HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 52-82 12/07/1982
RE$~£Ut!~N N~. 52-82
WHEREA$, EDWARD J. ffi!££ER has ù£vnt£ù his tim£, £xp£rience,
knnwl£ùge anù ùeùicatinn tn the pnsitinn nf s£rving in the
electeù nffice nf ~il1age truste£ nf the ~i11age nf
ffinunt Prnspect tram may, 1979 tn Nnvemher, 1982; anù
. WHEREA$, EDWARD J. m!££ER s£rveù unselfishly anù ùi1igent1y
Inn the Bnarù nf fire anù Pn1ice Cnmmissinn£rs, anù s£rv£ù as
Chairman nf the financ£ Cnmmittee nf th£ ~i11ag£ Bnarù; anù
WHEREA$, th£ ~i11age nf ffinunt Prnspect has he£n gr£at1y
enhanceù hg the knnw1£ùge anù cnnc£ntrateù effnrts expenùeù
hy EDWARD J. m!££ER in the p£rfnrmance nf his pnsitinn as
~i11ag£ trustee; anù
WHEREA$, th£ r£siùents nf the ~i11age nf mnunt Prnspect are
ù££p1y inùehteù tn EDWARD J. ffi!££ER far his ùistinguisheù
s£rvice tn nur ~i11ag£; anù
WHEREA$, th£ ffiaynr anù Bnarù nf truste£s nf the ~i11age nf
ffinunt Prnsp£ct ùesire tn £xpress tn EDWARD J. ffi!££ER nn h£ha1f
nf all the resiùents nf the ~i11ag£ their gratituùe tn him far
his ùeùicat£ù anù ùistinguish£ù service tn this ~i11age.
N~m, tHEREf~RE, BE !t RE$~£~ED BY tHE mAY~R AND BØARD ~f tRU$tEE$
~f tHE ~!££AGE ~f m~uNt PR~$PECt, C~~K C~UNtY, !££!N~!$:
$ECt!~N ~NE: that hy this Resn1utinn the ffiaynr anù Bnarù nf
truste£s nf th£ ~i11ag£ nf ffinunt Prnspect expr£ss tn
EDWARD J. ffi!££ER their ùeep gratituùe far his ùeùicateù, faithful,
anù cnnstructive servic£ as an e1ecteù nfficia1, ~i11age
trust££, nf the ~illage nf ffinunt Prnspect.
$EC~¡~N tW~: that as a perp£tua1 mem£ntn a cnpy nf this
Resn1utinn he spreaù upnn th£ minutes nf the Bnarù nf truste£s
nf th£ ~i11ag£ nf ffinunt Prnspect, anù that a certifi£ù cnpy nf
sam£ he presenteù tn EDWARD J. ffi!££ER.
$ECt!~N tHREE: that this R£snlutinn shall he in full farce anù
eff£ct tram anù aft£r its passag£ anù apprnva1 in the manner
prnviùeù hy law.
Carnlyn Krause,
Ralph Arthur, ~era1ù far1£y, £en f1nrns,
Nnrma ffiurauskis, Buù Richarùsnn, thenùnre Wattenh£rg
AYE$ :
AB.$ENt: Nnne
PA$$EP anù APPR~~ED this 7th ùag nf Decemher, 1982.
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carn1ye H. Krause, ffiaynr
IT11ag£ C1er