HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/1957 VB minutes
"iK, I.
C-.L& \lEt. ..Ei.
OC1'OBER 1, 1957
The meeting was called to order at 8:47 P.~. by
Prpsident Lams and the Clerk was then directed to cal
the roll.
On roll call, the following Trustees answered
present: Airey, Broad, Casterline, Norris and ~illpr
Absent: Trustee Schlaver.
l".., ':!1
All Trustees having previously received copies
of the ~inutes of the meeting held September 24, 1957
a motion was made by Trustee Airey and seconded by
Trustee Norris that tbe minutes be approved as sub-
mitted. The President put tte question and the Clerk
called the roll, with the following response: Ayes:
All; Nays: None, whereupon the President declared th
motion carried and said minutes approved as submitted
Trustee Willer read proposed Ordinance No. 573,
motion was made by Trustee Willer and seconded by
Trustee Broad that Ordinance No. 573 be passed. The
President put the question a~ the Clerk called the
roll, with the following response: Ayes: All, Nays:
None. Absent: Trustee Schlaver, whereupon the
President declared the ~otion carried and said
Ordinance passed and approved.
A ~otion was made bv Trustee Willer and secondE
by Trustee Broad that the'Villa~e Attorney be author-
ized to represent the Village of ~ount Prospect in
Case 57-C-13044, concerning sidewalk installation in
the Village of Mount Prospect. The President put thf
question and the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon
the President declared the motion carried.
Trustee Willer then read the follo~ing letter:
October 1, 1957
The President and I,lembers of the
B08rd of Trustees of the
Village of Mount Prospect
Gent I emen :
There is attached hereto the original tracing
and a print of the First Addition to Country Club
Terrace Subdivision. The plat of this subdivision
was referred to the Plan Commission for study and
The Plan Commission recommends that the final
plat of the First Addition to Country Club Terrace
be approved and recommends further that the offer of
;~4500.00 in lieu of dedication of land for public USE
(45 lots @ I acre for each 60 lots = 3/4 of-an acre
at $6000.00 = ~4500.00) be accepted.
Respectfully submitted,
S/ A. C. Dresser, Chairman
sl H. G. Appleby, Secretary
October 1, 1957
c.~ ~ €)
\\..1 U kl
This n~tter was referred to the Judiciary
Committee for further study.
Mr. Dan Serafine, speaking from the floor, asked
to withdraw his petition for the rezoning of certain
property located North of Central Road and West of
Rand Road and known a s Case 57-8. Trustee V:iller
stated that residents would be given an opportunity
to be heard on a specific rezoning request instead of
the broad classification as originally submitted.
Trustee Willer made a motion ~hich was seconded
bv Trustee Broad to refer to the Zoning Commission for
publication and hearing, the request of the Village
Board to have Lots 2 through 9 of ~eber's Addition to
Mount Prospect rezoned from R-l to P-4; the the Village
Attorney be authorized to represent the interests of
the Village at this hearing, and that the Village
Attorney also be authorized to change the P-4 classifica-
tion to P-2 if such action becomes necessary. The President
put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the
followin8 response: Ayes: All, Nays: None, whereupon the
President declared the rrcotion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Casterline and seconded
by Trustee valler that the Village I''lanager be authorized to
obtain bids for the purchase of a 3 wheel, radio equipped
motorcycle for police work. The President put the
question and the vote was taken by acclamation, whereupon
the President declared the motion carried.
Trustee Norris read Resolution 18-57. A
A motion was made by Trustee Norris and seconded
by Trustee Willer that Resolution 18-57 be adopted.
The President put the question a~ the Clerk called the
roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays:
None, whereupon the President declared the Lotion
carried and said Resolution adopted.
A motion was made bv Trustee Willer and seconded
by Trustee Norris that th~ Villare Manager be directed
to write a letter to the North~estern Hailroad, request-
ing that all freight cars stored in the vicinity of
Mount Prospect Road be stored as far west of the cross-
ing as possible. The President put the question and
the vote was taken by acclamation, whereupon the Pres-
ident declared the motion carried.
Villape Manager Appleby read the following letter:
September 19, 1957
~r. Harold G. Appleby
Villae-e kanager
~:unicipal Buidling
Mount Prospect, Illinois
He: MFT Sec. Il-CS, Resurfacing Streets in
Hillcrest & Countrv Club Subdivisions _
C. T. & A No. 57-97
Dear Mr. Appleby:
The State requires, but does not furnish to municipalities,
the services of design, control and testing of concrete
and bituminous mixtures. It is customary for
municipalities to hire a competent testing laboratory
for this vJork, \illhich includes testing [Ilaterials and
designing the mixtures, taking concrete cylinders,
October 1
3' C:Ci'""J
test-breaking these cylinders and furnishing reports
to the State. We esti~ate from available information
that the cost of the services for the referenced
project will be approximately $900.00. This cost is
eligible for payment from Kotor fuel tax funds.
Inasmuch as the services are professional, the State
does not require bids.
It is resoectfullv requested that ~e be authorized
.1 v',
to retain a testing laboratory for these purposes.
Very truly yours,
sl By: l~lyer Engler
Mr. Appleby stated that the $900.00 estimate
contained in the above letter had been revised to
approximately $650.00. A motion was made by Trustee
Willer and seconded by Trustee Norris that the
Village Engineers be authorized to retain a testing
laboratory as stated in the above letter for a cost
not to exceed $900.00. The President put the
question and the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes:,All; Nays: None, whereupo
the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made bv Trustee Norris and second
ed by Trustee Broad that the Village Treasurer be
authorized to return the bid checks received from th
Allied Asphalt Paving Company and the Arcole Midwest
Company pertaining to ~otor Fuel Tax Project ll-CS.
The President put the question and the vote was take
by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the
motion carried.
Village IVlanager Appleby read the follovJing
September 30, ~957
Village Manager
Mount Prospect, Illinois
It has been requested that a foot bridge similar to
those now in existence at Wa-Pella and Na Wa Ta be
erected across Weller Creek at hain Street and that
a gravel path be provided North of Weller Creek from
that foot bridge to Berkshire Lane in order to
provide safe access from the Country Club Terrace
Development to Lions Park School and Central School
for the -children of this area.
It is urgently requested that the Board of Trustees
take immediate steps to accomplish this project.
sl Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Dunk
817 S. Emerson St.
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Trustee Airev stated that a committee inspecti
of the premises had resulted in a decision that Main
Street and Weller Creek would be the logical place f
a foot bridge because the land on each side of Welle
Creek belonged to the Village at this point. Truste
Airev further stated that the Con~ittee had consider
the installation of a sidewalk through the Public Fa
October 1, 1957
in Council Trail Estates, rather than the installation
of a sidewalk one foot from the property line, which
would be very close to existing residences. Residents
from this area voiced objections to the proposed
President Lams stated that the approved plat
plainly states that the Public Park may be used for
a public street when ~ain Street becomes a through
street and Weller Creek is to be bridged. There was
much discussion from the floor, both for and against
the construction of a foot bridge and the proposed
A motion was made by Trustee ~iller and second.ed
by Trustee Broad that vvhen negotiations for the
installation of a foot bridge over Weller Creek at
Main Street have been compl~ted, that a sidewalk
be installed on the West side of Village property
to serve this bridge and that said sidewalk will be
installed at Village expense according to ordinance
and resolution at a cost not to exceed $700.00.
The President put the question and the Clerk called
the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None, whereupon the President declared the
rr;otion carried.
Villa.r::e lVlanager Appleby stated that a letter
had been received from the Illinois Com~erce
Commission and that any additional street lights
installed after July 6, 1957 will cost the Village
approximately 78% more than was previously the case.
A motion was made by Trustee Willer and seconded
by Trustee Norris that the Villa~e Attornev be directed
to prepare an Ordinance requirin~ the inst~llation of
street lights in the VillaR:e to be at the eXDense of
the deve16per. The President put the questi~n and the
Clerk called the roll, with the following response:
Ayes: All, Nays: None, whereupon the President declared
the motion carried.
Village Manager Appleby stated that the Telephone
Comoanv hAS now acceoted the Franchise Ordinance which
entitles the Village<to additional free telenhone service.
.. .~
A citizen's request for information pertaining to
the proposed Village Plan resulted in a statement by
Trustee Willer that the Kincaid Plan is a three stage
development and ~ill cover a period of several years.
President Lams then read thefolloviing communication:
October 1, 1957
President and Board of Trustees
Municipal Building
Mount Prospect, Ill.
At your request, we have made an investigation of the
present and future planned extensions to the Weller
Creek interceptor of the Metropolitan Sanitary
District of Greater Chicago to determine the effect
of these extensions upon fhe Mount Prospect sewers
v"hich are connected thereto.
The Weller Creek interceotor is of 54" diameter and
presently is terminated ~n the east side of Weller
Creek at Central hoad in the VillaGe. The Sanitary
District has awarded a contract for extending this
se1:'I'er as a 54" in Lincoln Street v\iesterl~, to Busse
Road. A branch from this sewer having an internal
October 1~ 1957
, ,~
~ t.v (O:j
diameter of 36" is to be constructed in Busse hoad
from Lincoln to Oakton street and a 24" branch
~onstructed in Oakton Street from Busse Road wester13
approximately one mile, to the Centex Subdivision.
A further branch of size vet indeterminate is to be
constructed from the inte~section of Busse Road and
Lincoln Street northerly to Central Road, westerly ir
Central Road to Route 53, and northerly in Route 53
to the Village or Palatine Sewage Treatffient Plant.
The Sanitarv District ~ill then deactivate the
Palatine pl~nt an0 take Palatine sewage into their
int erc eptor.
The areas nresentlv to be connected to the Vi'eller
Creek inte~cepting'sewer are as follows:
Portion of the City of Des Plaines I.D sq.mile~
Village of Mount Prospect 3.0 sq.~ile~
City of Rolling Keadows ~ sq .mile~
Present connected area
5.5 sq .mile~
... -iI).'
Recent checks of the dry weather flow show an averagE
10" depth ,^!hich occupies approximately 8 per cent of
the total capacity of this sewer.
The additional areas presently planned to be connectE
in the near future, to this sewer by the Sanitary
District are as follows:
VillaRe of Elk Grove
Area lying between Elk Grove
and I~iount Prospect 0.5
Plum Grove Estates Subdivision 0.5
Villa~e of Palatine 2.0
Winston Park Subdivision 1.0
0.5 square mile:
4.5 square mile
The additional load caused by these extensions might
then be expected to increase the dry weather flow to
about 15 per cent of the total capacity of this 54"
sev,ler. Any difficulties encountered 'lrvitt surcharfin,
of the ~~ller Creek interceptor could not, certainly
be caused from overloading this sewer with dry weath
flow because, as shown above, this at present
occupies only a small portion of the capacity of thi
During rains, quantities of storm drainage enter thi
sewer through diversion chambers and through illegal
storm connections to sanitary sewers and raise the
liquid level in this and other Sanitary District
sewers above the dry ~eather flow levdl. In some
cases this has caused severe surcharging of Sanitary
District interceptors. It cannot be stated with
certainty that this has vet occurred in the Weller
Creek interceptor as our~investigations and those of
the Sanitary District give no DOS it i ve evidence that
this has happened.
We are advised by the Sanitary District that the Des
Plaines River interceptor into which t~e Weller Cree
interceptor outlets in Des Plaines has been subject
frequent surcharging. To alleviate this condition a
to reduce the load on the Southwest Treatment Works,
the Sanitary District has desi~ned and contracted fo
an extensio~ of their Howard SEreet interceptor,
presently terminated in Niles, wetward to Des Plaine
Flow from the Weller Creek interceptor will then be
diverted from the Des Plaines interceptor to this ne
extension which eventuallv outlets into the I\'icCorrdc
Works of the Sanitary Disirict in Skokie. If backup
from the Des Plaines River interceptor has caused an
October 1, 1957
r~ 6
surcharge in the Weller Creek interceptor, this
construction should alleviate the situation.
Other sources of sewage tha~ those above enu~erated
may develop in the tributary district and tend to cause
higher flows in the 54" interceptor. We understand
however, that long range clans of the Sanitarv District
contemplate anotb~r paiallel interceptor will"be
installed on or near Higgins Road.
If there are any further questions regarding this
matter, please advise.
Ver~T truly :'ours,
S/ By: William J. Cadigan
There being no further business to come before the
board, a motion ;..vas made by Trust,ee BroEld and seconded by
Trustee Norris that the meeting be adjourned. The motion
yJa s voted upon by acclamation, \,-Th ereupon the President
decla red the motion carried and the meeting regularly
adjourned at 10:18 ?~.
Wiit~i<<: ~ler1(
The meeting was called to order at 8:35 P.M. by
President Lams, and the Clerk was then directed to call
the roll.
On roll call the following Trustees answered
"Present": Airey, Broad, Casterline, Norris, Schlaver,
and Willere Absent: None.
All Trustees having previously received copies of the
minutes of the meeting held October 1, 1957, a motion was
made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Trustee Casterline,
that the minutes be approved as submitted. The President
put the question and the Clerk called the roll with the
following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon the
President declared the motion carried and said minutes
It was moved by Trustee Schlaver and seconded by
Trustee Norris that an expenditure of not more than $1,8oo.oo
to DOioJel1 Inc. for maintenance and cleaning reservoir 0 f
the No.3 "\rIell. 11he President put the question and the Clerk
called the roll with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None, whereupon the President declared the mot:i.on
Trustee Schlaver made a mot:i.on which was seconded by
Trustee Norris to authorize the expenditure of not more than
$800.00 for repair and maintenance of the No.3 well shaft.
The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll
with the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None, l~~ereupon
the President declared the motion carried.
October 8, 1957