HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/08/1957 VB minutes 66 surcharfE in the Weller Creek interceptor, this construction should alleviate the situation. Other sourc es of s<ywage tnar: tho se above enumerat ed may develop in the tributary district and tend to cause hif-her flm-vs in the 54" int~rceptor. '\lle understand however, that long range plans of the Sanitary District contemplate anoU'er narallel intercentor ","'ill be insta lled on or near' Higgins Road. L If there are any further questions regardinf this matter, please advise. V€r~' truly ;'ours, CON'S01H, TCWr:SLlnJ & AS~;()CIATES 51 By: William J. Cadigan There being no further business to come before the board, a motion was made by Trustee Broad and seconded by Trustee Norris that the meeting be adjourned. The motion wa s voted upon b~r acclamation, ....lh ereupon the President declcl red the motion carried and the ITieeting regularly adjourned at 10:18 P.~. Wi~~it {~Clerk - MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF 'l'HE ffiESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, ON TuESDAY, OC TOBER 8 II 1 957 .. 'r'he meeting was called to order at 8:35 P..M. by President Lams, and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll.. On roll call the following Trustees answered "Present": Airey, Broad, Casterline, Norris, Schlaver, and Willer.. Absent: None.. All Trustees having previously received copies of the minutes of the meeting held October 1, 1957, a motion was made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Trustee Casterline, that the minutes be approved as submitted.. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon the President declared the motion carried and said minutes approved .. It was moved by Trustee Schlaver and seconded by Trustee Norris that an expenditure of not more thfu'1. ~1,80o.00 to Dowell Inc.. for maintenance and cle~Ding reservoir of the No.. 3 well.. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon the President declared the motion carried. Trustee Schlaver made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Norris to authorize the expenditure of not more than $800..00 for repair and maintenance of the No.3 well shaft. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll with the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None, ~hereupon the President declared the motion carried. October 8~ 1957 ~n6"'~ - . , if I'J It was moved by Trustee Schlaver and seconded by Trustee Broad to authorize the expenditure of not more than $1,500.00 for lowering of bowls 50 ft. at the No.3 well. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the following respons Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon the President declared the motion carried. Trustee Schlaver explained that the above action was necessary since the water level of No. 3 well had lowered 51 ft. since 1954. ,,:,,"'" A motion was made bv Trustee Schlaver and seconded by Trustee Norri; to authorize the expenditu of not more than :lPl, 000.00 for the installation of automatic controls at the No.3 well. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes; All; Nays: None, where- upon the President declared the motion carried. 'l'rustee Schlaver stated that Village 'toJ'orkmen were in the process of checking the packing on all fire hydrants and also determining that all fire hydrants and also determining that all fire hydrants worked properly. He stated that the Fire Department had answered 6 inhalator calls in the past week. ~':: Trustee Schlaver then read the following letter ,-- '.....-- 12".0;.: October 2, 1957 < -C:l Mr. Clarence Schlaver Village Trustee Fire & Water 112 E. Northwest Higbway Nt. Prospect, Illinois Dear Mr. Schlaver: On the evening of September 30th, 1957 a very dear friend suffered a fatal heart attack while visiting my home. Within minutes of a call, the resuscitator squadron was on hand aQministering aid under the command of Edwin Haberkamp, fire marshall. The prompt, efficier and courteous manner in which they handled the si tua tion was certainly admirable. l'IJt. Prospect can 1nlell be proud to have such men as the se at their call in the hour of need. My family and I wish to express our sincere gratitudE for their efficiency and courtesy. Sincerely yours, S/ Edw2.rdW. Boddy As a matter of information, Trustee Schlaver read the following letter addressed to the Board of Local Improvements: October 3, 1957 Gentlemen: Hembers of this association and residents of the Nori west Meadows development in the Village of Ivlount Prospect request the Board of Local Improvements to initiate action to install lateral sewers in the area. It is understood that this will be done by special assessment and the work will be started as soon as possible after the IVietropoli tan Sani tary District of Greater Chicago has completed the trunk relief Se1'11erS in I sabella Stre et. If the vi llage engineers approve, these laterals can be constructed concurrent with the trunk relie f seil>Jers. 1ftJe also request that the village officials inform till October 8, 1957 368 president of our association of the cost of this improve- ment and the method by which the village will establish the assessments because there is considerable variance in foot frontage of property. Yours very tru.ly, SI Par'ker Ekren, President Northwest Meadows Association. Trustee Schlaver stated that this letter r~d been referred to the Village Attorney for hi s study and recommenda tioD., President Lams then read the follm.ling communication: Oct.ober 3, 1957 President of Village Board Village ball Nount Prospect, Ill. Dear Sir: On September 8 and again on September 9 we 1rJere reque s ted by Chi ef Geo. G., 1,rJhi ttenberg and 0 ffi cer :Newell Esmond to transport by ambulance two patients, Mrs. Isabelle Mills and her son IlIir.. Charles l>1i118, from L~08 N., East1.<Jood, Mount Prospect, to Cook County Psychopathic Hospital. On the first occasion the hospital refused to a&nit them, and the following day they were accepted as patients. We were requested to send our bill to the Village of Mount Pro spe ct. ~ve i..Jish to cooperate vdth any request made by Chief Whittenberg or any member of the entire Mount Prospect Police Force in cases of this type and ~~ere will be no charge made for ambulance ser\dce rendered in thi s particular case. Very truly yours, sj OEHLER FUNERAL HOHE By Mr. Walter C. Oehler Thoma s J. Donovan Robert E. Schaer A motion was made by 'Trustee Norris and seconded by Trustee Broad that the Village Clerk be requested to \'I!rite a letter of "thanks" to Walter C. Oehler & Co.. expressing the Boards appreciation for their cooper- ation. Tbe President put the question and the vote was taken by aeclama tion, ~Jhereupon the President declared the motion carried. Trus tee Willer read the following eomrnunica tion: October 7, 19.57 President and Members of the Board of Trustees Village of Mount Prospect Gentlemen: T~ere is attached hereto the original tracing and print of t1aycinden Park, wilt eh plat l'llaS referred to the Plan Commission for study and recommendation. In addition to the plat, evidence of dedication of landfor public use and agreement to build a school building is attached. The Plan Commission recowaends the approval of the plat as submi tted. Respectfully subm1tted, S/ A. C. Dresser, Chairman H. G. Appleby, Secretary October 8~ 1957 Trustee Willer then read the following letter: ~ .j ~f1; ''>.>t.i tJi October 7, 1957 Village of Mt. Prospect Mt. Prospect Illinois Attention: Mr. Appleby In re: Waycinden Park Plat Gentlemen: On IVlay 9, 1957, Herzog Construction Company agreed to convey to Community Consolidated School District No. 59, Cook County, Illinds, a satisfactory site for a school building of approximately 6.9 acres, and to construct an eight-room school on this site at its expense, 'conveyance to be made when the building was comple ted. ~ lhe School Board have examined the proposed site whic is located halfway between Dempster Street and Algonquin Road, approximately one-third of a mile wes of Mt. Prospect Road on a street known as Walnut Street, to be located in the above subdivision. The site appears on the plat as Lot 17 in Block 12. r:L'he proposed site is entirely acceptable to the School District and the District recommends that the above plat be approved by your Planning Commission and Village Board. Very truly yours, """"'",.., ... at ."...,~."... ".....,1 <f. sf Everett Lewy Attorney for Comraunity Consolidat School District No.58.Cook Count~ Illinois (Elk Grove) It was moved by Trustee Willer and seconded by TrustE Norris that the Board concur in the recommendation oj the Plan Cor~aission with respect to the approval of the plat of Waycinden Park and that the Village Pres- ident and Clerk be authorized to sign the plat on behalf of the Village of Mt. Prospect. The Pres- ident put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the follo~ing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon the President declared the motion carried. Trustee Willer read the following communicatior October 4, 1957 Mr. Harold Appleby City Hanager Municipal Building Mt. Prospect, Ill. Dear Mr. Appleby: As requested by Mayor Lams on September 30, 1957 we have completed our survey of conditions affecting Lonnquist Parkway (BoulevaJ'd'): and submi t here wi th om drawing showing existing rights-of-way, existing pavements and suggested future paving to bring about proper traffi c relie f and parking facili ties wi th equitable financing of facilities. It is recommended the 100 foot right-of-way be main- tained between Busse Road and Route 83. In the area between route 83 and the West li,ne of School s.treet the right-of-way can be reduced to 80 feet or remain at 100 feet wide as determined by the Board of Trustees. TbB reduction of the width of 80 feet might make possible more freedom in the development of the remaining vacant land between Lonnquist October 8. 1957 ,C) 1"1' 0' ~~ ,v Boulevard and weller Drainage Ditch. The 80 foot width will permit either a 36 foot uavernent or a 40 foot pavement vddth in the center of the right- of-way in contrast to the divided Parkway type improvement West of Route 83. In the area East of School Street it is suggested that the wide right-of-\-.Jay be discontinued to allow separate minor street facilities approximately 125 to l50 feet parallel with the line of Weller Creek with the lots to back on the Creek and front on s~id minor streets. 'I'he basis for these recommendations is obvious as a result of the following factors: l.. The amoLmt of land now dedicated tr~oughout various sections of the frontage. 2. 'Ihe location of the pavement and sidewalks nOtv in place.. 3. ':tne need for right-of-way width to allow align- ment of both parking and driving lanes. 4. The trees planted in the center of Lonnquist right-of-way immediately west of Route 83 that would have to be removed if an undivided pavement is proposed. 5.. 'l'he school installations south of Lonnquist. 6.. 'I'he grading and improvements providing con tinui ty of the divided pavement in Wapella Gardens, etc. 7.. The intersection of Lonnquist by four secondary and collector highways including Route 83. 8. 'l'he only place whe re the paving could not be aligned is the 350 foot strip in the vicinity of Emerson Street.. This 33 foot strip of pavement was all built south of the center line and the excess paving may be used for angular parking or new curb alignment provided. RespectfLuly yours, sl Me Eugene Baughman It 1..ras moved by Trustee ~Jl11er and seconded ,by 'I'rustee AireY' that the recommendation of Evert Kincaid and Assoc- iates as referred to in the above letter, be referred to the Plan Co&mission for study and recommendation. The President put the question, and the vote was taken by acclamation, vIDereupon the President declared the motion carried. 'I'rustee Willer read part of a peti tion .from Allen R. Bloch referring to Trust Agreement #6930, petitioning to zone certain property and petitioning to annex said property. Property referred to in above petitions to annex and petitions to zone consist of 18.8 acres located west of Rand Road and irmnediatelv north of Foundry Road; to be rezoned from Farming v to Business classification. A motion was made by 'I'rusteeWiller and seconded by Trustee Broad that the petition to zone be referred to the Zoning Commission for public- ation and hearing. 'l'he President put the question and the vote was taken by acclamation, whereupon the Pres- ident declared the motion carried. Trustee Willer referred to a petition for rezoning signed by Clayton p.. Meyer and Maria C. Meyer, pertaining to Lot 23 in IVlorningside Gardens.. 'I'he Peti tioneers requested that s~ real estate be rezoned from its present Residential character to a B-3 District. It was moved by ':Crus tee Willer and seconded by 'l'rus tee Norris that this petition be referred to the Zoning Commission for publication and hearing. 'l'he President put the question and the vote was taken by acclamation, whereupon the PO~t~1=,~~~~ 1~g1ared the motion carr'i ed. ~ F'i {l.} ~ Trustee Willer referred to a petition by Mr. Allen R. Bloch and petitioning to zone certain property under 'l'rus t Agreement #5891. Propertie s : referred to consist of certain properties located immediately west of Rand Road and immediately north of Central Road and consisting of 6 parcels to be rezoned from Farming to B-3, P-3, R-l, and R-3 classification as designated in the petition. It was moved by 'l~ustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Schlaver that this petition be referred to the Zoning Corr~ission, for publication and hearing. The President put the question and the vote was taken by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried. Trustee Willer read the following communication October 7, 1957 President and Members of the Board of Trustees Village of Mount Prospect Gentlemen: fr....~ 7':,( There is attached hereto original and 2 prints of the final plat of a portion of Bluett's Fairview Gardens Subdi vi sion. 1'~'.tI"",- ,.............. .........,.,...,1 The Plan Commission recommends the approval of the final plat as submitted. Respectfully submitted, S/ A. C.. Dresser, Chairman H. G. Appleby, Secretary A motion was made by Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Broad that the Board concur in the recommends tion of the Plan Comrrlission with respect to the approval of the final plat of Bluett's Fairview Gardens Subdivision. The President put the question and the vote was taken by acclamation, Whereupon the President declared the motion carried. TNlstee Willer then read the following letter: October 5, 1957 Board of Trustees Village of Mt. Prospect in re applications 57-10 and 57-11 heard before the Zoning Comraission on Friday, September 27, 1957 Gen tlemen : Applications 57-10 and 57-11 concern the north sixty pEr cent of the block facing Main Street between Central Road and Her~~ Street. The South 40% of this block was zoned lBlI in 1947, and has, up to ver:J recently, been used as a nursery. The applicant and owner of the property in question desires a rezoning of the north 60% from R-l and R-2 to P-l. The app~icant intends to use such area for off-street parking for customer s who would patronize his stores. Residential objectors filed two petitions. One was signed by fifty per cent of the adjoining and abuttin property owners. After due consideration of all factors, the Zoning Commission by a four to one vote recommended that these applications be granted by thE Board of Trustees. sf E. F. Martin, Chairman Edward C. Hofer, Acting Secretary October 8t 1957 3 i"l ~l 'I'rusteelrJiller then read the following memoranda: October 5, 1957 Board of Trustees Mount Prospect, Ill. Memoranda on Applications 57-10 and 57-11 Beard Before the Zoning Commission on Friday September 27, 1957. Gentlemen: Appli,ca tions 57 -10 and 57 -11 concern the north sixty percent of the block facing Main Street between Central Road and Henry Street. The South forty percent of tbJ s block was zoned liB" in 1947, and has, up to very recently, been used as a nursery. The applicant and owner of the property in question desires a rezoning of the north 60% from R-l and B-2 to P-l. The applicant intends to use such area for 0 ff-street parking for custom$rs who would patronize his stores. Residential objectors filed two petitions. One was signed by Fifty per cent of the adjoining and abutting property owners.. The opposing facts were given as follows: 1. would increase con~stion of the public streets. 2. would endanger public safety. 3. would endanger the safety of school children 4. parking lots are unattractive. 5. will cause blight. 6. granting this request would set a precedent which would lead to further requests for re-zoning.. The residents who appeared at the hearing expressed the following arguments against the proposed re-zoning: 1. that if the petition were granted, there would be an increase in traffic and traffic consestion. the Village had fought the re zoning of the Bolger property across the street, a~d it should likewise oppose the rezoning o.f the ins tant property.. the proximity of the proposed development to the Central School property.. that the property in question was not specifically covered in the preliminary Kincaid report.. the value of their property would be substantially depreciated by re-zoning. 2. . .3. 4. 5. 'l'he Zoning Commission by a vote of 4 to 1 recommends tha t the application be favorably approved by the Board of Trus tee s for the following reasons: 1. That there is a great need.ll'!ithin IVlt. Prospect for commercially zoned property with adequate off street parking facilities. This need has forcibly been pain ted out by the preliminary Kincaid report liJherein the gross deficiency, of sufficient shopping areas, has been brought out as well by feature articles in the Chi cago 'I'ribune Pictorial Section. In this article the Village is sharply critized for not providing adequate parking and shopping facilities for its residents. 2. That there is a portion of the block already zoned Busine ss, and that tbe re is defini te evidence tha t the present structures are being denIDlished and replaced wi th stores whether or no t the present application is acted upon favorably by tbe 'I'rustees. 3. 'i'he apparent 'J'Jillingness of the applicant to develop this property along sound planning lines, and in cooperation with the Village.. October 8 19 ~ 57 4. Informal conversa tie.ns wi th a Kincaid Associate brought but that this property was unintentionally olaitted from ~~e Preliminary report, and that whether a "Bll a~eAis north or south of Central Road adequate off-street parking is a requisite to good planning.. 3 3 The Zoning Commission analizes the objections raised at the hearing as follows: 1. regarding increase in traffic. At a previous hearing, Chief Whittenberg was called into the zoning hearing and asked to examine the peti tioner' s plans, and their effect upon traffic and traffic congestion. He indica ted that if the plans were carried out there would, in his opinion, be no congestion, and no increased danger to the children going to Centr School. 2. regarding the Bolger case. The two cases are different in the following respects: (a) Bolger intended a much more concentrated commercial area, and without adequate consideration for parking. -:-.....1;',.,; l"',~'.t> :>:.-:," (b) no portion of the Bolger property was zoned for business or could be used for business, whereas in the instant case a substantial amount of adjacent property is zoned for business and will be develoned. Hi th $,tores no matter \i<lha t the Village d~e s: ,,..~ .~^ 3. proximity of the proposed development to the Cen tral School. As men tj,:::med, C hief ~1jhi t tenbeJ when he appeared before this cormnission, indic~ ed tha t he did not beli eve there would be increased d~nger to school children. The Commission feels also that it would be much better to have school property divorced from comraercial property. However, if we permitted this factor to be controlling here, we also will have to prevent the red~velopment of the Central Business district. It is felt that we cannot logically separate Central School from the business district since the business district has already encompassed the school are a . L~. re zoning would devalue property.. I t is felt that the existing zoning of the south 40% and its development with stores (previously nursery) has already had its effect on values, and that the proposed development would have no additional effect. sj E* F. Martin, Chairman Edward C. Hofert, Acting Sect Mr. Edward Bofert related details of the conference wi th JYlr. Kincaid in which Hr. Kincaid indorses th e rezoning of the property referred to above and expressed the feeling that said rezoni'lg would reinforce the central business district. Mr. Virgil M. Tosch of 21 N. Main Street spoke ~n opposition to the proposed rezoning. Be voiced the opinion that a paved parking area would aggravate the flooding of basements due to inad~quate sewers. At the recommendation of Trustee Willer, this matter was referred to the Judiciary Co~~ittee for further study and re co mmend a tion and to be reported upon at the next meeting. A motion was made by ':L'rustee Casterline and seconded by Trustee Willer, that the VillageAttorne~ be instructed to prepare an ordinance to authorize the installation of a NO U TURN sign at the inter- October 8t 1957 :374 section of Prospect Avenue and Emerson Street. There was some discussion of the problem involved and participation from persons present. Police Chief 1rJhi ttenberg stated that he believed that the installation of such a sign would help relieve traffic congestion during the rush hour periods. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: Trustees Airey, Casterline, Schlaver and Willer. Nays: Trustees Broad and Norris, whereupon the Pres- ~ent declared the motion carried. Village ManagerAppleby stated that he had received all necessary contracts and bonds pertaining to the paving of Highland Avenue. It was moved by Trustee Schlaver and seconded by Trustee Willer, that permission be granted to Skokie Valley Asphalt COmpfu"1Y to proceed with the paving of Highland Avenue as per agreement with Brickman Home Builders. The President put the question and the vote was taken by acclmnation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried. A motion was made by 'I1rustee Willer, seconded by Trustee Norris to authorize the returning of bid checks on Motor Fuel Tax maintenance work to the Skokie Valley Asp~alt Company and Milburn Brothers. The President put the q11estion and the vote was taken by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried. Village Manager Appleby stated that work on Motor Fueld Tax project ll-CS was moving along at a rapid pace.. He also submitted the request of Village Attorney Downing that a Trustee attend the hearing on Weber lots to be held on October 25th. Trustee Willer consented to attend.. Trustee Schlaver referred to a letter from the Village Attorney with respect to free parking in the commuter parking lot on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.. This letter is being reviewed by Trustee Norris' committee. There being no fUrther business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Trustee Broad, that the meeting be adjourned. The President put the question and a vote was taken by acclamation, Whereupon the President declared the motion carried a~d the meeting regularly adjourned at 10:50 P.M. MINUTES OF A REGULM1 ~lliETING OF 'lEE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS ON TuESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1957. The mBeting was called to order at 8:40 P.M. by President Lrons and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll.. On roll call, the fol101..Jing 'Trustees answered HPresent": Airey, Broad, Casterline, Norris, Schlaver, fu~d Willer. Absent: None. Trustee Schlaver stated that the minutes of the meet- ing held October 8, 1957 should be corrected by changing the next to the last paragraph to read: "'I'rustee Norris f Committee" instead of "Trustee Schlaver's Committee". A motion 1-Jas made by 'l'r1),st~~ Norris and seconded by Trustee Schlaver that the minutes of the meeting held October 8, 1957 be approved as corre,c ted. 'I'he Pre siden t put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the follow- October 15t 1957