HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/1955 VB minutes
meeting regularly adjourned.
C) 1
The meeting was called to order by President Lams at 8:25 p
and the C~rk was then directed to call the roll.
On roll call the following Trustees answered "Present":
Viger, Wier, Willer and Wilson. Trustees Airey and Schlaver
were absent on roll call.
The Trustees having previously received copies of the
minutes of the regular meeting held June 7th, 1955 a motion was
made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wier, that the minutes be
approved as submitted. The President put the question, the Cler]
called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All; Nays:
None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried and
said minutes approved.
A motion was made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Wier, that
the Treasurer's Report for the period ending May 31, 1955 be ap-
proved and placed on file. The President put the question, the
Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was then made by Trustee Wilson~ seconded by Wier,
that the Treasurer's Report of the Special Assessment Fund be ap-
proved and placed on file. The President put the question, the
Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carried.
Trustee Airey arrived and took his place at 9:35 P.M..
The Clerk then read AN ORDINANCE making appropriations to
defray the expenses of the Village of liIount Prospect for r"'Iunicipa
purposes designated as the ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL for the
period beginning May 1st, 1955 and ending April 30, 1956. A
motion was then made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Willer, that
this proposed ordinance be filed in the Village Clerk's office
for public inspection until the July 5th, 1955 meeting. The
President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the Presid~
declared the motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wier, to ap-
prove partial payment No.5, final, on Contract No. 1 Water Works
Improvemen ts vlell No. 5 as approved by the Village Engineers undeJ
date o~ June 8, 1955, in the amount of $8,737.12. The President
put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following
response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declarec
the motion carried.
The following communication was then read:
Mt. Prospect Park District
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
June 21, 1955
Board of Trustees,
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
As requested at a meeting of representatives of the Board of
Trustees and the Mt. Prospect Park District Commissioners, June
18, 1955, the Mt. Prospect Park District Commissioners request
transfer o~ all deeds to Mt. Prospect park properties now held by
the Village with the exception of boulevard-type parks and street
lnte~section triangles.
Since the Village has levied and received tax monies for
support of these parks for the current fiscal year and the park
district will not have such funds available until on or about July
1, 1956, it is requested that consideration be given to conveying
the properties at an early date, but providing maintenance until
July 1, 1956.
If this is not considered to be feasible it is requested that
the village board pass a resolution as soon as possible agreeing
to convey the properties or any one of them at such time as the
park district is able to assume maintenance. In making this request
it is our thought that we might wish to propose major improvements
at one of the parks and would be enabled to assume full responsibility
for this park at the time the improvement is submitted to the public.
Such a resolution would clear the way and would be an indication to
the public of the close cooperation that exists between the village
board and the park e1strict.
It is understood that the park district commissioners will
meet with representatives of the Mt. Prospect Lions' Club regarding
transfer of the deed to Lions' Park and vTill report resul ts of th)~s
conference to the village board.
The cooperation of the Trustees and the good will shown in this
matter are appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Mt. Prospect Park District
Cowl'li ssioners,
Charles W. Payne, President
A motion was then made by Trustee Willer, seconded by Airey,
that the Village Attorney be authorized to prepare a resolution
covering this matter if he deems it advisable legally. The President
put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following
results: Ayes: All; Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the
motion carried.
The following communication was then read:
Mount Prospect
June 16, 1955
Mr. Robert F. Milligan
Village Clerk
Vill age Hall
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Dear Sir:
The supplemental resolution adopted by the Village Board on May
24, 1955 providing for additions to the Long-Range Plan for the years
1952 to 1957 inclusive and the One-Year Gonstruction Program for
1955 in accordance vd th House Bill 820 of the 66th General Assembly
was approved today on condition that the Department's latest design
policies by used when plans are submitted.
Traffic control signals are approved on condition that the
signals shall be warrdnted by and the type of signals to be used
shall be determined under the provisions of the latest ttNanual of
Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" adopted
by the Division of Highways.
One approved copy of the resolution is returned herewit4.
Very truly yours,
R. R. Bartelsmeyer
Chief Highway Engineer
Consoer, Townsend & Assoc., Engrs for Village
J. p. Tuthill
A motion was Made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Viger to
authorize expenditure of $525.00 ~~cleaning of sewers in OwAg Street
from Central to Busse and in Busse Avenue from Owen to School Street.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes: All; Nays: None. " Thereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
&ld Qjl
The following letter was then read:
June 6, 1955
President Board of Trustees
Village Hall
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
i3 R.:c. /<"-'< A,v
1ve transmit herewith for your approval t'tlTO (2) copies eacl
of plans and specifications for the construction of a combined
trunk sewer in Rand Road from Isabella to Highland and in High-
land from Rand Road to Elmhurst Road and lateral sewers and
paving improvements in Pine Street, Wille Street, Russell Stree
and Elmhurst Roadfrom Highland to Foundry Road. These plans
also provide for paving the North half of Highland Avenue from
Main Street to Elmhurst Road. These improvements are proposed
by Brickman Home Builders.
Our estimate of construction cost of these improvements iE
attached hereto.
The plans transmitted herewith provide for a 27 foot pave-
ment from back of curb to back of curb. On the full width
street and 13 1/2 feet measured from center line to the back of
the proposed curb in Highland Ave., these pavement widths you
will recall were approved by the Village Board at the regular
meeting of April 26th, 1955.
Very truly yours,
BY: William W. Townsend
A motion 1tJas then made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by
Willer, to approve the plans and specification as submitted
subject to receipt of proper performance bond or execution of
suitable escrow account. The President put the question, the
Clerk called the roll, with the following rAsponse: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion carrie
The following letter was then read:
June 6, 1955
President Board of Trustees
Municipal Bldg.,
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
We transmit herewith for your approval two (2) copies eact
of plans and specifications for the construction of sewers,
water mains, paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk and drainage
appurt.enances_in Forest Ave., from Henry St., to Isabella,
proposed by Johnson & Bidderman.
Our estimate and cost of these improvements is attached
Very truly yours,
CONSOER, T01.f.iNSEi:-', D & ASSOCI.d.']
BY: William W. Townsend
A motion was then made by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Wier
to approve these plans and specifications subject to receipt of
a proper perfol~ance bond or the execution of a suitable escro~
account. The President put the question, the Clerk called the
roll, with the following response: l~yes: All; Nays: None.
frhereupon the President declared the motion carried.
A motion was mads by Trustee Wilson, seconded by Airey,
that the Village accept the Sanitary District SeFer Permit
No. 1955-93 to cover the construction of an extension of the
Villa,~e Sanitary Sewer Sys tern. in SCllool Street and that the
President and Village Clerk be authorized to sign this permit
on behalf of the viila:~e. 'I'he President put the question, the
Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the motion
A rnotj \,'ITct.:: tl en IDe; be Tl'\US tee VJ.l:LSC....1 ~ Sf] CC)rlc.1 b~}
~ier. to ace ~t tt~ Sanitary District Scw~r ~~I~~~~~o. !~5~-1"~~
and the t tte pr::siuent ar~d Vi:!..la. e Cl':rx oc; ;"cv.ui,-u.. L.0 "U "-'~b'-'-
ttis Dermit on behalf of the ViI e. Ttis Dermit cover the
exte11sion of the 1"lilla.[: e S~:lD.t ta,r~/ Se'\I\;(:;I~ Sys s to sC'J~\Je tJ:' e
pl t" ~-'- c""" ". rf1~. -.-' p""'~c-'a~~nt D,,-I-- ..,- ",:,-,~'''+--'c.y)
_eaS8n l~:l,L,S vUOO.J_VlS1_on. ...LljC:; 1.C0_'- 'c ,'LtG <,,-, "ld,,-:..~,_,_L'_,
tbe Cl~lk called the roll, witt the following respons : Ayes:
.., -, m~ I 1.-- l' ' ~ ...:l ", -1- ~, C 1 -- -V'll r" ~ +'- .''. IT 0 -t- ~ r...,...,
ii..L1..; l\Ja:yrs: I\Ionce ..LJ.J13rcupo.r; T;..'(< J....Ircs.J.\Je.l1L \_l ':_:J~..L>:'U I..-'i.l:.~; 1 v)~I...'.t.l.
A motion was male by' Trustee Viger, secon.ded by Wier, to
., b""'''' -f' "1 "'- -'-.1 oP ~'-~Y' ~s 8n-,-,"""'0"-:" '1"- ";"-'-'?
81)prov<J "[[:eJ 'l-Ll-S _l_()r (. ~G 1"".:OY1L..X, J l"..cL.;/ <:l ..i---.L.J...t.. \.It:;U,- >-./~} ~~ c
Finance Corr:nit'~E..:C:. Tbe President put trc: qn :'tin, tlE; Cll:;rk
called tr:c roll, \vitt trc fol10',jing response: i'o.yes: All; Nays:
None. Thc;rc')pon tIiS President declared tLe :.:otiCTl carried.
Trc f'ollowing
petit-'on \vas
June 17, 1955
Board of Trustees
VilloFc of Mt. Prospect
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
He: Reouest for rezoning of Lot 16 in Block 1
In Centralwood, bei~~ a Subdjvision of tl e -following described
land: Beginning at; tl e Soutteest corner 0_; tree j'Jost half (~~~),
of the Soutr east Quartc:r (+) of Sectior.. 33, TO\ifflsl,ip 42 North,
Range 11, East of the TLird Principal iVleridL:Hl, tl.ence V.Jc; st
alon"-' Sout" 1-j-,..,,,,, of 80-;_1 Sec+'J"c~ 33 'C> '-"l"c--f-"nc", 0.(:> Iii p.? .~.1-~,-L1c'
"'" b . 1 ..L._......1.~v --~......u. v.J11 , 0_ U ~JI_.C<......~ <:.:' -.L T~~-".,,- \.....-l.o..Ll..,)
(9'78.12 feet)" tl ence North along a line par~allel to the East
line of the W~st Half (t) of the Southeast Quarter <t) of said
Section 33, to the Southerly 11ne of tie Right of Way of e
Chicago and Nor ,.hi,~Testern Ry. Co., thence Soutteastsrly along tbe
said Right of Way line to tte East line of West Half (t), of
tbe Southeast Quarter (-it), of said Section 33, thence Sout1
along last mentioned line to the place of beginning, in Cook
Cotmty Illinois.
The under signed r0' spc;ctfn lly requcl s ts tbat th (; above lot
be rezoned to land classification R-3 R~sidence District. The
lot is now zoned R-I Residpnce District. Tbis lot adjoins lots
along Prospect Avenue wtiel "\Tere rezoned some time ai~O.
A check for $90.00, payable to tre Village, is enclosed
to cover fees in this matter.
Ti tle to tto above lot is in tr] (j nar:c of lV.sT:\" C. Knaus ~
as Trustee unJer Trust No. 700, dated July 15, 1946.
Robert E. Cusack and Robert Irn,j_fTcT are tte sole benef:icL:u'ies
wlder tris Trust. Attached is 8 cop:y or a plat slmdng tl,c
location of tr'G lot.
''lie also own lots 1 end 22 j_n Block 2 jXi Cen trahvood, \"t.iel
are across tte street fro~ the lot in (uestion.
YO'UY's """".-'sP"C+f'l"'" ,"
- ..L ~_, t_, v_ -'I....L ,_! Y "
N.ary C. ~l..au ~___
Trustee under Trust No. 7(0,
dated July 15, 194E
Robert E. Cusack
Robe:rt Irmiger
I A motion was then made by Trustee Willer, seconded by
'vvilson, that tt is peti tion be r-eferred to tr,e Zoning Comrrission
for tre lolding of a public t caring and tt ell' recorrnrmda tions.
Tte motion was vot€:ld upon b;y acclamation \\lb()rCmDOn th(~ President
declared the motion carried. k
Trustee 'JIlil1er tbem read Surrmonses No. 55c-8285 Circuit
Court of Cook County, an,1 55C-6597 Circui t Court of Cook County"
C) ~-'
.' ~,
A motion was tlH'm made by Trustee 'vlillc:r, seconded by V11:;'tf.r
that the Villabe Attorney be authorized to file an appearance
and answer to both these cases. The President put the question,
tLe Clerk called tLe roll, lid tb ths follmifing response: Ayes:
All; Nays: None. Th8reupon the President declared t]:';e [lotion
The following letters were then read by Trustee Willer:
June;, 20 1 Q r:;'r:;'
r.;.~ , ...._/./.j
Mr. Theodore Lams
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
of the Villa~e of Mt. Prospect, Illinois
lvlilburn Brothers, Inc.
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
The und::rsigned, Foyne Saving s and Loan Associi'"tion, is tl:c:
escrowee for Elme.L' F. G10dch and Ellen M. Gleicl" his wife, and
will guarantee tl,at tte sum of $90,000.00 will be teld in escro'
for the paving, curbs, guttl'H'S and sidevlalks to l:Je installed in
Pleasan t Heigl:; ts Subdivision in Mt. Prospect, Illinois.
.~... .'''~~
~" '.t-
Said escrow fund is to be disbursed as said in:provements
are installed a.nd onl;y upon the approval of Elmer F. Gleich and
t}:-,e Village E..l1gineers of the Village 0'" Nt. Prospect or the
Ctairman of tbe Board of Trustees of Ghe Village of ~'it. Prospect
<""r' H017NE SAVINGS 8. lOAF ASSOCIA,'"'
By: Earl C. Weber - President
cc to: Elmer F. Gleicr
ttoy Salzrran
Consocr, Townsend &: Associates
Howard Wilson, Trustee
June 20, 1955
Mr. Theodore Lams
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
of the Villare of Mt. Prospect, Illinois
The undersigned, Hoyne Savings and Loan Associaticn, is
tbc escrm"ee for Elmer F. Gleich and Ellen H. Gleid', tis ,'life,
and 'dill guarantee ttc:;t; the SLUT of $80,000.00 will be teld in
escrow for the sanitary and storrr sewc:rs and itJatC'I' mains to be
installed in Pleasant heii,bts Subdivisi n in J'.it. Prospect,
Said escrm.v fun::1 is to disbursed as si.dd iIliprovenents
are installed and only upon tt8 approval of Elmer F: Gleich
and the Village Engineers of tte Village of Nt. Prospect or tbe
Cr,airman of tte Board of Trustees of tl'0 Village of Nt. Prospect.
HOYNE SA'7HJGS '::.]\'T) IOr'\.F ,r;.S':;OCJA':i
cc to: Elmer F. G]eich
Consoer, Townsonl 8. Associates
Howard Wilson, Trustee
By: Earl C. Weber - President
A vvarranty deed from EIre' r F. Gleich and Ellen H. Gleich
covering the following property for the use and benefits of
Scbool District #57, Cook County, Illinois was tren submi tted ane
referred to the Judiciary Comrrittee.
That part of the N .E. i of the S. VJ. 4' of Section 12, Tmvrlsbi
41 North, Range 11 Eas t of tbe 3rd Principal lVleridian, lying lrJest
of a line 40 feet 'west of and parallel to tbe East line of the
S.W. i of said Sectinn 12, South of tbe South line of the North
60 rods of the S.W. t of said Sectien 12, North of a line 33
feet North of and parallel to tbe SoutI' linf,;: of the N' b. 4"" of' tte
S.'iJ. i of said Secticn 12 and East of a line dra\lJn perpendicular
to the South line of the N. . t of the S.W. ~ of said Secti8n 12
from a point in said South line 390.07 feet West of the East
line of said s.w. t in Cook County, Illinois.
ii.ci U
The following letter was then read:
lVlay 24, 1955
President, Board of Trustees
Village hall
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
Re: School St~eet Im-
provcm0nts in Ellen-
dale Subdivision
Gen tlemen :
On behalf of Gleich Construction Co., we transmi t lCTe\YJ_th
for your approval two (2) copies each of plans and sp()cification
for the construction of sanitary sm'iers, s00rm sEh'rrs, W8.ter D1e.ins
and paving improvements in the subject development.
Our estimate of construction cost of these inprovements is
attacheJ hereto.
Very truly yours,
By: Walter Hodel
. ..,;;
A motion was tben made by Trustee Viger, seconded by Wilson
to approve these plans and specifications as submitted subject
to receipt of suitable performance bond or ere execution of a
suitable escrow agreement. The President put tre questic,n, th:,:
Clerk called the roll, with the following response: Ayes: All;
Nays: None. Thereupon the President declared the Lotion carri
There being no furtber business to corrie before the meeting,
a motion was me_de b:y Trustee -vJiller, seconded by Viger, that th
meeting be adjourned. The motion vla.s voted upon by acclamation
\'11 ereupon the President declared tte motion c3.rrieJ. and the
meeting regularly adjourned.
~y 5'--' ~~.""}: ./~ 1
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-=-'._..L~.~::;L~~,( 7? /: ~'((~?f ,..'"",~-"
~- Clerk" ;/
HELD r.; Tl-. E !\TIN I CI P AI. Bun D nw IN
J1JI'TE 27, 1955
8:35 F.l~ll.~
meeting was
called to order by President larrs at
Tho follo"\tTing communication V1Ei s tben r~<.'id:
JunE; 24,
..1_./ ./
The Board of Trustees
Village of Motmt Prospect
M01..mt Prospect, IIl:inois
A Special Meeting o~ tte President and Board of Trustees
1,..;il1 be held on fvlonday, June 27tl:? 1955, for tte purposE"; of con-
sidering an aILcmdmen t to tLe $370,000.00 Water Revenu.e Bond
Ordinance at the tour of 8:00 P.~..
Cordially yours,
Trsodore A. Lams
Vil1aze President
Notice Received
Howard J. Wilson - Trustee
J. w. Vj~~~ - Trustee
Richard L. Airey - Trustee