HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/02/2004 FC minutes FINANCE COMMISSION CORRECTEDCORRECTED MM INUTES OF THE EETING D2, 2004 ECEMBER VHB ILLAGE ALL UILDING I. CO ALL TO RDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Those present included Chairman John Korn and Commissioners Charles Bennett, Ann Hull, Brian McPartlin, Tom Pekras and Ann Smilanic. Also present were Executive Director of the Mount Prospect Historical Society Gavin Kleespies, Members of the Historical Society Board of Directors Marilyn Genther and Walt Rutkowski, Vice President of Third Millennium Lance Leader, Director of Finance David Erb, Deputy Director of Finance Carol Widmer and Finance Administrative Assistant Lisa Burkemper. Commissioner Vince Grochocinski was absent. II. AM PPROVAL OF INUTES Chairman John Korn stated the members would defer the approval of the minutes so that the Historical Society could make their presentation first. III. MPHSP OUNT ROSPECT ISTORICAL OCIETY RESENTATION Chairman John Korn began by introducing all present at the meeting. Chairman Korn also provided an overview of the Finance Commissions charge. Chairman Korn stated that in the past the Finance Commission has not had any input on the amount the Village gives to the Historical Society and that the commission would like an overview of how the Historical Society budgets and operates and any general background information that would provide an understanding of what the Historical Society provides. Director Marilyn Genther started by saying the Historical Society currently has one full time and one part time employee. There are also Board Directors that are working members who provide volunteer and charity work. The Directors are continually looking for ways to raise funds and recruit members. Chairman John Korn asked how Mount Prospects Historical Society compared to other communities. Executive Director Gavin Kleepsies stated that Mount Prospect is a small independent society which is very unusual. As comparison, Mr. Kleepsies said that the Arlington Heights Historical Society is funded by the Village, Park District and themselves. Chairman John Korn asked if the Historical Society ever applies for grants. Mr. Kleespies stated that they do and have received several grants in the past few years. Chairman John Korn thanked the members for coming in and making their presentation and added that in future years the Finance Commission would appreciate the Historical Society providing a similar written presentation prior to the village’s budget process. Ms. Genther stated that the Historical Society could provide the annual review which commissioners received for this meeting. This annual review is prepared every year. Commissioner Brian McPartlin stated that he would like to see the Historical Society do a better job in their fund raising efforts, because he feels that Historical Society is an important part of the future of the village. Commissioner Ann Hull added that she felt it would be beneficial for the Historical Society to show how they spend the money the village gives them each year. Commissioner Hull also asked if the Historical Society has audited financial statements. Ms. Genther said they were audited. Commissioner CHARLES BENNETT asked how much the Historical Society had in reserves. Ms. Genther said there was approximately $40,000 invested. Following the Historical Society presentation Commissioner Charles Bennett motioned to approve the minutes of October 27, 2004. Commissioner Brian McPartlin seconded the motion and the minutes were accepted as presented. IV. TMPE-P HIRD ILLENNIUM RESENTATION ON AY Director of Finance David Erb began the presentation by explaining that Third Millennium provides water billing services for over 60 municipalities and that Mr. Leader was here to present on e-pay. Mr. Leader began by stating that e-pay would help provide the following benefits to the village: ?? Reduce lines and waiting when paying a bill ?? Reduce paper and postage costs ?? Provide access to bill paying 24 hours a day 7 days a week ?? Increase cash flow with access to money instantly Mr. Leader also added that people would be willing to use e-pay because it is easy to use, it provides the resident a choice in paying by debt card or credit card, it is a secure site and it provides residents confidentiality. Mr. Leader then provided a computer presentation that walked the members through the web site page and how to log in, navigate the web site and make a payment. Mr. Leader also provided a summary of the various capabilities of the software. Commissioner Brian McPartlin asked if the website would allow a resident to see a history report showing past usage. Mr. Leader stated that a resident would have the capability to look back 18 months and view a pdf file of their actual bill. Commissioner McPartlin also asked if there was a way to allow residents to enter their current reading on line. Mr. Leader stated that the website would be able to support the entering of a water meter reading. Commissioner Charles Bennett asked if the resident would have the ability to pay their bill on their own schedule, for example the third of each month. Mr. Leader stated that Third Millennium can set up the website any way the village wants and can allow for different variables. Mr. Leader further explained that the village could eventually use the website to allow residents and non residents to pay for parking tickets, vehicle sticker fees, permits or multi family refuse bills. Chairman John Korn asked how much it would cost to get this project up and running. Mr. Leader stated that it would cost the village $22,500 to purchase the system, there would be a $3,000 yearly fee for the system and a monthly service fee. Commissioner Charles Bennett asked how Third Millennium would help the village market this program to the residents. Mr. Leader stated that they could give presentations and appear on MPTV. V. C’R HAIRMANS EPORT Chairman John Korn distributed the Police Department’s 2003 annual police report that was provided by Chief Eddington. Commissioner Ann Smilanic asked how the sales tax figures for this year compare to last years. Director of Finance David Erb stated that current figures are about 1% higher than last year. Commissioner Brian McPartlin asked if there has been any increase yet in figures at Randhurst after the remodel. Mr. Erb stated that these figures will not be available until the next few months. 2 Chairman John Korn asked the members what they wanted on the agenda for the January 27, 2005 meeting. Director of Finance David Erb stated that the members should use the meeting to set the schedule for the coming year. Mr. Erb also mentioned that they could use the January meeting to revisit the sewer repair program and set a time line for developing a plan. Chairman Korn added that the commission would need guidance from Village Manager Mike Janonis and/or Director of Public Works Glen Andler on when repairs will begin and how they will proceed and at what cost. VI. FD’R INANCE IRECTORS EPORT There was nothing to report. VII. OB THER USINESS Chairman John Korn wished everyone a happy holiday. VIII. NM: J27, 2005 EXT EETINGANUARY Commissioner Brian McPartlin motioned to adjourn which Commissioner Ann Hull seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m. The next meeting will be Thursday, January 27, 2005. Respectfully submitted, Lisa Burkemper Administrative Assistant Finance Department 3