HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/25/1958 VB minutes
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Village Manager Appleby informed the Board of a problem
confronting Mr. Erwin M. Hurt pertaining to property located
on the west side of Main Street and between Centre~ Road and
Henry Street.
It was moved by Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee
Norris that the Board concur in the recommendation and plann-
ing of the State highway Department with respect to side-
walks on the west side of Main Street from Henry Street to
Central Road. The President put the question and the Clerk
called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: Trustees
Airey, Broad, Casterline, Norris, Schlaver and Willer. Nays:
None; whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
Village Manager Appleby informed the Board tilat he had
received the information that the 90 day U. S. Treasury
notes purchased by the Village with Special Assessment Funds
will earn 1.53% interest.
Mr. William Mott commented on progress of proceedings
pertaining to the Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Mount
Prospect and Palatine Water Commission.
Hr. Mokate commented on lack of sidewalks and a full
width street on Elmhurst Avenue between Northwest Highway
and Henry Street. He also commented on the proposed
entrances to the Hurt property on Central Road, immediately
west of Main Street. Mr. Mokate protested the lack of cross-
ing guards at the intersection of Main and Central Road for
the days of December 3, 4 and 5. He suggested an underpass
or overpass at this intersection. Police Ohief Whittenberg
expressed the dire need for more crossing guards. Trustee
Casterline suggested that the job be publicized as a public
Mr. O'Connor requested that reference to "Do not apply
during freezing weather" be omitted from future Village auto-
mobile license stickers. He also made other comments relative
to Village license stickers.
There being no further business to come before the Board,
it was moved by Trustee Broad and seconded by Trustee Airey
that the meeting be adjourned. The President put the
question and the vote was taken by acclamation; whereupon the
President declared the motion carried and the meeti.ng regularly
adjourned at 10:41 P.M.
William H. Keith
Village Clerk
The meeting was oalled to order at 8:09 P.M. by President Lams and the Clerk
was then direoted to oall the roll.
On roll call, the following Trustees answered ttPresent": Trustee Airey, Broad,
Norris, Schlaver and Willer. Absent: Trustee Casterline.
All Trustees having previously reoeived oopies of the minutes of a meeting
held Maroh 18, 1958, a motion was made by Trustee Norris and seconded by
Trustee Broad that the minutes be approved as submitted. The President
put the question and the Clerk oalled the roll, with the following response:
Ayes: Trustees Airey, Broad, Norris, Sohlaver and Willer. Nays: None. Absent:
Trustee Casterline; whereupon the President declared the motion oarried and
said minutes approved as submitted.
President Lams read the following letter:
t-1arch 25 ~ 1958
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Maroh 24, 1958
President and Board of Trustees
Village of Mount Prospect
Mount Prospect, Illinois
We, being members of the Northeast Homeowners Association of Mount
Prospect, Ino., respectfully submit this as our formal objeotion to the
annexation by the Village of Mount Prospeot of any territor,y looated
contiguous to the Village, whioh is developed, or proposed to be
developed, for shopping center purposes and/or for residences whioh
fail to comply with the minimum standars of the present Village COde,
and hereby petition tbe President and Board of Trustees to oppose or
1. Any petition for annexation of suoh territor,y to the Village of
Mount Prospeot.
2. Any petition to rezone property hereafter annexed to the Village
whioh is proposed to be used for the above purposes, and
;. Any applioations for zoning reclassifioation addressed to the Zoning
Board of Appeals of Cook County and the Board of Commissioners of
Cook County, Illinois, pertaining to any property looated within
one and one-half (It) miles of the perimeter of the Village of
Mount Prospeot, where it is proposed and said property shall be
used for the above purposes.
- ~
At the March 20, 1958 meeting a unanimous vote of the membership was
cast in favor of making written protest to the President and Board of
Trustees in acoordanoe with the above statements.
Very truly yours,
Northeast Home Owners Assocation
S/ Donald A. Willis
This letter was referred to the Village Clerk for file.
President Lams then read the following letter:
Maroh 5, 1958
Mr. T.Lams, Village President
Members of the Board of Trustees
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
Dear Sirs:
This letter is being written in regard to the rezoning petition
conoerning three lots looated at the southwest oorner of the inter-
section at Golf Road (Route 58) and Elmhurst Road (Route 83), referred
to as Case 58-2, hearing held on Februar,y 28, 1958, and for the purpose
of olarifioation of the position of the Sunset Park Community AssooiatioI
A question was raised in your hearing to the effect that the statement mE
by the undersigned were not valid in view of the fact that our position
was not determined by unaminous vote. For the purpose of olarity we
would like to state the following:
The Sunset Park Community Assooiation is a non-profit organization
whose constitution and by-laws are registered with the Offioe of the
Seoretar,y of State, State of Illinois. Our constitution provides that
a simple majority shall rule in all issues that are brough to vote.
This in itself clearly illustrates that the oomments made as to the vote
count of 28 in opposition to rezoning the area to B-1 and 19 against the
opposition to rezoning, as a majority, thus oomplying with out
oonstitution and by-laws.
We would like to also state for the record that the 19 dissenting
votes were not all oast by those holding membership in their
association. The others were permitted to vote as a courtesy to them,
because while they were not members, they do reside in the area affeoted.
The 28 assenting votes registered in opposition to the rezoning and the
19 dissenting were cast as to the resolution: "Should the Sunset Park
March 25, 1958
Assooiation oppose the rezoning of the property on the southwest corner
of Golf Road (Route 58) and Elmhurst Road (Route 83) to B-1 for the
purpose of a shopping center." The majority oarried and our position
in this matter was decided. We were fully aware that 28 votes may not
be a suffioient number to determine the will of the total membership
in this Assooiation. We therefore oiroulated the petition presented
at your hearing by James V. Springrose, and this petition reveals that
in excess of 85% of our total membership registered their approval of
the position taken by the Sunset Park Assooiation.
An effective job oan not be done by simply appearing before your
Board and stating that we oppose the petition for rezoning without
giving specific points whioh we feel worthy of consideration. In
the formulation of these points, the undersigned appointed a oommittee
to draft our comments based on those points oonsidered by your Board
as provided in section l6E of the Village Code. It is olearly within
our by-laws that the authority to appoint such a committee is within
the power of the president, and we feel that those oomments challeng-
ing this authority are without basis. We request your Board to oonsider
them as the oomments of an individual only.
Respeotfully submitted,
sf AJ:fred s. Lankus
Presiden t.
The above letter was referred to the Village Clerk for file.
Trustee Broad oommented that the Building Committee had given
much thought to the proper olassifioation of the underground family
room of a bi-level home. He stated that the Committee reoommends
that such areas whioh do not qualify under the definition of a base-
ment, be olassed as a living area unless the area in question is
separated from the rest of the building by a door at the top of the
stairoase. Basement areas would not require the 1 hour fire rating
oonstruotion as defined by ordinanoe. An informal poll of Trustees
present resulted in the opinion that the only portion of a basement
area in a bi-level home whioh requires a 1 hour fire rating, is the
stairwell leading from living area to basement area.
At the recommendation of Trustee Willer, Trustee Broad indioated
that an ordinance would be oonsidered properly defining the under-
ground living area of a bi=level home.
The following motion was then made by Trustee Broad and seoonded
by Trustee Airey: "That the Village Attorney be direoted to prepare
an ordinance with reference to the Cook County Code on septio systems;
and that the requirements be as stringent as Cook County requirements,
or if the Village requirements are more stringent, then those require-
ments will prevail." The President put the question and the Clerk
oalled the roll, with the following response: Ayes: Trustees Airey,
Broad, Norris, Schlaver and Willer. Nays: None. Absent: Trustee
Casterline; whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
Trustee Schlaver reported that the Fire Department had responded
to 7 grass fires over the week-end. He suggested the drafting of an
ordinance to cause the liability and cost of answering an unauthorized
grass fire to be passed on to the propert,y owner.
/iW The foU.2!Vjpg motion was then made by Trustee Sohlaver and seconded
(t/by Trustee ~ "I move that the Judiciary Committee prepare a
direction to the Village Attorney for establishing a penalty when an
unneoessary grass fire is caused." The President put the question
and the Clerk oalled the roll, with the following response: Ayes:
Trustee Airey, Broad, Norris, Sohlaver and Willer. Nays: None. Absent:
Trustee Casterline; whereupon the President declared the motion
The following motion was made by Trustee Sohlaver and seoonded
by Trustee Willer: "1 move that President Lams be requested to appoint
a committee of three, oonsisting of one representative from each of
the following organizations: Chamber of Commerce, Junio~ Chamber of
Commeroe and the Lions Club. This committee to be appointed for the
purpose of making proposals to the Village Board for alleviating the
business section Parking Problem. Such a study to be made in
ooncurrenoe with the firm of Evert Kinoaid and Associates." The
President put the question and the Cvote was taken by acolamation;
whereupon the President declared the motion oarried.
~larch 25 ~ 1958
I ,4 8Fi~
It was moved by Trustee Airey and seconded by Trustee Norris
that the List of Bills to be paid as of March 25, 1958, be approved for
payment. The President put the question and the Clerk oalled the roll,
with the following response: Ayes: Trustees Airey, Broad, Norris,
Sohlaver and Willer. Nays: None. Absent: Trustee Casterline; whereupon
the President deolared the motion carried.
A matter concerning the proposed sidewalk leading to the Foot
Bridge over Weller Creek on Main Street was referred to the Sidewalk
Committee by President Lams.
Trustee Willer stated that the Village Attorney had reported that
the Illinois State Supreme Court has decided in favor of the Village of
Mount Prospect with respect to a oase of Skrysak vs. the Village of
Mount Prospect.
Trustee Willer read the following memorandum:
Maroh 21, 1958
To'the Board of Trustees
Village of Mount Prospect
Mount Prospeot, Illinois
Memorandum from the Board of Appeals Concerning.Case 58-2
- '"
Case 58-2 oonoerns itself with 3 lots looated at the southwest
oorner of the intersection of Golf Road and Elmhurst Road and consists
of approximately 15 acres of property. Said property is presently in the
County of Cook and zoned F (Farming) by the County. The Petitioner
requests the annexation of said property to the Village, as well as a
zoning of said property to B-1 (Business-Shopping Center). In the hearin
held on February 28 before the Board of Appeals, the following arguments
for and against were presented:
The arguments aginst the petitioner were as follows:
That the existing shopping facilities, with few exceptions, were
and are sufficient at the present time and that the oreation of new
shopping facilities with parking faoilities was not a pressing problem
to the Village at this time. This argument, together with the argument
that the existence of such shopping oenter would be detrimental to the
merohants in town and detrimental to the oentral business development,
was presented by the Chamber of Commeroe.
The seoond argument presented against the petitioner was that the
granting of the petition would greatly add to the sewer problems in the
Lonnquist Subdivision, and thirdly that there was an insufficient head
of water for fire proteotion for the property petitioned in the
surrounding property. This argument was advanced by the Lonnquist
Subdivision objeotors.
The arguments advanoed in favor of the petitioner, were as follows:
First, that the subjeot site met all the physioal and looation
requirements for a suooessful retail distriot. Seoondly, that the
establishm~t of a shopping center is eoonomioall justified by existing
population conoentration. Thirdly, the establishment of suoh a shopping
oenter has the oonourrence of the professional planners, the Kinoaid
firm. Four, that there was a dire need of more shopping facilities with
off-street parking in and near the Village. Next, that this development
would render revenue to the Village in the form of inoreased sales tax.
Next, that of the Golf Road objectors, the only.one of :four legally
entitled to object, did object. That the off~street parking ratio of the
proposed site was oomputed at 6i to 1, in other words, there was 6i squar
foot of parking to every 1 square foot of buiwding area. From the
hearing it became evident that the petitioner and present owner of the
property, Mr. Di Muoci, would not be the developer of the property; that
the property would be sold to an Undisclosed purchaser; that this
purohaser would hire the Arthur Rubloff & Company for the purpose of
developing the site into a shopping oenter.
Although the intention to develop the property to a shopping center
was brought forth by the petitioner and Arthur Rutiloff Company, it was
noted by the Board of Appeals that there was no evidence of a oontractual
relationship either between the petitioner and owner and the purchaser,
or between the purchaser and the Arthur Rubloff & Company. The Board
felt that although the identit' of the purohaser was of no importance
in its consideration, its intention as to land use or its intention to
use the property in a particular manner was a definite ooncern to the
t'1arch 25, 1958
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Board and it was difficult for the Board to ~derstand the laok of
any formal agreements between the petitioner and purchaser and the
lack of agreement between the purohaser and the Arthur Rub 1 off &
The Board of Appeals was also concerned with the drainage
problem. It was understood by the Board that the carry-off in the
vioinity of the petitioned property is at an acute stage and that
new sewer'connections have not been recommended by the Village
Engineers. The petitioner and the Arthur Rubloff & Company although
reoognizing the sewer problem in their presentation, made no conorete
proposal as to its solution or as to how they might aid in its
solution. .
In oonsidering the application for ZOfiihgcin Case 58-2, it was
felt that before the Board oould give a formal reoommendation that
there would have to be evidence of a oontraotual relationship
between the petitioner, the prospeotive purohaser, as well as
evidence of a oontraotual relationship between the prospeotive
purchaser and the Arthur Rubloff & Company.
The Board also felt that an additional ingredient to its
decision would be that a concrete solution to the sewer problem
be presented by the petitioner and a showing what he was willing
to do to solve that particular problem and evidence that the solution
proposed would be satisfactory to the Village Engineers.
Sinoe these particular items were not brought out at the
public hearing and therefore could not properly be entertained or
oonsidered by the Board, it was felt that it would be not only
desirable but necessary that there be a subsequent publio hearing
which would inolude in its oonsiderations the above evidenoe and
proposed solutions, which have been outlined.
sf E. F. Martin, Chairman
sf E. c. Hofert, Seoretary
At the recommendation of Trustee Willer, President Lams
referred this matter to the Judioiary Committee for further study.
It was moved by Trustee Willer and seconded by Trustee Norris
that the Village Manager be authorized to open 2 sealed bids
pertaining to the removal of garbage in the Village of Mount
Prospeot for a period from May 1, 1958 through April 30, 1959.
The President put the question and the vote was taken by aoolam-
ation; whereupon the President declared the motion oarried.
Village Manager Appleby then read the following bids:
March 21, 1958
H. G. Appleby, Village Manager
Village of Mount Prospect
112 East Northwest Highway
Mount Prospeot, Illinois
We propose to colleot the residential trash and garbage in the
Village of Mount Prospect in accordanoe with the terms of your
invitation to bid dated March 6, 1958 as follows:
A. For a one year period, we to furnish a performanoe bond
for the estimated amount of the contraot - $1.25 per
pick up per month.
B. For a one year period without a performance bond - $1.22i
per pickup per month.
C. For a five year period, we to furnish an annual performance
bond for the estimated amount of the oontract for that year -
$1.23 per piok up per month.
D. For a five year period without a performance bond - $1.0~
per pick up per month.
For every 1% inorease or deorease in our labor rate as
March 25, 1958 '
f I~ Q:l9
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provided by union contraot, our prioe for the sucoeeding year will be
adjusted up or down by 4/5 of l%.
E. Addition to the preceeding 4 bids if grass olippings are oollected
May 1 through September 30 - $.50 per piokup per month foro the
five months in which pickups are made.
We have been in the soavenger business for seven years, working
principally in and about Glenview, Illinois. We use only the latest
modernpaoker-type truoks and dispose of our refuse at the Metropolitan
Disposal Co., Ino., a landfill operation in Glenview, Illinois.
We shall be very happy to have your favorable reaotion to this bid.
Please do not hesitate to get in touoh with us if further information
is required.
Very truly yours,
Maroh 20, 1958
Village of Mount Prospeot
112 East Northwest Highway
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
'" ""
Attention: Mr. H. G. Appleby
Village Manager
Dear Sir:
In accordanoe with your invitation to bid on the removal of residential
trash and garbage in the Village of Mt. Prospeot, we are pleased to
submit our bid as follows:
A. For a one year period from May 1, 1958 through April 30,
1959, with a performance bond - $1.19 per family per month.
ALTERNATE: The same as (A) but without a performance bond -
$1.17 per family per month.
B. For a five year period from May 1, 1958 through April 30, 199~,
with a performance bond - $1.16 per family per month.
ALTERNATE: The same as (B) but wi thou t a. performanoe bond -
$1.14 per family per month.
C. Grass clippings will be oollected from May 1st through
September 30th regardless of the volume involved at a prioe
of 20~ per family per month, or a total of $2.40 per year
per family.
Under the five year plan, oompensation payable to Contraotor shall
be adjusted annually, based on ohanges in oost of doing business, as
measured by oost of wages paid to Contractors employees under union
contract. In the event that during any year of this disposal oontraot,
the Contractor's wages to union employees shall be inoreased or deoreased
by union contraot, then in the next suooeeding year of the disposal
contract, the oompensation to the Contraotor shall be increased or deoreas
ed in a peroentage amount equal to three-fourths (3/4) of the percentage
inorease or deorease which shall have ocourred with respeot to the wages
paid under the Contractor's said union oontract.
As you know, we have been serving your town on contract for the past
number of years, as well as a great many of the towns and villages in
northern illinois. We serve more people in the state of Illinois than
any other private scavenger. We would propose to collect the refuse in
fully enclosed, leakproof, paoker type trucks as we have done in the
past in your Village. The garbage and trash will be disposed of in our
own sanitary landfill on Mundank Road, Barrington, Illinois. The work
will be done by union men, and because of the vastness of our operation,
we will have no difficulty in having suffioient personnel at all times
to perform the contraot.
If we oan be of any further servioe, or if there are any questions,
Barch 25, 1958
4 9 0 t/
ple~se feel free to oall.
Very truly yours,
sf J. Vanderveld, Jr.
Exeoutive Vioe President.
Both of the above read bids were referred to the Street Committee
by President Lams.
Trustee Broad referred to proposed ordinance No. 601. AN ORD-
Trustee Broad and seconded by Trustee Norris that Ordinance No.
601 be passed. The President put the question and the Clerk
oalled the roll, with the following response: Ayes: Trustees Airey,
Broad, Norris, Schlaver and Willer. Nays: None. Absent: Trustee
Casterline; whereupon the President deolared the motion oarried and
Ordinanoe No. 601 passed and approved.
Village Manager Appleby read the following letter:
Maroh 21, 1958
Mr. H. G. Appleby
Village Manager
Village of Mount Prospeot
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Re: Seotion 117-1618 M.F.T.
Central Road
Arlington Heights Rd. to Northwest
Hwy. Agreement with Village of Mount
Dear Sir:
The Highway Improvement Plan, adopted Deoember 27th, 1957, by the
Board of County Commissioners of Cook County, provides for the
improvement of Central Road between Arlington Heights Road and
Northwest Highway. This improvement shall oonsist of the widening
of the present two lane pavement to a four lane pavement with
bituminous surface thereon together with curbs and gutters, drain-
age structures and other highway appurtenances.
Transmitted herewith for tentative approval is a draftof an agree-
ment to be entered into between your Village and the County. This
draft provides that a token payment be made to the County to pay
part of the cost of the curbs and gutters and the drainage structures
whioh you requested be construoted within your Village's oorporate
limits. It also provides that your Village shall aoquire the
neoessary right of way and dedicate the same for highway purposes.
If this draft of agreement meets with your Village Board's approval,
please advise me so that we may obtain tentative approval from the
State Division of Highways whioh we must seoure before the formal
agreements together with the neoessary resolutions oan be prepared
for execution~
We expect to place this highway improvement under contract within
the next six months, therefore your cooperation in expediting this
matter will be to our mutual advantage.
Very truly yours,
sf William J. Mortimer
Superintendent of Highways
Cook County, Illinois
The above read letter was referred to the Street Committee by
President Lams.
Village ~ager Appleby then read the following letter:
March 19, 1958
Honorable President and
Board of Truste~s
Village of Mount Prospect
Harch 2
Village Hall
Mount Prospect, Illinois
J ..
,() ....1
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~f~.1! 1
Re: Resurfaoing Projeot
Elmhurs t Road
~vanston-Elgin Road to
Northwest Hwy. Seotion 013-0405.2-MFT
Enolosed herewi~ is a oopy of the paving plan for the subject improvemen1
to be oonstruoted in the Village of Mount Prospect for your approval and
It is the polioy of the Board of Commissioners of Cook County and this
Department to advise the officials of a munioipality of a contemplated
project within their Village, City or Town limits, for the purpose of
general information.
We respectfully request that you adopt and approve the necessary
resolution for this project; two (2) oopies of a resolution that may be
used~are enolosed.
,. ~
This improvement will be paid for with Motor Fuel Tax Funds of Cook
County, therefore, it is neoessary that we make oertain the Highway Fund
will be spent to provide for the most effioient movements of vehicles
and relief of traffio oongestion, and ~ for the construction
of expensive parking areas.
In view of the above we urge that your Village Board pass an ordinance,
a copy of whioh is attached, to Prohibit Parking on Elmhurst ROad,
within the limits of the Village of Mount Prospeot, between Evanston-
Elgin Road and Northwest Highway.
In order to assure early oonstruotion of this improvement, it is
respectfully requested that your approval and oopy of the resolution
and no parking ordinance be forwarded to this offioe at the earliest
possible date.
Thanking you for your immediate attention in this matter, I am
Very truly yours,
S/ William J. Mortimer
Superintendent of Highways
Cook County, Illinois
The above read letter was referred to the Judioiary Committee by
President Lams.
Village Manager Appleby then read the following communication:
March 4, 1958
Village of Mt. Prospect
President and Board of Trustees
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
RE: Randview Highlands Subdivision
Uni t #2
Mt. Prospeot, Illinois
C. T. & A. 56-154
The plans with referenoe to the above show half streets on Highland
and Forest Avenues of 15-l/2 ft. widths. We request that suoh pavement
widths be reduced to 13-1/2 ft. baok of curb to back of retaining curb.
We have, heretofore, requested that the village place a special
assessment to cover the paving of the remaining half of both of these
streets. The property owners on south side of Highland Avenue to pay for
the special assessment of Highland Avenue and the property owners to the
west of Forest Avenue to pay for the speoial assessment on Forest Avenue,
inasmuoh as we will pay for the paving of the east half of Forest and the
north half of Highland. We refer to Consoer, Townsend and Assooiates's
letter of November 20, 1957, paragraph #3, wherein they deem full streets
on Forest and Highland Avenues are a neoessity. To faoilitate the
special assessment previously mentioned, we will "piok up" the bonds.
We think that in fairness to all parties oonoerned that the above matter
should be acted upon by the village as soon as possible, and we would
M:irch 2
5~ 1958
'~ll'i /
like to know of your disposition of this matter.
Ver,y truly yours,
sf Morely Briokman
This matter was referred to both the Street Committee and Judiciary
Committee by President Lams.
Several citizens oommented from the floor on zoning cases that have
been heard,:orare to be heaml,'before' the Board of Appeals..:C-itizens
offering comments were: Mr. James V. Springrose, 911 I-Oka, Mr. James
Bristol, 415 S. Albert Street, Mr. Donald A. Wills, Mr. Harry Christensen,
Mr. Robert Smith of 214 N. Louis Street and Mrs. Sally Higgins of 909 S. Ioka.
There being no further business to oome before the Board, it was moved
by Trustee Norris and seoonded by Trustee Broad that the meeting be adjourned.
The President put the question and the vote was taken by acclamation;
whereupon the President declared the motion oarried and the meeting
regularly adjourned at 9:44 P.M.
zd~~ #~
William H. Keith
Village Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 8:12 P.M. by President Lams and the
Clerk was then directed to oall the roll.
On roll call, the following Trustees answered "Present": Airey, Broad,
Norris, Schlaver and Willer. Absent: Trustee Casterline.
All Trustees having previously received copies of the minutes of the
meeting held Maroh 25, 1958, a motion was made by Trustee Norris and seoonded
by Trustee Broad that the minutes be approved as submitted. The President
put the question and the Clerk oalled the roll, with the following response:
Ayes: Trustees Airey, Broad, Norris, Schlaver and Willer. Nays: None. Absent:
Trustee Casterline; whereupon the President declared the motion carried and
said minutes approved as submitted.
President Lams read the following oommunication:
Mount Prospeot, Illinois
Maroh 31, 1958
President and Board of Trustees
Village of Mount Prospect
We, the undersigned Homeowners constituting 20% or more of the frontge
directly opposite the land to be annexed and rezoned under Case 58-5, do
hereby protest any proposed amendment of the Zoning Ordinance of the
Village of Mount Prospeot in accordance with provisions of Seotion 20,
Paragraph B of the Zoning Ordinanoe.
Our objections to the petition for rezoning and annexation of the 1.181
acres are aw follows:-
1. Inadequate buffer zone between existing R-l property in the Village
and the proposed B-3business property of Parcels 1 and 2.
2. Establishment of an exit to heavily traveled Rand Road from Highland
Avenue produoes several serious traffio problems.
3. The builders plat plan of Parcel 3, Zone R-3 shows two driveways
leading from rear parking areas that enter Highland Avenue in the
Ipril l~ 1958
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