HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2885 04/04/1979 ,",. ORDINANCE NO. 2885 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE BUILDING CODE AND DELETING POTITIONS OF THE BüILDING CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. SECTION ONE: That, pursuant to the authority vested in the President and Board of Trustees of the Vil:¡"age of Mount Prospect under Article VII. of the 1970 Constitution\?:t' the State of Illinois as well as the Illinpis Revised Statutes, Article I of Chapter 21 (Building Code) contained in thèMunicipal Code of Mount Prospect of 1957, as amended, be and the same is hereby , amended in its entirety; so that hereafter the said Article I of Chapter 21 shall be and read as follows: ARTICLE I. ENACTMENT AND SCOPE . . SECTION 21'.101 PURPOSE: The purpose of this code is to pro- Vide for safety, health and public welfare through structural strength and stability, means of egress, adequ~te light and ventilation and protection to life and property from fire and hazards .incident to the design, construction, alteration, re- moval or demolition of huildings and structures, and to regu- late the architectural design of buildings or structures . erected or to be erected in the Village limits of Mount P~ospect. , .' SECTION 21.102 SCOPE~ The provisions of this, code apply to the construction, alteration, equipment, use and occupancy, location, maintenance of and addjtions to buildings and structures and to appurtenances sÙch a.s' vaults, areaways and str.eet encroachments hereafter erected and, where expressly stated, existing on land: or over 'water; and to buildings "and structures and equipment Tor the operation thereóf bereafter moved or demolished within the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect. The provisions of this code based on occupancy also apply to con- versions of existing buildings and structures or portions there- of from one occupancy classification to another. ,/ ¡ t ~ SECTION 21.103 ADOPTION OF THE BOCA BASIC BUILDING CODE: For the purpose of eGtablishing ~ules and regulations for .the con- struction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenan('.,e of buildings and struc- tures, there is hereby adopted the 1978 edition of the BOCA B~'.sic Building Code promulgated by the Building Officials and Code Administrators InterBational, Inc., together with all appendices, except such portion~the~eofas are hereinafter . expressly deleted, modified, or amended. . A. This code shall establish restrictions within fire lim- its and regulate the constru('.tion of all buildings and structures except where other provisions of this Chapter d?~5 \ . \ A. (Continued) , specifically cover the subject matter in question. B. While the 1978 edition of the BOCA Basic Building .~ and all appendices have hereinabove been adopt- ed, the following exceptions thereto (consisting of certain deletions and changes) shall control wherever the sô.id excepttons are applicable or are in conflict with certain other provisions of the said BOCA Code. 1. Deletions: a. Delete Section 127.0 of Article I in its entirety. b. In Section 302.2 of Article 3, delete the 'words "or protected frame (type 4A)". c. Delete subsection 315.2.2 of Article 3 in its entirety. d. Dalete Section 726.3, Wood Foundations, in its entirety. (Wood shall not be used in foundation systems.) e. The entire Article 14 and Article 15 of the BOCA Basic Building Code as adopted in this Section 21.103 are hereby deleted from this Chapter 21 of tne Municipal Code of Mount Prospect. 2. Changes: a. Amend Section 306.2 of Article 3 as follows: 1) By adding a sentence "All fire lanes . required by the fire official shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet in width, conform with the specifications of the Village of Mount Prospect, and the National Fire Codes, NFPA No. 1~1975, Section 3-1.1.10. 2) Any requests for fire lanes of an unusual. design shall be required by the fire official and approved if the design meets the intent of the code. 3) All fire lanes shall be sign-posted as fire lanes with State of Illinois approved type signs at the sole expense of the owner of the property upon which said signs are located and at the locations designated by thE fire official. - 2 - ~ A b. Amend ~ectlon 314.1 of A~ticle 3 so as to roquiY'e the variance to be granted by thE;' President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Pro~pect after hearillg befoL"e the Zoning Board of Appeals, rathe.c than by the Board of Appeals. c. Make the following changes and additions to Article II: 1) In Section 422.3 add to end of sentence as follows: "and not to be located within thirty (30) e'>et of ClY!.Y lot line. II 2) Add the foJlowing subpapa~raphs to Section 422.3: a) 422.3.1 That the tents¡ air SUpported struct~res, and appurtenances thereof so erected shall be removed within six (6) days. b) 422.3.2 That the ovepall height of such tents, air Supported structure~ and appurtenances thereof shall not exceed twenty (20) feet. c) 422.3.3 That whenever members of the general public are present or are allowed in such tents and/or air supported stru.ctures, the opel'ator thereof shall-have made arrangements with the Fire Chl~f as specified in' this Municipal Code for atl~ast one (1) fire guard to be on duty. d. Amenò. Section 711.2 of' Article 7 to reA,d as f'ollows: 711.2 Design sno~ load: The one hundred (100-) year mean recurrence interval shall be Used f'or all bUildings and Mount Prospect shall be con- sidered to be in the thirty (30) pound-f'orce per square foot category in figure L-I02.1c of Appendix L. The snow load design Used f'òr tem- porary buildings shall be approved by the bUilding of'ficial. . e. Amend Section 907.1 of' Article 9 by the wording in the 3rd and 4th lines "collapse of the wall and shalr-be constucted of' solid o~ hollow masonpy units or of' plain or reinforced concrete providing required strength and f'Ire resistance." -,3 - ¡ f. Make the following changes in Article 12: ...-- 1) In Section 1202.1 add to end of sentence: "and Am:mdments 1202.20 through 1202.21." 2) In Section 1202.2, delete: "ExceptioIl: Auditoriums ~ foyer's, lobùies, and toilet rooms" . 3) In Section 1202.~, change "12,000 square feet" to "10,000 square feet". 4) Make the following chang~s in Section 1202.8: a) Sentence 1, "12,000 square feet" to "7,500 square feet". b) Change sentence 2 to'read: Qwhen more than one (1) story in height regard- le::;s or flour aI'ea." c) Sentel'lCe 3, delete in its entirety. 5) Add new Section 1202.20 Assembly (A-~) use: In all buildings or structures or portions thereof, use group (A-~) when over one (1) story in height and/or over 10,000 square feet in area per floor. 6) Add new Section 1202.21 Residential (R-l and B-2) Use Groups: Iri the basement, trash chutes, cellars, common kitchens, store rooms, work rooms, dumbwaiters, ~orridors> and one sprinkler head shall be opposite the center of and . inside any living unit door opening onto the corridor and all other common areas in buildings or structures of use groups R-~ andR-2 when more than three (3) stories in height and more than two (2) stories in height if over 5,000 square feet in area per floor. ' 7) Add to "exception" in Section 1202.13: "Throughout all basements and cellars having an area of 2,000 square feet or more if used for manufacturing, storage or sale of combustible material or mer- chandise, or housing motor vehicles, an automatic fire suppression system is required" . 8) Amend Section 1216.3.3 by adding the following: - 4 - n, a) "The~'fflôkêaetectors required herein- above shall be of the 110 volt type and permanently wired into the elec- trical system. The Circuit shall not serve televisions and other major appliances". b) "The smoke detectors required herein- above shall also be required in exist~ ing buildings at any time that a build- ing permit for alterations, enlargement, or restoration is approved for any work in excess of Five Hundred Dollars ($500). g. Amend Equipment section of Appendix B by add- ing ANSI A17.1-78 (Safety.Code for Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators and Moving Walka); SECTION 21.104 ADOPTION OF THE NATIONAL FIRE CODE3 AND BOCA BASIC FIRE PREVENTION CODE: The 197e Edition of The National þ'ire Codes (Volumes 1-5 and 7-16) and the 1978 Edition of The BOCA Basic Fire Prevention Code including all appendices and hereby adopted in their entirety, except such portions thereof as maybe~eleted, modified, or amendèd by this 'Chapter 21 of the Municipal Code of Mount Pros- pect. SECTION 21.105 PLUMBING CODE: "' ADOPTION OF THE BOCA MECHANICAL CODE ANT THE BOCA B. The 1978 Edition of the BOCA Mechanical Code is hereby adopted in its entirety, except such portions thereof as may be expressly deleted, modified, or amended by this Chapter 21 of the Municipal Code of Mount Prospect. The 1978 Edition of the BOCA Plumbing Code is hereby adopted in its entirety, except such portions thereof as may be expressly deleted, modified, or amended by this Chapter 21 of the Municipal Code of Mount Prospect. A. 1. Dçlete: In Section P.405.2.2, delete the words "or schedule 40 plastic pipe. The administrative authority may permit the use of the other approved m;"tc.,:r1 al. " 2. CLét~lg;t:S : a. In Article 3: 1) In Section P.303.2 insert "200" in the . brackets. 2) In Section P.308.3, insert "5.0" for water piping and 4'6" for sewerslf. b. In Article 4: 1) Amend Section Þ.405.1.3, Water distrib- ution pipe,to read as follows: - 5 - n c. 4) 5) 3) /' ".--." 1) (c "The water distribution system ::;hall be brass or copper pip~, copper tube, gal- vanized open hearth iron pipe or galvan- ized steel pipe." In Article 12: 1) Add new "Section P-1205-5 to read as follows: "All flushometer and/or tank-type urinals shall be of a water conserving nature and operRte at a arate not to exceed 3.0 gallons maximum per flush." 2) Add to Section P-1206 as follows: a) In Section P-1206.2, add: "... at a rate not to exceed 3.0 gallons per flush". b) .. . In Section P-1206.3.1, add: "... to thus act as a water conserving device and prohibit the valve from remaining in an open position". c) In Section P-1206:3.3, add: "Water closets for flush tanks shall be of a water conserving nature and operate at a rate not to exceed 3.5 gallons mal: irllum per flush". Add to Section P-1207 às follows: a) Add ne..w Section P-1207. 3, "The water S~pply to sinks in publi~ facilities shall be e~uipped with self-closing faucets which w'illnot permit the un- attended faucet to be left in the open position". Add to Section P-1209 as follows: a) Add new Sub-Section P-1209.l.1, 1IEvery . shower stall be equipped with a limited flow shower head of a water con~erving nature, and operate at a rate not to exceed 3.0 gallons per minute". Add to Section P-12l0 ~~$ follows: a) Add new Sub-Section P-1210.2, "The water supply to sinks shall be equippeð with water saving devices that use aerators plus restrictors to operate at a rate not to exceed 3.0 gallons per minute". - 6 - n\ 6) Add' n'ew Section P-1219.0, Automatic Car '}¡a:shing F'acilities as follows: a) In Section P-1219.1 require: ~All autQmatic laundry facilities shall be equipped with water recirculating f~c¡lities and sub~itted for approval of the administrative authority". In Section P-1219.2 require: ~All existing automobile laundry facilities shall be so converted if and when a permit is sought to alter said facil- ities in excess of $1,000.00." b) d. In Article 16: 1) Add to Se'ctionp-T601 as follows: a) Add Sub-Section P-1601.3, "Every bUilding equipped with plumbing fix- tures and used for human occupancy or habitation shall be provided with a water saving device on all plumbing fixtures. These fixtures shall not 'utilize a water flow rate in excess òf the maximum rates Published by the Illinois Department of Transportation in Rules and Procedures for Lake Michigan Allpcation,or as maYbe forthcoming from th~ Secretary of Housing and Urban Devel- opment, pursuant to the Energy Conserva..' tion Standards for New BUildings (P.L. 94-385)." SECTION 21.106 ADOPTION OF T~ O~ AND TWO FAMILY D~LLINGCODE: For the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the fabrication, erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, re, pair, location and use or detached one and two r=ily dwellings, the¡r appurtenances and accessory structures, there ¡shereby adopted the 1975 edltlonof the One Md Two F~Uy Dwe111n~ Code promulgated by the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc., together with the 1976 Supplement and all appendices thereof, except such portions thereof as are herein- after expressly deleted, modified, or amended. A. Deletions: 1. Delete Sections R-10l through R-113 in their entireties. 2. Delete "Masonry of Hollow Units~ from Table No. 3- A. - 7 - F'\ B. f\ ; 3. ! . Delete "Höl1ôwMas5tìFY" from Table No.3-B. Delete Part V "Plumbinc:" in its entirety. (Refer to BOCA Basic Plumbing Code/1978). 5. Delete Part VI "Electrical" in its entirety. (Refer to Mount Prospect Electrical Code). Changes: 1. Amend "Room Sizes", Section R-205 to read aR follows: Minimum Floor Area Requirements: a) Minimum floor area requirements - houses. Except as otherwise provided by ordinance, ,minimum floor areas of houses and rooms therein shall meet the following standards: 1) Minimum floor areas - total structures. The minimum floor area for the total structure or building shall be: " Type of Structure Minimum Area Sq. Ft. .. One story ranch house.............. 1250 Split level or raised ranch house.. 1170 One and one-half story house....... 950 Two story house..... ...........~... 800 The foregoing minimum floor area shall be measured at the first floor on the main floor level from the outside of exterior walls. 2) Minimum floor areas - living, dining and cooking rooms. The minimum floor area requiremerits for living, ,dining and cooking rooms shall be: Type of Room Minimum Area Sq. Ft. Living and dining when in one room...................... 310 Living only in one room when dining room space is provided in kitchen or separate room......... 220 Kitchen cooking only (including area occupied by equipment).. .... 100 Kitchen and dining when dining space is not provided eliewhere.. 200 Kitchen and laundry (including area occupied by equipment)...... 140' - 8 - n 4. f) 2) (continued Kitchen~ dining and laundry...... 200 Utility room (including area Occupied by equipment)........... 100 Kitchen, laundry and utility..... 200 Minimum floor area for the foregoing shall be measured from the inside of all rinished walls. 3) Minimum.floor areas - sleeping rooms. The minimum floor area requirements for sleeping rooms shall be: ,Major bedroom.................... 140 Second bedroom. ............ ...... 120 Additional bedroom............... 100 4), Minimum floor areas - other rooms. The minimum flo"or requirements for other rooms shall be: Major bathroom.................... 40 Master bedroom closet............. 14 Other bedroom closets (at least one each)......................... 10 All other habitable rooms not herein above set forth............100 Minimum floor area for the foregoing shall be measured from the inside of all .finished walls. 2. Amend Section R-21l by changing one to two in first sentence and adding new paragraph to read: ftBasements shall be provided with second means of escape cómplying with NFPA 101" Sec. 11~ 3. Amend "Ceiling Height", Section R-206 to read as .follows: ' Minimum Ceiling Heights: Minimum ceiling heights shall be; Basements........ '..7' 0" clear under joists. Minimum floor of any living unit. ..8'0" clear for at least 75% of the total floor area. Second story o.f any living unit: Level ceilings.. ...7'0" clear Sloping ceilings.. .7'6" for not less than 50% of that floor area having five (5) feet or more headroom. Add new subparagraph to Section R-210, to read as -. 9 - " , " , r"\ 4. (continued) follows: R-210.l Minimum Floor Area Requi'rements - Garage Dimensions. Minimum floor area requirements -. garage dimensions. Minimum dimens:i.ons for garages shall be as follows: One-car garage '~ Inside width........... ..11 Inside depth.. ....... ....19~ Door width............... 9 Two-car garage Inside width..... ........19 Inside depth......... ....19~ Door width...............16 R-2l0.2 Minimum Construction Requirements - Garages. a~ Garages attached or built into residential buildings. 1) ,The construction of garages attach~d ~r , built into and made a part of resident- ial construction shall be of the same quality as required for the dwelling to which the garage is attached." 2) All floors of attached or built-in garages shall be six (6) inches below the grade of the floor of the residence 'to which it is attached or a part thereof. 3) There shall be no interconnection be- tween a house'B fo~ced air heating system and a garage. Return air registers in the garage which are connected to the house's heat~ng syst~m are prohibited. 4) All walls and ceilings of an attached garage must have a minlmum of a one- hour fire rating. Where a gable type roof is used a one-hour fire resistive bulkhead shall be established in the attic space directly above and contin- uous from the interior one-hour fire resistive garage wall. Service doors common to both the., dwelling and the gar- age shall be composed of materi~ls having a minimum of a one-hour fire rating. All doors must fit in the frame so that air cannot pass freely around the door when in a closed position. Doors must be pro- vided with wood or metal thresholds. - 10 - r~ b. 6) 5) Shall contain the following electrical equipment: a) b) One (1) recepticle. One (1) ceiling or ,wall light fixture. One (1) switch for light fixture. c~ Frame detached garages. 1) Detached garage on interior lots must be set back seventy-five (75) feet from lot line and shall not be closer than two (2) feet to the dividing lot line. On corner lots garage shall be twenty (20) feet from lot line, next to street. 2) Concrete floGr not less than four (~) inches thick reinforced with #10 wire screen over a base of cruched stone or sand at least five (5) inches in depth. Base to be placed on undiGturbed soil. Footings of not less than tweJve (12) inches wide and not less than twelve (12) inches in depth around entire perimeter of slab. 3) Sill plates connecting the walls to the floor shall be bolted to the foundation.- Bolts shall be not lesstha~ one-half (~) ~nch in diameter and spaced at eight (8) foot centers and not more than one foot from each corder. Bolts shall extend into the concrete eight (8) inches or more. ' ' 4) Wall studs shall be spaced at not more than sixteen (16) inches on center and securely fastened to the bottom plate which shall be bolted to the floor. A double top plate shall be required and all wall studs and plates shall be a minimum of two (2) inches by four (4) inches. Doubling of studs shall be required at all corners and jambs of openings more than three (3) feet in width. 5) Each corner is to be wind-braced ~utward from the top in two (2) directions to a minimum of six (6) feet from corner at the bottom plate. Wind bracing shall be a minimum of 1 x 4 inches and notched into the studding. All roof rafters must be at least 2" x 6" and spaced not more than 16" o.c. Ridge board shall be required and of a size not less than 2" x 6". Ceiling ties of at(least 2" x 6" spaced evenly with a minimum of three Collar - 11 - -"-"'~- , ä)OhE:% (0 recepticle. b) c) One (1) ceiling or wall light fixture. One (1) switch for light fixture. SECTION 21.107 FILING REQUIREMENTS: Not less than three (3) copies each of the codes adopted by reference hereinabove and as set forth in Sections 21.102, 21.104, 21.105, and 21.106 of this Chapt~r have been and now are filed in the Office of the Village Clerk, being nevertheless hereby adopted and incorpor- ated as fully as if set out at length herein, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling the construction and maintenance of all buildings and structures to the extent specified therein within the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect. A. In the event any of the provisions of any of the above ,named codes are in conflict with either this Building Code or the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Mount Prospect, this Building Code and such Zoning Ordinance shall prevail, and the conflicting provisions of thosè other codes hereinabove adopted by reference shall be of no effect. . B. The term "Building Official" as used in any of the åbove adopted codes shall mean the Official designat~d by the Village Manager of the Village of Mount Prospect. C. Any references in any of the above adopted codes to the "municipality" or to the "city" or to the "village" shall mean the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION 21.108 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS: A. Any provisions of this code shall be deemed to supplement and otherwise void any existing building ordin~n~es. Should any two (2) provisions conflict, the more restrictive one shall govern. B. , , . Any existing State laws or revisions thereto pertaining to, the èrection~ maintenance, or occupancy of buildings and structures are hereby made a part of the code. Should any provisions in the State laws conflict with a similar provision of this Building Code, the local ordinance shall govern. C. If aný Chapter, Article, Section, or Paragraph, or any part or parts of any Chapter, Article, Section, or Paragraph of this Code is declared invalid or uncon- stitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force, or effect of any other Chapter, Article, Section, or Paragraph, or any part pr parts of any other Chapter, Article, Section or Paragraph of this Code. - 13 - r1 , c. '. 6) (continued) ties at not more than four (4) foot centers are required on all common rafter spans more than twelve (12) feet in width and of a size not leS$ than 1" x 6". 7) Double 2" x 8" headers required over main doors nine (9) feet or less in width and double 2" x 12" headers on doors up to seven- teen (17) feet in width. 8) A service door not less than 2' x 6" in width and at least two (2) windows on opposite sides shall be required on all garages. 9) Roof sheathing of not less than one-half (~) inch thick plywood or one inch thick nominal size tongue and groove sheathing. 10) Shall contain the following minimal electrical equipment: a) One (1) recepticle. b) One (1) ceiling or wall light fixture". c) One (1) switch for light fixture. Brick detached garages. 1) Detached garage on interio~ lot shall be set back seventy-five (75) feet from front lot line and shall not b~ closer than two (2) feet" to dividing lot line. On corner lots garagéshall be twenty (20) feet back of lot line next to street. 2) Concrete footings not less than four (4) feet below grade and not less than twenty (20) inches wide and,eight (8) inches thick shall be required. Foundation walls shall be a minimum of eight (8). inches thick. 3) Concrete floor shall be the same as required for frame garages. 4) Doors and headers shall be the same as re- quired for frame garages. Rafters, roof and sheathings shall be the same as required for frame garages. 5) 6) Shall contain the following minimal electrical equipment. - 12 - " SECTION TWO: That, pursuant to the authority vested in the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect under Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois as well as the Illinois Revised Statutes, Article III of Chapter 21 (Building Code) contained in the Municipal Code of Mount Prospect of 1957, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended in its entirety; so that hereafter the said Article III of Chapter 21 shall be and read as follows: ARTICLE III. FIRE LIMITS SECTION 21.301. CONFLAGRATION HAZARD DISTRICT ESTABLISHED. A. For the purpose of lessening the possibility of con- flagration or fire spread between buildings in close proximity, a conflagration hazard district to be known as Conflagration Hazard District is hereby established, within which Conflagration Hazard District certain types of construction are prohibited as specified in Section 21.302 hereunder. B. All property lying within, or which hereafter may be situated .within, the B':"l, B-2, B-3, B-4, 1-1 and 1-2 zoning districts as delineated in the Village of Mount Prospect Zoning Ordinances shall be construed as being in said Conflagration Hazard District. All propertiès developed under special use ordinances for business uses or industrial uses sh~ll be included in the Con- flagration Hazard District. ' C. A building or structure shall be deemed to be within the Conflagration Hazard District if any portion of the area of such building or structure is located therein. Nothing. in this Article shall be interpreted to pre- vent the application of location limitations by the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION 21.302 EXCEPTIONS: The following accessory structures shall be allowed as exceptions within the Conflagration Hazard District. A., B. C. D. E. Fences not exceeding the height limitations of the Villag~ of Mount Prospect Fence or Zoning Ordinance. Temporary platforms, reviewing'stands, builders' shanties, and similar temporary structures erected for a limited time as approved by the BuUiling Superintendent. Greenhouses not more than fifteen (15) feet in height erected on the same lot as, and, accessory to, a store. Wall signs affixed flat against the building. Ground signs where permitted and not exceeding the height and square foot requirements of the Sign Ordinance of the Village of Mount Prospect. - 14 - ""'""'i4""'>(¥""",¥t."".",....,..,""¡,i,,:-,'""--,:':" SECTION 21.303 NON-CONFORMATION USES: The provisions of the Village of Mount Prospect Zoning Ordinance relating to non- conforming uses and structures shall not effect the require~ ments of this Ordinance. ' SECTION 21. 304 CONFLAGRATION HAZARD DISTRICT MAP: A. The Bureau of Fire Prevention, in conjunctio~ with the Building Superintendent of the Village of Mount Prospect shall prepare or cause to be pre- pared, a master map on which shall be accurately indicated the area andboundries of the Conflagration Hazard District establish~dby this Ordinance. Said Conflagration Hazard District Map sh¿ll be available for inspection in the Office of the Village Clerk during regular business hours. B. A Zoning Map showing the boundries of the various zoning districts and special uses mentioned in this Ordinance shall be sufficient for the purpose of this Section 21.304. SECTION 21.305 FIRE: AUTOMATIC DETECTION AND/OR EXTINGUISHMENT OF A. Authority is hereby conferred upon the Chief of the ~ Fire Department to adopt and promulagate rules based upon the standards of any nationally recognized organization embodying details for the installation and construction of automatic sprinkler equipment ahd/or automatic fire detection equipment in such instances where, based upon the standards contained herein, any building or part thereof because of its size, construction, occupancy, or lack of suitable protective equipment, shall be deemed by the said Fire Chief or his duly authorized agent to constitute a special fire hazard to life or property or an excess- ive burden upon the fire extinguishing facilities of the Fire Department. B. All automatic sprinkler equipment specified herein shall be inspected at least once a year as is specified hereinbelow, and at all times maintained in proper operative condition by the owner or occupant of such building. The occupant(s) of such buildings containing such equipment shall promptly notify the Fire Prevention Bureau of the Fire Department in case such sprinkler system or any other equipment specified herein is with- drawn from such building, or the use of such eq¥ipment therein is interrupted, curtailed, or altered. ' C. It shall be the responsibility of the owners of all buildings having interior fire alarm and suppression systems both existing and those which are to be constructed, to provide for the continuous maintenance - 15 - ~ C. ,.........., (continued) of such systems through no less than an annual inspection and testing of the systems. Proof of each annual inspection and testing of the fire alarm and suppression systems shall be provided to the Fire Prevention Bureau upon completion of such test. SECTION 21.306 SPECIAL REGULATIONS FOR ALL, BUILDINGS CONTAINING FOUR STORIES OR MORE: A. Standpipes. B. 1. Standpipes and sprinkler Fire Department siamese connections shall be no further than ten (10) feet apart; shall b~ located on the street or road side wall of any such building; shall be readily access- ible; and shall be located no further than 300 feet from the nearest operable fire hydrant - which 300 feet shall be measured along a route normally used by motor ,vehicles. 2. Wet ~tandpipes for Class I and Class III service shall be provided on each floor. a) All hose so installed shall be of a type single jacket rubber lined 300 P.S.I. Test with N.S.T. (National Standard Thread). b) ~uch standpipes shall be installed in accord- ance with the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet No. 14. EXCEPTION~ 'Buildings provided with complete auto- IDQtic sprinkler protectipn. Elevators - Fire Sérvice. - 1. A three (3) position (on, off, and by-pass) key shall be provided at the main floor for each single elevator and for each group of elevators. This keyed switch shall be located in the left , door jamb of the elevator entrance. Where there is more than one elevator, the left elevator shall have the switch. The keyed switch shall be locateq not less than six (6) feet six (6) inches (6'6") above the floor and approximately four inches (4") below the headjamb. 2. A keyed switch shall be provided in or adjacent to the operating panel of each elevator. The switch, when operated, shall put the elevator on emergency service. - 16 - n c. 3. Power operated doors shall remain closed when the elevator stops at any landing except the main floor until opened by continuous pressure on a door-open button switch. As soon as this door-open button switch is released, the doors shall automatically reclose. 4. Where mechanical-electrical safety edge devices are installed on the leading edge of the car doors, these devices shall remain operative and doors may be maintained in open position by operation of the device. Any feature that may cause doors to reclose after being held in a predetermined time shall be disconnected. 5. Keys required to call or operate elevators shall be kept in a conspicuous location at the main floor as approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. The box shall have a lock- type cover which can be opened by the Fire, Department's alarm box key. The box shall contain a separate key for each elevator in the €3roup. 6. Every group of elevators in a building subject to the provisions of this Section 21.306 shall be available for firemen's emergency service. In buildings where there are several groups of elevators and where individual- key switches are provided to cause cars to return to the, main floor, this arrangement is satisfactory provided that a separate key box is provided for each g~oup of elevators. 7. IIT@ediately adjacent to the firemen's return switch in the car station, a push button shall he provided to cancel àll registered calls wh~n the elevator is on Firemen's Control. The button shall be marked "Fire Cont,rol ". This button shall not be required if all car calls are cancelled when the car makes its first stop. Fire ExtinguisÌlers and Fire Alarm Systems. 2. 1. Ten (10) pound ABC Fire Extinguishers shall be installed in breakable glass fronted cabinets at locations meeting the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association, Pamphlet No. 101. Fire alarm systems shall conform to all require- ments of the National Fire Codes hereinbefore' adopted. .- 17 - D. Special Wiring. 1. Non-energized wiring to provide emergency power for fire fighting and other Fire Department purposes shall be installed and located in each stairwell, at each floor level and at ground level all inter-connected in the following manner: a) An N.E.M.A. LIO-30P or approved equivalent weatherprodf corrosion resistant male with a snap-type waterproof cover shall be install- ed adjacent to the Fire Department sprinkler connection (but not so as to interfere with same) and color coded red. b) An N.E.M.A. LIO-30R or approved equivalent weatherproof corrosion resistant female with a sn~p-type waterproof cover shall be install- ed in each stairwell, at each floor level and color coded red. c) If these installations are not flush mounted, a.waterproof enclosure shall be provided. d) Wiring shall conform to the following: 1) T.H.W. #8 in 3/411 conduit, with ground from conduit to neutral, if exposed conduit, to be heavy wall; if concealed conduit, to be thin wall, for buildings up to one hundred (100) feet in height. 2) T.H.W. #6 in 111 conduit, with ground from conduit to neutral if exposed conduit, to be heavy wall; if concealed conduit, to be thin wall, for buildings over one hundred (100) feet in height. e) Wiring shall be 3-pole, 3-wire grounded circuit, conforming with N.F.M.A. 110-30. E. Voice Communication SY3tem~ There shall be two (2) approved electrically supervised communication systems as described below: 1. A two (2) way Fire Department communications system, which shall provide two (2) way communiation capabilities between the control station and the following terminal areas; elevators, elevator 10bbiesJ exitways access corridors, and exitway stairways. 2. A one (1) way public address communication system for transmission of emergency directions and designed to be heard by all building occupants and shall operate from the Central Control Station. - 18 - n 2. (continued) It shall be established on a selective or general basis to the following terminal areas, elevator lobbies, exitway access corridors, and exitway stairways; office areas exceeding one thousand (1,000) square feet in area; dwelling units; and hotel guest rooms and suites. The two (2) way Fire Department communication system may be combined with the one (1) way address communication systems. F. Emergency Lighting Circuits. Emergency lighting 'circuits shall be provided for all exit signs and in all corridors, stairwells, basements, assembly rooms, and any other public area. Such lighting shall conform to the require- ments of the National Fire Codes hereinbefore adopted. G. Smoke Hatches and Approved Roof Access Ladders. Smoke hatches and approved roof access ladders shall be provided in all stairways. Such hatches shall be activated manually and by automatic smoke detection devices. EXCEPTION: In smoke proof towers or prescribed stair- wells, smoke detector activation shall be eliminated. H. Signing. The following signs shall be provided: 1. A sing shall be posted and maintained within each stairwell enclosure on every floor indicating the number of the floor. 2. Each stairway and each bank of elevators shall be identified by an alphabetical letter or letters indicating ,the geographical location of same, such as "N" for north, "SH" for southwest, or "M" for middle, etc. A ~ign indicating the letter or letters of identification shall be posted and maintained at each elevator landing and on the side of the stair door in which egress is to be made. Stair re-entry signs ßhall be posted and maintained on each floor within each stairway door, where applicable, indicating whether re-entry is pro- vided into the building and the floor where such re-entry is so provided. 3. 4. Evacuation signs shall be provided in all multi- family units indica~~ing the apartment location and proper evacuation route as well as emergency telephone numbers and directions. - 19 - n 5. Room identification signs shall be po~ted and maintained on all doors to rooms other than dwelling units. 6. Directional signs shall be posted and maintained on each floor indicating apartment numbers and directions. 1. Keys. The following keys shall be provided: 1. A key to the electrical~ mechanical, fire alarm, and fire pump rooms shall be provided for Fire Department use and kept in the elevator key box and tagged to identify them properly. 2. A key to the front entrance shall be given to the Fire Department. SECTION 21.307 CONFLICT WITH O~HER ORDINANCE$: Nothing in this Article III shall be deemed to conflict with any other law or Ordinance of the Village of Mount Prospect or any such regulå- tions contained in this Chapter. - ?O SECTION THREE: That, pursuant to the authority vested in the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect under Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois as well as the Illinois Revised Statutes, Article VI of Chapter 21 (Building Code) contained in the Municipal Code of Mount Prospect of 1957, as amended, be and the same is here- by amended in its entirety; so that hereafter the said Article VI of Chapter 21 shall be and read as follows: ARTICLE VI. FEES, BONDS, AND DEPOSITS SECTION 21.601 BASIS OF BUILDING PEffl1IT FEES: For the purpose of determining a basis for computing building permit fees, the estimated cost of construction shall be determined by the Building Superintendent as follows: A. The Director of Building and Zoning may accept an estimate furnished to him by the applicant for permit; or B. he may require a certificate of the cost of construction from a l'icensed architect or a registered structural or a registered structural or professional engineer; or C. .. he may require an affidavit from the owner or his agent setting forth the estimated cost Df the proposed work; or D. he may make such estimatè as Director of Building and Zoning. SECTION 21.602 FEES FOR PERMITS: The permit fees to be charged for permits authorized and required by the Municipal Code shall be paid to the Village of Mount Prospect and shall be as provided in the following sub-sections. . SECTION 21.603 BUILDING PERMITS: The minimum fee for any permit to alter, construct, enlarge, erect, lower, raise, remodel, repair or underpin any building, structure or/part thereof as required by this ordinance, shall be twenty dollars ($20), provided that the cost of the work authorized by said permit does not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). When the cost of any such work exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000), the fee for said permit shall be computed at the rate of twenty dollars ($20) for the first one thousand dollars ($1,000) of cost, plus six dollars ($6) for each additional thousand dollars ($1,000) of cost or fraction thereof, to a maximum cost of forty thousand dollars ($40,000). For each one thousand dollars ($1,000) or fraction thereof exceeding a cost of forty thousand dollars ($40,000) the amount of the permit fee shall be four dollars ($4) to a maximum cost of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000). For each additional one thousand dollars ($1,000) or fraction thereof of cost in excess of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) the permit fee shall be three dollars ($3). - 2 1 - ","_M~__..".., ~ SECTION 21.604 ELECTRICAL PERMITS: The permit fee to be charged for electrical installation and alteration shall be as follows: A. Minumum permit fee shall be ten dollars ($10). B. for the inspection of original installation of a single family residence, the' fee shall be: (1) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) 0 to 1,001 to 1,600 to 2,400 to 3,000 sq. ft. 1,000 sq. ft. 1,599 sq. ft. 2,399 sq. ft. 2,999 sq. ft. and over $25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 In addition to the foregoing an electrical service fee shall be paid in accordance with schedule for new service fees. C. Conversions of single family residences, such as garages, recreation rooms, dormers, etc., the permit fee shall be computed on a circuit count basis. (see CIRCUIT COUNT SCHEDULE) D. The fee for the inspection of electric motors or power consuming devices other than lighting circuits or air conditioners shall be: (1) (2) Base fee $6.00 Plus each horsepower or kilowatt $.50 (each kilowatt of electrical power shall be consid- ered 1 H.P. for fee purposes). E. CIRCUIT COUNT SCHEDULE: CIRCUITS -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 WIRE CIRCUIT $ 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 , 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 54.00 58.00 62.00 66.00 - 22 - ~ E. (continued) CIRCUITS 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 - 50 inclusive 51 - 75 inclusive over 75 2 WIRE CIRCUIT $ 70.00 74.00 78.00 82.00 86.00 90.00 94.00 98.00 102.00 106.00 110.00 3.50 each additional 3.25 each additional 3.00 each additional F. For the inspection of a three (3) wire circuit, the'fee shall be double the amount of a two (2) wire circuit. G. For the inspection of a four (4) wire circuit, the fee shall be tnree (3) times the amount of a two (2) wire circuit. H. The fees for examination of plans when plans are.sub-: mitted that are not in conjunction with construction or plumbing shall be ten dollars ($10). 1. For the inspection for.new services the fees shall be as follows: 60 ' service $ 8.00 ampere one meter each additional meter 3.00 100 ampere service one meter 12.00 each additional meter 3.00 200 ampere service one meter 16.00 each additional meter 5.00 400 ampere service one meter 20.00 each additional meter 5.00 600 ampere service one meter 25.00 each additional meter 5.00 800 ampere service one meter 30.00 each additional meter 5.00 1000 ampere service one meter 35.00 each additional meter 5.00 1200 ampere service one meter 40.00 each additional meter 5.00 - 23 - J. 1. (continued) 1400 ampere service each additional meter 1600 ampere service each additional meter 1800 ampere service each additional meter 2000 ampere service each additional meter one meter $45.00 5.00 50.00 5.00 55.00 5.00 60.00 5.00 For service ampere ratings other than those listed, the fee is to be that provided for the next larger size as established by sub-section 1. When inspections are cálled for and re-inspection is required, a re-inspection fee of ten dollars ($10) will be deducted from bond or deposit fees. A. For feeders installed or increased in ampacity as a separate installation: onè feeder $ 10.00 each additional feeder 1.00 B. SECTION 21.605 PLUMBING PERMITS: The fee for the installation, alteration or extension of a plumbing system shall be: one meter one meter one meter K. Minimum permit fee shall be ten dollars ($10). Replacement of fixtures. .... ...first five (5) fixtures.. four dollars ($4) per fixture. Fixtures in excess of five (5).. ...two dollars ($2). New installation of fixtures....five dollars ($5) per fixture. C. Alterations of a plumbing system.. ...sixteen dollars ($16) plus the fee for fixtures replaced or installed. Water Connection Tap-On Fee: The "water corncction tap-on fee" shall be based upon the size of the water tap made into the water system. The schedule of taps and charges shall be as follows: D. Size of Tap Charges 1" ............... $200.00 l!.¿" ............... 250.00 2" ............... ,300.00 3 tI ............... 600.00 4" ...............1,000.00 6" ................1,500.00 8" ...............2,000.00 10" ...............2,500.00 '0, '14 - r1 D. Ccont inued) In the event any building or premi~es contains more than one dwelling or commercial unit, an additional permit fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) shall be made for each such multiple unit. All applicants for water service shall provide and pay the costs of construction, both labor and material, of the water service from the main to the premises to be served. This construction work in connection with the water service shall be performed by a licensed plumber who has a properly executed bond on fil~ in the office of the Village clerk. The water meter shall be furnished by the Village and a charge made to cover the cost of such meter. For the connection charge, the Village will inspect the water service to determine that the construction thereof is in accordance with specifications established by the Village for the regu- lation of the water and sewer system. . E. A chlorination f~e of forty dollars ($40) shall be assessed for each water main and fire main system. SECTION 21.606 GAS PIPING PERMITS: The fee for permits for the installation of gas piping shall be computed on the bas~s of ten dollars ($10) per inch (I.D.) plus an additional five dollars ($5) on each twenty-five (25) lineal feet or fraction thereof. . SECTION 21.607 AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION PERMITS: The fee for air conditioning and refrigeration permits shall be ten dollars ($10) plus three dollars ($3) per ton or frac- tion thereof for the first (20) twenty tons. When the air conditioning or refrigeration system exceeds twenty (20) tons the fee to be charged for the additional tons shall be computed at the rate of one dollar ($1) per ton or fraction thereof. ' , SECTION 21.608 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION PERMITS: 'l"Iechanical equipment permit fees other than air condit ioning, refrigeration, combustiQn, elevators and fi~e protection ,systems shall be computed at the rate of ten dollars ($10) for the first o~e thousand dollars ($1,000) of valuation. The permit fee for work which exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000) of valuation shall be computed at the rate of four dollars ($4) per additional one thousand ($1,000). SECTION 21.609 SEWER PERMIT FEES: The fee for the installation, alteration or extension of a sewer system shall be: A. Sewer connection tap-on fee. The "sewer connection tap-on fee" shall be one hundred, fifty dollars ($150) for each separate building connection which contains not more than ten (10) water outlets or floor drains discharging to the sanitary sewe~ system. - 25 - ~, D. E. A. (continued) For each additional water outlet or floor drain contain- edin said premisea in excess of ten (10) outlets there shall be an additional sewer connection tap~on fee for said connection of twenty-five dollars ($25) per water outlet or floor drain. In the event any building or premises contains more than one (1) dwelling unit or commercial unit, an additional permit fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) shall be made for each such multiple unit,. B. The applicant for sewer service shall, in all cases, pay for all costs of labor and materials required for installing the sewer service from the respective mains to the premises to be served. The construction work in connection with the sewer service shall be performed by a licensed plumber who has a properly executed bond on file in the office of the Village Clerk. For the connection charge, the Village will inspect the sewer service to determine that the construction' thereof is in accordance with specifications established by the Village for the regulation of the water and sewer system. An additional fee for plan review and final inspection will be required for all projects involving the exten- sion of an existing sanitary or storm sewer. This fee , shall be based upon the following percentages of the 'estimated construction cost of the sewer extension (exClusive of services to the proposed building): c. 1. 2.0% of the construction 'cost of the improvements when such cost is fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or le S's . 2. 1.5% of the construction cost of the improvèments when such cost is over fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). In each instance above where the said permit is issued for sewer connections lying outside the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect, said shall be 200% of such fee Ilsted hereinabove in order to cover the additional costs and inspections thereof. As a .further condition of the issuance of a permit, the individual or firm connecting to the sewer system shall provide a performance bond, payable to the Village of Mount Prospect, to cover the full cost of all sanitary sewerage system improvements. 1. The amount of such performance bond shall be based upon an estimate of cost approved by the Village Engineer. - 26 - n , E. (continued) 2 . Said perro~ance bond shall be errective ror a period of two (2) years following the projects acceptance by the Village Engineer, during which t:l1ne the' per¡nittee shall be responsible for the maintenance of the improvements installed under the permit. 3 . The performance bond shall also indemnify the Village or Mount Prospect rr~ any costs, charges, expenses, loss or d~age that may arise directly or indirectly out of the installation, construct- ion or failure to maintain or repair the sanitary sewer so installed. F. A reeor one dollar ($1) shall be paid to the Village of Mount Prospect for each lineal foot of sto~, ß~t~,~ -~~ S~r ~~U~ to ~p dtl~ the cost of televising said sewers. SECTION 21.610 ST@ET OBS~UCTION PE~IT FEES - DEPOSITS - BO~S: . No street, Wley, parkway, or other public property shall be Obstructed without a special Pe:rwit :first having been secured from the BUilding Superintendent. A. The £ee £or suéh street, alley, or parkway obstruction pe~H shall be nneen dollars ($15) per month or part thereor ror each twentY-five (25) reet or ~actional part thereof of frontage so occupied. The minimum deposit shall be rifty dollars ($50). B. ~= ~ ~SC~fu~me ~ ~ U8 ~ ~~ stN~, U~ or parkway, the ~ount due for the special obstruction pe=it shall be deducted rrom the deposit and the difference returned. c. The validity of such permit shall not exceed ninety (90) days after the date of issuance of same. D. Said pe~it may be renewed ror an additional thirty (30) days with the approval ot' the Building Superintendent. and in SUch event the applicant shall pay an additional fee of twentY-rive dollars ($25) per twenty- rive (25) root or rractional part thereor or hontage so ocCUp~ed per month or fraction thereof. E,~ ~~t ~ ~ t~ ~~~ ~ a sh~, sMn~k @ al1ßY ror the purpose or making connections to the sewer, water, gas or electric Piping shall be twenty~ five dollars ($25). F. ~ permit shall be issued until the ~pl1cant shall have executed and riled with the Building Superintendent a bond in the penal sum of ten thousand dol~ars ($10,000) with a responsible surety C~pany as sl¡rety thereon. Said bond to be approved as to :fOr'1n.by the Village Attorney. Said bond to indemnify the VillaEe of Mount Prospect and its' Mficials for the full time period of time provided by the Statutes of Limitations or the State or Illinois rr= any and all loss, costs, ¡ i I i I ¡ - 27 - I ! f\ -' F. (continued) expense, or liability of any kind or nature whatso- ever, which said Village or its' officials may suffer or be put to, or which may be recove;r'.E?d from it or them by reason of the issuance of such permit. G. No permit shall be issued until the applicant has deposited with the Village Treasurer the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) to guarantee the replace- ment or repair of broken or damaged sidewalks, curbs, gutters and streets, restoring thê public property and for the removal of dirt and litter from public streets abutting the premises involved, except that if the improvement to be made is a single-room addition or a detached garage, such sum shall not exceed 100 dollars ($100). However, the applicant shall not be required to have on deposit, at anyone time, with the Village Treasurer, any sum in excess of two thousand dollars ($2,000) for this purpose, regardless of the numbe~ of permits issued to the applicant. t SECTION 21.611 WATER METER RENTAL FEES - AND USE FEE DURING ---. '.', .CONSTRUCTION FEES: A. Fees shall be charged for the rental of water meters according to the following schedule: l~' The charge for connecting a 5/8 inch to and includ- ing a l~ inch orifice size disc water meter, including a flat rental fee and charge for ordinary maintenance and repair for the life there- of, shall be the current cost of the meter at the time of its pun:;hase plus eighty-five per cent (85%) of the said cost figured to the closest dollar. , .2. The charge for connecting a two inch orifice size or larger turbine, compound, or line meter shall be the current cost of the meter at the time of its purchase plus thirty per éent (30%) of the said cost figured to the closest dolla~ as well as a flat rental fee plus the cost and expense of necessary maintenance and repairs made by 'the Village of Mount Prospect during the life of the said meter - which later charges for maintenance shall be billed to the consumer when incurred. B. A fee often dollars ($10) shall be made for each user for water used during construction. ("USER" is hereby defined as any single family resident, dwelling unit of a duplex, town house, apartment, co-operative, or other residential or combination use building). For all other construction a deposit of fifty dollars ($50) shall be paid for the rental of a construction - 28 - r\ ,,-' water meter and water used will be billed by the Finance Director in accordance with the normal water rates in effect at the time of use. ' The latter alter- nate may be used by developers of multiple family dwelling unit buildings. SECTION 21.612 ELEVATOR, ESCALATOR, AND DUMBWAITER PERMIT AND INSPECTION FEE$: A. Permit fees for elevator, escalator, and dumbwaiter installation or alteration shall be as follows: ,1 . For each elevator servicing a building up to and including three (3) floors the fee shall be thirty dollars ($30). 2 . , Each additional floor in excess of three (3) floors, ten dollars($lO) per floor. B. Semi-annual inspection fees of eachelèvator, escalator, and dumbwaiter shall be twenty-five dollars ($25; for each elevator, escalator, and dumbwaiter. ' . SECTION 21.613 PLAN EXAMINATION FEES: The fee for plan exam- ination shall be payable upon receipt of the plans submitted for review ánd shall be as follows: ' A. For single family homes, thirty dollars ($30). B. For garages, normal accessory buildings for single family hbmes, and miscellaneous plans, fifteen dollars ($15). C. For all other alterations, construction or repair of buildings and structures, the following system shall apply: The fee for plan examination is related to the complex- ities of thè work involved. The fee is based on: 1. : 2. The size of the building (Base Fee). 3 4. The type of construction (Base Fee Multiplier). The use group {Base Fee Multiplier). The type of mechanical plans (Mechanical Plans Multiplier) included in the submittal. The quotation is as follows: Plan Exam Fee = (Base Fee) X (Base Fee Multiplier) X(Mechanical Plans Multiplier) Example: yse Group C (mercantile) Floor Area 5,000 square feet Height - 2 stories, 20 feet Type II-C construction Plans include building, mechanical and plumbing - 29 - .or ......,#' 4 . (continUed) The volume of the building is 5,000 sq. ft. x 20 ft. = 100~00Q cu. ft. The ba~e fee is $105.00. The base fee multiplier is 0.9. The mechanical plans multiplier is 1.21. Plan Exam Fee = 105.00 X 0.9 X 1.21 = $114.35. BASE FEE BUILDING VOLUME (cubic feet) = Plan Exam Base Fee -= $ 40.00 70.00 90.00 110.00 125.00 140.00 0 to 10,000 10,000 to 20~000 20,000 1{0 40,000 40,000 to 80,000 80,000 to 150~000 150,000 to 200,000 Over 200 ~ 000 ' per 10,000 cub. ft. additional 1.25 BASE FEE MULTIPLIER Type of Construction Use Group I II IIC III TIIC IV = .a -.~ A ,Hazardous B" Storage D Industrial 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 C Mercantile 1.2 1.1 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9 E Business F Assembly 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.0 H Institutiona12.1 2.0 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.6 L Residential 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.0 - 30 - MECHAN~t'êÄtPtANS MULTIPLIER Plans Submitted Multiplier Mechanical Plumbing 1.12 1.08 Electrical 1.04 Mechanical & Plumbing Mechanical & Electrical Plumbing & Electrical Mechanical, Plumbing & Electrical 1.21 1.16 1.12 1.26 To calculate plan review fee: Fee = Base Fee X Base Fee Multiplier X Mechanical Plans Multiplièr. SECTION 21.614 GASOLINE STORAGE TANK PERMIT: The permit to~ install a gasoline storage tank shall be one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00). SECTION 21.615 HE-INSPECTION FEES: Where a re-inspection is required to determine compliance with the related codes, a re- inspection fee shall be paid. Re-inspection fees shall be computed on the basis of ten per cent (10%) of the original installation fee with a minimum of ten dollars ($10) and a maximum of twenty-five dollars ($25). f " , " ' "", " ' , SECTION 21.616 'DEMOLITION OFB'UILDINGS - FEES AND BONDS: No building,or other¡;;tr1.l,cture'shall be demolished, razed or wrecked ~nless p~rmit fees and bonds are submitted ~o the Village of Mount Prospect as follows: A. A cash deposit in the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) to assure the filling in of any below-grade areas and 60mpletion of the proposed demolition. A bond with good and sufficient sureties, acceptable ,to the Village Attorney, indemnifying, keeping and saving harmless the Village against any loss, cost, damage, expense, judgment or liability of any kind whatsoever which the Village may suffer, or which may accrue against, be charged to or be recovered from the Village, or any of its officials, from or by reason or on account of accidents to persons, or property dUring any such demolition, razing, or wrecking operations, and from or by reason or,on account of anything done under or 'by virtue of any B. '" , , ' - 31 - ~ ~' , B. (continued) permit granted for any such demolition, razing or wrecking operations. Such bond shall be in the penal sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20;000) for structures not exceeding three (3) stories in height and forty thousand dollars ($40,000) for structures of four (4) or more stories. C. A permit fee is to be paid. Said fee to be computed at a rate of ten dollars ($10) for each ten (10) feet of height of such building or structure, with a' minimum permit fee of fifteen dollars ($15) per build- ing or structure. D. A permit fee of one hundred dollars ($100) shall be paid for moving a building. " SECTION 21.617 SIDEWALK DEPOSIT: In addition to the foregoing provis~ons, each applicant shall, at the time of making appli- cation for such bUilding permit, deposit with the Village Treasurer the sum of five dollars ($5) for each lineal foot of frontage of the Ibt for which a permit is sought, and if a cor- ner lot, the additional sum of five dollars ($5) for each lineal foot of such frontage on the side street. Said deposit shall be returned to the applicant after the sidewalk has been con- structed and accepted by the Village; proVided, however, that if such sidewalk is not constructed within one year from the date of such permit, the Village shall then be authorized to construct such sidewalk and pay for such construction out of the deposit made under the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 21.618 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: The fee for a final Certificate of Occupancy for residential buildings shall be five dollars ($5) for each dwelling unit. The fee to be charg- ed for all oth~r uses shall be twenty-five dollars ($25). SECTION 21.619 FENCÉ PERMIT PEE: The fee to construct, alter, or erect a fence shall be ,five dollars ($5). - 32 - {\ SECTION FOUR: That, pursuant 0 the authority vested in the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect under Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the S~ate of Illinois as well as the Illinois Revised Statutes, Article VIII of Chapter 21 (Building Code) contained in the Mùnicipal Code of Mount Prospect of 1957, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended in its entirety; so that hereafter the said Article 1 of Chapter 21 shall be read as follows: AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 87-210 OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT ELECTRICAL CODE (BRANCH CIRCUITS) SECTION 87-210.29: GROUND-FAULT CIRCUIT PROTECTION A. Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters 1. Ground-fault circuit-interrupters shall be self- contained units, circuit-breaker types, receptacle types or other approved types. Conductors on the load side of a ground-fault circuit-interrupter shall not occupy conduit, boxes or enclosures containing other conductors. Exception No. 1: Grou~d-fault circuit-interrupters shall be permitted in a panelboard that contains circuits protected by other than ground-fault circuit-interrupters. Exception No.2: Supply conductors to a feed- through, receptacle-type, ground-fault circuit- interrupter shall be permitted in the same enclosure. a) Dwelling Units 1) All l20-Volt, single-phase, 15- and 20- ampere receptacles installed in bathrooms, laundry rooms (that is, receptacl~s in- stalled wlthin5 feet; in any direction of laundry tub and washer and dryer), kitchens (that is, receptacles installed within 5 feet of kitchen sink, excluding receptacles in- stalled behind a stationary appliance) and garages of dwelling units shall have ground- fault circuit interrupter protection for personnel. 2) All 120-Volt, single-phase, 15- and 20- ampere receptacles installed outdoors, where there is direct grade level access to the dwelling unit and to the receptacles shall have ground-fault circuit interrupter protection for personnel. ' Bathroom: A bathroom is an area including a basin with one or more of the following: - 33 - 2) ( a toilet, a tub, or a shower. Such ground-fault circuit interrupter pro- tection maybe provided for ot'her circuits, locations, and occupancies, and where used, will provide additional protection against line-to-ground 3ho~k hazard. b) Swimming Pools 1) Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters Required. All electric equipment, including power suppJ.y cordf;, used with storagle swimming pools andpermanent1y installed pools shall be protected by ground-fault circuit- interrupters. (a) Permanently installed swimming, wading pools: those that are constructed in the ground" on the ground, or in a building in such a manner that the pool cannot be readily disassembled for storage. (b) Storable swimming or wading pools: a pool with a maximum dimension of fifteen (15) feet and a maximum wall height of three (3) feet and is so constructed that it may be readily disassembled for storage and reassem- bled to its original integrity. ARTICLE VIII ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS - DIVISION I The following rules are hereby adopted as safe and practical standards for the inctallation, alteration and use of electrical equipment in the Village of Mount Prospect. A. The rules and regulations of the Mount Prospect Electri- cal Cbde of 1970 and amendments theretofore (Division 86, 87, 88 and 155). However, provisions of this article or amendments thereto shall govern and control in case of conflict. B. The rules and regulations regarding the installation, alterations and use of electrical equipment as last adopted by the Electrical Code of the Village of Mount Prospect, namely: 1. Service. The service wires and service switch on all residential installations be at least 100, ampere capacity. .". '. - 34 - r'\: 7. 8. C. 2. Circuit Requirements. In single family residences the main service entrance equipment shall consist of a single disconnect of not less than 100 ampere capacity which shall serve a circuit box containing a minimum of twelve (12) circuits, six (6) of which m~st be in use for any dwelling unit, having 1,000 square .feet or less of floor area. I Receptacle Requirements. In single family residences no more than ten (10) receptacles or outlets shall be tied into any circuit. This provision shall not be deemed in conflict with Section 88.560.4. 3. 4. Kitchen Requirements. There shall be a minimum of two (2) 20-ampere appliance circuits in the kitchen of any dwelling. 5. Ground-Fault Circuit Protection. "SEE ATTACHED". 6. Outlet Requirements. In single family residences ther~ shall be at least one outlet on each wall except in bathrooms, closets, hall areas, garages and basements, a minimum of one (1) outlet is required in bathrooms, and hall areas. Si~ns. No sign shall be erected within eight (8) feet of any line conductors, service drops or power lines. Lamp holder and switch. ,For attached and detached garages, at least one (1) lamp holder and switch shall be installed inside. - The Building Superintendent, who shall serve ex-officio as the Chief Electrical Inspector, shall maintain three copies of thp Mount Prospect Electrical Code on file in his offic,~ at all times; the same to be available for publtc in6pe~tiûn during all regular busine~s hours. SECTION 21.8102: ' PERMI'rS No electrical equipment shall be installed or altered within the Village of ~ount Prospect unless a permit for such installatIon or alteration be first issued by the Chief Electrical Inspector who shall be the Building Superintendent. SECTION 21.8103: DEFINITION The term "electrical equipment" as used in this article means conductors and equipment installed for the utilization of electricity supplied for lights, heat or power, but does not include radio apparatus or equipment for wireless reception of sounds and signals, nor ordinary household appliances such as toasters, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and does - 35 - , -,..-... A SECTION 21.8103: DEFÎÑ1r:r!'ðN"tè¡c;~tinued ) not include apparatus, conductors and other equipment installed for or by public utilities including common carriers, which are under the Jurisdiction of the Illinois Commerce Commission, for use in their'operation as public utilities. SECTION 21.8104:( APPLIANCES No permit for the installation, alteration and use of electrical equipment shall be issued except pursuant to an application therefore made out on a printed form, to be furnished by the Chief Eléctrical Inspector, who shall be the Building Superintendent - ~ or his duly authorized deputy, and submitted to the Electrical Inspection Bureau, which shall be the Department of BUilding and Zoning, and upon the payment of a fee in advance, as hereinafter provided. A. The application for each permit shall contain the name of the owner, or user,of electrical equipment to be installed, altered or used, and the location of the pre- mises where such installation or alteration is to be made by atreet and ,number, and a detailed description and plan of work to be done. SEC~PION 21.8105: REINSPECTION A. The electrical inspector is hereby empowered to dis- connect or order the discontinuance of electrical "service to such wiring, deviceB or mat-crial so found to be defective, until the installation of such wir- ing, devices and lllaterial has been !Tlade safe as diI'ecl- ed by the eleutrical inspector. SECTION 21.8106 CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL C. A. The electrical inspector Ghall issue a certificate of approval after each inspection in which the wiring orappa~atus is found to be In compliance with the terms of this Article and with the rules adopted. B. The Building Superintendent. who shall serve ex-officio as the Chief ! Electrical Inspector, shall issue the final certi- , ficate of approval after the completion of installation of all wiring or all apparatus if said work is found to be in full compliance of the terms of this Article and with the rules adopted. It shall be unlawful to use or turn on power into, or induce any electric current to flow through any wires or equipment hereafter installed for which certificate has not been issued. - 36 - F\, , , LS FROM THE DECISIONS OF THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL In case of a dispute between the applicant and the Building Superintendent, who shaH serve ex-officio as the Chief Electrical Inspector. about any installation, maintenance or repair. the l),pplicant may appeal the decision to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect and in which event the President and Board of Trustees shall refer the dispute to the Electrical Commission for its recommendation prior to making any decision. f - 37 - _--""'0- .. SECTION FIVE: That, pursuant to the authority vested in the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect under Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois as well as th~ Illinois .Revised Statutes, Article IX of Chapter 21 (Building Code) contained in the Municipal Code of Mount Prospect of 1957, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended in its entirety; so that hereafter the said Article IX of Chapter 21, shall be and read as follows: ARTICLE IX. MISCELLANEIOUS PROVISIONS: PENALTIES SECTION 21.901: EFFECT OF HEADINGS Chapter, Article and Section headings contained herein shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify or in any manner affect the scope, meaning, or intent of the provisions of any Article or Section of this Chapter 21. SECTION 21.902: SEVERABILITY If any part or parts of this Chapter shall be held tobe uncon- stitutional, such unconstitutionality shall not affect the valid- ity of the remain~ng parts of this Chapter. The Board of Trustees hereby declares that it would have passed the remaining parts of this Chapter if it had known that such part or parts thereof would be delclared unconstitutional: ' SEC'I'ION 21.903: PENALTIES A. It is a misdemeanor for any person to violate any of the provisions of this Chapter 21; and any person who shall erect, construct, alter, or repair a building or structure in violation of this Chapter for which arlOth~-r penalty Is not prov lded shall upon conviction for such violatIon be fIned not less than twenty-five ($25) dollars and/or nu more than five hundred ($500) . dcllc.trs and eacÌl day such v Iolat ion continues to exist chall constitute a separate offense. B. The imposition of the penaltie3 herein prescribed shall not preclude the Village from instituting an appro- priate action or proceeding to prevent an unlawful erection, construction, reconGtrl¡ctj on, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance or use or to restrain, correct or abate a violation, or to prevent the occupan- cy of building, structure or premised, or to prevent, an illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about premises. / - 38 - r~ SECTION SIX: That, pursuant to the authority vested in the President and Board of Trustee~of the Village of Mount Prospect under Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois as well as the Illinois Revised Statutes, Article XII of Chapter 21 (Building Code of Mount Prospect of 1957, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended in its entirety; so that hereafter the said Article XII of Chapter 21 shall be and read as follows: ARTICLE XII. DEFINITIONS SECTION 21.1201: DEFINITIONS OF WORDS AND PHRASES. Whenever in this Chapter the following words and phrases are used, they shall, for the purposes of this Chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this Article, except when the context in which they are used indicates otherwise. SECTION 21.1202: AGGRIEVED PARTY. One suffering from an infring- ement or denial ofqis legal rights by reason of a decision or ruling of the Director of Building and Zoning. SECTION 21.1203: ALCOVE. A recess connected with or at the side of a larger room, with an unobstructed opening'into such room equal to at least 20% of the entire wall surface of the alcove. SECTION 21.1204: ALLEY. A public way within a block, generàlly giving access to the rear of lots of buildings and not used for general traffic circulation. SECTION 21.1205: ALTERATION. As applied to a building or struc- ture, a change or rearrangemént of rooms or spaces, the struc- tural parts, the exit facilities, or an enlargement by extending on a side or by increasing in height. SECTION 21.1206: APARTMENT. A room or suite of two or more rooms in an apartment building occupied as a fàmily domicile where' ,provision is mad~ for~~ving, sleeping, cooking and eating within the room or suite of ,two or more rooms. SECTION 21.1207: APARTMENT BUILDING. tains apartments; Any building which con- SECTION 21.1208: APPROVED. As applied to a material, device, or made of construction; "approved" shall mean ,approved by the Director of Building and Zoning under- the provisions of this Chapter, or by other authority designated by this code to give approval or to be used as a standard in the matter in question. SECTION 21.1209: APPROVED MASONRY. Masonry constructed of brick, stone, concrete, hollow block, solid block, or combination of these materials, or other materials approved after test pur- suant to Article XII of this Chapter. SECTION 21.1210: ARCHITECTURAL COMMISSION: The Architectural Commission of the Village of Mount Prospect as established in Section 5.1201 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Mount Prospect of 1957, as ~~ended. SECTION 21.1211: AREA. (a) As applied to the dimensions of a building, the maximum horizontal area of the building at or above grade. (b) As applied to floor surf'ace measurement, the horizontal 'projected floor area inside of exterior enclosure walls or be- tween exterior walls and fire walls. (c) Pool area: The apron immediately adjacent to a swimming pool extending to a minimum of five (5) feet from the said pool. t 39 - ~ t ,~ SECTION 21.1212: ATTIC. A half story or fracti. story directly under the roofang dÖJ'1téqr1i,~g; no habitable room. SECTION 21.1213: AUTOMATIC."A'S"'ãpplied to a fire door or other opening protective, means normally held in an open ,position and automatically closed by a releasing device that is actuated by abnormal high temperature or by a pre-determined temperature or rate of rise in temperature. SECTION 21.1214: BASEMENT. A story, the floor of which is not less than two and one-half (2~) feet below and the ceiling of which is not less than four (4) feet above grade level. SECTION 21.1215: BATHROOM. A room containing a tub, shower compartment, or other facilities for bathing. SECTION 21.1216: BEARING WALL. Means a wall which supports any load in addition to its own weight. SECTION 21.1217: BOARD OF APPEALS. the Village of Mount Prospect. The Board of Appeals of SECTION 21.1218: BOARD OF TRUSTEES. of the Village of Mount Prospect. The Board of Trustees SECTION 21.1219: BOILER ROOM. A room containing the fue~- burning equipment and/or fuel storage for a heating or power ~ generating system. ' SECTION 21.1220: BUILDING. A combination of materials to form a construction that is safe and stable, enclosed with walls and roofs, and properly supported on a masonry foundation extending down 'below the frost line and adapted to permanent or, continuous occupancy for residence, business, assembly, fac- tory or storage purposes. The term "building" shall be con- strued as if followed by the words "or part ihereof". . (a) Business, Building. A building occupied for the transaction of business, for the rendering of professional services, for the display and sale of goods, wares and merchandise, for the sup- plying of food, drink or other bodily needs or comforts, or for the performance of certain work or labor, including, among others, office buildinY3, stores, markets, rest~urants, not excluding factories, storage or warehouse buildings or gas filling stations and public garágcs. (b) Prame Building. Buildings having 'a wood frame or having brick, stone or stucco veneering on a wood frame which wholly or part serves as the structural support of the building or its load.' / (c) Institutional Building. A building in which persons are harbored to receive medical, charitable, or other care or treat- ment; or in which persons are-held or detained by reason of public or civic duty or for correctional purposes, including, among other, hospitals, asylums, sanitariums, fire houses, police stations, and jails. - 40 - r\ " , (d) /Publ1c Buildings" ,/) bu~¡',~Urg in which persons congreg- ate for civic, PoTlt:iqql'~é~:2UCátional, religious, social or recreational purposes, including, among others, court houses, schools, colleges, libraries, museums, exhibition buildings, leëture halls, churches, assembly halls, lodge rooms and dance halls. (e) Skeleton Building. A building composed of only structural framework, or a rigid sUpportive or protective st~uctive or shell. SECTION 21.1221: BUILDING LINE. The line established by deed or law, beyond which abuilding shall not extend, except as specifically provided for in the zoning code or other ordinance of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION 21.1222: BULKHEAD. A raised portion of floor construc- tion and the partition enclosing it, which provides head room for a sta'ir flight or, when in cDnnection with store show win- dows, provides a means for light and ventilation to the base- ment space below. SECTION 21.1223: SECTION 21.1224: fäee to ceiling. CEILING. . The overhead covering of a room. CEILING HEIGHT. The height from floor sur- SEc'rrON 21.1225: CELLAR. A story, the ceiling of which is entirely below or less than four (4) feet above grade level. SECTION 21.1226: CEMENT FLOOR. A floor not less than three (3) inches in thickness of concrete composed of one part portland cement, three (3) parts of sand and five (5) parts of crushed stone or gravel, and a top finish not less than one-half (~) inches in thickness composed of one (1) part portland cement and two (2) parts of sand, all proportioned by volume. , SECTION 21.1227: CEMENT MORTAR. A mixture of one (1) part of portland cement 'and not more than three (3) parts of sand, proportioned by volume, with ,an allowable addition of hydrated lime not to exceed twenty (20) per cent of the cement volume. SECTION 21.1228: CEMENT LIME MORTAR. A mixture of one (1) part of hydrated lime to not more than six (6) parts of sand, proportioned by Volume, with an addition on not less than ten (10) p€r-cent of portland cement of the lime by volume. SECTION 21.1229: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. The certificate issued by the, Building Superintendent ,which permits the use of a building in accordance with the approved plans and specifiations and which certifies compliance with the pro- visions of law for the use and occupancy of the building in its several parts together with any special stipulations or con- ditions of the bUilding permit. - 41 - n -,/' SECTION 21.1230: CHIMNEY OR FLUE. A vertical, or approxi~ mately vertical, conduit through which smoke and/or gases of combustion escape to the outer air. SECTION 21.1231: CLERK OR VILLAGE CLERK. Village of Mount Prospect. The Clerk of the SECTION 21.1232: age. CLOSET. A non-habitable room used for stor- SECTION 21.1233: CONCRETE: (a) Except when otherwise specifically provided, "concrete" shall mean a mixture of one part of portland èement and not more than three (3) parts of sand and five (5) parts of crushed stone or gravel, all proportioned by vo~ume. (b) "Reinforced concrete" means Portland cement concre.te in which steel is embodied in such a manner that the two materials . . - act together in resisting forces. SECTION 21.1234: DEPARTMENTS. ( a) Department of Community Development. The Department of Community Development of the Village ofMouritProspea~ (b) Department of Financ e. Village of Mount Prospect. (c) Department of Public Works. The Department of Public Works of the Village of Mount Prospect. The Department of Finance of the SECTION 21.1235: DIRECTORS. (a) Director of Community Development. The Director of the Department of Community Development of theVi11a.ge of Mount Prospect. (b) Director of Public Works. The Director of the Department of Public Works of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION 21.1236: DISTRICTS. with reference to: (a) Business District. The territory of the Village contiguous to and including a highway when within any 600 feet along such highway there are buidifigs in use for business or industrial purposes, including but not limited to hotels, banks or office buildrngs, railroad stations, and public buildings which occupy at least 300 feet of frontage on one side or 300 feet collect- ively on both sides of the highway. The word "district!! may be used (b) Residence District. The territory of the Village contiguou~ to and including a highway not comprising a business district when the property on such highway for a distance of 300 feet or more is in the main improved with residences or residences and buildings in use for business. - 42 - 1\ (c) -tuburban District. That portion of the Village other than the business and residence districts. . (d) Urban District. The territory contiguous to and including any street which is built up with structures devoted to business, industry or dwelling houses situated at intervals or less thah 100 feet for a distance of a quarter of a mile or more. SECTION 21.1237: DOMICILE. An apartment, dwelling, habitable room or a suite of two or more rooms where provision is made for living, to be OCcupied as a family residence, either tran- sient or permanent. In every domicile there shall be at least one room having a floor area of not less than 165 square feet. SECTION 21.1238: DWELLING. occupied by one family. (a) Two-family dwelling. A building designed for two domiciles and occupied by not more than two families. A building for one domicle and (b) Dwelling Unit. One or more roomsär~anged for the use of one (1) or more individuals living together as a single house~ keeping unit, with cooking, living, sanitary and sleeping facilities. SECTION 21.1239: EGRESS. A means or route of exit from a room or building including a doorway, passage, corridor, stairway, or fire-escape. SECTION 21.1240: ELEVATOR. A device within or in connection with a building used for conveying persons or objects upward or downward and includes dumbwaiter, escalator and similar devièes. SECTION 21.1241: ENCLOSING WALL, A wall separating the interior of a building from the exterior. Such walls may act as bearing walls, enclosing walls or curtain walls. SECTION 21.1242: EXIT. A means of route of egress from a roòm or building, including doorway, passage, corridor, stairway or fire-escape. SECTION 2l.l243~ FAMILY. Excepting domestic employees, any number of persons related by blood, marriage or adoption, or not to exceed five persons not so related, living together in a room or rooms comprising a single house-keeping unit shall be con- sidered a family. ' SECTION 21.1244: FENCE. A structure or partition erected about a yard or other space, or about any other object; intended to prevent intrusion from without, whether physical or visual, or straying from within. - 43 -, ,~ ~ SEC'l'ION 21.1245: FLOOR. A horizontal or approximately horizontal system, other than a ceiling, used to support loads within a bUilding. -(a) See also "story", this Article. (b) Floor area: For determining Floor Area Ratio, the "floor area" or a bUilding is the sum of the gross horizontal area or the several floors of a building measured from the exterior face of the exterior walks, excluding garage and basement floor. (c) Floor area ratiö: The floor area of a building divided by the area of the zoning lot. SECTION 21.1246: FOOTING. A construction sUpported directly on the ground which supports walls, piers and columns. SECTION 21.1247: FOUNDATION WALL. A wall or pier below grade level serving as sUpport for a wall, pier, column or other structural part of bUilding. SECTION 21.1248: FURRING. A construction of wood, metal, masonry or other material, the sole purpose of which is to obtain a plane or.contour for other surface materials. SECTION 21.1249: GARAGE. A building, shed or enclosure, or a part th~reof, in which a motor vehicle containing a volatile inflammable fuel in its fuel storage tank is stored, housed or kept. (a) Private Garage: A garage for not more than three motor vehicles in which no gusirtess or industry connected directly or indirectly with motor vehicles is carrie-d on. (b) Public Garage: A garage not included within the term private garage. SECTION 21.1250: GRADE OR GRADE LEVEL. The-elevation estab- lished by the Village of Mount Prospect for the proper level of the sidewalk at the street lot line. Where the sidewalk does not adjoin the street lot line, ßrade at the street lot line shall be determined by taking the elevation established by the Village for the street curb and adding thereto an amount equal to one-third of an inch for each foot of horizontal dis- tance between said edge or street curb and said street lot line; on an alley, grade shall be that elevation which is commonly termed "alley grade at the property line." SECTION 21.1251: GROUNDS. Combustible or non-combustible materials to which final materials are attached by nails, screws, or for the purpose of aligning plaster. SECTION 21.1252: HABITABLE ROOM. Any room in which one or more perSOns live, eat, sleep or carryon their usual domestic, social or business vocation or avocation, but does not include kitchens, pantries, bathrooms,water closet compartment, laundries, corridors, cellars and spaces that are not used frequeDtly or during extended periods. - 44 - ',.--' SECTION 21.1253: HEIGHT OF BUILDING. (a) In feet, the vert1cle distance from grade as established in this code to the average finished ceiling line of the top- most habitable story; provided, that penthouses~ towers, or steeples shall not be counted in measuring the height of a building and further provided that where a structure is set ba~k from the street line, the height of the building may be measureed either from the established grade or from an elevation which is one-third of an inch above the established grade for each foot by which the bUilding is set back from the nearest street line. (b) In stories, the number of habitable stories in a bUilding, exclusive of a basement or cellar story, and also exclusive of certain penthouses. SECTION 21.1254: HOLLOW BLOCK. A cellular bUilding block of burnt clay or concrete in which cellular spaces within the blocks exceed 25% of the gross cubic content of the block. SECTION 21.1255: sustain fire. INCOMBUSTIBLE. Any material which will not SECTION 21.1256: INCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION. A constuction in which all materials used in the construction and finish a~e incombustible to the point that the construction will not sus- tain fire. SECTION 21.1257: KITCHEN. A room or an alcove containing cook- ing facilities and in which food may be prepared. . SECTION 21.1258: LIME MORTAR. A mixture of one part slacked lime or hydrated lime not more than four parts of sand proport- ioned by volume. SECTION 21.1259: LINTEL. A member placed over an opening in a wall to StiPPOl't the construction above. SECTION 21.1260: LIVE LOAD. All loads, except dead loads. SECTION 21.1261: MANAGER OR VILLAGE MANAGER. Managel' of theVIJT~'ge of Mount Prospect. The Village SECTION 21.126~: OCCUPIED. As applied to a building shall be constured as th-¡ugh followed by the words "or intended, arranged, or designed to be occupied." SECTION 21.1263: OFFICE. A place where clerical work,writing, or drafting is done, where clients are interviewed, professional services are rendered or where business is transacted without an immediate transfer of goods. . SECTION 21.1264: OPEN AREA. With respect to fences, oØen area shall be determined so that any given square foot of such fence shall consist of not more than fifty (50) per cent fencing material including posts and rails. SECTION 21.1265: PANTRY. A space accessory to a dining room or kitchen for storage of dishes or food or for a preparation of food without the use of heat. SECTION 21.1266: PARAPET. A wall of approved masonry project- ing above the roof line to prevent the spread of fire. - 45 - , , n SECTION 21.1267: PARKWAY. Area from curb to sidewalk. SECTION 21.1268: PARTY WALL. A wall of approved masonry used or adapted for joint use between two buildings and shall comply with wall thickness as provided for under masonry construction. SECTION 21.1269: PATIO. A recreation area that adjoins a dwelling, is often paved, and is adapted especially to outdoor dining. SECTION 21.1270: PATIO SCREENING. A screen, preferrably decorative, natural or artificial, which screen is placed adjacent to a patio for the purpose of concealing such patio. SECTION 21.1271: PETITIONER. One making a formal request for a hearing before the Board of Appeals of the Village of Mount Prospect on an appeal for a variation from the regulations and specifications found in this Chapter. SECTION 21.1272: PERSON. Every natural person, firm, co- partnership, association, or corporation. SECTION 21.1273: EEPAIR. The replacement of existing work with the same kind of mã:¡:;~~rial used in the existing work, not in- cluding additional work that would effect the structural safety of the building or that would effect' or change required exit L facilities or that would effect the vital element of an elevator, plumbing, gas-piping, wiring or heating installation, or that would be in violation of a provision of the Municipal Code of the Village of Mount Prospect of 1957, as amended. SECTION 21.1274: SOLID BLOCK. A building block of burnt clay or stone, gravel or cinder concrete in which cellular spaces within the block do not exceed in the aggregate 25% of the gross cubic content of the block. . SECTION 21.1275: SPRINKLERED . Equipped with an approved auto- matic sprinkler system containing an arrangement of piping and sprinklers designted to operate automatic~lly by the heat of fire and to discharge water upon such fire. SECTION 21.1276: 'STAIRWAY. One or more flights of stairs and the necessary landings and platforms connecting them to form a continuous and un-interrupted passage from one floor to another; including risers, treads, floor landings, stair platforms, supporting members, handrails, newel posts, balustrades, and the enclosure of such stairs from the required exit to the exit door of the building at grade. (a) Flight: A series of stops between successive landings and platforms. (b) Landing: The floor space immediately adjoining the top or bottom of a flight. For an inclosed stair, the landing is the floor space within the inclosure, (c) Open Stair: A stair without a complete inclosure. - 46 - .., T'C ~.. (d) Step: A rise and adjoining tread. (e) Tread: The horizontal width of a step not including the nosing. (f) Width: The clear width of a stair between parallel re- quired handrails or between a required handrail and a wall. An unrequired handrail shall not be considered in measuring stair width. SECTION 21.1277: STOP ORDER. An order, written or oral, to cease and desist any and all construction activities, which I order is issued by the Building Superintendent of ' the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION 21.1278: STORY. A horizontal division of a building's interior not necessarily corresponding 'exactly with an horizon- tal division of said building's exterior, but that part of such interior located between a floor and the floor or roof next above. SECTION 21.1279: STREET. The entire width between boundary lines of every way or place of whatever nature when any part thereof is open t9 the use of the public, as a matter of right and includes avenue, highway, road, boulevard, roadway and public way. , SECTION 21.1280: a street. STREET LINE. A lot line divid~ng a lot from SECTION 21.1281: STRUCTURE. Any construction, or any product- ion or place of workartifically built up or, composed of ' parts joined together in some definite manner; including b~t limited to stadia, gospel and circus tents, reviewing stands, platforms, radio towers, air-conditioning compressor units, coal bins, fences, display signs, and poles connected by wires for the transmission of electricity. . \ SECTION 21.1282: SWIMMING POOL. An artificial or semi-art- ificial receptacle or other container for a bbdyof water having a depth at any point of more than two (2) feet whether located indoors or outdoors, used or intended to be used for public, semi-public, or private swimming by adults or children or both adults and children, whether or not any charge or fee is imposed upon such adults or children, operated and maint-' tained by any person as defined elsewhere in this Article, whether he be an owner, leasee, operator, licensee, or con- cessionaire and shall include all structures, appurtenances, equipment, appliances and other facilities appurtenance to and intended: for the operation and maintenance of same; including but not limited to the following; (a) Excavated Swimming Pool. Any swimming pool being con- strued in whole or in part below the grade level and out of doors. (b) Indoor Swimming Pool. Any swimming pool so constructed as to be located in whole or in part within a structure or building in such manner as to become part of the real estate. (c) Portable Swimming Pool. Any prefabricated swimming pool which has a depth at any point of more than two (2) feet, which pool may be utilized without an excavation and which has an empty weight of less than two hundred (200) pounds, which weight shall be inclusive of all the appurtenances of the said pool. - 117 - ,. " ,I ~ .; / .. A f (d) Private Residential Swimming Pools. A swimming pool located in any residentially zoned district used or intended to be used solely by the owner, operator, or leasee thereof and his family, and by friends invited to use it without, payment of any fee. (e) Public and Semi-Public Swimming Pools. All swimming pools operated and maintained in conjunction with or by clubs, motels, hotels, multi-unit buildings housing more than three (3) families, and communtiy associations, and shall include any swimming pool other than a private residential swimming pool. (f) Raised Deck Swimming Pool. Any swimming pool às defined in this Article being constructed in such manner as to have a flat floor, roofless area resting above the grade level, which raised deck shall lie immediately adjacent to and sur- rounding the upper edge of said pool which shall not be an excavated pool. SECTION 21.1283: UNPROTECTED METAL CONSTRUCTION. Applies to buildings in which the structural supports are met~l and in which the roofing and walls or other enclosures are of sheet metal or other incombustible material~, or of masonry deficient in thickness or otherwise and not conforming to approved masonry. SECTION 21.1284: VILLAGE ATTORNEY. The Village Attorney of the Village of Mount Prospect. SECTION 21.1285: VILLAGE ENGINEER. The Village Engineer of the Villa~e of Mount Prospect. .- 48 - '. -- , SECTION SEVEN: That, pursuant to the authority vested ,in the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect under Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State oJ Illinois as well as the Illinois Revised Statutes, Articles XIII, XIV, XV and XVI are hereby repealed in their entirety. SECTION ~IGHT: That if any part or parts of this Ordinance shall be held to be unconstitutional, such unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect hereby declares that it would have passed the remain- ing parts of this Ordinance if it had known that such part or parts thereof would be declared unconstitutional. SECTION NIN~: That the Village Clerk be and is hereby directed to publish the foregoing ordinance in pamphlet form, pursuant to the statutes Qf the State of Illinois made and provided. SECTION TEN: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in the manner prescribed by law. AYES: NAYS: 6 0 ABSENT: PASSED: 0 APPROVED: April 4, 1979 April 4, 1979 é~~ )I 4¿q.~ Village1President ATTEST: i~/d ~) L~ ViJ,lage Clerk i" f,.;~~~>' . ", />,~¿ ,~ ':.;:. :Ë: ,'-. ~- ~ '. - 49 - - "