HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2788 05/02/1978
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PROf'ERT):' CO).\'IJ\rONLY I{1>101'JN AS 3026 f:OUTH l3:nSSE HO/;.D
7HEH.EAS, the Zoning BOtr!'r.:! of ApPE.&ls of the Village of Mount PrOE;pect did meet en
ne 23J?d day of February, 1978, at the hour of 8; 00 p.m. . at the fvIount Prasp(,;c~' I~'ub3- '::
afety Building and did hear Cz..SG N'o. 7- V -78, pnl'Smlnt to proper legal nohce; wld
'HEREAS, the Zoning Board of APPGfI.Js of the Village of Mount Prc,}E'peet did hE'm'
l:IS request fo:e <:1 side yerd variation a:nd for" a v2.ri&tion in the size of parking sp:,:w-:;;)
o 8S to allm'i the petitioner to construct a cej.t8b Planned Unit D8v"~lopmen.t eon't:xtn-
.g eight',f-eighHB8x:on6ominiurn unit:> on property loc&ted ,vest of Busse Hoael ::it
harlotte Road extended; and
vHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Villag"e or Mount Prof'pect die:. ri~com~
Je!~cJ to the President and Bo~rd of Trustees of the ViUage -of Mount Pl~ospeet the
ppl'oval of this request under' Case No. 7-V-78 for the reasons that:
(1) There if: a pr;q~tical difficmhy and particular ha:edshipo:p.. the
(2) The purpos~~ c-fthe va:ciatioHfJ 5.s not b,lsed exclusively upon a
desire to make money;
(3) The condition.s upon which the petition for th:}se "lrariations is
based uTe unique in th8.t the parcel is of 8.n irregular shape;
('-0 The granting of these variations will not be det.rimental to the
public or injuriol:tS to surrounding property in that they win not
aIter the essential cl1aracter of the locality; and
.1HEKEAS, the Bu.ilding Committee of the:! Board of Trustees of the Village or lHc'm:~t
Tospect hus reviewed the matter herein and has recommended the npprovt21 tl:"2.:!'t~(jf
the President and BO~lrd of Trustees of the Village of Mount Pror;pE.'<.:i:; and
JHEREAS, the President and BODrd of Trustees of the Villug'c of 1\1cunt P:rOf,P,CC'i
ave reviewed the matter hl~reir;, Hnd 118ve detern:h1ed that the same is in ths 'tH=~,t
....t(~1'('!5tS or the Village of Mount Prospect;
E:E;'..CJO~~ ONE: That the prOpci'ty being" the subject matter of Cas(~ No. 7- V--'i8
e1!':ir; leg:.iHy descrihed 2.8 follows:
T'lle North 5 acres (except ~he West 25. fl feet or th.e East 50.0 fe(;t
the~'eof) and. (except Hl\:~ W cst 210 feet then-:.of) of the South 30 acres
of the Southe,'ist 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Seetion 22. Tovrnsl:5.1111
North, Hange 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian" in. Cook
County, IH:lno:1s,
c1:;rl'ently zone~ unl.ler the 7.onir:.g Ordi.nance of the Vm.8C;€ of Mount Pr0.3jJ2ct h:;;
. ,-4 (Residential Deve)opmeilt) Distl'ict, which zoning classification Gl1dl ren<.dn
1 dfGct subject to the vm:lrHo:ns ttX'fclnied herein:
,~ .
(a) That the side yard adjacent to the northerlymost Hnd e:Jsterlymcst 10;.
lines of the subject parcel be reduced to tVlenty-six (26) feet to perlr.it
construction of bujldj.ngs-'-pm~Bl.Hmt to that phm for developnxmt
D.ttached hereto and hereby made a part hereof as Exhibit I (Site Plan) .
(b) That tt:e side yard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the "'linage
of Mount Prospect be e.ltered to permit p&J:king spaces and driveways
within same.
Cc) 1'11[;.t the requir8d stall size fer parking spaces be reduced from ten feet
by twenty feet (lO' x 20') in area to nine feet by twenty feet (9' x 20')
for all required :;arking to be located on the subject pl'operty.
EC'pON TWO; That all rE;quire:r~cnts of the Mount Prospect Building and Zoning-
,ode shaH be applicable exeept the variations noted in Section One heretofore
'ECTION THREE: That the Director of Building anG Zoning of the Vil1at~e of Mount
rospect is hereby authorized to iss'..le a building permit for construction 111 B(.;corde.n -:-E
ith the variations hereinbefore mentioned.
Eq:rION FOUR; That the variations granted by this Ordinance shaH be null and voi 1
md of no force and effect l';,hatsoever unless an application for a building permit pur
"uant to such variations is made and construetion commenced within one (1) year of
he date this said Ordinance becomes eifectivc.
ECTION FIVE: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and 8.ftel'
.ts passage, approval. Hnd publication in the manner provided by law,
ASSED this 2nd day of
1\1 ay
....' ,L~.t .
P PROVED this 2nd
day of
lVI ay
, 1978.
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