HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/27/1955 VB minutes )C' ~~ ~~,~ The following letter was tten read: Nay 24, 1955 President, Board of Trustees Village hall Mt. Prospect, Illinois Re: School Street Im- provements in Ellen- dale Subdivision GEm tlemen : ,...,..,..,,'~'\ On bebalf of Gleich Construction Co., we transmit tcrew:!.th for your approval two (2) copies each of plans and specification for the construction of sanitary sewers, storm s8,,'0rs, w3.ter ma.ins and paving improvements in the subject development. Our estimate of construction cost of these improvements is attached hereto. Very truly yours, CONSOER., TmIfTSEND & ASSOCAITES B~,r: 1v'ial t(~r Bodel.. A motion was then made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wilson to approve these plans and specifications as submitted subject to receipt of suitable performance bond or tle execution of a suitable escrow agreement. The President put tte question, tbe Clerk called tbe roll, ,,,i th tr e following response: Aye s: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declarej the votion carried. There being no further business to come before the meeting, a mot;lon was m.'de by Trustee Willer, seconded by Viger, tbat th meeting be adjourned. The motion vms voted upon by acclamation wrereupon the President declared the motion carried and the meeting regularly adjourned. ~ -~ ., ,-, . . u.,. '-- , ~ > ~'...' . .- / .-.. .'.-)- / -. ~ j"' .\. ,,-:-.., ~' ,.-"/ ~~-L~~l~;~ / ( ..~ IvjINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PR~SIDII;NT AIm BOAED OF TRUSTEES HELD IN Tl.E l\lJNI CIP AI. BUIIDII\'G IN l'"OUNT PHOSPECT, ILlIHOIS ON l/ONDAY JUNE 27, 1955 The meeting was called to order by President Larrs at 8:35 F.I"l.') The follov,ling communication \;J& s then r;.~)d.: Jun.. ')h 1 v c.. I , 1955 The Board of Trustees Village of Mount Prospect MOtmt Prospect, Illinois Gentlemen: A Special Neeting o~ tie President and Board of TnJstees will be held on lVlonday, Ju..'l€ 27tr, 1955, for tte purpose of con- sidering an 8.ru:mdment to tr,e $3'70,000.00 Wa tor Revenue Bond Ordinance at the tour of 8:00 P.~.. Cordially yours, Treodore A. Lams Village President Notice Received Date 6-24- 5'- 6-24-55 6-24-55 Name Howard J. Wilson - Trustee J. W. Viger - Trustee Richard L. Airey - Trustee 6-24-55 6-24-55 RaYILond L. lJ'liller - Trustee Robert J. Wier - Trustee ('" ""'" ~,d TLe CL:rk was tben directed to call tIe roll and on roll c' the follm,ling Trustees ans.vlcred f1Pr,3semt": Airey, Vigor, 1ivier, Viillor, and VJil son. Trustee Schlaver \},7'::8 absent. A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Willer, ttat the Village Attorney be autborized to provide i.'l our ordinances ttat rubbish bUrn(~TS b" located no closer tYan twenty fpet from a public sidewalk. TIle President put the question, tIc Clark called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Ther~upon the President declared the motion carried. A motion was then made b~ Trustee Wilson, seconded by Wier, to authorize t:he purcLase of a 12" Asplundh Brush Ct i ppcr for a sum of 1P3010.00 as qtlOted by Asplundh Ctdpper Company from tbeir \'IIneeling, Illinois office. The President put tl e: question, Ue Clerk called the roll, witt the following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried ?~....~/~. "Ii' "''':-~ An ordina."'1cc entitled: "At~ ORDINAl"IJCE amending Sections 4, 5 7,8 and 15 of an Ordinance entitled "M! ORDINANCE autborizing and providing for the issue of $3'70,000 Water Revenue Bonds of tYe VillaGe of lvIount Prospect, Cc'!c'K: County, Illinois, for the purpose of defra~dng the cost of impro~ring and extending tbe present water-works system of said Village, prescribing all of tLe details of said bonds and providing for the collectiJn, segregation and disposition of the revenues of the water-works system of said Village for the purpose of paying the cost of opercltion and maintenance thereof, providing an adequate de- preciation fund tteref9r, an~ paying the principal and interest of said Water Revenue BonJs. 1'1'0 s tben pre sen ted and introduced by Trustee Willer. /' ....:.~ .--." "'~-"-;: A motion was then made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Truste Hilson that the ordinance as in troducr=:d be filed in tte office of tbe Village Clerk for public inspection as proviied by law. TIe President directed the Clerk to call the roll for a vote upo the motion to file the ordinance for public ~~spection. Upon the roll being called the following Trustees voted Aye: Airey, Viger, Wier, lrJiller and Wilson. Nays: None. Abs(,;nt: Sctlaver. Thereupon the President declared tte motion carried and then directed tte Clerk to file said ordj_nancf: for public inspection in his office. The following letter was tten read: June 24, 1955 Mr. Ra~ny;ond 1. Willer, Trustee Village of Mount Prospect MuniCipal Building 112 E. Northwest Eighway Mount Prospect, Illinois Dear Er. Willer: We have your letter of June 23, 1955 in '.vhich you CarL our attention to '.:1 e gro\Ntt of :f/lOU,[lt Prospect and tYe accompanying transportation problems. Our representative ,Jill contact Sou sometime vIi tldn the next ",reek. Ttank you for calling tr is matter to our attention. Very truly yours, UNIT2D feTOR COACH CO. By: Leonard E. Manuel General IvJanager Summons No. 55S94(-;3 Superior Court of Cook COtmty ,{as Uen read. 28 A motion was tl en made by Trustee Willer, s~conded by Viger, that tr e Villace Attorney be auU',orized to file an appearancu and anSvJE~r tbi s case. Tl e Pre siden t put tl'; que s tjon, t.r.e Clerk calLJd tte roll, 1,^Jitt tte following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None" Tbcreupon the President declared tbe motion carried. There being no furtrc;r business to come before thc; meeting, a motion W3 S rfic'J~l::; by Trustee Airey, secondisd by Wier, tl at tte meeting be adjourned. The moticn ilJaS voted upon acclamation 1,vtere- upon the President declared the motion carrid and the meeting regularly adjourned. ~~"'#l /~~. '_...._--~'~ .~ -k. ( JVIINUTES OF A REGULAR I\iJEE'I'ING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD IN 'l'HE HCJlHCIPAL BUILDING, I'10UW1' PROSPEC'I', ILI..INOIS" ON T1J'.2~~DAY JULY 5, 1955 'I'he meeting was called to order by .President Larns at 8:30 p.rL and the Clerk ~vas then directed to call the roll. Cn roll call the follo1:.Jing Trustees ans~fered uPresent" Airey" Schlaver, Viger, Wier and Wilson. Trustee Willer was absent on roll call. The Trustees having previously received copies or the minutes of the regular meeting held J.une 21, 1955" a motion ~ras made by ~:'rustee Schls..ver,. seconded by Airey, t.hat the minutes be approved as submitted. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, Hi th the following r'e sponse: Aye s: All; Nay s; None. 'l'hereupon the President declared the mo tion carried and said minutes approved. The Trustee s al so having previous1-y received copies of the minutes 01' the Special r'1eeting held June 27, 1955, a motion was made by 'l'rustee Schlaver, seconded by Viger, that the Id.nutes be approved as submitted. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the follo~iing re sponse :A.Ji-e s: All ;l"Jay s : None. 'I'hereupon the President declared the motion carried. Ordinance No. L~43 enti tIed: "AN ORDINANCE AI';ENDING SEC'I'IONS 4, 5, ?, 8 and 15 OF' AN ORDIKANgE EN'l'Il'LED "AN ORDINANCE "I}.UTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR 'THE ISSUE OF ~P370,OOO WATER REVENUE BONDS CF 'l'HE VILLAGE OF IvIOUNT PROSPECT', COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COST OF IfJIPROVIhG AND EXTEl\TDI1~G ~CHE PRESENJ:' HA1'ER- 1110RKS SYS'l'EH OF SAID VILLAGE, PRESCRIBING ALL OF THE DET/iILS OF SAID BONDS AND PROVIDING FOR THE C OLLECI'ION, SEGREGA'llION AND DIS- POSITION OF THE REVENUES OF T~~ WATERvJORKS SYSTEM OF SAID VILLAGE FOR T'HE PURPOSE OF' PAYIN G 'rHE COST OF OPERATION AND HAINTENANCE THERE.~ OF, PROVIDING AN ADEQ,UA'rE DEPRECIATION FUND 1HEREFOR, AND PAYING THE .PRINCIPP..L AND INTEREST OF SAID ~^lATER HEVENUE BONDSUhaving been on file in the Village Clerk's office for public inspection since June 28, 1955 was then read. A motion vvas then made b~y Trustee Viger, seconded by Wier, that this ordinance be passed. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: Trustees Airey, SChlB.ver, Viger, Wier and itHlson; Nays: None. Absent: Trustee Willer. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried and saie' ordinance passed and approved. Trustee Schlaver then read the Mount Prospect Library Report for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1955 and their proposed budget for the year ending April 30, 1956. A motion \ilTaS then made by Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Airey, that this report be approved and placed on file. The motion i.Tas voted upon by acclamation whereupon the President declared the motion carried. Ordinance No. 444 entitled: "AN OHDINANCE HAKING APPROPRIAT'IONS TO DEFRAY THE EXPENSES OF THE VILLi-lGE OF MOUjlTT PROSPECT FOR fJIUNICIPAL ~PURPOSES DESIGNliTED AS THE "ANNUAL APPROPRIATION 3IU}1 F'OR J:'HE PERIOD