HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/22/1957 VB minutes n-, _-<.." l:"i uO ':L'his matter i-JaS referred to the J1J.diciary Committee.. There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by 'I'rustee Broad and seconded by 'l'rustee Airey that the meeting be adj ourned. 'l'he Pre sident put the question and a va te Has taken by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried and the meeting regularly adjourned at 9:55 P..M.. m~~tl/I/~ Village Clerk 1'11 NU 'I'E SO}? A ULAR IvIh.sT I NG (I F 'i'l;E PRESIDEN'l' AID::: R OARD OF 'l'RUS'TEES HELD IN rl'HE TfJ1.TlHCIPAL':J,UILDING, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS ON 'I'UFSDAY, OC'l'OBER 22, 1957.. -."",." The meeting was called to order at 8 :LL2 P ..Iei[.. by President Lams and the Clerk v.ia.S then directed to call the roll" ...-~.''''' ....,.,....." ,,!'~~ ~-:t On !'oll call, the follo-vdng Trustees ansHered II Dr-p' S en i- l!. t'l" y'e\1 B-Y>n~' r; (' ~ s f- c>'" 1 1" 'n c, T\IO,\,'T""I~. <::;(' h} n 'Ire '" ..!. ..;.. _I 1... ' ~. V . .1:'"'_ _ _. d' .L..... '--'" ~- v_ , J t:t 0' v ->.. -l... ~__ ............, .l. '1 .;.. _ ,._ ;J, 1-... .I.., . c'~ I J..., atld Hiller.. Absent: None.. All ~Crllstees J:}8.~ring: D::-:l8vlousl\T recei\T8cl coples c the minutes of the meeti~g~he1d Oct;ber 15, 1957, it irJi?S moved by Trustee l;;Jlller and seconded by 'I'ruB tee Casterline trat said minutes be 8 ppl'oved as submi tted.. 'The President p::.t the question a,nel tr_e Clerk c2.11ed the roll, 1;-lith the follmvJ..J.'J_g response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, 'AThereupon the Presicent declared the motiGn carried and sajd minutes approved as suhmitted. Presiden t La'11s read the fol1c'f:'TLcS letter: Oetober' 17,1957 Village off\iount Prospect 112 li:ast North-Hest EighiAray ~1ount Prospect, Illinois AiT~CENrL'ION: f:Tr.. Harold Appleby Cr8TI tJ_emen : Representatives of the Board of Education of tr,c.e 11(n;rJTISr.Lip IIir;11 Sch.ool D~Lst:r"ict 2lL+-. ha."'"vre disCl:~ssec1 ~vi tr.i. ~rou~ tb~e co:rlstrl)~ctj_on c,r a sic1e~Jal}: aJ.o:rlg the school property on the sO'clth sj_de of Foundry Hoad.. It is the intention of the Board of Education to construct a sidewalk along the south side of Foundr;~r Road in accor'dance l"jj_ th the \li11a2:e of l'~[o1Jn.t Prospect requ.irem.erJts. ~el!e fill al.orlg the south S~,-d8 of F01Jnclry Road liJi be conrpleted s :eall so U-~a tit may se ttle hefore the walk is constructed. 'The construction of the ",Jall-\: is planned for early SUJnrcer.. If addi ti onal ',mlks in the Village of lVlt. Prospect are to be included in a general assessment and i.nclude the proposed l..valk Blong the scbool property, the Boan' of Bduc.ation vJould 1i1;:e an opport~1)nj_ty to discuss the nlatterl th tll.e vi.112,-[~.e prior to final arrangements. C':ir:"ol'''ply V('11r'" 3/-; "G~~~';~~ Sh;n-;a p~ ... .... r,.:) . - J 1::- .J. _. oJ_ PI~e s ic3~ en t, Boar(~ of 3ducation TOHnsbip High School ~t'-r'~c+-: :/i.-:nll Oct. 22, 1957 1>.._ _ .-L. U d '-~t.-!_ 382 T}~5_2, J.et/tel'"' ifJ8.S -refe:rred to C16l'k for fi 1 . !Trllstee VJ1IJ_cr mov-ec:, flO:~ tb.o adJ)pt~ion of Orc3..irlaD.c e :0fo ~ 57L~ O}i.I~i ):\T,rEI~DI)~JG ZOl~IN^G ORDINANCE BY REZONING CEE N PROPERTn~S FROl'-'I R-1 AND R-2 fro P-l CLASSIFICA'l'ION. 'I'h::i s motion 1'yaS seconded b.y 'I'rustee Caste ine. the reque~jt of rl1rllstee Bro,acl, 'I1r1.lst,ee \/lil1er reEl-d. tr:.e fa ol'Jir).f~ C o Yr.uilUIlt ca. t ion: tober "'') c-c, 1957 P~oDorabJ_e Ra'J....J110YICl T}~1JS e Vil,J. De Willer ...,.<, ~1J_ t c~ sp e e t ect$ Ill:i.nols , 2:':'0 I; e u:r.:< IJIr. leT-'; 11 "'.,... lilO_......_..J-- '-"'.;.. . In reSDonse to your request, the followin.C is a s:..;m:marv of the q11e stions [Omd COIldi tj. ons which should be -" u _ cEiref111J"y e\l~"i]~lla ted~ l.)efoy-s malrir1g an.:V' ~finaJ~ (J eci sj..on. in" t,}~le rl1atte:r 0.14 tl":t€ re:Cll1est fOl~ e=~:terls:i.O:D,. of tl!~e zOJlin_.g at the ~Jo st cor~n~er of~ the lrrte:r~seeti.otl c)f Street, and Centra.l Street~ to allo";A) off-street pa'.r-king "bet~Jeen. the now existing business zone anc, Hen:r'~r St;reet~ ]~e It ts Ol~~]~ llnd,eJ~st2..nd..i.rlt:; tha.t. trJ_8 petlti()Tler' 8 problem is primarily t.rst of a needed parking are,s. to accommodate the now existing business zone, rather tban have an e:?:ten on t \,rould permi.t. the 1.1,se of addi on stJ~1.lct~111~es, t~.o1*JeVer, tb.e e}(tE~.D"sic\rl of tb.8 zone C (1 have the f)ffect of permi tting a rnore intense lot cove b~r bl)_ild~ln',0 S orl tX-L8 J_arlcl liOW zOIlecl c orn.YrJ.ej_~cial, l~j'rlicr}. could reflect on the amount of acti'\rj,t:T in tbe bl:d,ld:int~s and on the parking lot.. 2. ide have previously reconJ.rnended no extension of the 1Jusj.ness zoning district North of Cen.tr:el Street, end ther'efore, our analysis is based c.n need for p8:!:' to accomlnod8.te tt}8 exi[~t a?'lea rLOltJ zO~'1.ed f~o~e -!:)lJ.sj..YleSS rftt.l-ler than flny e,xtension or a 1)11s1rt.8ss zon.e vJl :1 ~"\T01.:ll:j peT~r(li t al,l o.f trlG n_o 1..1308 2.S i~ieJ_l 8_S 1J in;s f8.cili ti es ~ 3.. rrJ.OS1~ a,~)'propl::i.ate proced.1Jrefor cons5.d,el')"'" ing S11Cb 13 request 1.)e to T,,ri tbhold any approval for extension of the rldng facili tie.s lJl1til the bLli.lding permits are issued and construct1.on star 011 t })c<r:;tio11 cf t.xle proper~.ty r}OvJ zon..ect for 1Ju.s SS pl:trpOses. It "pJo~u.ld_ [tlso 1)8 a.PI)1-:0priEtte to st.1.J.d~r exist g Z01"18 1.1'1 J~elatiorl to tJJ.e three t~rl)es of t)1)sil'18SS dj~stricts nroposecl to see that it f'[tlls l\Jitrlj.Yl the"'" 1 - '-p' " 1-1--,. tn +-"". b ,1InH 1 0 -po .'--" 'L~ D- ca-c.....,gc)r:)r rct~'.lJ.e.l'") .I....lan. l.lllf~ '..roao_ t-.! C 8.SSJ_.'_lCel..L:.lOr.1. previously within the zoning text. 4 $ The adopt5_ OJJ. 0 f an ordinance t.>1at alloT:s c.oncli" tional p8"rking only, 'iTcmld h8.ve a some1rJhat (2~j_f'ferent ei~fect on tn.e s11rr~01J11_d.ing areEL tt~.rill. f;tD. o:r~cli:,(lance tl'JYich 8.utl:_o zed_ a of' the l:.Jerrnl tteci l1S6S in. t -~e busine S 3 zone j.n 1'-Jrlj CrL t 11e SOl..}..t~t_ one -hali.'lo of') the property is now located. So Sjnce a conslclernble amount 0 f p:r'oper 1 S residentj,f).11y used in tho heart of the tr:Lflngula.r are included in the propose~ plan for rehabilitation of trle (~eYJ.ty~2..J_ ~311s~i.~(less stri.ct, a.nd th.e-re is a tendency for a lag in new construction within tLe Cen.trr:>l B1.1Sin8Ss District l,{hich .1 s nol,,f zoned commerci it is obviOl.].s th8. t uD.less there is early action "by tb e pT~operty 01'Jne~C'S ~o 1J~tili.ze :for 0u.sj_ness p'J_rposes ttlat land wr--i CD is z,oned for business Rnd nOirJ used "- t"~l '1--, 0-'-'1 -... -lOt" ~ reSIoen ,.It'LL y; ;/U8re 1,n.Ll :'8 a need. lor aCl.Cl,lOna.L busines s zon5J1:J' of the :3-1 and 3-2 ca tegorte s in other parts of the municipal:ity. !! October 22, 1957 3-- ~) "1> - ('0 6. Sincn the structures on the property in question will occupy an area now zoned for husiness use and the proposal is for an extension to permi t parking only, the extension would not constitute an addition to the area to ~e used for husiness purposes any more than the vacation of streets in the Central B1.1Sin0;ss District to accoY'"lmodate oT~f-street parking for nel;J structures on private propert;y-. 7. Since the prolJerty in question a'huts the are included in tl.e Central Busine.ss stlldy! the cross-pul could increase the activity and demand for use of the se.lective shopping facilities which should he provide in the rehabilitated Central Business District. 8. Revic:~w of the uses in the recently adopted B-1 districts indicates that there is need for a defini tion of II shopping center!! and our proposals for a comprehensive text \-Jill specify the types of limi ted uses theJ'e can be Dermitted in such a shopping cente!'.. ;!"'''i.~ 9. In viev.! of the :fact that the recentlv rl .J- r; lip" d' "p!! ct-O t ~ t .F' ".n '"1 "t^ a~,opveu an,"~ J.S r..c s re.Ler prl.ILarl. y 'v the uses p8rmitted and do not include the height, yard requirements, parking requirements, j_ntensity of use, etc., 1ve v>llll take steps to see that a comprehensive text ;;Jill provide for uniformi ty in the regulations provided in the separate districts in order tha t you may have proper con~ tinui ty in the intended prograrn of the Board of Trustees in relation to new business uses. ~'0wi ....-v-..~ ..... ..... 10. v'Ie IrJish to emphasize that any act:Lon by the~oard of 1'rus tees to extend t.he paY'kingNorth to :Benry Street will characterize tte East side of ]'Jlain Street such that we I,d 11 have no other 13.1 terna ti in preparing recommendations for the compreb.ensi ve zoning map than to consider the East side of Main Street for a ~usiness classification.. Respectfully submitted EVERT' KINCAII: ANT ASSOCIA'rES, INC. Q/ M Ec one B n u / d. ug ~~ a ug_L'l'lan Trustee B!'oad stated that he was not in favor 0 the proposed Ordina:.'1ce '0ecause of reasons set forth Sections 3 and 10 of the above letter. Mr. Hurt sta that .. it would be conceivable tl::.a t he vwuld apnl v for puilding permi ts wi th:'Ln 60 days on tha t portio~l of hi.s property no1tJ zoned husir18ss. Trl's-cee :3road referred to a previous instance in l~J.nj_crl lVlr. James lrJ.. Viger requested information from th8 B08.rri of 'l'rustees regarding the erection of a .Funeral Parlor. Presi den t Lanls s ta ted tha t he considered the Board IS action reasonal;le lrIi tb respect to IVlr. Viger I s request '1'1r""3+-eo j,Tl"l-Ler "ta+-er'! ~.hf-1+- -l-'hr-,,> Vl"'Jag~ lOS nrotec+er'i }- '....-L V oJ '-' \IV -L. _ U '"-'........ v, _ (..,. v t. ',--, ;j ~L ~ '_ G .l,. . .' ~.. u u_ Ordinance from lvlr. liurt deiTeloping more than 7 5~~ of his property nOv.f zoned Business as actual business establishY]']ents, since 251; of all suct! propert:v must he allowed for parking ~ ere lJe:i ng no further discussion, th.e President put the question a.no. the Clerk called tL,e roll, 1tIi th the follm-Jing re sponse: Ayes: 'I'rustees Airey, Casterline, Norris, Schlaver, R."1d 11filler" Nav: 'l'rustee Broad. wter(~upon the Pres- ident declared" the motion carried and Ordinarwe No" 57L~ passed and approved. 'l'rustee vJil1er read th e folloTd:tng cOrrJ.muni ca tion: Octobe:L' IL~_, 1 '-;;57 President aDd IVlembers of the Board of Trustees Mount Prospect, Illinois October 22, 1957 384 Gentlemen: I}~'he Ple.I} Corrmission. to liibom the recon1m.end.- a tion of Evert Kincaid 6.3 Associate s dated Oc to'.,er ), lqC'7 in C"R -, t -1-)-"," -irrl"" ' a t In T. "'1,'1''; t '-1-, ,:;J! ---.- reb~rc. 0 '~..k' ~.,'-:rL OVerfLn ,0 j~on..qJ_~S., Par1:1i'..Ta:~r 1~Ja.s referred" for stlJdy ,and. recorriCnerlc1a.tion ~as considerccd the s1)bject matter for thclt p,crtion of said. pal'>kirJ8yVJest of Elrrl,'lrJlu'st .Avenue. Co:ncurring in the Kincaid recmnrnend a tion , the P Corr.r:mission recorr.i""nenos to the Villar;e Eoard. : 1.. 'I1b8t Lonnqui s t Par1<:::way be continued as 8. 100 ft.. right-of-lvay from st Avenue to B"Ll.sse Road. ? '-.. 'l'bat the present North d.riv81nJay be 1;,Jidenec~ from 16 ft. dri veTdf;.y to 20 ft. driveway. 3.. That a m.edian parki,vay strip be retained at the center of the street. J.j.o 'I'ha t the Sotlth drive-;;'Jav be paved to a l'ITidtt of 20 ft. <. Hespectfully sl:bmi ttec1, MOUNT PROSPLCT PLAN CO~1ISSION sj A. C. Lresser-Chairman Q / -p 1..)/ .,... G. Appleby-Secretary I twas Y1oved_ 1J"Jr ~erl:tS tee trJiller 8Jld se cOD.d.ed i:y 'l'n.Is tee Schl.:1ver that tbe Vil18ge F3oan~. of Trustee s concur ',vi tL the recorr:c::nendation of the Plan Commission as outlined in their letter of October 14, 1957. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with t following response: Ayes: All, Nays: I\Tone, itJhereupon tb.e President declared the motion C82..rl~le(1. 'l'rnatee Willer trH'3n re the following comn- l]ni ef't ti or.'1.: Octo~er ILl, 19$7 President and lJlem':')ers of the Board of Trustees JVIOt:L1'J.t Prospect, Ill:"~nois Gentlemen: The Preliminary Report of Economic Factors for Plannirlg an6 the Plan for the'Jusiness District, copies of which have earlier been transmitted to YOU, was a-opl'>oved bv the Plan COFunisslon on October 1L~~,-1957 an~l recommended fOT' the approval of the Village Board. Respectfully Sl.-1bmi ttec3, lVI'l'. PROSPEC'I' PLAN COlVlYiISSION S/ A" C. DresseJ~, Chairman s/ E. G. Appleby, Secretary It 1'"THS moven oy 'l'r1.18tee~-Ji,ller and seconded by Trl.":_stee BJ:~oac1 tl~2-t tl:18 m.B..tter refer'red. to lrl th.e above letter be referred to tr_e Judiciary Cmn:mi ttee for .f1)_:rtll.er s t1J.d_~- t3.nc_ re eOllIcnen,ds.t ion . ~[1he Pre siden,t Dut the o"u.estioD. a!'~d the 1Jote "1vas t2~keI~t b,-r acc]",2.~mati.on - - " v,lheI'eupon the P:,nesident declared the motion carried" October 22~ 1957 3n "'"" u 'l'rustee 1;nllor then reHCL unic&tion: .1-' Gile folloirJing com'l1- Octobe:l' 7, 1957 'l'he Plan Corumi ttee Village of Mt. Prospect . Prospect, Illinois Gentlemen: This is to certify that He have designer: the storm sewer system and storm v.mter drain2Jl'e in Unl ts ill End 2 of Hatlen Iieights Estates so tl:at it can be extended into Uni t k3 and adequately draj_n not only Un:t t No e 3 but all storm Hater "tvhose natural floH i.. s 2.cr~o s s "[Tni t No. 3- _..:'~ In our design l.ve have not considered taking any storm water into a.11.y existtng farm tiles, but have provided for the relocation of f""xisti:ng far:qJ tile TrJhere it mip;ht be lmder proposed building sites. ...,"" Respectfully submitted, ____..1" .....-(. s/ E. N. l~etcher ~:rus tee Willer then y'ead the fol101-Jing letter: Octo 1jer 10, 1957 Village of IvIount Prospect Pla:c:r:dng CorrLYni s si on MO'Len t Pro spec t, linois A.ttention: Hr. fL. G. Appleby Village Ivlanager Dear Mr. Appleby: As per your request in your letter of October 4, 1957 we are herewith forwarding you a lette!' from E.N. Fletcher "tvbo gives hi s certif:Led statement on the Tdater drainage system in Hatlen Heights Estates. Hoping tha t you Hill nOlrJ :,e able to dispose of tbj_ s matter as it is getting q"Ulte old, He remtdn, Very truly yours, HA'TLE1\! CONS'l'RUCTI:)N CO., INC. "~I ,-' 1.<> T ;:j "La -' ,). Pre SJ, den t . Batlen It \\Tas moved bv 'l'rustee \;Jiller ane' seconded by Tr1.1.stee Airey that th03 letter from IVIr. E. N. Fletcher dated October 7, 1957 and the letter from Hr. Rolf J.. Hatlen dated Octoher 10, 1957 be referred to the Village j:Gngineers for study and recommenda tion. 'l'ne President put the question and the vote ltJaS taken by acclarJ.ation iNberc;upon the Pre siden t declared the motion carried.. Trustee Willer then read the following' letter. June i_\., 1957 President and Board of Trustees of the VU.lage of iVlount Pro spect, Vi11acr8 hall lVIount Prospect, Illinols October 22, 1957 ti,Q6. ~J U (}en. Since ou!' Board of Lducation is opposed to tr~e rerfL1.8st of T01;JTI. anrI CO'l.XU CO):}8tI~.U_ct.iQrl Co ~, T'r}.e. to =~ed:u.ce i ts scl~.oo:J_ I) t 0 ttons llD.de}? l. t q a [,.-Yh-, p.Y~ en -l.. r\.c. c'n 1 (1 '1 oC; ( f r,:.> "Jr'l d he'; ..JU t-;._'.:.--,,~.I.:.~.i~.t, I.."..J .i'':'''" 7, _~ 1."...-'." ./'.1',..' ,;,..... i~l event it becomes necessary to enforce this s.,f{,reen-l6tJ.t T~O fllrl15_s:b ~ c.' 1 eO'1.JI1Sel g_no he,~l~ S11Cr1. legal ense a,s may be incurred. ~v'e s he 't11'2ELsed. te, 6,t SC~)_SS t:h.i s rna.tter 1\ri. t:J:-J ~l t "\rour ~' C C))J.'J erl1 eYl ce . Yours very trlJ.ly, '30AHD OP I':DUCAil'I()N SC}-OOL DI S'l'HI CT' T\fO.. Cc,ok C01..1!J.ty, Illin.oi s ~3~T R $ I!~e ~'\rr;i tel.8;;r Secre It 1:Jas rr;_o'~.Ted by fi'rl)ste8 lt/i l:;r an,d secDrld,8cl IIi:r~'u~s t;ee ad thEt t trle Boa rd. COYlC1J..r irl t:.h.t=..:: r~ecor(l1nen_O_f1.. t =1.021. ~'f t:h.2- PlfJr:~ C()rnr:lissi'::1r1 ~9.n,c3_ Rl]..tr.nJ~5,.Z(~ tlle slderlt 8J:1.0 CJ_eJ~}= to 'sj.rcrL t'bA rnost recen.t p:le.,.t of t~he !T01rIn ,9.Yi:=i. CC1:lD.tY':)T Cor,-stl~tle orl CO'01P OJl beb.8.1t' of tb.8 IJN of Mo~nt .Prospect~ Tr'tlstee Wi or inted out th,at ttl.p.pe tJ.ed been. Y10 of'fer C),f' .r'L1JJ.cls for }J1J_blic herle:ri t tiS n act 1)88.1:"1 t.he c.as e ill. pre.'\rj^ Oll-8 O. 9"'iTeJ_ o prn.er1 ts tY~r tJ~l,e 8..n.C~ Co~..lntr::r Cons tl"&'l.1ctl Ol~ Cor(1p~lnJT G i,ehe .P-r8 s 'I,d 8r~t~ Pl).t t'ne n;,p"d-:-i--." '-"'''1 t;he 0.1 (.:'>,"'v (' p.,";; +].-1e. "'(ill Hi f-h t:h"" ;t~(l- 1 ~~-.,..~-": ,~'~- ::.e'....s.:-o->~~' 0: -8". ^\~-,:;: '-""j\J:1'1 e. ~ 'AI{A'I}: ~.. ~._- , q~.~':~:",;~)'~:'\ ,.'-,-"_~__,_,,,~"l..ll~~J ,';' /"~)""":"':'I,:)~~...e ,:-).,}G..::>031 _~\I...)_<,_J~' . t,.'-'~. , )/\J....:.....,~vv..,p""'.:.l, tn.6 Pi:'-8 S~L c~ent de clarecl tll'8 rno ti.orl clefea teel. It: ';tJas 11l0\18::l by II'rlJ.stee ipJ1IJ~er 8.11.d secol1.ded. b"JT tee N s to retain the services of M~e Louis Ancel as for thE; sum of .00 to represent Mount Prospect with re to liti?ation. pe to the agreemsnt ']etween the 1101."\J1''L B.n.d. CO!J~rl try Constru_(', t.~tC)rl (;o'(nJ)arJ.~Y t=lDC1 tJ18 "rlil1tle;e 0" I'llolmt Py'ospect -shat e propos1tion of the Board of Bducati~n of School ~istrict No. 57 as out~ l.~,._r'en 1,11 +-"'_r.,e.-i-.,.,,, lptT'...eT'. of' Tl1,,,>o It lOr'7 '..,0 <.>r'c":;,."'ter'i _ ~_ '-"'- _._ ., ~ _ .....~ _ -'- tJ.A.J..J.v y., .J-....;> I <.J"--/ '.A.~"'" -...JJ-'.' ..o......i,. 'I'he P:~esident p'c:rt the qlJestion and the Clerk called t}i8 rollJ! 1r.rttll tlJ.8 fo ()1c\rtng respor1.se: P.:.'Y.es: A.ll; Nays: None, 1oJher9Upon the PresideD. t declered t motien car:l'iede TrtlS tee er tben read the :folJ..o.ping comm- lJ.nl c,a ti on: A G R B E MEN T 3 agreement entered j_nto by ar:rd. betHeen, the VI MOUWJ:' PROSPEC'l', Cook COThv:!ty., Illinois, a :nlu..n:tci'o cor")Dol~Etti.on (1l.61-?e1na.f-'ter -rei~e~r':'~ed_ to 8..3 t~n.e lIVil1age") and 'J'haddeus Skarr and Dolores Skarr, rns Tdi fe, of IVlount Pro spec t, Illinois Chereinafter T'G ferred t.o as fl SkarrH e IN-i tnesset.h \llI-iJ-2;BEAS, Skarr :has reque s tee tbe Vill age of fJlolJnt :Pr~Jspect fOT~ alltrlOJ~lt-:r to tie il1.tO a teYQ.9ora,:~~r six inch. house service sewer connection built by Frank Poczatek in the pu.blic street to an exi sting manh::::le at Forest and Gregory Streets Hithin the terri torial lim5. ts of the Village and ha-ve incH. ca ted t;J":':E:. t Hhen a permanGn t S GHG!' be comes available in t s area that t said six inch house sewer service tie-in 1J_ 1;8 f?i.LJan.do.n.e:5'_, ftno. tr'18.t j..f a specj_~.Ll assessm.e~Clt is assessed against the property for said permanent se~!er O~ 0 se that they agree not to object or protest ~tn arl"JT l;}D.~Qner aSS8ssrn.ent t trt8 fo.J_lc)1.~J~~~(J.g d.e .scr~Lt)ed erty: October 22~ 1957 ~ n 1'" Ui(jd Lot 6 in Block 1 in Artbur '1'.. lVlcIntosch 8: Co! s Northwest meadows, being a subdivision in the East half of Section 33, rrm..Jnship 1+2 North, Range 11, Bas t of the 'l'hird Principal IVleridian in Cook County, Illinois.. a:i."ld ',vnereas, t'ne co:('porate autho ties of the V:'LJ.lage have, by motion made at a reglJlar meeting of said corporate authorities, agreed to permit the tie- in to said temporary six inch house service eonnectic on the conditions that Skarr agree to abandon the temporary conne ction when the perrna."1ent seHer become:: available and upon Skarr agreeing not to protest arlY sewer as se ssment by reason 0 f no bene f'i t agains t the pronertv described above and on the consideration ~bhat an~. agreement entered into bet1rJeen the Village and Skarr be recorded agains t said property, l\JOi;v, ;:-CHi~RL'~F.:()RE: irl consid.el')a tion of tll.8 :mutual covenant s contained herein, I'1' IS AGRli:ED .3Y MilT BE rumEN I'RE P A HITE S }i ERE1'O 'l'h A rf : 1. liThe Village does reby agree to peJ:>mit Skarr to install a six inch house service connection from the following described real estate: Lot 6 In. J310ck 1 in ilrthu:c~ 11. t((cln to sh & COl s North~,jest }leado1cJs, b.ein?; a su'0division jn the :t~ast half of Section 33, I'()~'nship 42 North, Ranse 11, st of the .r.:;hird Principal Tvleridian in Cook County, Illinois. into a house service SEHAfer connection in the public street extending from Lot 7 in said subdivision to a manhole at Forest and Grefory Streets I-Jithin the 'iHllar=e limi ts, and that said connection be made i:n accordance 1.vi th approval of plans by the corporate 9.L-lthoI'i ties of the VillaQ'e of j'Jlount ProSD8ct.." ~ ~ 2.. Skarr agrees th2~tu.pon noti.fication by the v:tllage that a perm.anent seHer is avaj.lal:)le to serve tl'e property aoo".'e, they vJill abandon tbe temporary six inch connection authorized herein anci tie into and corme ct to the pe.r>manent sewer; 3. Skarr agrees that in case a special assess- ment is assessed against the a1:,ove property for the permanent selver that even if no benefits accrue to the property o.escribed above the~v shall not in any m&nner protest or object to the said sewer assessment I; SlKa-y>y-. arrA"s -'-h.-,-'- th-ls aO'l'>eo'""""n-'- s>.,a11 hA Lr. ....!.,.......... t.") v', L.u U J _'_. c::-- '>.J.la....... ~. tJ :t...<..........L .1....., recorded of record in the Recorder's office, County of Cook Illinois, and shall apply to the ass~.gns or transferrec, of record for the property hereinabbve desc!'ibed.. IN WITNESS WBEREOF, the parties hereto have aff:txed their siO'natures on ttd_s 22nd day of Octob8!', 1957 at,cMm.mt P!'ospect, Illinoi's sj 'l'haddeus Skarr sj Dolores Skarr A motion was made by ~rustee ller and secondec by 'I'rustee Broad that the President a..lnd Clerk be authori z.ed to sir:n the apTee:ment vJi.th lVlr. and 1'1rs. Skarr on behalf of the Village of Mount Prospect. ThE President put the question and the Clerk called the rull. v.Ji th- the foli o1cJing re spons e: Aye s: All; Nays: None: whereupon the Pr'esident declared the motion carried.. October 22, 1957 '.~''.) Ci 'd 000 It 1,-/'8S moved by Trustee Scl'11aver and seconded by 'l'rustee ipJillfjr to a uthori z,e the expend:1. ture of not more than ~\)500.00 for the purchase of 2 Scott Ai!'-paks. The President plJ.t the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All, Nays: None" 1'There1).pon the Pre dent declared the motion carriedo '1'r'ustee No!'ri s , .>-' reao~ LnG follo1rJ:tng cor.r.rm,mica ti on: Octo'hel'"' 21, 1957 Mr. H.. G~ Appleby Village Hanager Hunicipal Bldg.. Mt~ Prospect, Illinois S UBJSCT: SlJ.n.set Eeit';.ht s Su1;cUvi sion C~ '1'3 & A #55-248 Lear' B'arold: In 0 ur let ter 0 f Sep tem'o e y' 4, 1957 I,Ie re c om:rnendec. Village Bcceptance of paving 8J"':1d side';,Jalk impI'ove- ments in Na Wa Ta Avenue and a portioD of S,mset Road in the subject development.. In s letter we specifically omitted the recownenda~ion for acceptance for paving improvemen ts s1del,falk in the south h f of Lonnquist Rlvd. adjacent to IDts 22 8.nd L!.~_ inasmucll. as tbJ S HO:""1< hf;1:3 no t been constnJctec3 at that time. You 1rJill no do'u',t recall that the approved plans :for pl.lblic irlllJro"\Je:rl1en.ts ttJis de\reJ..oprr:~f~nt p de for the construction of paving i.mprov8Inents in the sou_th h.2.1.f at' 1~,orJ.11.(1uj_ st f~rom trJ8 east J~irle of the sU.::-)d.i vi SiO:Cl to the ,,,res t line of the subdi vis ion ~ As the hTr~ ter 8.0.\71 sed the BoS'rd of l'rLls tee s 8 t e- meeting held in your ofi'ice on OctoheI' 1, 19::'~7, he fel t that tho construe tion of these Lormquis t improve- ffieD,ts -or~ior to ttl.e ::l.Dstt=:tlJJ-a tlon o.f l.JD"6erg~rotm() irGDro\re-- ments in L0Y1::1Q1J:LSt Flvdo See-G",mn, w~'uJ.d not be feasibl.e" Spell lmder~~round 'JJo:ek 1Nou1d dftrrl tte n,e1",!jl~~l ins talle d p,ft1Jln,g irGpro*~lerQen.t s 9 In addition~ const~JctiQn of these paving improve- ments to a point one-half block west of Na Wa Ta would create a drainage problem because the pro- po sea pavemen t slope s east from See -GW1.1J1 to }"J a VJ8. ~ea e i;~e v,rj sh to advi se you thattvlil burn Bro s. , t01ds this paving contract, is ready to st~lrt the construction of paving improvemen ts in See -Chr:m, bet~veen Lonnquist and Golf Road an:::). also in Lonnquist from the east line of' the su'odivision to See-GHu:n. O,..::r field party established 8I'HCJeS for this construction on October 16, 1957. It is hoped that the fcn:'egoing clears up concerning this project and that the BDard rna.y:rlo1N taJ{8 actict.n in ac-cor~d,aY1Ce 11;Jith. Gllr l"ecornmen,c,ta.t:to.n $ 1 qU8S ons of Trustees previous V e 1~'J' truJ_ J! :rn1].r s , CONSOER, 'in :~c ASSC)CI./~~IIJ~_:!S S\/I 1/\' lj) CrT Cll 110T'\rrlSe.Y1ci. , .91"J.(J 'The follot4ing motion Has made hy 'l':rustee Norris sec.onded~ b"\T ~rrlJst.ee JA.j. re,r: ~ " rtI move trlEtt th.e j.,nrpl~c\Terr1en"ts lL_ Sl}..nset :b.e:t[~"b:t8 Subdivision, C$ T& & A N~& 55-248 as outlined in~Cansoer, senci 8;: A.ssoclates letter of t~er().ber b, r' ., .'-"1 1 OC7 vc.to')er L.:.., - /7 :i.n_"\ro 1 II in.g pa~llng t.1Y1C" s 1 d 8-;"\12.1.;:e i.~"l;_pl"o'\r8 ~ October 22~ 1957 ~N{ V>U'l. ments in Na irJa Ta Avenue from the SOL:th line of Lonnquist Park-Hay to the existing uavement of Golf Road, and in S:,mset Road from the ~ast line of the subdivision to a point approximately 125 feet west of the west line of lira Ha Ta Avenu.e be accepted by the Village". The President plJt the question and th.e Clerk called the roll, l-J:L th the follcnving re sponse: Aye s: All , Nays: None, whe!'ellpon the President declared the motion carried.. Trustee Norris mace the follotdn:,s motion which was seconded by Trustee B!'oad: flHove th8. t the Villap:e Clepk be instructed to wri te a letter to the Chi ca>.=:o & Nortr:urJestern Railroad requesting that the railroad make necessary road repairs to the crossing at Chicago &: NorthT4estern Railroad tracks and Main Street before winter". The President Imt the question and the vote Nas taken 'ny acclamation, whe:r'eupon the President declared the motion carried.. ~HJ Trustee Airey stated that 1\111". Geo:::"ge OlDay hets cOfl1pleted. plans of th8 foot bl~idge to be erected over Weller Creek at the foot of Main Street and that said pl&."ls would be presented to the Village Board in the near fll ture. ~t' e:::: Trustee Willer pointed out that there is no logical place 'fJhereby a bridge su:i.tabl.c; for mota::" vehicle traffic can be erected wb.olly l'\li thin the V i ll~tp~e 0 i' l\1.ou.rJ.t Pro s p 8 ct. Trustee Willer stated that he had attended a public hea!'ing before the Zoning Board of Appeals of Cook County held in the ]\IIouJJ.t Prospect Village Hall on Oct6her 17, 1957. It '"ras moved by 'I'rustee Hiller and seco!lded by ri'rustec Broad that the Board ,go on record as being op.pc<sed to th..e rezoYlin~~ oi" Lot 3 in O:rJ.tler! s SutJcJ.visj':')rl of Sect:Lol'l 13, T01vl'iship }'Il !\Tontl-> Ran"'''' 11 t of' -!-1.-<> rL.i1riY>o" .p. -(>~nC1Do1 - -j- , .L~ _ ~...l, . .... (~~,tJ ..,.,. __, ..... .....lJ.v . l. ,._-,-...~ ..... ..L_... ~J... c:l-...... Mo' . ,-: ." r, "'1, C " .t.v .1-'11" -i <:! f'l" .~ HI (F 'Y'rrli 0' \ _~vrJ.o.__an. .1n ..;ov_.~ 00n oJ' _. J.no~", ~_o.".,~ a~~"._.n.~! to R-4 (~esidence 10,000 sq.. ft..) District for ~ reasons of p-u,blic health arId safety; and. that; the decision of this bODrd be transmitted by letter to the Zoning Boa rd of Appeal s of' Cool: County, the Peti t:loner, and the Cook County Boapd of Comnissioner 'l.'h8 President put the question a':1d the vote 1;JaS taken by acclamation, Hhereupon tbe President declare the motion carried.. 'lTlere being no further business to come before the Joard, 11;, Has moved by 'l'rustee Ai.pay and seconded by 1'rus tee No!'ri s tha t t!:Je mee ting be ad journed. rL'he President put the question and the vote 1,'JaS taken by acclamation, Hhereupon the President declared the motion carried aDd the meeting regularly adjOllrned s.t 10:55 P.IVl. T~~~~~/(~ ,',J_J.lam ~l. 1\.e1-en Vil1 e Clerk October 22, 1957