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ON TlfESDAY JULY 19, 1955
The meeting was called to order by President Lmus at 8:20
P.N. and the Clerk was then directed to call the roll.
On roll call the following Trustees ansv-Jered lfPresentit:
Airey, 0chlaver, Viger and Wilson. Trustees Wier and Willer were
absent on roll call.
The follm..ring resolution was then introduced by 'frustee
Schlaver and read by the Clerk:
A RE~OLUTION - No. 11-55
HPJ:;RE/I.S the Creator vJho had allowed him such a long and
useful life spanning 91 years has seen fit on July 16,
1955, to remove from this earthly sphere the soul of
William Busse.
AND WHEREAS we as Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect
are conscious of the many and lasting contributions he has
made to theorderly development of the conllTIunity.
AND ~'HillREAS he irlaS the first president of the Village of
Mount Prospect, holding that office for 12 years, from
1917 through 1929.
AND tl1HEREAS he contributed Hisely and diligently to the
subdivision planning andother necessary steps in advancing
the permanent stature of this village.
BE IT RESOLV~ in this July 19, 1955, meeting of the Board
of 'llrustees of the Village of Hount Prospect assembled that
1tJe spread on the permanent records of the Village Clelok this
public acknowledgment of the unselfish service of the de-
parted vJilliam Busse and order a moment of silence in our
deliberations in respect to his memory.
A motion was then made by 'I'rustee Schlaver, seconded by
Viger, that the resolution be adopted. ']Jle President put the
question, the Clerk called the roll, with the followir:g response:
Ayes: All; Na~ys: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion
carried and said resolution adopted. President Lams then request-
ed that those assem.bled arise and pa:sr silent tribute to former
Commissioner Busse.
The Trustees having previously received copies of the
minutes of the regular meeting held July 5, 1955, a motion 1,-ras
made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Airey, that the minutes be
approved as submitted. 1he President put the question, the Clerk
called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays:
None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried and
said minutes approved.
A motion was made by 'I'rustee 8chlaver, seconded by Airey,
that the 'rreasurer's Report for period ending June 30, 1955, be
approved and placed on file. The President put the question, the
Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was then made by Trustee Viger, seconded by
Schlaver, that the Treasurer's Report of the ~pecial Assessment
Fund be approved and placed on file. The motion was voted upon
by acclfu"11a tion 'tihereupon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was then :~nade by 'l'rustee Schlaver, seconded by
Airey, that tc'le bills for the month of June... as approved by the
Finance Committee.:> be ap proved for payment. - 'l'he President put the
question, the Clerk called the roll, if.rith the following response:
A:sres: All; Nays: None. Thereupon tIle President declared the
motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Viger,
to approve the bill of Howard Bryant in the a.."'TIount of ~l1772.6l for
legal services and .help in formulating legislation covering
drainage problems. 'The President put the question, the Clerk
called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays:
None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
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A motion was then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded b~
Wilson, to approve payment of bill in the amount of ~403.8l to
Hilburn Bros. for the Villages.' share of 25% of paving costs
covering work in Milburn Avenue i block west of WaPella. The
President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with thE
,following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the
President declared the motion carried.
Resolution No. 12-55 entitled: uRESOLUTION DESIGNATING
tc"1en read. A motion w as then made bj~ Trustee Schlaver,
seconded by Viger, that this resolution be adopted. The
President pu t the questiop., the Clerk called the roll, 'Vu th the
following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the
President declared the motion. carried.
A motion was then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded b~
Wilson, to approve paj~ent in the amount of $1,371.89 to
Consoer, To~msend & Associates from the Prank Serafine Escrow
Account for engineering services in connection with constructio:
of curb and gutters, sidewalk and drainage structures in the
Frank Serafine Subdivision from April 1954 thru December 1954.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, iVitb
the following response: Ayes: All; l\,ays: l\)one. 'I'hereupon the
President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wilson,
to approve plans and specifications submitted by Consoer, Town-
send & Associates under date of June 6, 1955, for the construc-
tion of sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water mains, pavement,
curb and gutter, sidewalk and drainage appurtenances in We-Go
Park Subdivision Unit No.2 subject to suitable escrow agree-
ment being set up. The President put the question, the Clerk
called the roll, with the follmving response: Ayes: All; Na~'s:
None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
Trustees Willer and Wier arrived and took their places
at 8: 50 P. I'll. .
A motion was made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by
Hiller, to authorize the services of Nels J. Johnson of
Evanston, Illinois during the month of A~gust 1955, for trim-
ming village trees at rates quoted in proposal dated July 11,
1955, namely Foreman ;iP3.50 per hour, 2 trirrJ...rners at ~~3.20 per
hour. '1'he President put the question, the Clerk called the
roll, TtJi th the fo1101.ving res'J9nse: Aye s: All; Na;ys: None.
Thereupon t he President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Wier,
to authorize the expenditure not to exceed $600.00 for clean-
ing of sewers in Kenilworth, vvaverl;~l and l'ienry btreets in Pick!
Subdivision. The President put the question, the Clerk called
the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Na~ls: None.
:thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
The following petition 'was then read:
Mt~ Prospect, Illinois
July 17, 1955
President & i'Iembers of the Board of 'I'rustees
Village of Mount Prospect
Village Hall
Mount Prospect, Illinois
I, the undersigned, being the Owner of Record, of the property
herein described, and by this peti tion :rr equest that the same be
granted a \tnon-comforming use" to permit a professional buildine
to be constructed on the property presently zoned as IlR_Y'
Apartment District.
The property in question is located at the South-West corner of
Ioka Avenue and Prospect Avenue and legally described as Lot 30
in H. Roy Berry Co. Colonial nanor being a subdi-vision of part
of the NEt of Sec. 12 all in Township 41 north range 11 east or
the 3rd principal meridian in Cook County Illinois.
The enclosed check payable to the Village of" :Nount Prospe.ct in
the amount of Ninety' Dollars ($90.00) is to cover thecost of the
public hearing.
The adjacent property owners have been approached on this matter
and at the time of the pub-lie hearing, evidence can be submmitted
to the effect tha.t they are not opposed to such a project.
Very truly your s,
Charles H. Shaner," D.D.~.
A motion was made by Trustee ~Viller, seconded by vJier,
that this petition be referred to the Zoning Co~nission for the
holding of a public hearing and their recommendations. The motion
was vo.ted upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the
motion carried.
Trustee Willer then read the following letter:
Charles J. Walters
Attorney at Law
State Bank Building
Palatine, Illinois
July 16, 1955
Chairman of the Finance Committee
Village of Mount Prospect
Municipal Building
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Dear Sir:
I represent Herman and Hathilde Busse who are the Oi'vners
of Lot 2 in the division of the 1tJest Half of the North.ea:t Q,uarter
of Section 14, Town 41 North, Range 11, Bast of the 'l'hird Principal
Heridian; which said real estate was assessed under. Special Asses-
ment VJarrant No. 25 of the Village of Hount Prospect for "Jater
mains in Llmhurst Road and other streets, confirmed l1arch 5, 1928.
Installments No.7, 8, 9 and 10 in the amount of $228.85
each, remain unpaid.
I hereby request you to sell and assign the liens of' the
said special assessment ~:"rarrant No. 25 for the sum of' $915.40,
which SUI.1 1s,100% of the principal as assessed. We will pay the
cost of preparing the necessar'y ordinance and assignment.
Charles J. Walters
A motion was tilen made by Trustee Willer, seconded by
Schlaver, to accept the proposition m1d the foregoing letter and
that the Village Attorney be authorized to prepare an ordinance
to sell and assign the liens as requested. 'rhe President put the
question, the Clerk called the roll, 1fJi th the following response:
Ayes: All; l\Jays: :N'one. 'I'hereupon the President declared the motion
The fol101,Ting Ie tter 'V-las then reucl b~T ':L'rus tee ~Viller:
l1ichael N. Ponte core
11 S. LaSalle ~treet
Chicago 3, Illinois
Village of Mount Prospect
Departr1el1t of Buildings
Village Hall
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Attention: Mr. Ray Willer
,.... .....
On November 29, 1954, Building Permit No. 4301 was is-
sued for a residence at 405 North Dale Street, However, this
permit was not put to use and I understand that the excavation
at the aforesaid address 1<Jas f'illed in by the Village. Hy
client, Perpon Constl"uction Co., is desirous of pa;)ring for me
filling in of the said excavation and I would appreciate it
very much if you would deduc t the cos t of the s al:ne from the
amount of the building permit and refunding the balance direct]
to my office as soon as possible.
Your prompt attention to this matter will be sinceroly
Yours very t rul~!,
VI. IiI. Pontecore
A motion was then made by 1'rustee Willer, seeonded by
Wier, to authorize a payment of any money left after village
expense incurred in filling the excavation. The President put
the question, the Clerk called the roll, 1rd th the following
response: l-\yes: All; Na;:rs: Hone. fl'hereupon the President de-
clared the motion carried.
Summons No. 55CI0478 Circuit Court of Cook County was
then read. A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by
Viger, that the Village A ttorne;y be authorized to file an
appearance and answer in this case. The President put the
question, the Clerk c; aIled the roll, irli th the fol101<Jing re-
sponse: Ayes: All; Nays: None. 'lhereupon the President declar-
ed the motion carried.
'- .
Trustee Willer then read tl~e following petition:
Gleich Construction Co.
General Contractor
72 If. Broadvmy
Des Plaines, Illinois
The President and Board of Trustees
Village of Hount Prospect, Illinois
The undersigned Elmer P. Gleich and Ellen M. Gleich, being
Owners of the Real ~state described herein, ask your consider-
ation of the following:
To change from R-l, Residential zoning, to I-I, Light Industry,
Parcel !fA';, That part of the ~;Jest fa. of the Northeast ~ 01~
Section 12, Township 41 North, Range 11 East of the 3rd Princip
Heridian lying Southerly of the Southerly line of the right of
1rJay of the Chicago 6: Fforthwestern RaillilG:v together Hi th the
North 1- of the vJest '~ of the South East 1t of' Section 12, 1'own-
ship 4l North, Range 11 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian
(except that part therof lying Northeasterly of the ~outh-
westerly line of the right of l,;ay- of the Chicago & North1rJestern
Raillila:v and except the l{est 210 feet, measured at right angles
to the West line ulerof, of said tract and also except the
South 200 feet, measur~d at right angles to the South line
therof, of said North t of the 4est ~ of said Southeast t, in
Cook Counv,y, Illinois.
To change from R-l, Residential zoning, to R-3, Apartments,
Parcel tlB", the vvest 210 feet, measured at right angles to the
'VJe s t line therof, and the Jou th 200 fee t, measured at right
angles to the South line thel'>o.f, of that part ly~ng East of the
'rJest 210 feet therof of the North t of the ~'Jest ~ of the South
East t of Section 12, Township 41 North, Range 11 East of the
3rd Principal Heridian, in Cook County, Illinois.
Our check in the amount of Ninety Dollars (~p90.00) to cover
preliminary co sts of thms Peti tion :1. s eDclo sed herovd the
Respectfully submitted.
Elmer F. Gleich
Ellen I'/l. Gle ich
A motiQD 1rJas then made bv 'I'rustee ~-Jil1er~ se8ond~d Oy
that th1.s pet:ltion b e ref~rred to the ZODJ..ng 0.l7illUSS1.0n
n r'"
for the holding of a public hearing and tJ:leir recommendation s.
l'he motion 1'Jas voted upon b;y acclarnation \-Jhel~eUpon the 2resident
declared the motion carried.
fTrustee Hiller then read the foll01.Jing peti tion fOl~ an-
nexa ti on:
PET I '1'1 011 FOR Ai:d'1E:ZA'l'ION
Copporate Authorities of Village 01' Nt. Prospect, Illinois:
The undersigned respec tfu1ly r epre sent tha t the~! are the record
owners of the following described real estate:
The hast 110 feet (as measured on the North line)
of that part of the East i of the North West i
of Section 14, 'I'ownship 41 North, Rc.l.nge 11, E"lSt 01">
the 'Ihird l)rincipal Horidian lying north of t:ne
!\Torth line of Golf Road; Also that part of the 'vJest
~ of the N orth,~as t t (except the East 7.38 chains
thereof, a s me asured on the North line (thereof')
lying North of the North. line of Golf Road, in
Cook County, Illinois.
Said real estate is not within the corporate limits of any
municipality but is contiguous to the corporate limits of the
Village of J.\It. Prospect and there are no electors nor residents
residing t;Jereon.
frhe undersigned, being the sole o\'.mers of the property herein-
above referred to are desirous of having said property annexed
to the Village of T"it. ProSDect and havinG said property become
a part of the Village of Nt. Prospect.
Herman Bus se
Mathilde Busse
The affiants, Herman Busse and I!lathilde Busse, being
first duly S1-Jopn on oath depose and say that they have read the
foregoing pe ti tion for annexation; that the;y have eXf..l.c'1lined the
contents of' said pe ti tion and tha t the sarne are the sa.'11e and
ilerman Busse
I''Ia thilde Busse
bef'ore me this 18th day
of July 1955.
Charle s oJ. llla1.ters
Notary Public
Trustee Wil~r then introduced Ordinance No. 447 entitled:
PROSPECT, ILLIHOISn. This ordinance covering the foregoing
A mo tion 'tv-as then made by Trustee v>~iller, seconded by
Wilson, that this ordinance be passed. 'Ihe President put tile
question, the Clerk c aIled the roll, ';,Tith the i'ollovJing response:
Ayes: flll; l'~ays: None. '11hereupon the President declared that the
motion having received the affirmative votes of two-ulirds of the
corporate authorities the motion was passed and said ordinance
passed and approved.
A motion was then made by Trustee Willer, seconded by
Schlaver, to accept performance bonds of. the i~merican. Surety.
Company No. 07-550-869 in the mno.unt of ~2~~?69 ?O~erl~g pavlng.
work on Unit I'To. 1 Country Club 'l.'errace ,suocnvlslofl anoo,bond from
F'ederal Insurance Company No. 79,+7782 in the amount,_o~ ~?~2, 501.38
covering construction of sewer~ and water mains in Unlt ~o. I .
Country Club 'rerrace Subdivision. Tne l)resident put the, quest~on,
the Clerk called the roll, ~.dth the following response: H.yes: .A1.l1;
:T8Y s: None. Thereupon the Pr'e sident declared the motion carried.
..., <!Joo'
. There.~eing no ~urther business to come be~ore the
ll,eetlng a mo "G:on 'VIas made by l'rus tee Viger, seconded b;y iiirey
tnat th~. meetlng be adjourned.. 'I'he 1"10 tion was va ted upon by ,
ac~l~~a'Clon ~hereupon the Presldent aeclared the motion carriel
ana. "cne meetlng regularly adjourned.
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In the absence of President Lams the meeting was
called to order by the Village Cl:erk at 8::20 P.~I..
On rollcall the following Trustees ans1;..Jered tlpresenttl:
Airey, Schlaver, Viger, Wier and Wilson. Trustee Willer was
A motion was then made by Trustee Schlaver seconded
by Wier, to appoint Trustee Viger as President Pro'Tem. The
motion was voted upon by acclamation whereupon the Clerk de-
clared the motion carried and Trustee Viger took the President'
The Trustees having previously received copies o~ the
minutes of the regular meeting held July 19, a motion was madE
by Trustee Wier, seconded by Schlaver, that these minutes be
approved as submitted. The President put the question the
Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ay~s: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carrie
and said minutes approved.
A motion was made by Trustee Airey, seconded by Schlaver
to authorize the Village Attorney to draft an ammendment to thE
Solicitor's Ordinance requiring a 7-day wait after application
before permit is granted. The President put the question, the
Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carriel
A motion was then made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by
Airey, that the Village Clerk be directed to advertise for bie
covering street repair work in Lonnquist Gardens and in Hill-
crest Subdivision this proposed work known as Maintenance 1955,
and that the bids be returnable on Tuesday August 23rd at 8:00
P.M.. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll
with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon
the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Wier,
that the Village pick up the abandoned property consisting of
a miniature railroad allegedly owned by Albert Heller et al
and that the equipment be stored in Mr. Fisher's garage without
charge to the village and the abandomed property disposed o~
according to law. The motion was voted upon by acclamation
whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by
Wilson, that the Village Treasurer be authorized to invest a
sum not to exceed $330,000.00 from The 1954 Water Works RevenUE
Bonds proceeds in 91-day government notes. The President put
the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following
response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President de-
clared the motion carried.
A resolution regarding Lion's Memorial Park passed by
the Mount Prospec~_Park Commission on August 1st, 1955, was
then read.
A motion was then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded
by Wier, that this. resolution be placed on file, The motion
1rlaS voted upon b;f-/acclarnation 1..Jhereupon the President declared
the motion carried.