HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2925 07/17/1979 , : ." , J ' > / ORDINANCE NO. 2925 --- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE OF 'HOUNT PROSPECT , TO ISSUE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL -p RÒJ~CT: REVr:l'Hr~_.l3_0NDS , " ,', , " " ',:> . WHEREA$" Section 6 (a) VII ,of the 1970 Consti tution 1of the State ,of Illinois provides that any municipality which , " has a populatiDJnof.mor.e than 25,000 is a home rule unit, and the Villa~e of :ilJ°unt Prospect, Cook County, Illinois" with ,ð ;. opulatiori in; é'xç~ss of 25,000 is therefore.a 'home rule unit ;,':' -' .' , " . ' nd, purSiuant to ,the proyi'piol1Sof said Section 6 (a) Article VII, . ay: e~er;cise any power., pnd perform' and 'function pertai~}.ng to .. . , r, ',' ' -":;, . -yoverjiÌt1ent'~nd.affa~rs, ineluding, but not limited to, th~': to tax', and- to incur dt..bt¡ and " " , . ,.c', . ;': '. , , " - 'WHÈ}U;A~~'~~the ,issuance by the Village of industr~alåÍ1d ominercia~ ~ro)ec1;., ,r:ev:enue bónds to: fi_nan.c~1n who-,l~.,or,~t:I¡_p'aI;",t , ,( -,', / ",~ " "" , ,. ,.f ,.'", , e: cost ,of., ',~tie; ;.~cqûisltion, purchase ,cons~~~~~t~on;' rè~:ons:tr~cti r , ,,'¡';':,-!:>!:'I,.j~,';,' , ' ,', mprovement,~e,q1Jippi,ng" b,etterment or extension of 'any t'ndustria1 "., ' ' , ,"~,.. " " .. '. ' , ,'" nd ',commeF-f.ia~ .devplopment project in order 'to_, enE?,u.r.ag'e 'eccmÇ>'rniç g . , eve-lopment ,of the, Village is' for ä public' purpose a'rid is' a 'func- :', ion perta.i.ning to the government and affa~,~, of the Village; NOW~, THEREFORE ,BE IT ORDAIJ~ED'by the P~esident and Board " " '. ' f Tr~stees ,of the Vi llage of "'jount Prospect of Cook County, llin~is~ as fo~lows: SEC'}'I ON -c.9NE; The Municipal Code of !the Village of Mount ospect be, ,and it is hereby, amended by adding to Article V of apte~ 8 of' said 1>1unicipal .<~ode; a' new ,Sectiion 8.513' which sa ið . w Section shall hereafter be ahd read as follows: ;; cti.on B ~ 513.' Indu~.tri~l and ç°!MJ~Fci~J ~rojeC?~_,~evenu~-ponds~ I. the exercise of the V~11age's:powers and ~he performance of t.s fu~ctions p~rtaining to its government and affairs. and in 0 dar to promote, the public health, safety, morals and welfare, ~ is Section bas been ,enacted for the fcllo"ling speci fie purposes: 1. , , Topiô.,i.idê,c:i"fIT.~HJci!,g d-.:\riCE> t.hat will aid in financing the cost of iridustri a1 and' c:om"'n~rcia¡revenue bond pro- jects in order to relieve ccnditions of unemployment and to ,aid in th€ rL'habi Ii ta tion of tlctcr-Dns. . 4. 5. , ' 2. To encourage the of iridustry within the Village and within ten miles of the Villaget thereby reducing the evils attendant upon un~mployment. 3. To provide for the increased welfare and prosperity of the residents cf the Village. 4. To provide a financLJg device which will aid in financing the cost of pollution control facilities in order to elimin~te, abate or reduce the-serious dan~ers to the public health ànd welfare caused by environmental pollution. ' De fini ti ons . The term 1. 'IDevelopment project ", iDcl udes any industrial or commerèi 1 project which is a capital projeçt comprising an industri 1 , or manufactur i11.g plant or' a comrnercialfacili ty, incl udin one or more bu1ldings and other structures, whether oi',not on the same site or sites; any rehabilitation, improvement, renovation or enlargement of, or any, add~tion,to , any buildings or struëtures for USè as a cofi~ercial facility or factory, mill~ processing plant, "assembly plant, fabricating plant, indust,rial distribution center, repair, overhaul or service facility, test facil~ty, and other facilities, including research and development for manufact~ring, processing, assemþling, repairing,. overhauling, servicing, testing or handling of any products or cómmodities embraced in any Industrial or manufacturing plant; and including also the" s1tes 'thereof and other rights in land tþerefor, whether improve or unimproved, machinery ,equipment, si te' 'preparlt tión an'dlandscaping, and all appurtenances and facili t'ies incidental thereto such as warehouses, utilities, , access roads" railroad sidings, truck docking and.sim~lÍiŒ f~cJlities, parking facilities, dockage, \;Jharfage, and "other improvements neceDsary or convenient for any rnaqufacturing or industrial plant.' , , . 2. "Person'~ means an indi viqual, partnership, copartnership, "firm, company, 'corporation (including public utilities), associatiqn, joint stock company; trust, estate, political subdivision, state agency, or 'any other legal entity, or . its legal Feprese1?tati ve,' agent oi'~ assigns.' , 3. "Poll ution tt means any form 0.£ environmental poll ution includirig, but not limited to, water pollution, air. , pollutiqn, lalJd pollution, solid waste pollutibn¡ ;;th~rma¡ pollut{on; radiation contamination, or'noise pollution as,determined by the variouS,standards prescribed by thi~ st~te, the federal government or other governmental entities and ihcl~àiDg but not limited to, anything which is consiàereà as pollution or enviro~mental damage in the Environmental Protection Act, compiled as Sections 1001 thlTAigh 1051 of Chapter 111-1/2 Ill'., Rev. Stats. 1971, and any,amei1dmr:-nt thereto and substi tuti°n. t.hez:.efor~ "Pollution control facilitytlmeans any land, interest in land, building, structure, facility,' sYStem, fixture, i mp:Lovement, âPï:>l.1rte'riânêè~âddrt"'îÒn" machi~f'.ry or ~qüipill':':lt, 0:-' any combinatic:I LheL"(;:of, and all real and personal property decDuC neC£Dcary therewith, havipg to cio ~ith or the end purpose oÏ which is, reducing, controlling or pre~enting pol1~tio~. ".t:)r'Q' J""'-..::¡......" l!1':""'!:" .,,,.,''It " "O"""'" U..'-"'e'o'}mt>n.¡.. pro,"ect or, ... " - .0\....<::.1....:.> <'.'J " '0. ...... ,.. _..,~ l -.'. - pcllctiDl'. cötft:fOl.facj Ii ty or ~-ny combination ti1ereof. .;, r i. ~ 1/ J.':'/ '" - 3 - 6 . "Project costs" means and includes the sum total of all reasonable or necessary costs incidental to the acquisit"o] construction, reconstruction, repair, alteration, im- provement and extension of a project including without limitation the cost of studies and surveys; plans, specifications, architectural and engineering services; legal, marketing or other special services; financing, acquisition, demolition. construction, equipment and site àevelopment of new and rehabilitated buildings, rehabilitation, reconstruction, repair or remodeling of existing buildings and all other necessary and incidentë expenses including an initial bond and interest reserve together with interest, on bonds issued to finance a project to a date six (6) months subsequent to the estimated date of completion. Additional Powers. In addition to powers which it may now have, the Village has the power under this Section: 1. To construct, acquire by gift or purchase, -reconstruct, improve, better or extend any development project within. or without the Village or partially wIthin or partially without the Village, but in no event further than 10 mile from the territorial boundaries of the Village, and to acquire by gift or purchase lands or rights in land in connection therewith. . 2. To issue its bonds to finance in whole in part the cost of the acquisition, purchase, construction, reconstruction, improvement, betterment or extension of ' any development project. In determining such cost, the Village may 'include all cost and estimated cost of the issuance of such bonds, all engineering, inspection, fiscal and legal expenses, and interest which it is estimated will accrue during the cónstru¿tion þeriod and for 6 months thereafter on money borrowed or which it ' is estimated will be borrowed pursuant to this Section. 3. To~rent or lease such development project to industrial or con~ercial concerns in such manner that rents to be pharged for ~he use of the development project shall be 'fixed and revised from time to time so as to produce income andr-evenues sufficient to provide for the prompt payment- "of Jnterestupon all bonds issued under this Section and to'create a sinking fund to pay the principal of su¿Kbonds when due, and to pro~ide for the operation and maintenance of such ßeveloprnent project and for an adequate àepreciation account in connection therewith. To pledge 'to the punc:tual payment of bonds' authorized under this Section and interest thereon the income and revenues to be rec,eived, from such development project (including improvements~"bettermentsor extenstions thereto thereafter Constructeç or acquired) sufficient to pay such bonds and interest as they become due and to create and maintain r~asonable reserves therefor. " 4. 5. of the " '1112/79 1/13178 6. To enter into a loan agreement and accept a note or mortgage, or both, as security for payment of the proceeds ,~r~fJrf!Y;f!p.llf!þon<i~ and to pledge said note or mortgage t 'or both, for the benefit of the holders of the bonds. 7. To sell and convey such development project, includ- ing without limitation the sale and conveyance thereof subject to a mortgage,as próvided in this Section, for such price and at such time as the Board of Trustees , of the Village may determine. However, no sale or conveyance of such devélopment project shall ever be made in such manner as to impair the rights or interes s of the holder or holders of any bonds issued for the construction, purchase~ improvement or extension of an such development project. ' 8. ' To issue its bonds to refund in whole or in part, bonds 'theretofore issued by the Village under authority of this Section. c. Exercise of Powers ---- 1. The construction, acquisition, reconstruction, improve ment, betterm~bt, or extension of any àevelopment pro- ject may be authorized under this Section and bonds ma be authorized to be issued under this Section to provi Q {unds for such purpose or purþosesbr for the refundin . of bonds theretofore is~ued under this Section, by an ordinance passed by a vbte of a ~ajority of the Board, of 'Trustees then holding Office. 2. Bonds shall bear interest at such rate or rates, payabl ,at ;' spch times, may be in one or more series, may ,bear ,such date or dates, may' mature at such time or times not 'exceeding 40 years'trorn their respective dates, may }:;Ie payable in suchmedium qf payment at such place or places, may carry such registration privileges, may be subject to such terms of redemption at such premiums, maybe executed in such manner, may contain such terms, covenants and conditions, and may be in such form,' either coupon ~rregistered, as such ordinance may pio~ vide or as may be sùbsequently determined by the Board of Trustees before the,bonds are issued. Bonds may be sold at public or private sale in such manner and upon such terms as may be deemed advisable by the Board of Trustees. Pending the preparation of the definitive bonds, interim receipts or 'certificates in such form an with such provisions as the Board of Trustees may determine, may be issued to the purchaser or purchasers of bonds sold pursuant to this Section. D. Covenants in Bonds. 1. Any ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds under this Section may contain covenants as to anyone or more of the following: a) The use and disposition of the income nues from the development project for ,,-...,~",bonds, are to be issued, including the 'c' crnainteJ1ance of revenues;.;v,,-"~ "- '., ;..~J,;.-~;";,~~:;:~,;..;:¡2~'~';;"'" ", -:: ' . ~,c "~,:'~':;;:, ".,,:, c". and reve- which the creation and c .. .. b) The issuance of other or additional bonds payable from the income apd revenues" fro¡n such development project; , . , . .., c) The maintenance and handling of 'súÂf"proj~ct:' ~,' d) The insurance to be maintained thereon and the use and disposition of insurance money;, ;.' e) The appointment of any bank or trust company within or outside the State of Illinois, having the necessary trust powers as trustee for, the benefit of the bon~holders, paying agent, and bond registra ; The investment of any funds held by spch trus tee; , f) 9) The terms and conditions upon which the holders of the bonds or any portion thereof or any trustees , therefor, are entitled to th~ appointment ofa receiver ;.' and , . . , Such additional terms as the Board of Trustees shall deem necessary and proper. 2. Any ordinance authorizing the issuanée of bonds under this Section may provide that the principal of and int~rest on any bonds issued under this Section shall be securéd by a mortgage or deed of trust covering such development project for which the bonds are issued and -, may iriéliidè any improvements or extensions thereafter madé;>'Sdcfì~mortgage or deéd of trust may contain sl1ch covenants"and 'agreements to safeguard properly the, bonds as 'may-be pfovîdéd' for in ,f.hé ordinance authorizing s'uchboridsand shall be .ex~,cuted, in such manner as may be'providéd' for in such ôidInânc~:,,:The provisi'onsof thisiSection and any such ordrnanè~or ordinances and :. ,:: "any 'such mortgage .or deedo¡, trust shallconsti tute a con:t"ractwi th 'the holder círhold'ers' óf£he' bonds and continue in effect ûntil the principal of, th,e interest on,. and' the redemption premiums, if any, on the bonds ',' ., so issued have been fully ,paid, and the 'Village may in ,any such 6rdinanc~ or 'ordi~ance~ agree that the duties; of the Village and- its corporate authorities and office-r under" this Section and" an'y such ordinance or ordinance and any such mortgage or deed of trus~ shall be en- forceable by, any" bondholder by mandamus I foreclosure- of'anysuch mortgage' or 'deed of:tr'l1st or ,other appropria e suit, ac'tion orproceédingsinany 'court of competent jurisdiction;' provided,- that' the ordinancE;! or a'ny mortga e or deed of trust under which ~he, bondsa~e issued may ,provide that all.such remediesànd rights to enforcement- may be vested in à trustee for thê bemefitof all the bond1)olàers, which trustee shall be subjp.ct to the control of a majority of theholders or owners of any .. ,outstanding bonds':.;] , '-h) " ; , ' , } -' Signatures of Offis:ers on Bonds-"7.ya,ligi1:,Y of Bonds. Bonds shall bear the signatures of' such officers of the Village as may be designated" in the ordinance ,authorizing such bonds, ,arid such signatures 'shall be the valid and binding signatures of the officers'ofthe Villa.ge-nc)twi t.hs'tanding that befpr~, t:hedelj:very, ,thereof arid payments therefor anY or 'all ' O£ 'thepê'fsonswn6se signatures appear thereon ;1ave ceased to be officers cf the,Vi+lage issuing such bonds validity of the bonds is not àependent upon nor affected. by t I .ò " , -,,", - 6 - validity or popularity: of the proceedings relating to the acquisition, purchase~ construction, reconstruction" improve ment, equipping, betterment or extension qf the development project for which the bonds are'issued. The ordinance autho - i'zing the bonds may provide that thè bonds shall contai~ a' recit~l that they are issued pursuant to this Section, and that no officer or agent of the Village shall question or contest any such recital. 'F. Lien Bonds. All bonds issued under this Section shall have a lien upon the income and revenues derived from the develop rnent project for which the bonds have been issued, and the Village Board of Trustees may pr~vide in the ordinance or ordinances authorizing such" bonds for the issuance of additional bonds to be equally and ratably secured by a lien upon such income and revenues or may provide that the lien upon'$uch incoméand revenues is subordinate. ,.; Li?bi~i~~o~,B~~d~. All'bonds issued under and pursuant to' this Section shall not be general obligations of the Village, but. shall be lim! tedobli ~ations payable ~olely out of the .~ income and reve~ue~ Jerived from the development project with respect to whÍ\.:ll such bonds are issued. No holder of any bonds issued unùer this Section shall have the right to compel any exercise of taxing power of the Village to pay the bChds,the interest or premium, if any, thereon, and' the bonds do not constitute an indebtedness of the Village or a loan of credit thereof within the meaning of any cÒnstitutional or statutory provision. It-shall be plainly stated on the face of .each bond that is'bas been issued under the provisions of this Section and,thå t is does not constitute an indebtednes~'~f the Village or a loan of credit thereof within the meaning,of any consti al statutory provisio ~ Investment 1. Funds held by the Village pursuant to this Section may, to the extent not inconsistent wi th the laws of the State of Illinois, be invested.in a) bonds, notes, certificates 'of indebtedness, treasury bills or other securities constituting direct Obligations of or guaranteed by the United States of America; , b) certificates of deposit or time deþosits con- ,stituting d~rect obligations of any bank as defined - by the Illinois Banking Act, as heretofore and hereafte amended, provided, however, that investments under this clause (b) may be made only in those certificates of deposit or time aeposits issued by banks which are.insure>d by the Federal D~posit Insurance Corpora- tion~ ~f then in exj~tence; c) .".' ,.',:.., , ;" ' , . s}1pr't te:rn d.isCOU!1t obI} gations of the Federal National ,K::>rtgage Association: and d) any Dtherdebt ~~ligatio~ or obligatio~s issued by > a'ny corþ~rat.ic>n9X cbrpo'rations organlied under the ~'. lâws, 0 f 'the' Uni ted St:â tes or any sta te of the Uni ted Stõtes, Frovided that in each of the investments under this cIa use Cd) snaIl be expr~:-ssly authori zed by the Board ~f Tru~tces ~tating with particularity the amount of such investfficnt and ~he issueröf such ~ debt obligation, and expressly finding in each case that such investment will not involve any undue risk or loss of funds deriveã from the general revenues of the Village. Any such securities may be purchased at the offering or market price.thereof at the time of such purchase. ' 2. The investment of funds authori zed in subsectio!1 1 of this Section may be made on behalf of the Village by the Village's Director of Finance, without further authorization, or such other person, firm or corporation as may be authorized in a lease, indenture, purchase contract or ,other contract authorized by the Village Board of Trustees; provided such other person, firm or corporation agrees in writing to bear the risk of any loss that may occur as a result of such investment of fùnds, and further provided, the Village Board of Trus- tees expressly..finds that. such authorization will not involve any undue risk or loss of funds derived from the general revenue of the Village. I. I Rentals from Development Projects. The corporate authorities of the Villagè-rssulng bondš-þúrsuant to this Section shall prescribe and collect rentals for a development project and shall revise such from time to time whenever necessary so that the income and revenues to be derived from such rentals are always sufficient to pay when due all bonds and interest thereon for the payment of which such revenues are pledged, including reserves therefor, and to provide for all expenses of operation, including maintenance, and depreciatio charges of such development project. . Exemption from Construction and Building Requirements for Pub: Buildings. The acquisition and construction of a devel.opment project shall not be subject to any requirements relating to public buildings, structures, grounds, works or improve- ments imposed by the Illinois Revised Statutes or any other similarreguirements which may be la\vfully waived by this Section and any requirement Of competitive bidding or re- striction imposed on the procedure for award of contracts for such purpose of the lease, sale or other disposition of property of the Village is not applicable to any action taken under authority of this Section. 'J i..,> Powers Conferred as Aèidi tional and Supplemental -- Limi ta ti on In:~o~ed -- EffÄr.t:. The pow~rs ~;nferr~d ,by this çhapter are i ada~t10n and Eupplemental to~ and the 11mltatlons lmposed by this Section ~hall not atten~ the powers the Village may have by any law or any other Section. Development projects may be acquired, purchased, constructed, reconstructed¡ improvedf bettered,eguipped, extended and financed and bonds may be issued~Uhder this Sectiòn for such pruposes, notwithstanding that any law or any other ordinance may provide for the acquisition, purchaset constructiQn, recon- struction, improvement, equipping, betterment, extension and financing'~f a like project, or the issuancecf bonds for the purposes, and withoct regard to the requireme~ts, restrictiop$, limitations or other provisions contained in any .*Ü:~ orarlyother' ordi!:"J.nce. ' . S~verê,bili ty CIa_use.. The provisic-ns of this Section are se\~ezableand if ar.y of its þrovisicns cr any sentence, cla,;)zecr ,Faragr?'ph shall be held u::CO!îstítutional by aT;; ;::C,.1!"-:: of ccmpete'¡t jurisdictlon, the àecisdo¡-; of such court sh~ll ~ct aff~ct'or ir~air ð~y of the ~cmainin9 ~~o- vi 51 C [J ,- . ,,' '. 7/12/79 - 8 - SECTION 'fWQ: This ordinance ~hall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law: PASSED THIS 17th DAY OF July , 1979. ----- --- --, AYES: 5 NAYS: 1 .l;13SENT: 0 APPROVED THIS 17th -----,- DAY OF July , 1979. - ..------ APPROVED: TTEST: , . ~æ: Village Clerk -1/",--,. '