he Presiden t :!:'r'o-'l'em put the question and the Clerk called the roll, vIi th the folloi,-J:'L reST)onse: Aves: All, J\Ja;)Ts: None. 'l'hereu-oon the -r" -,., "" ~s l" rl e"', t '_p:'o - '1' P'IYl "i A ,.... 1, " -r"" 0' T,"",," '-no +, . i 0.1' C :01 rY>~ e a" ~l.V '-'l.!.1. J... ......,;.l u_v<o./_c.... G _ v'.l)~v 1. ...~,_ 1. ....c" .t.J_ . :1r. Robert lligarl spoke from therle,or, ql.J_es oning the legality of an or'dinance that liJOuld compel b.ome OIN'YlGrs to disconnect dO~.Jllspouts f)rolil SeifJers. V:i.lla.f:~e ...4.ttoI-l1.8:Y' Dow11irlg, :LlrrorrnecL Ivly}. t''iilligan and the Village Bosr( tha t h.G row the leg::l1i t~r 0 f. such. an 0 rc..i2.'.!.arlce lJ.r.Lder serious COll- sideratiort. Tn.ore beil1g no .f11rt.rl er b11s:iJ:1e s:=:. to corne before the Board, a motion Has made by 'l'rustee ~Torr'is 8J:l.d seconded by fl:r-ustee Br'oad that tb.8 [(10 eti.n[Z 1J8 ftd io'u~rne (I. ilt18 rT1C\ ~t :LOll "'G-J.as 'V 0 te d -lIDO:'} Ewclam.i2 tio;;' WhGre'L1pOn the President Py'o-'le;:l decl!:ired the motion c8_rr-jed and the Yi10e regularly adjourned 2.t 9:47 P .Iv]. u/~~#%-~ ..,.,~.----:-.._.._.~-_._~ William H. Keith Village Clerk YIUNICIPAL B L;~O.lJI<f'I~ l~C:; IJ~IJ ~~8 O~: SLJ.^1.'Y, i\.T.J(}tf:.:!1' 1J, 19.57. T I\J(} c) F :r:-'1II\fTJiliES D~~' .r.~. ItJi;~}ULIil1 :Jlli !~rp~TT:S ~rt~i~S -:- ",Tri 1... ~.'~I...J.' , I'he meeting ~Jas called to or~Jer at B:l~O fro s i d_erl t Pl~O .....1\3[[1 1J_8 Y.l 1.l}JP() In te (~ to seJ:?'lG ~L:r2. absence of Prosinent I:ams~ r 4) ~'./l. tl}o On roll call, the Eollow n ?J:~e s en t l! : l'e~T, B:."C'o 8-.(1, ,:..; a.s er. Ahsen,t: Trustee .Norris rlir"QS tee s anij"iPi8 r~o (i ine, Schlav3r, and cl]J.d~ Pre sid. cr.t t; IJ8Jrls (I All Trustees having previously received copies of tIle :rnil11J_te S (jf trl8 Yl1eetin2~ r1-o1d. i1.11~?;ust 6, 1957, a ~Ci.l()tioY~ T--T8.S rr12~6~e b~r !r:e.lls"t:;ee :Sr}OEid 81'10. seCOl1ctec1 b~::/ ~Cl~llstee P.ll~8Y tLi at til.8 nlin l~~ te s be aT) r)ro ve d~ E1 S Sl:L "t te 6_ 0 !11[-18 F'1~8 S i (ient~ ~el";lO - r~Cerrl }Jllt. trJ_e Q.1J.8 s ti on (~Ir~l d. a \r 0 1:';0 T'JEL.s t 9.1{erJ. lJ;/ ~3.C cl anjc!. ti. ~'~Ill , \tJtlel~e-ll~pOYt tl=~e Pre sid. 8D_ t I)ro - ~Ler(). d~ 8 C18. rec_ ttJ8 :(riO t,i.C"lYl c. aI";lI~J_ ,~~ c~, and sajd minutes ap)rovecL Ii. rnotiOYl Tr.Jas rG8.o~e b~T iI:eD..st/=~e 13road. aIlc1. seco:ndecl bj'- Ilrl,lsi~ee C~lsterJ_ine to r)Ol~ll1i t /I) 'l?()c,zatck to C()llst;rlJ~C t a tefflpo~ra2~"y' b-j_=C1Cr-l ]l-Ollse Sel~"'JJ. C8 i:Q tl:e I;l-.ll'Jlic 3 "t::.-eet, to t116 exis..t;ill~~ rlar~J:10J..e 8.t 1~!ol"e8t 8l'lCl r~o=e:;re }1eCOI)C1. all 8.,~)~10e 8Y11811 t rill1rli~QG 'trJ 1 t~h. e 18x1.6~ ~A.Jl'1.e :-eo in t.1~8 ar;:pe 6 s to aoartdon tr"lis teTC~~)Or"aT""~T cO~QlJ.ecti.orJ. w~llen. tllC perrGar1e~Qt seIder (")8cornes .B.'\r~liJ_8p~t)lo:; ELC"'lCJ. '~!'.iri~~'~=c';e~LYl }-J.8 Gt r-jS not to ~n>;~ (; ~ ~d ~ cS e HO C:' e~;~~(tS ~,r~~lJ~ ~_ i~J~ ~,2) 8. S on ~i~ {J~ ob ~_E~j_~:~.~ . SlJ_CrL Aug. 6t 1957 Aug. 13 t 1957 re st:I'i c tion and 1/JolJlci sr_cn'J'ap title sear'che s3 3 of subsequent owners. Agreement to be at his eXl)e~C1Se al'1.cl to oe s.ubro.l ttecl to t.J:1G \Tillage ,~~"tt()~r:ne~T :fo~ al)~oJ..00\lal. 1118 Presid~el'lt ?ro-i~Ltem put the Q'll8stion and 8 Clerk called the 1'011, vJitLJ the :t'olloHing reSIJ01J.se: f~;I(:)s: ./.4.1J_, l~a~rs: I\Jcll.e. ~4..bselJ.t: ~trl.Jstee Norr:L s, ifJhoI'eUpon the JJ:o:'e s:Lden t Pro -'1-em decli"'rec~ the mo ti on carI'i ed. Trustee Airey read the s tr1-1C ting sid eHalks in t,h e as follOir.Js: specifications for con- IJ_8.f~8 of} Ivlount l)I)DSpect SPbCIPICATI ()1;rS pon _L () J? .2 -cr3L Ie,:) IN rilT r\"'-'T i -L UJ.:~ 01;1 IvIOUI'JIl J?ItOSPt~Crrl. All labo~, material, equipment a~d tools necessa ~eor triG COIlst:ructloIl of EtlJ_ COll.CrGto sidehTalJ:~s sli.all furni shed and placed :In compliance v] 1- th the f'ollo'V-Jing speci c~ltio:rlS: ><:'~~' _411 l/Jalks cOYlst:rl1cteci In l.-'I~orlt o~f a~Qci SlCLJ_D.g J~e.sid~e:r1tlally ZOl18Cl ~pJ~opel~ty 8118J_1 be fi'Ie (5) ~'e8t~ in 1^Jl d t11 an,d l"i \rG (~S) incl1.o s in iC}Q1.Q S s.. ~/alks carlS trlJ..c ted ill frOYl t 0 f arlrJ sid.IllG l'YllSirlc S s or industrially zoned ,property shell be six (6) feet in 1~\Tidth &J.'ld I~I.ve l_S) in~ctles i~. tJ~:lcl~n8SSfJLoc2,-tioll O..!.., lJ("">l-i,~c: ~1"""all 1)e .-.........-.,e (-I) .(lOO...L ~.i_-y'-.~Q.L'Jn~r:; ~""""f)'-"'" t:}-'e -'_ Jv._"'_V ti!.~,-___, U.l~J \__ .c' IJ 01~-,_'c;c;I~""OL-'-'-"- l-,-',_~!.,,- v",_ ricllt-of--1rJ8.Y ~J_ne, '~:Ln.less othc se 8J..ltrl.ol~ize(1 by t:llE; VilJ_ar;e. ~....t ~~ r:.'..... -.......~"'# ~~~'C ~:cLLe s ta11C18J:'.d [~r8~d.e j_nches above the clJrb for sidewaJ.k s~all te five(S) s t r e B t s ~r~T 1:18 l--::e C Dwr b i s exis . VJr-l 8 J.: -8 cond:Ltions 1'e re, s standal"d as dlr~oct8d~ llY tl}8 InSIJ8ctor. ~"Pr,Gre tr18 gl'?ade sl"lall ~J.s e s t~8.bli sJ:1ed. 1'JY may be modified no curb exists, the V:tllage. No si(ie~'J{llk slla~LJ~ bo staJ_JJ~~cl l"Jl"'len. the temper'ature is L~50 or' 1 m"Jer' 0:0:' ilJben Ule Uni ted States \i'\Tec'~t~tJ3r: 3l1realJ_ 1"'Joreca3ts a teYr1pcrclt11re o~c~ less -c.l'JalJ. LI~Oc 1'Ji tri1rl l~.o~u.rs af"ter :90 conC2-~e -be. P.ll T,jork llil.cl nl8..tr:.c;I)iSwl S l1seo. sD.a:Ll b8 irLS}?eC tecl ~b~r tJ:18 \.JilJ_ae;e Ins:;>8ctor OJJ.Q t11e l'lisl-~~oci s:tclew8.1ks shall be subject to inspection [r:}Q acce:?tance by t~he \TillaE38 pI~iol~ to atl t}-j.Ol'"::tz:1..nes pa~Tr(lent to tIle Contractor' . Concrete shall be plf\n t or trfu'lsi t mixed 3.llc1 stL[1.1J_ contain not less tl'lft!1 l~iiJ8 bEtgs of cerner:t pel~ cubic yard of' concrete. Ceme-(tt, sand, and course a~g1'egate shall be mixed in the proportion of 1:3:5. .ljV"a.1cer con-sent stl.8wll t~c; suf'f5.cie:~t Ol'JJ_\;r to perrni-b ~)l')oper lJlaci.llg 8l1d f'il.1.istJ.i:ng. J1.ll co;'cret,e 1..188(1 sb.al be subjE)ct to satisfactory :'LnspectioL oY the Village Inspector. During excavaticn, all unsuitable material such as black dirt, broken concrete, spoll or any othe:o:' nlc"tel?ial d_8e:cnod. lms8.tisf~lctory b;l t~he Ir.!-sj?8ctor shall be removed from tJ:1e dmrJaLb:: f:1r'ea 8Ild a sat:tsfactory subgrade established. Fill under sidel'11'a11'::3 shall consist of sand or g::ravel, satisfactory to the Inspector. The sLlbgrade shall be tamped or rolled 1..mtj_l t:b.Ol~OU_Cl'll;1 CO-cl1I)8.C tec.i; s h8~11 be COIl s trl::.c.ce d true to line, gracie and Cr'oss sect:Lor1 for the bottom of the si ce-ItJalk or sidewalk a:::ll'on; an.a. shall be pI'epE,,-red sufficiently H:Lde to accoYi1r'1odate the forrns. Aug. 13, 1957 ;1.,-'1 ~..... '"~'-''' "'~ U EYabarll.:~n8rl t~s prGpared f;OI~ Tvallc COIlstru.c on sl.la~j_J_ ~~e not 18ss tr.!-D.Il S:L)C (6) il'1cl18S ~\Jid_er OIL eacb. 8i(18 tlJ.an the width of the walk to "be installed.. Side i'o~:-,n1s s.t_al.l J8 J_u_Hlber T~'i..ttt a IJ.on~E~..nal t:b"icl~Tless of t1i\JO (2) incl'l8s, 0:(1 oi~ steeJ_ oi' eq'ual r~=l d~i t~~r. i11118"JT shall be held securely in I)lace by s as or br8.ces, hot t:;l:~_ tr~e tor) ed_g:e s tl-J'ue te) 1 :tne arlc~ gl~acL'a. jI1~._e .1.-'0 rn18 ~~.or street s1d.G1"y[111s=s SLi.Elll 1:;8 so set tJJ.2_t t118 slsJJ 1~JtJ.l tJ.c:ve n ....,.., +' I 1 \. 1 I '\1 - .L -0' (') \ --.. I 1 .' ...J.."1 a Ia~~ Oi one ~ ) lnc~ ver~lca~ GO ~'our \-1.) I'ee~ norlZODcaL, fro In. the 8(t\~~8 1'18 aI~e s t the 1)}?oI-)8 rt~T..".,J~ine to vJar~d. t118 8clge fa~tr~o st fror1 t.l~e }!1~OPCYJt~T line. 1:101'"r118 fOOl/} triG side1tJall( Elprorls 3l18.]_-1- 1')8 so se.t tl"lE1t the slab -\tJill }1a:\T8 a l1Y.lif'or~~n. .faJ_l b8t~1'Je n tn_G sid_ p:'101jel~ al1o_ tl~le cll=e1) [~rade 4) l~orlns sL'..all \J8 0 i~ a o_eptb. 8cltti v[tlor~ t to Oy~ [~,r~eatGr tllall ttte tlli ck11e S S 0 f 1'\!aJ..lc e fhe sub-grade or sub-base shal]. be ad.oquately moistened jlJ.st lJefore t11e COY1Crste is ~~)l~lcecl. J". c~rtCJ~e.t(~ sl'laJ_l 1')0. Dlaced irl successi-~le 'batcr18S fOl~ tr.t8 erltil'")8 "'ltJ-id-tl"l of t118 slsJ:), t8I:l.pGcI D_n ti 1 all ~\:Toicls Ctre l~elnc "\]"8(1 i}:eGe rnort8.r alJpears ()l1. the surface, tho'rOllf:~hlJT sl;ac:lod al the Cd_[~8S, strD~ck off to the tr.1J_e grclde 9 and fj~rl:i. s11ed to 8. tr~~8 [t"cld eV8ll. s.ur~eLtC8 .'~^Jj~ -th SlJ_l ta1)le tro1;"Jels an.c:L f~loats e ~Clle S'L1.1~f'ttce s11E:_ll be (lj_\rio~ec.l b~r [~r)ooves C()rlstrllcted~ at ]~i"g11t n~D_c:les to tr:..6 ce:n.terlirle o:f tl18 S ld.e1:~allc. rIl18 se gl~OOVG s s}J.aJ_l C)Ct81l.d~ +,("'\ O~lO r';'-l<l;l'"':l+ep (1/1 "\ J-}; ,':lcy-!.-1.-, ..t.. -1-1.--(:':'1 0-1 (::"-::>"Y li"<p Cl1.,~;:"'i' 1-.:.) Vv ,r.,v-y,Uo__, v _ \ 1'+1 l..'_c,e U )Ul.J O,L d.'''' 0,L~_v,-Ja_.'{, 0LCLc.J.. UG not less than 1/8 ineh or nlor>e than 1/L:, inch in 1rJidtl1; 8IJ.d ",1",':'11 J.-,~--,., ,:-l~a C'd-"'P. Po-ped-a;'1 lj/il ';~"'" '\TO c<i.-,'n c<1~~1'" h8 <....)1"c;..L-'-~ J..:....c"L\tb l.;J...Lv ~S-J....... W..1.. u!.......t. _'- LT -,-J...J.vJ.l.. l~ t..)_!...O.l..... u.Li.c.._,_J_ ',j'" 1 ('\ 1"1 G" ,-::. y:. + ri a. '(. Ci ~ ~:..."'" ('{" '\ f' .~ p +- (..... T~ -j :;:"1 C'l C" -1-1,-) >";:. ~.l T -\ ! 110 ( J i 1 -(-'> '::-. e + , -;.....1.1 .~ ~ ('> .J-.JJ.J.,:::')V";'" v_..:........L 0.-:..L~ \........) _'~-..Jt.r .....'~ _...'_/l,),...) ul__,,-\....__ ,''-\.;'__ \'_1_; .l..1.:; v V.J..._\.:.I1-..'U otl1sr1r.Ji se 8.~ppl.0'\recL 1)~r t.rJ6 IrlSpO CtOI< 1ft li1lj.G S~1_ (Ie e s of tl1.e 'trJall-= 31J.8.11 ELIsa ~8e eclc;8ct vTi. t11 all ec1czi~(}Jt tooJ_, 11?;1\Tl~{10~ Et . . .. l_,~ ' .) '-..,J on8-T)O"lY.'!-1.--, (I I'i) ~ nr.h rDr/'; ""'-:0 ri'l\.~Cl 'F'-~ -{';-1 sl'~ed (""1'~ r~oT"'nl V ~holl J..~. ....:.. .\..)_...... tJ1._ \_'-/"+ _'- ...v....,L c..;.-...(..LLL\~.. .....l.!G _LJ-_~J.-L, .1.1. ...:..")J.........~,0''JO_-'-.:.\.. ;..~:.~L\...-........:--'- be finEtll:y- d.I~aE~~L~ecl across :L ts ~Jiclt:rl ttl SL o~cu~sll Ol/} tIle s-l..-lr,face Oth,8I~ltJj_ S8 rOl1rTI1or1od 1"):1 approved r:J.8 ~tllO(ls -to g:L'VB a 110Y1-s1ric:. sh. e -:il"'""~"pa'J.s.'-ir~ .."n?'-j+C1 ,rYlr.:~ 'isl-?(l/")' -11 n.1r; 1'1.;:- .i..JJ"__~ 1 v......uD ~J_l.L~\.JI_) J.;......v 1..... ___._,- \...L. c.. ,_'__1.\--,1._ .../.-_ ',,1" ""'C! "'t'- -jy,.Le,-,,,,,,'l '" n-~ al~'o'I""- D_"j 'I"t---T Ic'n' f'oe'-'- "i'n 1-' c"L;.-.JU........ _,,_~.l.jJ /..!. \i '~~...-l...u vJ.. ~-....../ <,...iLl.... J__..L,1;) \~V) ..... "-' L -'-.'--~ walks at locations designated by. the Enginoere sk1aJ_l 1)8 t118 ;3 ~l.cle- f-71....rnr-,..-..s.-ton lo,J:"Y")'I.'S (lne 1'-'81'" (lis", i,.,-.h +.1J.;n1,7 r,'l..-,tq-ll ro 'w.L'-jJd-L!- _" ~ u LL'- U _Ai - "'c _ ,L ...... L J .__.i.,L(A,,- lJi _L vL ul.i.'--_-'--'_ "h/ pro\rici eel 1:;8 tv-Ie er1 t118 s:i_ c.GLrJall-: 811.(1 all s tl"}'CLC tl.lI~e ;], S-t.IC l-~ tiS li[Sb.t starld8_y<(ls, trswf.:Cic 11~r:?~h.t st8Jl.(laT~(ls, tr8~fi~j_c poles, etce, -vlt:icll. e~i(terld tlj.r01)~grl tb"e si,cls"(PJ"alk. "'_"Y'''''~s-~ --n J"ol'n"-'" one. Ii \ J"l"C"I"'I -'-J.-ll"clr c<"'aJl 'r "'loc"'o 'w-"-,'-IV__,J, _;,' :,,, ",-,0~.c > \...... J _.L ._~ UL i, Ul.c' ___ Od 1-' '" C;:~ ~lerOVer sidewallcs abut aga5.nst concrete driveways, concrete p9.'vements, concrete curbs s"1d/or conc:eete l<!alks. Side\/Jalk sb,all be proper>l.y barricateci and 1:1, ted D,l'te:r rinis~ and shall be covor>ed with tarpaulin or pr>otective r)aper :tn case of" tllrea te11in_r; 1~Jea t11f31'j. After' renoval of forms, the space alongs:Lde the side- T,...;'alk shall be filled wi th topsoil and leveled to p::c'esent a finished appoara'lce.. A J10 tion Has made by ilir>US tee Airey anG se conded by ~erl1s tee Sro8_ci t11a t s:pe clfica tiorLs for si (i8~-Ja.ll(s as I~Gf-1.d by ii'rus tee iiirey be 1:lppr>OV8U. An amendment Has 0 ~~'feI'8d by 'l'rc;cstec llcr and secoI1'5ec by tee Scblavdr to C"'L""'C?e, ~-h8+ T)Or'~l' ("D o'f" i-he 8'0, P.",]' P-j '->8 ,'-j "Yi q nD'V't.8]" '1"1 i-o _..~_ v~J..:'.'. ~J .......L ~ "v ~ ,j~~ u: v.J. -1_ v~~ _ J..... .,_ -':_ _ _ " ._ v _~ v__. v__.,~ 1--'V.1.. : _.;,~__... ..J _ ",II ';--"-C1.7 "'lr''''-7nlvc to Pen(-i I,H'~10n(" f'Y'('Y1i-n"'e o:1y,o' lnc'V>e"s"'d ../ v-,-_ ~L .....:::.. u ~ !...-t\,,.I VIJ o~-'-....~,.;...,) , ...... - o.\.,..."_ Li.. ::.t............ ..I...~j-, ..1_ J... _J.I...:.. uc:::L[.-:;' v_J..l. _ _.:.. -I. 0. '':::'- '-0 ?-il ,i-h]'c'ir ,~+- O'l"'1,re1[a"\Ts Af'Lte.y, '~oy"", C'l'l.SC'-'S~-i(l~ '''I'-'''l-o,t'''.''' v U G._-,-, _ .L.>.. 0. U _ _ \i if J iii' ~ .J...f..... ....) j.,,_....... I.., l.t ;:)_,_ ..".,J_J. $ _J. ~...L...... vv Schla\Ter 1tJithc3"I~Er~~ llis secol:J.ci [:1.1"2.(1 ft rnot.iOYl to 1rJaS abs.l1do;..'"led for IrJatlt o.f a secoYlcle 11'1.2.0 PresiC.e:rlt :Pro-rl'sIll then restated the motion to accept the specifications as re8.ci b-:l ~lrllstee Ail~e~y. 1'118 PT"eS e:n.t l?x-o--ifer\1 }Jut tl}e ql18StioIl arJ.d. tIle CIG1~1~ callorl tIle roll, 'v.Jit:b. tr.~e follol'J1D.g; res~ponse: 11.;I88: 1\11, s: l'Jol18e J.li~bsenJc Tlrustee .Nor~rls. T118 reu~l)ol1. t:118 Pre si QOll t Pro -1'era de clcLr8 c~ tl}c lTJ.O ti OIl C arI~::L ~)(l (9 iJ1JTl1S tee liiJ~-;.esr rGade tl'.LG fJlloTJ.Jinc~ rnotior 1/.Ji'lj_C]J~ 1'\itaS seconded by Trustee WillerG ~hat "the Village Bngincers be 2t.U tt.oI':L z,ed. to prelJ2\.re er1f?;iIleerirJ.2; d8~ ta lneq1-lired i~or r::r~oC1;LJ:infI: s1 delrJaJ_ ~{ pel~Jli t.s :Croin C O"LJJ2t-:)f 0 r S.sc. te l..L~~tl"J.o=e- 1 ties OIl !:)erLal.f of ci JGize~J.s proceodinrs =Ln. accorc:t8~lc~e Aug. 13t 1957 H:L trL Hesolution 15-57 adopted by the Village 333 Board. 'The Pr>Gs:tdent Pro-'l.'orn put the question 2LYJ.d tho CIer k c aJ.Ie d the ro 11 ~ wi -ell the foIl mving response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. Absent: Trustee j\Jorris. Thereupon the President Pro-Tern declared the motion carrj.ed.. A moti all was made by ':i.'rus tee S cb.laver an.d seconded by Trustee Casterline that it be the policy of this boar>d that only rnatter>s received befor>e 5 P.M on tte previous ':l'bursday be placed on the agenda by the Villc.p;e Ilj~arlacre:r' for the meeting tiLe follo1fr:Lng Tuesda:':T. 'Ihe President Pro-'l'em put the qlc,estio:cl a:Cld a vote was taken b;'1' acclarcation, 1-d~eroupon the Presidont Pro-'.L'em declared the motion cal"rled. Villa?;e 1'I&YJ.ager Appleby stated tbat a meetj.ng would be held noxt week in r>oference to the Emers;n StT'eet and the Iilaple Street pe."TJng :in ule vicinity of Lions Park. - 1'1"us tee vJillcr road the f'olJ_o';'Jing Ie tter: j' , , '--"U'" -'-- ~") 1 0 r:'7 :"t,...l.~.l u L,. ..L.:J, 1:;J :''-''','C-<!'!' '1'0 the Pr>esident and I'Jer:lbers of the Village of IVIo"Lmt Prospect % R. L. Willer, President pro tem ViII e Eall IJJount Pr>ospect, Illinois .'"-,A.... :-'::'-~ Gentle:men: Reference is made to tho :request of the Vlllage Boc.l"d of the Village o:f t .el":Jspect for all opinion \.Vi th re spec t to the p01fJer 0 f the Village of' HOlJ.l1 t Prospect to compel r>esj_dents to disconnect the dO"L-m- SDOU ts from sani tarv s ei,Vers Ioca tedvvi thin the IT":. f' ." . pUt " 1 '1.-- 'f' ~ ' ,'L e 0 l'locmt rospe c ',.JlT;n -CEe co s t; o~ SUCJ,} 1-vOrK to be pEtid for 8. t pri '\Tcl te eX1Jense. 3ased 'L~:;)on the infor>riJo.tioIl ,>;l..ich is aV8.:ilable concerning the control of both sarli tary sewer facil:i.t ies 2J1.cI the starin 1?JEttel"} S811'Jer f12Lclllties tl-lere ts a ql'es ticTl concerning the j'lIT lsdi e tion and authority o~f th.8 \Ii.J_=Lac~e oi~ l'vlol.JJ~t Pr03~pect r/Jit11 lr)GSpeet to tIle abili.t:r to reql.:Lj.,l~O ac.JGj_0=:1 B.3 sted. Tt).o=ee i.s seriolls t as to "d 18 o:e :t:l.ot tr.~e Villaf?;f) has tte auth010i ty to requir>e the cd seOl1r.:.ec tio: of an aLc-eady 8xisti COIle]}. tion anc c00r;:>el priva te propert.~y- O'/lrrlerS to e~x~perld f'1o=n.8Y In _~furt~r1er8..rJ.ce or sue compulsory aetion. It is recogn.:Lzed that the Village has general police power> to protect the general Helfare, :t,eal th and sflni tation of the people 1-eri thin 'cheir terr>i tOT'ial juri 3(5.i c ti on over storm "L-Ja ter> (1r[tin2~Ese d U.G to tri.8 8Jc1 s ter1ce of~ tIle 'Vleller ere eJ~ and F'eehanville c::rainag8 di stricts. At this thee He could not r>ocommencl to the Village 8.lJ,thori ties tt~2wt an_-y~ oJ~c.iin8nce cl.~. irJou.lci l"'eqllire the o_isconnec-'c ion of dotvYJ.spouts on prj_ vat:e prope2ty a t the pr>:tva te property O1vners 1 expense couleS. be enforced. ./j. qUGst:;ior; ho.S also been. ralsed as to liJLetber tb Village :may f':ill in VD.cant locs 1--Jb8re v.J8.tey' stands llporl s~:ti d lot in a daYlgel0()1)~S [;lnd_ i.l1.S831i tar:r InannGI-J e T:::"- J.t..; C'1 .-. "Y'\- ~ +;- 'r, -1-1"-0' -~ ,o..!--e l.f-hoY:!- ..J-l A .......,.....,.l.,l ri -"_l.~ Cl.L0 ,--,o~LneCc,.Lo ~ 0J..ic COl.porco.l' aU0_ ~lk_~S VJuc-.~~ have to detenr.l_ne t'nct an :1nsanitaJ:-'Y an(: dangerous cond:itlon exists clue to the aCC1J:f:Ellated ~:;tand5.n('J' of 1-vater. IIo-v\Te"'vOl~, ide d_o not f'irlcI 8-r:~~1 cle[i]~ C1J_t~ autb.ority granted to tlJ.8 VillQ~e to require priva~e property OHney'S to ')]CDend on the ir OV\:l property J~or su~ct:. a re8.S011s Vill[~:_,S8 In5_.gr~t, Dtits 01/\:11 e.z:~JeIlse, 11~OOll l)l"JoPQr G\Tlclerlce t.L1Et t sU.ch r~ COJl.dj_ on. exists arlc1 i~(l cl'"clel~ to protect tl'l6 eI"[tl 11ealtn., Aug. 13, 1957 n"3 :I' , " I. ~ll~' , " safaty and welfare of the residents, take the necessary legal action to deposit dirt on private property in order to relieve such condition. If" tt_~~;r8 are 2..1J_;1 fD.:~tl1er qUJ3stlons 1.1:1 t11is connection, kindly ad_vise. :SiI1C81-'ely, c;l'- - -t-.- !-...., ..L~O 8er v cJ e LO'lrmtng Trustee Willer read a proposed Ordinance fbr the 1~il~st t1rrle~ .L\TJ ORI)I.~\rl\I'0-CE; ljJ\'L~I\fLIl\TG IjJil~ '\TITrJ...L\,,"~TB; OF1 J:,jiO"(Ji\T!I SPL~C(~C ZO~t~Il\JCx ()I(~CI CJ~ AS j~Jv~bl'Jr:j~:D c All O~ed~..... irla:rlce 8,"rGdl"J,d_i=.~C~ the Zoninf~ Ord_il1.8.1'1Ce, bJ~e.a1~ir12~ trte B (BusLiess) Li.str>ict :Lnto 3 distr>icts and enumerating tne type 01' bc-'-~3iness tbat may be conducted in each. 'This ordinance \J8.S referrod to the J-udiciary CorrmJ:L ttee aIld to the ZOl1irJ_12; Comrni SSiCIJ OJ~ t:;}1.l-8 \JtJ_lE,"?~e 0 f Pr>ospeet. Trl1ste8 ~1Ji.ller re~ld. a l)rOr)osc;d Or"~1irt.aTl_ce ~'OT' fi l~ s t tilne 0 i~N- 0 RI:I 1:{ttl,J C}~ .:.L\.I'lI_G~JYLC I iJG- I1I-LL~; \(1 I~J~j~'.-}i.~ OF IJlfl1 0 ~P=\()lSI)rJCi~C ~~Ci2-JIl~-G. C}~\DI CJ~ l"\S .Art ord_in_an.ce a:::HendinC?: t;f;O Zoning Ordimm,ce and establishing 4- park- dj__stricts, ~Clt:.~l1el"~T: 1. 2. 3. 4. ra-\led of i~.-s trGo t Pe_'leo. of"f-street LJr;"pE~\le(l off"-stl~ee'c 8w.ved off-street 110"[ .for~ :f'ee $ for .fee" parkj.ng rot for fee~ kirlg i'or i'ee I) ~~:rlis ordlrJ.ance lrJRS ~nef.~erl'"ec~ to t11e Jud_:LciaY~~y COInrri ttee and to the Zonin.g COn1Iuission of the ViLLar~e of IJio'lmt P:rospect. Trus-tee illor read the followinr lattor: 1lll.r::-1IS t. l2 $ J~ C)57 30ard of Tr.ustees Villa of . Prospect 112 Bas t Hortlrwe s t Eigh01Tay Mt$ Prospect, Illinois Ge:n tl ernen; ("l ~. .~ 1.it n 0' ~ - -.-.1 -1 >:)! ~ 11 Q 1'7 r ... -ri 57 f-, _~\.1 p.... , -("-> p ~-, ~ ,--'I ~ r--. r~ V OD_C e .'~ r.<- J~~"L-~l c.. P !~J _ _,_C c'- L,..L. O.L._,,::) --') t - '-"\ c..n_I..-'~ .-.....J '" 1~-' J.... '-' r.::;1_ 88._' _,' 0, v_ II _,_ '-_. c '....... ...... -'-- ./ ..-/ ,./ ~ th8_t applicat::Lon 57-5 relG"tins to request to r>ezone four lots fronting on Central Road, Prospect Aven',;,e arLC:_ h5_h,,-si, Q -"'.0. l" !:l ~ ~: "'......1 ~ r. ~- ~l_ 0'" ~. -,,-) ~f7 /..... ";>0~::" q t .. L ---. -! - T -\ " +.0 :-1 _l. 1..., 0 ad ~'lJv_.l. C...S a.tJJ:-i _Lc....c.tl-'.L\)_~..t /j --'...) __.t""-,_Lc_ ,J lIt,) LV\;O ___0:--"10 o.~_ u..;....L\....' south side of' Prospect Avenue between llilusi and Iaka, 1dr.:.erein both. a.pplicfuJ.ts reCflJ_8st 8~ CrJ_2"np;e of zonin_c; ~Cr~orn B-3 Apalotment to B-Bl,lsiness, are under stL.ldy b71 the Z C orili"rli s s j_ on I) Said Zoning Cor;~'1ission iiJill render its report for the next reo.:1J"l,al~ s.ra mee j~olJ_ovJ~L:rl~~ 'It.u_esclas, .A.tlg'U_st 13. Si11ce=e'~01~y- , S I T;-I,...::j-r r' -yo;.~ C"' l-r~.,_' 0 1-0p-.r + 'I LJdV\U!_'(~_ . . ~- v Acting Secretary Zonine: CCY(Krl1.Ssic)Yl A mot5.on was made by Iirustee J~~r and seconded tee SC!!.ls_-ver a,s foJ_J_o1i\i~s: ';.'R}i;iiS J JTJ. eorlT.!.ee c,lon 1r,!i tt-J_ 8v S l:d.. t~ ~Le(i IJa \r.~~:~ '? :~1 c e ~~ ~ S II t 01-, n --'"! '';7" ~ 0 - ;.., , ~\/'~ 11 t:t c)~f I~Tourlt P ro s~p set iYL CirC1J_i t COD_X"t ~!.t- CncJl< C.01JJ:1 t-::;- e 53 C lL;_.~~~g El..irltJ..i'J' ser]1{8 !'., r:~,r"rr.cn.t t:.1.g:aiJJ..st, ttl8 sa5._d. ,/" j_ ].1 [ig~e i.n C Or-l.lle c t~i or. lIJ i tl~ s IJe ci. 8..1 as s e s SjJi0 t~ (~~ OX1C:~ s issu.ec: by the "\li1J_8. 8 of SJ?8Ct ill acC()~ed8w.c_ce with tie provisions of tLe complaint filed in said law SlJj_t; ar}d~ , p.l)~=c-'S";).':::LDt t.o 118Esot.iatiorLs bGt'1~'\!8eYl t.l'i6 on behalf of the :~)la5_nt:LCf 2Jld the ViIJ_a attorr16"'jTS of' )Yio UT:; t s~pect [l .'-1()F~C)t:te.te(:i s8ttlc.tn~~Ylt .b_as -rJ8eYl Aug. 13~ 1957 reacl::1ed in the amount n P Yuatte:c, 6,000.00 in sajd O:t ,j ~jJ I'll IS ED 'I'r,i} t the V:tllage AttoI'ney of tb.8 \JiJ.lage of IvIo.urLt l)~eospGc-t be ancl 1:18 is hereb~y' authorized to conS8n tLo a decree in the suit kno-v-In as I;8.Tt-lrerlCe S. S.!J~ttor:.s PJ_8.int f, vs. "'\Tillap>9 o~C 1\;"lolJi1. PI'os-poet, ct I"J1Jnicipal C8rpO]~E_tion, L:'efend8ILts CirCD_it court of Cook County case No. 53 c 1~_e9, 8-p;a:tnst the VillaGe of l'IIoWlt Pro spec t in the amou:ot of :rplc;, 000. on a.:.."1d that the corporate 2,uthori ties are hereby authori ed to pay said s'url of ~r2l6,OOO.OO in full settlemc-mt of.' the afo:;:'e said Ii tj_cation upon t.he entry of a decree LCl accordance Hi th t;r,e ter>l'ils o:f tb:'Ls ::lotion. 'Il~e Presid.ont })rc).-.T'em l)ut~ T:b.8 Cl1)_8sti.on B.DC;. e Clerl-{ ca~lled t,YI_e roll ~\t'Ji ttL trJ.6 follo\i\7:oL11C res~porls e: i'-:r6S: All, ]\fays: None. Absent: TFustee Nor>ris. 'I'here'L1pon the President .Pro-Torr: declarod the motion caI':eied. Village Manager Appleby stated that the Intersta Co:mIne r>ce Cornmi s s~ OD \AT:_ll hold t ts fiI1alb.e ar on Au~ust 15, IY57 pertainins to the street Ii t rate incre ase reqlJ~e s t of th.e J_ic Ser\ri ce COlnpErCl~T Q ..::~"~ 'l'rustee LLer explained Oro5nence No. 563 which was p:c'e sen ted at a prev:ious me e ting. A no ti OIlt-fc'S mad e bv Trustee Willer and seconded bv Trustee ray that "I:;" i -". ~ - C> L~ /~ , !! A T rye; n I " (C -R t 1\T Ii: I -",- n r' n ,-~c-,_n",ncc, . ~O.J, .cU', IJglJ,.L ~: L.-~",-,-_",,:r -Lv IUINeI S m~LL (l'LLEPhOI'f'c; COI.!J.P AI;Y, I'I'S L~SSJ:;.LS, SUCCESSORS AND A~S~~GNS, CERTAIN RIGH~iS I Ih~ VILLAGB OF I/IOUN'l' PitOSPEC1, CeOK COUN'l'Y 5 ILLINOIS~ be passeo. The Pres:tdent Pro-Il'em put the question 8.nd the Clerk called the roll, lrJi tb the f'ollmJing response: A;Tes: {, 1 1 ,\TaFs . NOT' e. l' h S on+. '[I]:""" C' +e e i\T ""'--'Y' ~ S 'lTh e I'e-- "U-O on "----1- , .i~ s. ...j -'- .:l.v , v. -'-. l.L0 Iv ..I-\lU.J.. _ ,1... J..'. . ..1...- the President Pro-Tern declsr>ed the motion carried 8.D.cl said Ord.lnffilce ~passed 3.l}ci approveci. ~","'~ t"~ '.....'..:.' }'''''~'''''' \.~~ e'~ ......... A motion ~JaS :ereCt.co by trustee Schlaver and seconQ by Tr>ustee Broad that the Village Engineers be r>equested to attend eacb rleeting of the Village Board as a concU tion 0 f' theJ_r empluyment. The Pr>8 sident Pro-~'em put the Questi on and the Clerk called the roll, with the f'ollowin response: Ayes: All, Nays: I\JoD.8. Abserl t: ilirlJ_ste8 J~ris" 11J.ersl.rporl th.8 Pres- ident declared the motion carried. A rnoti-,n 'v-Tas made by Trustee 1;\!:i,11er and secoi'Jded ~y Trustee Broad that Torrens Certificate No. 7160 and Warr>anty Deed No. 1734690 be sent to the trustees of Scbool District No. 57. 'l:be President Pro-'I'em put the question and a vote li.J8-S taken by acclamation, \'vhereupon the P2:'e siden t Pro -'1errJ declar>ed tile mo tion carr:i_ed. A motion was made by Trustee Airey to take from the table the proposed oralnance per>taining to cash escr>ow for Villa[~e improvements. Since t.here -ifHlS no second, this motion could not be cODsi de::c'ed. . Fr>anl;: l<.cCabe spokefr>om t.he'loor, ::c'equestin ttat the VillaGe Boar>d r>ev:Le\rJ his lettelO to j\'lr. Appleby. Villase Mana~er Appleby stated ~hat he l~d not had time to properly str_dy t.b e I'eque st. 'l'he .PI'e siden t .Pro -ITem su[~.?;e sted tho. t Nr. l!lcCabe IS r>equest. be revie-irJed and a conple te report subffi:L t ted to the Village Board at the next meeting. lolr>. Al Die tsche of 101 VI. COlll'1Cil ':Crail informed the Boarc of an unsafe condition that e,xists on COlrrrci 1 'l'y-.o~ '1 -bec'-1"s'" 0"""';/ 1/2 of -t;1-\e c: -{-"neet i Q, UP'Ter, ,A.i,.J. j~_ ..1. .....L_I...., .....-~~ '0 .L.!.....:...,) . ~._ !oJ V~ __ I~ .J.:....... \ v Afte:;:> some discussion, the Village manager 'v-Jas reqv,ested to con tact: the o~vmP,l" of' the N 1/2 portion 0 Council 'Trail in an effort to se cure Der>m-L ssi on to [:r>ade the undedicated -por>tj_on and to resur>f2,ce~'lii th gra\/el. Aug. 13, 1957 336 Pre sidont Pro -tem l1il1el~ in.:formed the 1308 r>d of . . .' -!--1' . d b ( . t' a petltlon recelvea ~nat was slgne. ,y 0 Cl lzens pertaining to curb sidewalks. 'Ihis petition is to be considerod by the Boar>d of TrLJ.stees at the next c-'-~n~ to he ho'~ ~n PU~loT ~CJ 10~~ Yfl8Gc....2-J..c.s :'- .l.~ -1-1...\ U...... J.._C':~L-~0lJ L !J ..i...7:J1. T'cwre bein,r::: no .:fur ther busine ss to CGrrJ.O before .. .L... ';; ., 1 fJ I -L D ::j .., tl'l8 T3oal'";ld~, a rno ulon -wEtS Tr1aae O-;I ..L'rllS LeG :._iroac_ arIa seconded by II'rus tee Airey tha t the meeting be adjouI'ned. l.'be motion was voted upon by acclamation 1i,rhereuDon the Presidont Pro-'l'errJ declared tho motion carried and the meeting r>egularly adjour>ned at 10:15 P .Iv1. aJ~' ~~~~ -----,-..c-~--~~ Willirum h. Keith Villa:!8 Cledc c_ MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1957 The meeting was called to order at 8:38 P.M. by President Pro-Tem Willer appointed to serve in the absence of' President Lams. On roll call, the f'ollowing Trustees answered "Present": Airey, Norris, Schlaver and Willer. Absent: Trustees Broad and Casterline. Absent: President Lams. All Trustees having previously received copies of' the minutes of' the meeting held August 13,,1957, a motion was made by Trustee Airey and seconded by Trustee Norris that the minutes be approved as sul::mi tted. The President Pro-Tem put the question and a vote was taken by acolamation, whereupon the President Pro-Tem declared. ,the motion carried and said minutes approved. . All Trustees having previously received copies of the Treasurer's Report f'or the Village of Mount Prospect f'or . the month of' July, 1957, a motion was made by Trustee Airey and seconded by Trustee Norris that the list of' bills incurred during the month of July , 1957 be approved f'or payment and placed on record. The presid~nt Pro-Tem put the question and the Clerk called the roll~ with the f'ollowing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon tl;1e President Pro-Tem declared the motion carried. It was moved by Trustee Airey and seconded by Trustee Norris that the Treasurer's Report be approved and placed on record. The President Pro-Tem put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the f'ollowing r.esponse: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President Pro-Tem declared the motion carried. , A motion was made by Trustee Airey and seconded by Trustee Willer that the Treasurer's RePort of' Special Assessment Fund for the Village of'. Mount Prospect dated July 31, 1957 be approved and placed on record. The President Pro-Tem put the question and the Cl~rk called the roll, with the following response: ,Apes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President Pro-Tem declared the motion carried. Trustee Willer read the f'ollowing letter: August 19, 1957 Board of Trustees Village of' Mt. PrOspect , 112 East Northwest Highway Mt~ Prospect, Illinois. Gentlemen: Concerning application 57-5: This application was made to ,Aug. 13, 1957 Aug. 20, 1957