HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/10/1957 VB minutes JJ- 1 () ..2'Jtv Mr. G. Mokate, of 109 N. El~~urst Avenue, speak- ing from the floor, stated that the public is sometim unable to understand legal terminology used at ~3oard meetings and also having difficulty in hearing the proceedings. There being no further action to come before the Board, it was moved by Trustee Broad and seconded by Trustee Norris that the meeting be adjourned. T~~ Pre~iq,ent put the. que stio..c MO tbEt vo te was t~ket1. by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion c~rried and the meeting regularly adjourned at 10:10 P .1'1. Z<J~ .# /~ William R. Keith Village Clerk ('....,~ MINUTES 01" A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT M~D BOARD OF TRUS'IIEES HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS ON 'I'lfESDAY, DECE1\.fSER 10, 1957. ':~) c:; 1t::"f 'Ihe meeting was called to order at 8:36 P.M. by President Lams and the Clerk was then directed to cal] the roll. ~ .",~ ( '\ ~-.:: On roll call, the following Trustees answered "Present": Airey, Broad, Casterline, Schlaver and Willer. Absent: Trustee Norris. All Trustees having previously received copies of the minutes of a meeting held December 3, 1957, a motion was made by Trustee Airey and seconded by Trustee Casterline that the minutes be approved as submitted. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon the President declared the motion carried and said minutes approved as submitted. President Lams referred to Proposed Ordinance Ne 587 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING 'I'HE PROPOSED CENTHAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PLAN AS A PART OF rrHE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPEC'I'. President Lams ther requested comments from the floor. Mr. Thomas Ackerman, acting as spokesman for thE Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Chanfuer of Co~~erce believes a Central Business Plan a necessity to prevent sprawling unregulated gro~th of the Business District. He said the Village Hould benefit by the resulting revenue which would be lost to the Village if shoppers were forced to go elsewhere. Mr. Clement Ward, Attorney, representing a group of citizens opposed to the Central Business District Plan as outlined in the Kincaid Report, stated his belief that the Chamber of Commerce should proceed according to Illinois Statute. He termed the present plan a redevelopment plan and stated his belief that it cannot be legally carried out.. Hr. Ward said that he was strongly in favor of redevelop- ing any part of the Village that can be developed according to the original Village Plan and in accordance with Illinois Statute. Mr. G. Mokate, Secretary of the Northwest Home Owners' League, advanced the opinion that 75% of the residents of Mount Prospect are not acquainted with tl contents of the Kincaid Report. He further stated his belief that most residents are unhappy with presel mopping facilities and requested the Board to have Mr, December 10, 1957 4l: 2 OJ Kincaid appear in person before citizens an~ ha~~ Mr. Kincaid an8were questions pertaining to the K~nca~d Report. Trustee Willer advanced the information that copies of the Kincaid Report have been made available to the general public through the Public Library, since 4 copies of the most recent report ECONOMIC FACTORS FOR PLANNING have been given to the lVlO1mt Prospect Public Library. It was moved bv Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Schlaver tbat the Board go on record as favor- ing the appearance of Mr. Kincaid or his associates at any meeting or gathering he so desires to attend. The President put the question and the vote ~..ras taken bY acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried. Mr. Frank Lynn inquired if the proposed ordinance WOUl..c. close any streets. President Lams replied that no streets would be vacated by the proposed ordinance. In response to Trustee'Willer's inquiry, if Mr. Ward's clients objected to the proposed ordinance or to subsequent action, lVJ.r. lA/ard replied that b.ia clients 1.-rere concerned wi th subsequent action. Trustee Willer read the re suI ts of a recen t slJ,rve;y that indicated certain shopping trends and the need for a shopping center. Mr. James Rickey of 715 N. Russell Street asked Trustee Willer to define a department store. Mr. Ward restated his belief that a Village of 13,OOO peoples does not have the authority to undertake a redevelopment plan. Mr. Ackerman informed Mr. Ward that the Chamber of Commerce is not opposed to individual development of property by the property O1rmer. 'I'rustee Airey read tirIO paragraphs from the Kincaid Report Economic Factors for Planning as follows: "In vieVJ of the facts set out in the foregoing para- graphs, it seems quite apparent that the principal cause of the low sales volume of Mt. Prospect's retail a~d service establishments is that there is an insufficient total number of such outlets properly distributed among the various business categories, especially in the general merchandise group of establishments 'l-lhich usually are the principal magnets in attracting persons to do'\.-m- town areas.!! lilt would be unrealistic and Aconomically unsound for f1t. Prospect to atter(Jpt to compete 1rlith the several well-established regional and semi-regional shopping centers located in or near the northwestern suburban tentacle by establishing a regional shopping center 1.vithin its o'\.-m corporate limits. 'I'he retail and service trade are:t of the Village is bound to remain. more or less coextensive with its boundaries plus the population settlements in close-in areas. The business communi ty should concern itself mai.nly wi th fully exploiting the village market, the accomplishment of vJhich will greatly increase the total volume of sales,,1I I'1r. Lynn advanced the opinion tha t the Village is faced with 2 major problems: 1 - splitting of the Village by the Northwestern Railway tracks; and 2 - the parking problem. Trustee Willer advanced the belief that it would be impossible for the Village of Mount Prospect to float enough bonds to secure tbe same parking area that is covered by the Kincaid Report because of the limi ted bonding pmver of the Village.. December 10$ 1957 IJ 0 lVlr.. Hoka te informed the Board that the .:11: L'~J average IvJ.t. l'@rospect ci tizen spends approximately ~j;IIOO.OO in Mt. Prospect annually as comnared lrJitb a pro-capita spending of ~?6000. or~:j?7000. in surroundin communi ti es.. Trustee Schlaver said that th:i.s statement was further supported by the information that the City of Les Plaines collects approximately ~~15,ooo. per month from Sales Taxes, while the Village of Mount Prospect collects about $4400. per month. Hr. Rickety referred to Ht. Prospect as an IlImpulse Purchase Area", which he defined by the infoymation that citizens visit a store in Mt. Prospect tv1.th a definite purchase in mind.. Mr.. Ackerman pointed out that while all speaker had referred to Mt. Prospect as a Village of 13,000 population, that this number is greatly increased by residents of nearby communi ties who shop in lJlt. Prospect and that the available shopping potential is much greater than 13,000 persons. ~~ ,. It was moved bv Trustee Willer and seconded by ~'rustee Airey that Oi-dinan.ce No. 587 be passed. The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, wi th the following re sponse: Ayes: 'l'rus tee Aire~ Broad, Casterline, Schlaver and Willer. Nays: None. Absent: Trustee Norris; whereupon the President declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 587 passed and approved. C:, ~~: (:J Trustee Scblaver read the follovdng cOrll.'11unicatic December 7, 19.'57 Mr. C. O. Schlaver 400 S. Toka Mt. Prospect, Illinois Dear Mr. Scblaver: The next scheduled meetin~ of the Commission will be held in the City Hall of Des Plaines on December 18th at 8:30 P.M. The commission cordially invites you to attend this meeting in order to acquaint you with our plans aYJ.d progre s s. He are also extending this invitation to Hr. Lams and rlr.. Appleby. 'we will be happy, h01..Jever, to see any other interested people you may wish to invite to thi~ mee ting. Very truly yours, SJ R. E. Angley, Chairman DES PLAINES, IflOUNT PROSP.c:C'I', ARLING'I'ON HEI GH'I'S .4.ND PALATINE; WATER COHh.ISSION.. Trustee Schlaver read the following prepared sta tement: liAs secretar:v of the Board of local improveHlentl: I am mindful of the long process which naturally will be involved in installing sidellJalks under special assessment. I voted for the sidewalk resolution of last su~er as a means of getting this board off the dead center in respect to vascilation on sidewalks, which I believe the safety of our children demands in Mount Prospect. Therefore I l...Jould like to suggest tha t the chair man of the sidewalk cOITmlittee and the Village Ma.~ager by next meeting give us a course of action to be follov.; ed out in carrying out the September 15 deadline specified in the sidewalk resolution ahd that our own p~rsonnel be employed in making any survey necessary before engineering or legal action in starting special December 10, 1957 '22. / ~"j " . II assessment proceeclngs. Village M2~ager Appleby informed the Board that steps were being taken to gather the necessary inform- ation before starting special assessment proceedi.ngs. 11rllstee 'i.viller read the fo 110Hing comrnunica tion: Lj.l2 Foundry Road Mt. Prospect, Illinois December 8, 1957 fllr. lJ\Jiller, 'l'rustee Village of Mt. Prospect c/o Village liall 112 E. Northwest Highway Mt. Prospect, Illinois Lear Hr. Willer: An article in the December 5th IVlt. Prospect Herald indicated that action on the Di Mucci shopping center request would be delayed "Several Tl'Jeeks!l. To save both of us a great deal of inconvenience in follow ups it would be apprecia ted if you lo\Tould advise me when the next action comes up for discussion at the Village Board meeting.. Yours very truly, sl Kenneth R. Larson Presiden t Prospect Meadows Property O~mersl Assn., Inc. '1'1"us tee 1,.viller advi sed the Board that t he Judiciary Com.mi ttee intends to make a report on the proposed DiMucci Shopping Center lmm.m a s Case 57 -.15 at the next Board meeting on 'l'ue sday, December 17 and requested tbe Vil18fe Clerk to so inform lVlr. Lar son. It Has moved by 'l'rustee 1,1!illcr and seconded bv Trustee Casterline that the Village Attorney be auth~rized to represent the interests of the Village of Mt. Prospect TtJi th re spe c t to Case 57 -c -17539. The Pre siden t put the question and the Clerk called the roll, loTi th the follo~Jing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None; whereupon the President declared the motion carried. Trustee i,lJiller referred to a notice from the Illinois COrrL'11erce COIrJ.m5.ssion in the matter of the application of RatIon Heights Se1t>Jer &: vJater Comps-YlY, Inc.. for a certif:Lce.te to construct and operate aT, extension to a Se1rJer' and water system in the Village of JV10unt Prospect and for authority to acquire property. This matter to be given a public hear- ing at the office of the Commission at Cbics.go, Illinois, 160 N. La Salle Street on 1rJednesda;i, J.anuary 15, 1958 at 10 As JV1. Trustee Willer read the folloirJing comm1..mication: December 5, 1957 H. G. Appleby, Village Manager Village of Mount Prospect 112 East Northwest highway Mount Prospect, Illinois Lear Harold: ~rrcr€nce is made tc 'eotion 14.1203 (subparagraph b) of the Mount Prospect Municipal Code. The aforesaid section restricts the issuance of permits for the erection, etc. of a service station "vJi thin one block, not 1e ss tha:r.~ three hun- dreG. feet, of the location of SJJ.Y existing December lOt 1957 i42B service station or tank or gasoline storage tank. II The Code further provides for the definition of "block" as "that area of land" surrounded b"J' :four s tre e t s -:~.::.-;:. II . In my opinion, Section 14.1203(b) is ambiguous. If it is the intention and desire of the Board to restrict service stations within a certain number of feet of another service station or ta.YJ.k or gas olin storage tank, then I think the language should be clarified in order to say just that. It is suggested that consideration be given to the possibility of revising the Code by amending Section 14.1203 (b) to read as follows: "within X existing service storage tank." feet of the location of any station or tank or gasoline Sincerely, -..;.< '" ""f'"I "', .,.,; f"'~"'" ...."-"l./ ~~".':;- SJ Hobert J. Dm..rning It l-vas moved by 11rustee vJiller and seconded by Trustee Schlaver tha t the Village Attorney be directec to prepare an ordinance removing the ambiguity of the present ordinance and spelling out the distaYlce of 300 feet. ~he President put the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon the President declarE the motion carried. rrrustee \i.Jiller read the following communica-cion: December 10, 1957 President aYld Members of the Board of ~(irus tee s Village of Mount Prospect Nount Prospect, Illinois Gentlemen: 'I'tle plat of Prank Serafine I s Thi rd Addi tion referred to the Plan Commission by the Village Board for study and recommendation has been considered. It v-JaS pointed out tha t Serafine Drive does no t meet the requi:."em.ents of the ordinance, but because it is intended to be a service drive only with a 20 ft. pavement and sidewalk along the South side, it was felt that it should be permitted. The Plan Commission reconIDlends to the Village Board that the nlat of Frank Serafine t s Thi rd Addition be approved, subject to the approval of plans and specifications for the development thereof. Respectfully submitted, sj A. D. Dresser, C rlai rraarl Sj H G. Appleby, S e cre tary e At Trustee Willer's request, action on this me. tter vms def'erred, pending receipt 0 f' all ordinance to annex said property. Village Manager Appleby read the following lette!l: Novemher 18, 1957 Ivlr. Ii.. G. Appleby Village Manager, Village Hall Mount Prospect, Ill. December 10, 1957 42~1/ Re: Joan Ruth's Wa-Pella Gardens Subdivision lVlt. Prosnect C. T. & A. 56-219 Dear Sir: rfhe renresentatives of t he Illinois I:ivision of Highways hav~, upon application for a State Permit, tak:en exception to the provision for connecting the 36" culirert under Golf Road west of Candota Avenue to the sewers in this subdivision via a 12" pipe as sLown on the 8.DDroved Dlans. Our reasons for maktng this con..Ylect:ion i~- thi s m~rmer Here; outlined in a letter to Flr e 'Iheodore Olsen on July 16, 1957. \tIe are enclosing a photostat of this letter for your information. Since our Ju1:y 26, 1957 letter lJ'Je have had. several discussions Hith State reDI'esentatives on. this matter. In our most recent discus~ion vJith JYlr., John 'I'homas, State ~J[aintenance Engineer, 'i..Je agreed, subje ct to Village aDuroval. to urovide an additional IS inch diameter s~;Jer co~.nection from thi s culvert to the 18 inch sewer which had existed in Candota Ave. prior to the development of th:ts subdivision. kJe feel justified in doing this due to the promise of the r"llief sewer program being placed under con tract at an early date. We there fOI'e have revised the plans for thi.s project to incorporate thi s revi sion and are transmi ttine; herewi th t~"o copies for your use. We recom~end that this change be approved by the Vi.llape. \;lIe have further, again advised the developer, HI'.. l"lillia.-n H., Ruth to provide hanging plu~bing and sump pmnps for all homes in this subdivi.sion to avoid basement flooding difficulties in the homes 1,.Th:Lch he proposes to construct. Very truly yours, CONSOER, T01rJl\TSEND & ASSOCIA TE S S/h1illiam J. Cadigan In answer to an inquiry. by ':Prustee '~viller, lVlre William Cadigan replied that {"II' e Ruth is tvilling to accept plfu'1s :for this project as outlined in the above letter. Action on t.h.:1.s matter was deferred by the Board. Mr., J. Groh of 1 N. Berkshire Lane inquired of the Board if a decision had been made as to the route of the sidewalk leading to the foot bridge nO'tJ under constructIon over Weller Creek at the end or Main Street. The suggestion was advance to fir. Groh that he investigate the cost of asphalt and of concrete and present an agreement to the Board for consideration. There being no further business to come before the Board, it lftJaS mov'ed by trus tee Willer and seconded by Trustee Casterline that the meeting be adjourned. 1ne President put the question and the vote was taken by acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion carried and the TIleeting regularly adjourned at 10:25 P.M. v~&:Z;,? #~ l'ifilliarll H. Keith Village Clerk December lO~ 1957