HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/24/1957 VB minutes C) r:-- {~ Q): 0!~J a to the Zoning Commission of the Village of Mount Prospect. The Presiden t put the question. and the Clerk called the roll, wi th the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None. Absent: Trustee Airey. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. There being no further busine ss to come before the Board, a motion was made by Trustee Broad and seconded by Trustee Norris that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried and the meeting regularly adjourned at 10:50 P.M. 2d:-a"te=2 7/-~ William H. Keith - Village Clerk ......- ...- ,'.......~ .....'''''' MINUTES OF A REGULAR Ml:!;ETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, I'1T. PROSPECT, ILLINOIS ON TUESDAY, SEP~~MBER 24, 1957. ,,~,;,ol'~' -' t;!;';__,-: The meeting was called to order at 8:55 P.M. by President Lams and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll. ;~::') On roll call, the following Trustees answered "Present": Airey, Broad, Casterline, Norris, Schlaver and Willer. Absent: None. , All Trustees having previously received copies of the minutes of the meeting held September 17, 1957, a motion was made by Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Casterline that the minutes be approved as submi tted. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon the President declal the motion carried and said minutes approved as submitted. Trustee Norris read the following communication: 802 W. Gregory Street Mt. Prospect, Illinois September 21, 1957 Board of Trustees Village of Mt. Prospect Gentlemen: Having made satisfactory arrangements with Mr. Frank Poczatek of 805 W. Gregory Street as suggested by you at a previous board meeting, I now ask your permission to connect sanitary sewer lines from my house to the sewer line to be installed by said Frank Poczatek along Gregory Street. Sincerely yours, sl T. Skarr Trustee Norris suggested that Mrs. Skarr present a letter from Mr. Poczatek granting her permission to connect to the sewer which he has agreed to install. Trustee Norris read the following letter: September 24, 1957 356 September 4, 1957 Mr. H. G. Appleby Village Manager Municipal Building Mt. Prospect, Illinois Dear Harold: Re: Sunset Heights Subdivision CT & A No. 55-248 We have made a final inspection of the paving and sidewalk improvements in Na-Wa-Ta Avenue from the south line of Lonnquist Parkway to the existing pavement on Golf Road, and in Sunset Road from the east line of the subdivision to a point approximately 125 feet west of the west line of Na-Wa-Ta Avenue, all in the subject development $ We wish to advise you that these improvements have been constructed in substantial conformance with the Plans and specifications previously approved by the Village of Mt. Prospect and we, therefore, recommend that they be accepted by the Village. Very truly yours, CONSOER, TOWNSEND & ASSOCIATES sj William W. Townsend This matter was referred back to the Village Engineers for elarification. Trustee Willer read the following petition: September 22, 1957 RE: CASE NO. 57-8 Board of Trustees Village of Mt. Prospect Mt. Prospect, Illinois Gentlemen: In regard to the matter of rezoning the piece of land designated as Case 57-8, which has been referred to the Judiciary Committee, we, the undersigned, would like to state at this time that we are not in accordance with the petition presented to you by Mr. Dan Serafine signed by residents in the general vicinity of the aforementioned property. You will note from our address that we are residents most vitally affected by the rezoning requested by Mr. Serafine. We are the residents directly facing the said area for rezoning. You will further note that Mr. Thomas Casey, who has taken it upon himself to circulate the aforementioned petition, is not a resident of Central Road, the south- ern boundry of this property, but a resident of George Street. It is firmly believed by the undersigned that any rezoning of the said property to business or commercial would devaluate all property facing upon or adjoining said property. An argument has been put forth by Mr. Casey stating that since there already is a gas station at Rand and Central Roads that the adjoining property is not suitable for homes or an R-l zoning. We wish to bring your attention that in our village and many others this has not been considered a deterrent to the building of homes. We do not feel that one gas station should €ondemn as large a piece of property as this to commercial zoning. This September 24~ 1957 is definitely an area of homes and should be kept that way. C) ","';'9' ~j~4 It has been brough to our attention that the signers of the petition presented by Mr. Serafine were told that unless they signed the property would be sold and something much less desirable built. We, the undersigned, believe that stores on Rand Road would increase the flow of traffic to such an extent that it would constitute a hazard to public safety, particularly our children who find it necessary to cross Central Road to attend Busse School. We, the undersi gned, have faith in our elected Villag Trustees to do the best thing, not only for us, the property owners most vitally concerned, but the best thing for the entire village, and, therefore, do not think it necessary to enter into any agreements with Mr. Serafine. ~"J We believe that in view of the above developments tha Mr. Serafine should resubm.it this plan to the zoning board, and another public hearing held in order that there be no confusion as to what the majority home- owners feel in this matter. ...."A\ t':'~~: Yours truly, 31 Willia~ B. Burke 905 East Central Road Mt. Prospect, Ill. This petition was signed by 8 citizens. The Village Clerk was requested to place the petition on file. 'I'rustee Willer pointed Otl.t that the Judiciary Comm- ittee hoped to make a recommendation on this highly controversial case in the very near future. He further stated that one advantage of a Village as a Municipality over a City was the fact that the Trustees are interested in the future of the Village as a whole and not in anyone particular part of the Village or one particular group of people. /Trustee Willer presented a plan 0 f the Way Cinde Park Subdivision. A motion was made by Trustee Wille! and seconded by Trustee Broad that this plan be referred to the Plan Commission for study and recomm. endation. The President put the question, and a vote was taken by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. ('*"~..... -~. ....-:: Village Manager Appleby read the following letteJ September 16, 1957 Mr. R. G. Appleby Village Manager 112 East Northwest Highway Mount Prospect, Illinois Dear Sir: We, the Board of Directors of the Forest View School. District #56, wish to thank the Village Board for thE property which has been conveyed to the School Trustees for the use of our district. This property will solve our most ~ediate proplem of a new school location and is in an excellent location to accommodate many of the children who will be attend- ing school from that area. This site is especially appreciated because of our lack of funds with which to purchase land for that purpose. Sincerely, sj William Grismer, Pre siden t Board of Directors. September 24, 1957 358 President Lams read the following communication: June 19, 1957 Mr. Theodore A. Lams, President Village of Mount Prospect Village Hall Mount Prospect, Illinois Dear President Lams: N.unicipal Ivlembership dues in the Chicago Regional Planning Association have not been increased since 1927. Since World War II, all costs of operating our small office serving the suburban area and its officials, in spite of staff and other economies, have steadily risen like those of all other organizations. A financial program has now been developed by the Associations's Directors which provides for staff strengthening sorely needed to meet the constant requests for planning advice and assistance. It is imperative that we increase our annual dues, but it is equally important to us that you continue your membership. Hereafter, annual membership dues in the Association will be $25.00 for the smallest municipalities. Dues for the larger suburpl) will range to $300 depending upon the population. Our Officers and Directors aJ:)preciate t,he support heretofore extended to the Association. They earnestly request that you continue that sup1:)ort by approving payment of the enclosed statement so that we may further serve you and the suburban area. Yours very truly, sj PaulO. Fischer Secretary. Village Manager Appleby recommended continuation of membership in the Chicago Regional Planning Assoc- iation. The matter was referred to the Village Treasurer for pa:.rn~ut 01 duf'ls. Trustee Willer explained proposed Ordinance No. 570. AN ORDINANCE AKENDING THE BUILJING CODE AND PERTAINING TO THE PLACEI\'~EWl' OF DRAIN TILE AHOUND THE WALLS OF A BASEIV,ENT. A motion was made by Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Norris that Ordinance No. 570 be passed. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, -Ylhereupon the President declared the motion carried and said Ordinance passed and approved. Trustee Willer explained Ordinance No. 571. AN ORDINAKCE A~ENDING TH1 BUILDING CODE AND PERTAINING TO THE VENTING OF EXHAUST SYSTE~'~S. It was moved by Trustee Tvviller and seconded by Trastee Broad that Ordinance No. 571 be passed. The President put the questiong and the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon the President declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 571 passed and approved. Trustee Willer explained Ordinance No. 572. AN ORDINANCE AlV:ENDING THE BUILDING CODE AND PERTAINING TO REQUIREI,:ENTS F:)R PRIVATE GAHAGLS. It \vas moved by Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Norris that Ordinance No. 572 be passed. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the follow- ing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon the President declared the motion carried and said Ordinance passed and approved. September 24~ 1957 e'} pv "'. ~... ~"l; 'l.!~ ILY"-.t'(Ll A motion was made by Trustee willer and seconde by Trustee Norris that the Village Treasurer, the Street Superintendent, and the Village I\',anager be authorized to attend a meeting of the Illinois JIllunicipal League on November 10, 11th and 12th at Village expense. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the following respons Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried. .....,~- Village l\ianager Appleby read a list of new bus rates proposed by the United ~ Motor Coach Company He stated that the increased rates ~ould affect from 30 to 40 people in this community. Trustee Willer suggested that the Village I\ianager contact a few of the parents whose children would be required to pay the increased rates to ascertain if any of them would like to attend the hearing on increased rates to be held on October 1, 1957. 8~Village ~anager Appleby stated that a luncheon would held by the Chicago Regional Planning Associa- tion on Monday, October 7, 1957 at the La Salle Hotel at 12:15 p.r'l. ",," .~ ~ r".~"'" '.....,,.....- ~ Mr. William J. Bowen,speaking from the floo~ re ferred to a letter he had submitted to the Village Board and requested immediate action on the matter re ferred to in this letter. A motion was made bv Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Broad t~ sus- pend the rules and allow the letter from Mr. and Ers. Bowen to be read and discussed. The President put the question and a vote was taken by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. "(~r: C) President Lams then read the following letter: September 25, 1957 Mount Prospect, Ill. The Mayor and the Board of Trustees of Mount Prospect, Illinois Ger,tleIiien: We are addressing this request to you, with copies to the Board of Education, since they are alse concerned with this problem and Paddock Publications, so that the General Public may be acquainted with thi situation. School children from the Country Club Terrace Development have only two routes available to them ir order to reach Lions Park School. One route traverSE the south side of Weller Creek from Emerson Street te a point south of School Street, thence north across Weller Creek, continuing north on School Street to Council Trail. The portion- of this route along the south side of Weller Creek is not even within the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect and approximately five hundred (500) feet of the path tho they must use is packed earth which becomes impassabl in wet weather. The bridge across Weller Creek is completely unsafe for children of school age in that it has a railing less than eighteen (1$) inches high and the approaches on both sides of the creek are bad eroded. The alternate route follo'\lvs Elmhurst Road r:ortl from Sunset Road to Council Trail, thence east on Council Trail to the school. From Sunset Road to a point approximately one hundred (100) feet north of Lonnquist Parkway there are no sidewalks. It is ther fore necessary in wet weather for the children to wa] in the street, on a heavily travelled State Highway. September 24, 1957 360 Because of the great danger involved in the Elmhurst route due to the h ea vy vehicular traffic, the School Street route has been preferred until recently when several child- ren were assaulted by older boys as they crossed the School Street bridge. The area surrounding the School Street bridge on the south side of Weller Creek is completely overgrown with tall weeds and other underbrush, providing an excellent hiding place for such Juvenile Delinquentso That incident is the immediate cause of the submission of this requesto It is respectfully requested that a foot bridge sirr:ilar to those now in existence at Wa-Pella and NaVJaTa be erected across Weller Creek at l\~ain Street and that a gravel path be provided north of Weller Creek from that foot bridge to Berkshire Lane in order to provide safe access from the Country Club Terrace Development to Lions Park School and Central School for the school children of this area. The incident described above, indicates the need for irr,rnediate action on this request. It is urgently requested that the Board of Trustees take immediate steps to accomplish this project* Sincerely, cc Board of Eduction sl IVlr. & JV,rs. VVillian: J. Bm'ien Paddock Publications 813 S. Emerson St. (Editor) Nt. Prospect, Ill. Employees ~utual of Wausau. Trustee Willer stated that fJlr. 0' Day had expressed an interest in the installation of a foot bridge at the point referred to in the above letter. This matter was referred to the Sidewalk Committee under the Chairmanship of Trustee Airey. A representative of the ViTIage Engineers stated that a complete report of the adequacy of the interceptor sewer would be presented to the Board at the next meeting. There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Trustee Broad and seconded by Trustee Norris that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was voted upon by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried and the meeting regularly adjourned at 9:44 P.M. WHK:mm J~#'p Williac H. Keit Village Clerk September 24, 1957