HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/14/1958 VB minutes
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3. We ask that the comndtiBe system or operation be
restored by the Village President in the Mount Prospect VillE
Board. We urge that meetings or each trustees committee be
held to spell out policy, that the Village Manager make
speciric recommendations along with the marshaling or data
and that such recommendations be brought to the regular
board me;etings in order that the public may know, and that
they there be acted upon. .
This statement, we realize, at present constitutes the
opinion or only two trustees or the Village Board. We hope,
however, that in the interest or Mount Prospect good govern-
ment the Village President and our colleagues on the board
will join wit~ us to make it a blueprint ror action in 1958.
Trustee Clarence O. Schlaver
Trustee Raymond L. Willer
It was moved by Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee
Sehlaver that the blue print ror action by the Village Board
or the Village or Mount Prospect that has Just been read be
adopted ror 1958. After some discussion, a motion was made
by Trustee Broad and seconded by Trustee Casterline to table
the above motion. The President put the question and the
Clerk called the roll, with the rollowing response: Ayes:
Trustees Airey,"" Broad, Casterline, and Norris. Nays:
Trustees Schlaver and Willer; whereupon the President declare
the motion carried and Trustee Willer's motion to adopt the
blue print ror action for 1958 as tabled.
'^ -.I
There being no rurther business to co~e before the
Board, it was moved by Trustee Airey and seconded by
Trustee Broad that the meeting be adjourned. The President
put the question and the vote was taken by acclamation,
whereupon the President declared the motion carried and
the meeting regularly adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
aJ~~ #~
William H. Keith
Village Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 8:40 P.M. by Pres-
ident Lams and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll.
On roll call, the rollowing Trustees answered "Present":
Airey, Broad, Casterline, Norris, Schlaver and Willer.
Absent: None.
All Trustees having previously received copies or the
minutes of a meeting held January 7, 1958, a motion was made
by Trustee Casterline and seconded by Trustee Norris that
the minutes be approved as submitted. The President put
the question and the Clerk called the roll, with the follow-
ing response: Ayes: All; Nays: None; whereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
Trustee Air~y read the following statement:
I wish to bring before this Board a matter which has
been pending for some time. '!his Board has discussed it on
several occasions at our so-called executive sessions. It
is a matter on which we agreed several weeks ago but due to
a variety of circumstances this has not been presented for
formal action. I will do it at this time.
'!he following motion was then made by Trustee Airey
and seconded by Trustee Broad:
January 14, 1958
/ go. svJ
"I move that the Village Treasurer-Collector and
Ex-Officio Treasurer of the Police Pension Fund, Herman
Hinz be relieved of all duties or hi s office efrecti ve.
immediately upon the passage of this motion. He is
directed to deliver immediately to the Village Manager
all books, records, accounts, registers, warrants,
vouchers, including but not limited to any and all
docUMents in his possession or control relating to
special assessment collections during the term of his
office, 8.n.d other property of the Village of Mount
Prospect that may be ~n his possession or control.
It is rurther directed that the Village Manager
obtain the services or a certified public accountant
for the purpose of e. complete and thorough audit of
the books, records "accounts, registers, warrants and
vouchers kept by the said Herman Hinz during his term
of office.
. It is further provided that the ooligations of'
the said' Herman'Hinz:and the. sur.ety .on his bond #954750
for a te~II1'beginnihg May,l~ 1957':to May 1, 1961 issued
by the Standard Accident Insurance Company shall remain
in full force and efrect until the completion of the
aforesaid audit and until further action by the Board
of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect.
It is further directed that the authorized
depositories or the. funds of the Village of Mount
Prospect be notified immediately of the passage of this
Motion and the termination of the duties of Herman Hinz
as Village Treasurer-Collector.
The said Herman Hlnz is further directed to deliver
immediately to the Village Manager or his successor in
the office of Village Treasurer-Collector all funds,
including petty cash, in his possession or control which
were collected by him or under his direction during his
term of office."
Trustee Airey then added this comment:
This Motion is not intended to reflect on Mr. Hinz'
honesty, but is for the mutual benefit of Mr. Hinz and
the Village of Mount Prospect.
Arter a lengthy and heated discussion of the motion,
the President put the question and the Clerk called the
roll, with the following response: Ayes: Trustee Airey,
Broad, Casterline, and Norris. Nays: Trustees Schlaver
and Willer; whereupon the President declared the motion
Trustee Willer read the following communication:
January 14, 1958
President and Members of the
Board ofTrus tees
Village or Mount Prospect
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Gen tl emen :
The plat of dedication of part of lots 1 and 2
in Edward Busse's Division of Part of the S.E. 1/4 or
Section 15 and the N.E. 1/4 of Section 22, T 41 N,
R 11, E of the 3rd Principal Meridian for the widening
or Busse Road, in Cook County, Illinois referred to the
Plan Commission by the Village Board ror study and
recommendation has been considered.
The Plan Commission recommends to the Village
Board that the said plat, original tracing and one
print of which is attached hereto, be approved.
Respectfully submitted,
s/~. C. Dresser, Chairman
81 H. G. Appleby, Secretary
January 14t 1958
It was moved by Trustee Willer and seconded by J 4 3 9
Trustee Norris that the Board concur with the recommendation
of the Plan Commission as set rorth in their letter or
January 14, 1958 and that the Village President and the
Village Clerk be authorized to sign the plat of dedication
referred to on behalf of the Village of Mount Prospect.
The President put the question and the Clerk called the rollJ
with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None; whereupor
the President declared the motion carried.
Trustee Broad rererred to a letter da ted~' January .7,
1958 from Surety Builders, Inc. and included in the minutes
of January 7, 1958. It was moved by Trustee Broad and
seconded by Trustee Norris that Surety Builders be granted
permission to proceed with construction on the ey...i sting
foundation at 509 South Albert Street. The President put
the question and the "Clerk called the roll, with the follow-
ing response: Ayes: Trustees Airey, Broad, Casterline, Norri~
and Schlaver. Nays: None. Trustee Willer passed; whereupon
the President declared the motion carried.
Trustee Norris read the following letter:
De-cember 26, 1957
Mr. H. G. Appleby
Village Manager
Municipal Building
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Re: Russell St. Improvements, Randview Subdivision
C. T. & A No. 54-99
\... ,;
Dear Harold:
. We have made a final inspection of the paving improveme:t:
consisting of pavement, curb and gutter, and drainage
appurtenances in Russell Street from the north line or
Highland to the existing pavement in Foundry Road.
We have found this work to have been completed in substantia]
conformance with the plans and specifications and recolnmend
that these improvements be accepted by the Village.
We are deferring recommendation for acceptance or sidewalks
along Russell Street until a later date for the following
1. Sidewalk construction in Russell Street is not complete,
to date.
2. Sidewalk has not been constructed along the south side
o~ Foundry Road between Pine and Russell as provided on
the plans. As stated in our letter of this date on Pine
Street improvements, Brickman Home B~ilders has indicated
tha t they are unwilling to construct this walk.
3. The construction of the roadway drainage di tch along
the south side or the existing pavemEn t in Foundry Road
between Russell and Pine has .not as yet been completed.
1he State Maintenance Engineer, Mr. John Thomas, has
indicated that the construction of this ditch will be
required by the Illinois Division of Highways and we are
advised by Brickman Home Builders that such construction
can not take place until the early part of January, 1958.
Very truly yours
By: William W. Townsend
It was moved by Trustee Norris and seconded by
Trustee Broad that the Board accept the recommendations
or Consoer, Townsend & Associates as contained in their
letter of December 26, 1957 regarding Russell Street
improvements, Randview Subdivision, C. T. & A. No. 54-99
upon completion of the work and after inspection and final
payment and dererring acceptance of sidewalks along Russell
January 14, 1958
. "'J'. )
Street at this time. The President put the question
and the Clerk called the roll, with the following response:
Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon the President declared the
motion carried.
Trustee Norris then read the following letter:
December 26, 1957
Mr. H. G. Appleby
Village Manager
Municipal Building
Mount Prospect, Illinois
RE: Pine St. improvements, Randview Highlands
Subdivision - C. T. & A. No. 54-99
Dear Harold:
We have made an inspection of paving improvements consist-
ing of pavements, curb and gutter, and drainage appurtenances
in Pine Street from the north line of Highland Avenue to the
existing pavement in FOtmdry Road.
We have rotmd this work to have been completed in s.ub-
stantial conformance with the plans and specifications and
recommend that these improvements be accepted by the Village
of Mount Prospect.
We are deferring the recommendation for ~cceptance of
sidewalks until a later date for the following reasons:
1. A decision has yet to be made by the Village Board
on the disposition or the sidewalks along Pine
Street, which was the subject matter of our letter
of December 17, 1957.
2. The si.dewalk along the south side of' Foundry Road
between Wille and Pine has not been constructed.
This sidewalk is shown on the plans for public i~~
provements which were approved by the Village Board.
In correspondence from Brickman Home Builders sub-
sequent to the Village approval of said plans.
Brickman indicated they were not going to construct
this sidewalk. You will no doubt recall that you
and the writer have discussed this matter on several
3. Sidewalk has not been completed on Lots 11 and 1..2 in
Block 14 and Lot 12 in Block 15, which Brickman
Home Builders has advised are not owned by them and
therefore refuse to construct walk at these locations.
Very truly yours,
sj Consoer Townsend and
by William W. Townsend
It was moved by Trustee Norris and seconded by Trustee
Airey that the Board accept the improvements as recommended
in the above letter regarding Pine Street improvements,
Randview Highlands Subdivision C.T.&A #54-99, and that
action be deferred for acceptance or sidewalks until a
later date. The President put the question and the Clerk
called the roll with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None, whereupon the President declared the motion
carri ed.
Trustee Norris read the following communication:
October 11, 1957
President and Board of ~~ustees
Municipal Building
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
Re: We-Go Park Subdivision
Unit No.2
C.T.& A #54-94
Gen tlemen: January 14, 1958
14-4 1
. .Jl....It
We have recently given final inspection to the sanitary
sewers, storm sewers, water mains and apving improvements
installed in the above reference project. We have found
all improvements to be complete ~d in accordance with
the approved plans and specifications except that side-
walks at certain locations shown to be constructed on the
approved plans have not been installed to date. The
locations where sidewalk has not been installed are as
1. Each side of We-Go Trail from the north line of the
subdivision to Central Road.
2. Each side of Kathleen Drive from the north line of
the subdivision to Central Road.
3. On the west side of We-Go Trail from the north line
of the subdivision to Busse Avenue and rrom Lancaster
Avenue to the south line or the subdivision
We are advised by the Town Development Company that they
are not the Owners of the property adjoining 1 and 2
above, anddo not therefore, consider themselves responsible
for this sidewalk construction. Thru an apparent oversite
on our part, this walk.:was included in the plans which we
submitted to the Village for approval, and which were sub-
sequently approved. We might say that it does not seem
logical to place the sidewalk in this area at this time
since subsequent development would no doubt cause sub-
stantial damage to this walk.
\~ . ....
In the case of 3 above, this sidewalk fronts on lots. in
Unit #3 of this subdivison upon which no homes have been
constructed at this time. Approved plans provide for this
walk to be installed in Unit #2. It would probably be
more advisable, in our opinion, to transfer this sidewalk
construction to Unit #3 of this project rather than
requiring it in Unit #2.
We hereby recommend that the sanitary sewers, storm
sewers, water mains and paving improvements completed
in this subdivision be accepted by the Village.
Please advise us to the desires of the Village in regard
to the sidewalk not constructed.
Very truly your s,
by: William J. Cadigan.
It was moved by Trustee Norris and seconded by Trustee Broad
that the Board accept the sanitary sewers, storm sewers,
water mains, and paving improvements as recommended by
Consoer, Townsend and Associates in their letter of October
11, 1957, referring to We-Go Park Subdivision, Unit No.2,
CT&A #54-94. The President put the question and the Clerk
called the roll with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None, whereupon the President declared the motion
Trustee Norris then read the following prepared state-
We, Trustees of the Village or Mount Prospect, are
in complete accord with Trustees Willer and Schlaver on
the six positive accomplishments or this and prior boards
which have been carried Gut without a raise in tax levy
as is usual when a municipal organization extends its
services. These, as outlined by Trustee Willer and Schlaver,
have been:
1. The securing of an adequate sewer relief program
through the Met~Dpolitan Sanitary District and the inclusion
of Northwest Meadows and Northwest Heights areas to make
it truly a Mount Prospect flood relief program.
January 14, 1958
/112 J
q ~t:'
2. The expenditure of money to provide housing for
costly street and water department equipment instead of
letting it stand unprotected as had been done in thepast.
This was done out of current income, a much less costly
means than long term financing with interest costs.
3. The expenditure of money to secure off-street
parking areas at a time when this close-in property in
the Weber subdivision was available at a reasonable
price. We believe that the time to purchase such property
is today and not tomorrow and that the purchase price will
be realized through parking charges at a feasible time,
this purchase price then can. be returned to the general
corporate fund.
4. The employment of Kincaid and Associates to
provide professional services to aid the Plan Commission
and Village of Mount Prospect in setting up proper planning
and zoning for all of the village. As a part of these
services property values will be improved and lower taxes
may be expected for this and future generations. Step two
of the Kincaid study has had to do with the ruture business
needs or this community. We did not secure federal aid
because we were opposed to the uhand-outll principle, the
plagarizing on oath that this. village was financially unable
to pay for such survey, the directed urban redevelopment which
comes with acceptance of such federal aid and the delay which
was ensued with most requests to the Federal agency. It might
be said at this time that Mr. Baughman of Kincaid and Assoc-
iates has told us that Mount Prospect was tm "cleanestll
municipality he has worked with.
5. The saving of Mount Prospect's beautiful elm
trees at a cost which is far less than the removal of
trees when afflicted with Dutch Elm Disease. This cost
is not a recurring expense, inasmuch as the Elm trees
of the village have not been so trimeed in the menDry
of anyone in Mount Prospect. In the ruture all that
there will have to be done is to keep the program up to
date at a fraction of the cost of the original work.
6. 'Ihe codification of our municipal ordinances,
something long needed in Mount Prospect and still needed
in most municipalities.
We make these recorr~endations:
1. That every Board member cooperate and work as a
closely knit group to solve Mount Prospect's problems. We
ask that:
(a) The Board employ as soon as possible, a Finance
Dir~ctor wno will work closely and cooperate with the Village
Manager so that he, in turn, may effectively work with the
Finance Committee, and Trustees of the Village Board to solve
not only present problems but also to determine where adequate
fl.mds for the ruture municipal services can be secured.
(b) The Board upon employing a Finance Director,
delegate to the latter the position of Village Treasurer-
(c) Encourage the extension of Mount Pro$pect shopp-
ing facilities to provide the residents of the Village an
opportunity to shop closer at home and the Village with
revenue from more sales tax money.
( (d) Favor the elimination of all possible overhead
that does not directlJl' benefit the residents of the Village.
(e) Welcome the encouragement or light industry in
properly zoned areas, and in this way the lowering of the
home owner's real estate tax load.
(f) Continue the use or a working bUdget as
initiated by the Village Manager. This is the first time
such a program has been set up in Mount Prospect and we
feel it is an important step forward in solving the
financial problems, which records will show are not
Jan uary 14 ~ 1958
problems confronted by this Village ror the first time
in its history.
(g) Redouble our efforts to provide additional
emergency service for the citizens or Mount Prospect.
(h) Implement a systematic program of street re-
surfacing where required, thereby reducing expendit4res
for street maintenance in future years.
2. We believe careful consideration should be given,
by the present Village Board to the following items and as
soon as possible, place before the citizens of Mount Prospeci
for the1:r approval, a bond issue on those items deemed most
imp<!>Ttant to the Village;
(a) An extension to the present Village Hall for
needed sleeping quarters for the firemen, garaging or police
equipment, and additional working quarters, freeing the
community room for the purpose it was originally intended.
(b) Replacement of the oldest outmoded pumper
truck with one of sufficient capacity and equipment to
help keep Mount Prospect in its present favorable insurance
rate classification.
(c) Location of a site ror a fire station for the
large residential and industrial section south of the
Chicago & Northwestern Railroad and Northwest Highway.
3. It is our opinion that the present procedure of
holding inrorma.l meetings of the Board prior to the regular
Board meetings and the use or regular administrative reports
has enabled all Board members to become informed on overall
policy matters-and that this procedure be continued.
According to the Municipal Code unanimously pass by the
Village Board on January 15, 1957 the function of the VillagE
Board is legislative, thererore committees of the Board are
to study and make recommendation on legislative matters. ThE
Board establishes the policies, and the Village Manager
administers them. We are opposed to administrative action
by Committees. Therefore we see no reason to change our
present committee system as we sincerely believe it is the
most efricient method or village operation.
This statement and blueprint for action in 1958 has
been carefully prepared and concurred in by the Village
President and has been presented in informal session
immediately prior to thi s meeting on January 14, 19.58.
Trustee Norris requested that action, in regard to this.
matter, be deferred. Trustee Schlaver'requested the.
signatures of those preparing the statement, ready by
Trustee Norris, be included in the record. President Lams
then read the names of thos who originally signed the
statement as follows: Trustee Richard L. Airey, Trustee
Frank F. Broad, Trustee William G. Casterline and Trustee
Lloyd R. Norris. It was moved by Trustee Casterline and
seconded by Trustee Norris, that a motion made by Trustee
Willer and seconded by Trustee Schlaver that the blueprint
for action by the Village Board or the Village of Mount
Prospect, previously ready,by Trustee Willer at the meeting
of January 7, 1958, be adopted for 1958; and which had been
tabled at the meeting of January 7, 1958 be taken rrom the
table and presented to the Board for action. The President
put the question and the Clerk called the roll with the
following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupon the
President declared the motion carried and the motion tabled
at the January 7th meeting, as now before the Board for
action. It was moved by Trustee Schlaver that the blueprint
for action by the Village Board of the Village of Mount
Prospect, which was read by Trustee Willer at the January 7,
1958 meeting be adopted for 19.58. After a pause, President
Lams declared the motion dead for lack of a second. It
was moved by Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee
Casterline that the statement previously ready by Trustee
Norris be adopted. Trustee Willer reviewed certain
January 14, 1958
'~1\: ""Z. ':J:
sections of the statement read by Trustee Norris including
IF, 2A, and 2C. Trustee Schlaver expressed the view that
he disagreed with lA am the first sentence of IF. He also
requested clarification of lG. Trustee Airey stated than an
emergency station wagon, ~quipped with an inhalator, had
been discussed as a possible additional emergency service
for the citizens of Mount Prospect. There being no further
discussion, the President put the question and the Clerk
called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: Trustees
Airey, Broad, Casterline, Norris and Willer; Nays: Trustee
Schlaver, whereupon the President declared the motion
Trustee Schlaver read a proposed ordinance No. 595
It was moved by Trustee Schlaver and seconded by Trustee
Norris that ordinance No. 595 be passed. The President
put the question and the Clerk called the roll, wi th the
following re'sponse: Ayes: Trustee Airey, Broad, Casterline,
Norris, Schlaver and Willer; Nays: None; whereupon the
President declared the motion carried and Ordinance No.
595 passed and approved.
Trustee Schlaver referred to a letter rrom Mr.
Wesley Parker, District Executive or the Boy Scouts' of
America, requesting permission to carry out a scout
campaign for the period of October 15th to November 1st,
1958. This matter was referred to the Village Manager.
A motion was made by Trustee Willer and seconded
by Trustee Norris, that the Village Manager be authorized
to take bids for garbage collection ror the year beginning
May 1, 1958. The Presiden t put the question and the vote
was taken by acclamation, whereupon the President declared
the motion carried.
Village Manager Appleby reported that Brickman Home
Builders have requested the attitude of the Village on
improving Highland Avenue from Elmhurst to Forest, and
the east side of Forest rrom Highland to Foundry Road,
and have indicated they might be willing to pick up the
Special AssessMent bonds for this area. This matter was
ref'erred to the Street Committee o-YT'President Lams.
President Lams then read the rollowing letter:
January 14, 1958
Hon. Theodore A. Lams
Village President
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Dear Mr. Lams:
It is recommended that Mrs. Laura Conroy be appointed
Village Treasurer and Collector on an interim basis,
Respectfully submitted,
sf H. G. Appleby, Village Manager
President ~ams ~hen read the'rollowing communication:
January 14, 1958
The Board of Trustees
Village of Mount Prospect
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Upon the recommendation of the Village Manager, I hereby
appoint Mrs. Laura Conroy, on an interim basis, Treasurer
and Collector for the Village of Mount Prospect and request
January 14, 1958
4 /I: rc~
. 1:~
your concurrence therein.
sf Theodore A. Lams
Presiden t
The following motion was then made by Trustee Airey
and seconded by Trustee Casterline:
I move to concur in the recommendation by the President of
.the appointment, effective immediately, of Mrs. Laura Conroy
as acting Village Collector-Treasurer, that she is hereby
authorized to sign checks drawn by the Village of Mount
Prospe~t, that she be qualified to so serve upon filing a
satisfactory bond, in the amount of $50,000.00, as required
by the village ordinance, and that during the period in whicr
she so acts she be paid an amount, in addition to her
present regular compensation, or $100.00 per month while so
serving as acting Village Collector-Treasurer.
The President put the question and the Clerk called the roll~
with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None, whereupor
the President declared the motion carried.
i~- '::J
President Lams read the final paragraph of a letter
fromMr. Robert J. Downing dated January 2, 1958 referring
to tax objections filed against the Village of Mount Prospect
as rollows:
'..... <\t.'
Will you kindly advise with respect to your thinking as to
the proposed settlement as quickly as possible. As soon
as that information is received, I shall then take the
necessary steps in order that we may work out the settlement
and contact the County Treasurer. in order to secure a
release of a substantial portion of the funds he is now
It was moved by Trustee Airey and seconded by Trustee Broad
that the Village Attorney be authorized to represent the
Village or Mount Prospect to settle tax objections as
filed by Mr. ~~rk Mooney, attorney at Holt and Kearney for
the following amounts:
$ . 028
The President put the que stion and the Clerk called the
roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None,
whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
Trustee Schlaver requested reassignment rrom the
Finance Committee to another Committee. President Lams
stated he would consider the matter.
There being no further business to come before the
Board, it was moved by 'I'rustee Broad and seconded by
Trustee Norris, that the meeting be adjourned. The
President put the question and the vote was taken by
acclamation, whereupon the President declared the motion
carried and the meeting regularly adjourned at 10:05 P.M.
aJ~ N, ~
Will iam R. Kei th
Village Clerk
January 14, 1958