HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.2 Motion to Waive the rule requiring two readings of an ordinance - Amend Chapter 19 "Traffic" limiting traffic on Briarwood Drive West 7/16/2019 BoardDocs®Pro
Agenda Item Details
Subject i to waive the rule requiring two readings ordinance and adopt an
PROSPECT. This ordinance will limit parking on Briarwoodrive West.
Access lic
Tye Action (Consent)
Preferred to Jul 16, 2019
Absolute Date Jul 16, 2019
Fiscal Impact
Budgeted No
Budget o rc of applicable.
Recommended Action The Transportation Safety Commission recommends that the Village Boardenact
ordinance rohi ii rkin n the west side ri rwoo rive West from i '
south to a point 145' south of the centerline of Briarwoodrive East (Section ).
Public Content
The Transportation Safety Commission transmits their recommendation to restrict parking alongportion f
BriarBriarwood Drive West to enhance safety and improve traffic flow.
Lake Briarwood Subdivision is located at the southwest part of Mount Prospect and has a single ingress/egress to the
neighborhood. The roadway is approximately 26' wide with parking allowedi the street. The street
bendsr ly near the entrance requiring vehicles to slow down at the turn. Residents haveindicated par vehicles
at the bend can makenavigating the turn difficult.
The Engineering Division met with nearby homeowners and Association members to discuss the issue. Comments
ranged from rohi iiparking on both sides of the street to makingchanges. During the discussion it was note
the primary issue is vehicles rkin on the inside the bendbecause these vehicles limit the view of oncoming
vehicles. The consensus of the group was to prohibit parking on one sidethe street (inside the ) only.
The section of roadway in questioni ' in length. There is no history of accidents at this location. Prohibiting
parking would provide three ( ) fewer spaces foron-street parking. This will not have a significantimpact on the
residents as on-streetparking is not in highthis location. Adequate parking will still be availablefor
Prohibiting rkin side the street will improve visibility for motorists navigating the bend. It will also make
it easier for longer vehicles such as school buses, fire trucks and landscaping trucks with trailers to make the turn.
The Police Departmentn ire Department do not object to the request to prohibit parking at this location.
The issue was presentedto the Transportationy Commission at their June 10, 2019 meeting. The Commission
agreedrestricting parking one side of the street at this location will enhance safety and improve traffic flow.
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7/16/2019 BoardDocs®Pro
Residents attending the meeting were also in support of the parking restriction.
By a vote of 6-0,, the Transportation Safety Commission recommends to approve the following for ordinance:
1. Enact an ordinance that prohibits parking on the west side of Briarwood Drive West from a point 85" south to a
point 145" south of the centerline of Briarwood Drive East (Section 18.2006).
Enclosed are the Transportation Safety Commission Minutes from the meeting as well as an engineering drawing for
your reference.
1. Pass an ordinance prohibiting parking on the west side of Briarwood Drive East as recommended by the
Transportation Safety Commission.
2. Action at discretion of Village Board.
Staff Recommendation
Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Transportation Safety Commission to enact an ordinance prohibiting
parking ont he west side of Briarwood Drive West from a point 85' south to a point 145' south of the centerline of
Briarwood Drive East.
TSC-june20l9min.pdf (511 KB) vb recommendation map.pdf (317 KB)
CH 18 Briarwood West 2019 (002).pdf (12 KB)
Administrative Content
Executive Content
All items under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion. There
will be no separate discussion of those items unless a Board member or member from the audience so requests, in
which the it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its sequence on the agenda.
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Director Deputy Director
Sean P. Dorsey Jason H. Leib
Mount Prospect Public Works Department
1700 W. Central Road, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056-2229
The meeting of the Mount Prospect Transportation Safety Commission was called to order at 7:02 p.m.
on Monday,June 10, 2019.
Present upon roll call: Christopher Prosperi Vice Chairman
John Keane Commissioner
Carol Tortorello Commissioner
Scott Moe Public Works Department Representative
Michael Angarola Police Department Representative
Aaron Grandgeorge Fire Department Representative
Matt Lawrie Traffic Engineer—Staff Liaison
Absent: Justin Kuehlthau Chairman
Tina DeAragon Commissioner
Others in Attendance: see attached sheets
The minutes of the regular meeting of the Transportation Safety Commission held on April 8, 2019 were
deferred for approval as there was not a majority present who attended the meeting.
There was no one in attendance that spoke on an issue not on the agenda.
TSC Meeting Page 1 of 8 June 10,2019
A. Dale Avenue Sidewalk Request
1) Background
Dale Avenue is located within the Northwest Meadows Subdivision near the Village of Arlington
Heights border. Prospect High School, Fairview Elementary School, and Meadows Park are nearby.
The section in question is two blocks long between Northwest Highway and Gregory Street.
Dale Avenue does not have curb &gutter or an enclosed storm water drainage system but rather an
open ditch system. Most of the neighborhood including Dale Avenue does not have sidewalk. The
area has mature trees and landscaping in the parkways and on private property.
The Village installed sidewalk on nearby Gregory Street from Dale Avenue to Oak Street a couple of
years ago to fill a gap and provide a safe pedestrian connection between Meadows Park and Fairview
Elementary School. Upon completion,the Village indicated there were no additional Village-initiated
plans for sidewalk in the neighborhood as most residents in the area preferred the "rural look"
without sidewalk. In November 2018 the Village received a petition from some residents along Dale
Avenue requesting sidewalk along their street. The Village Board of Trustees directed the issue be
considered by the Transportation Safety Commission.
Current Traffic Regulations
1. Parking is prohibited between 2:00am and 6:00am on all Village streets.
2. Parking is prohibited on both sides of Dale Avenue from Northwest Highway north 350'on weekdays
from 7am-6pm.
3. Parking is prohibited on both sides of Dale Avenue from Isabella Street to Gregory Street on school
days from 10am-11am and fpm-2pm.
4. The speed limit on Dale Avenue is 25mph.
5. A STOP sign exists on Dale Avenue at Northwest Highway. A STOP sign exists on Isabella Street at
Dale Avenue. STOP signs also exist on both Dale Avenue and Gregory Street at its intersection.
6. Dale Avenue has a posted 6-ton weight limit.
Current Layout
1. Dale Avenue between Northwest Highway and Gregory Street is approximately 22'wide.
2. The parkways are approximately 22' wide.
3. The segment is two blocks approximately 1200' long.
4. The segment is classified as a north-south local street and is not a primary emergency vehicle
response route.
Volume &Speed Data
Traffic data was collected both in July 2018 and September 2018 on Dale Avenue between Northwest
Highway and Gregory Street. In summary,
July 2018
Average Daily Traffic—786 vehicles
Average speed—28 mph
85th percentile speed—33 mph
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September 2018
Average Daily Traffic—861 vehicles
Average speed—27 mph
85th percentile speed—32 mph
Crash History
The Police Department provided crash reports for accidents between 2013 and 2017 along Dale
Avenue at its intersection with Northwest Highway, French Way, Isabella Street, and Gregory Street.
In summary,
Intersection #of Crashes Comments
Northwest Highway 5 0 involving a vehicle on Dale Ave north of Northwest Hwy
French Way 0
Isabella Street 0
Gregory Street 1
Resident Survey
As part of the study, surveys were sent to 18 residential properties and one commercial property
along Dale Avenue between Northwest Highway and Gregory Street to solicit their input on this issue.
A total of 12 surveys were returned to the Village including one from the president of the Prospect
Meadows Homeowners Association who lives on MacArthur Boulevard. Three surveys support
sidewalk and nine surveys oppose sidewalk.
2) Analysis
The Village Engineering Division surveyed Dale Avenue and developed a conceptual plan showing
sidewalk on both sides of the street. This was done to evaluate benefits and challenges with each
side and to develop construction cost estimates. Typically, however, the Village would concentrate
on installing sidewalk on one side of a residential street to efficiently use funds.
The standard location for sidewalk is one foot from the right-of-way line. This provides the maximum
separation between pedestrians and vehicles. And with an open ditch system,sidewalk one foot from
the right-of-way line allows for the least impact to the ditch. The closer sidewalk is to the street,the
steeper the sides of the ditch. Sidewalk locations can vary, however, in order to minimize the impact
to trees, landscaping, and other obstructions. The Engineering Division developed a conceptual plan
that shows sidewalk varying one foot to five foot from the right-of-way line.
Sidewalk on the west side of Dale Avenue would impact eight trees, five large bushes, a street light,
and landscaping near Isabella Street. The ditch on the west side of Dale Avenue is also deeper than
the east side requiring more regrading of the parkway with a sidewalk. On the other hand, sidewalk
on the west side would not require pedestrians to cross Isabella Street and it would be closer to
Meadows Park. The three property owners in support of sidewalk also live on the west side of Dale
Avenue. The estimated construction cost of sidewalk on the west side is$180,000.
Sidewalk on the east side of Dale Avenue would impact one tree and five large bushes. The ditch is
shallower requiring less regrading of the parkway. A project on the east side would also require less
work as sidewalk already exists near Northwest Highway. On the other hand, sidewalk on the east
side of Dale Avenue would require pedestrians to cross Isabella Street. In addition, all property
owners on the east side who responded to the survey oppose sidewalk. The estimated construction
cost of sidewalk on the east side is$150,000.
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3) Sidewalk Program
The Engineering Division is allocated approximately $200,000 annually to install new sidewalk in the
Village. The primary focus is to fill gaps and extend new sidewalk along arterial roadways. Staff will
also consider needs along collector streets and high pedestrian locations such as schools, parks, and
businesses. Sidewalk along local streets are typically only considered and incorporated into a multi-
year plan when residents petition and there is overwhelming support. In 2019, the Village will be
installing new sidewalk on Rand Road and Golf Road.
Sidewalk on Dale Avenue would not be considered by the Engineering Division until work on arterial
roadways and collector streets were completed first. However, the petition shows some resident
interest for sidewalk and, therefore, the Village Board of Trustees decided to give it consideration.
Such a project would use most of the annual budget should the Transportation Safety Commission
and Village Board of Trustees approve sidewalk for Dale Avenue. It would need to be reviewed to
determine the appropriate year for construction based on priority for other projects. Staff may
consider requesting additional funds from the Village Board of Trustees for a particular year in order
to construct sidewalk on Dale Avenue and a high priority location.
4) Recommendations
A strategic goal of the Village is to provide infrastructure that enhances safety for pedestrians and
bicyclists. Each year the Village Board of Trustees allocates funds for the construction of sidewalk to
achieve this goal. The highest priority are arterial roadways, followed by collector streets, and then
local streets. Sidewalk on collector and local streets are typically incorporated into the New Sidewalk
Program when there is a defined safety concern or petition with overwhelming support.
Vehicle speeding was noted in some resident surveys with recommendations to install sidewalk
and/or STOP signs on Dale Avenue at Isabella Street as solutions. The traffic studies reveal the average
and 85th percentile speeds to be slightly higher than most local streets in the Village but still within
the standard range. The speeds do not qualify the street for traffic calming measures per the
Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program. STOP signs are not recommended on Dale Avenue at Isabella
Street as STOP signs are not to be used as a speed control device. The intersection has not had any
accidents in the past five years and is operating safely.
Three of the twelve(25%) resident surveys support sidewalk on Dale Avenue. Most prefer to preserve
the "rural look" without disrupting existing trees and landscaping. Sidewalk on either side of the
street would require removal of trees and landscaping, and regrading of the ditch. Based on resident
surveys,there does not appear to be majority support for sidewalk on Dale Avenue.
The Engineering Division supports sidewalk in order to separate vehicles and pedestrians, and as a
means to safely and efficiently move pedestrian traffic. As mentioned above, the highest priority is
to complete sidewalk along arterial roadways, then collector streets, and finally local streets.
Sidewalk along collector and local streets are typically considered ahead of arterial roadways when
there is a defined safety concern or there is overwhelming resident support. Dale Avenue does not
have a history of safety issues and has not garnered resident support for sidewalk. In this case, the
standard procedure for the Engineering Division would be to consider sidewalk on Dale Avenue after
constructing a connected system on arterial roadways and collector streets.
Should the Transportation Safety Commission and Village Board of Trustees approve sidewalk on Dale
Avenue at this time,the Engineering Division will incorporate a project into the New Sidewalk Program
in a year determined by the Village Board of Trustees. Should the Transportation Safety Commission
and Village Board of Trustees not support sidewalk on Dale Avenue at this time, the Engineering
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Division will continue to monitor vehicle speeds and volume. The street is scheduled for resurfacing
in the next few years and another traffic study can be performed prior to the work. Traffic calming
measures can be incorporated into the work should the street exceed the criteria established in the
Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program. In the near-term,the Engineering Division will ask the Police
Department to deploy the radar trailer and perform selective speed limit enforcement as time
5) Discussion
Traffic Engineer Lawrie provided a presentation on the issue. He summarized the existing street
conditions, the traffic volume and speed data, results of the resident survey, and described the
Village's New Sidewalk Program.
Vice Chairman Prosperi inquired as to how many people signed the petition requesting sidewalk on
Dale Avenue. Traffic Engineer Lawrie said approximately eight people signed the petition but only
three properties showed support for sidewalk with the resident survey distributed by the Village.
Commission members discussed the Village's New Sidewalk Program, specifically the locations of
sidewalk in recent years. They supported the Village's efforts to focus on arterial streets that have
high traffic volumes and speeds. They cited greater safety concerns for pedestrians on busy streets
compared to neighborhood streets.
Vice Chairman Prosperi opened the discussion to the audience.
Michael Schmaus, 221 Dale Avenue, noted the street has high traffic volume and speeds. He is in
support of sidewalk because of safety concerns.
Pat Barsanti, 300 Dale Avenue, said STOP signs were on Dale Avenue at Isabella Street but removed
several years ago. She would like them put back to slow traffic.
Cynthia Schmaus, 217 Dale Avenue, is in support of sidewalk.
Bob & Linda Benwitz, 304 Dale Avenue, are against sidewalk. Their concern is speeding along the
Tim Gavin, 212 Dale Avenue, helped circulate the petition for sidewalk. He has small children and is
concerned for their safety. He cited distracted driving as a primary concern along with the amount of
traffic on the street.
Anita Schmidt,214 Dale Avenue, also helped circulate the petition for sidewalk. She sees this as a risk
management issue for the Village and believes installing sidewalk will reduce liability for the Village.
Keith & Kathy Brenner, 308 Dale Avenue, are against sidewalk. They would prefer the Village install
speed humps to slow traffic.
Joe Leane, 311 Dale Avenue, is against sidewalk. He lives at the corner of Dale Avenue and Gregory
Street and has sidewalk on Gregory Street. He said the ditch holds water and is concerned a sidewalk
on Dale Avenue will create similar drainage issues. He believes a sidewalk would change the character
of the neighborhood and lower property values. He is also concerned that residents may have
difficulty backing out of their driveways and seeing pedestrians on the sidewalk.
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Newt Haleman, 309 Dale Avenue, has lived in the neighborhood for SO years and never seen a safety
issue because of the lack of sidewalk. He is against sidewalk.
Bruce Nejdl,313 MacArthur Boulevard, noted the ditch along Gregory Street does not drain well since
constructing a sidewalk on the street a few years ago.
Tim Gavin reiterated his safety concerns and said neighborhoods evolve overtime and should be open
to change.
Jerry Ziolo, 1001 W.Gregory Street, had sidewalk installed in front of his house a few years ago by the
Village and is against more sidewalk in the neighborhood.
Nancy Fritz, 103 MacArthur Boulevard, is the President of the Northwest Meadows Homeowners
Association. She was told after construction of the sidewalk along Gregory Street that the Village did
not intend to install more sidewalk in the neighborhood. She is against sidewalk along Dale Avenue
and believes the Village should focus on more important areas such as arterial streets for new
sidewalk. She would like to see STOP signs installed on Dale Avenue at Isabella Street and
enforcement by the Police Department to slow traffic. She mentioned the resident at 312 Dale
Avenue could not attend tonight's meeting but is also against sidewalk.
Joe Leane reiterated his drainage concern with the sidewalk on Gregory Street. His preference is to
install curb & gutter and an enclosed storm sewer system (no ditch) if the Village were to install
sidewalk on Dale Avenue.
Vice Chairman Prosperi brought the discussion back to the Commission. He summarized the feedback
that a majority of residents are opposed to sidewalk on Dale Avenue, there are localized drainage
concerns,and there are speeding concerns. Those that are in favor of sidewalk believe it will enhance
pedestrian safety and reduce liability for the Village.
Traffic Engineer Lawrie discussed the reasons for removing the STOP signs on Dale Avenue at Isabella
Street ten years ago as part of the Village-wide Neighborhood Traffic Study. STOP signs only affect
speeds at the intersection and have little effect midblock. He noted unwarranted STOP signs can also
lead to a high rate of disobedience creating unintended safety concerns. There have not been any
accidents at the intersection or incidents with pedestrians along the street.
Traffic Engineer Lawrie said Dale Avenue is scheduled for resurfacing in the next couple of years. He
agreed to perform another traffic study prior to the work to determine if the volume and speed data
meet the criteria for traffic calming measures per the Village's Traffic Calming Program. If so, there
would be additional discussion with residents at a future Transportation Safety Commission Meeting.
Officer Angarola said the Police Department would provide speed limit enforcement along Dale
Avenue and deploy the speed radar trailer.
Superintendent Moe and Traffic Engineer Lawrie mentioned the Public Works Department recently
inspected the ditch system along Dale Avenue to determine short-term measures to improve water
flow. Long-term measures will be evaluated at the time of street resurfacing.
Commissioner Keane recognizes the difficulty with maintaining a ditch system when considering
sidewalk. He does not support sidewalk on Dale Avenue at this time and would prefer curb &gutter
and an enclosed storm sewer system if sidewalk were considered in the future. He said speed
feedback signs in the Village have shown to be effective in slowing traffic and would be in favor of
them on Dale Avenue if the Village were to consider traffic calming measures.
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Commissioner Tortorello said she is not in favor of sidewalk on Dale Avenue.
Vice Chairman Prosperi said he also does not support sidewalk because of the lack of support for
sidewalk from the residents. He pointed out there have not been any vehicle or pedestrian accidents
on the street. He believes the Village should continue to focus on installing sidewalk on arterial
Superintendent Moe made a recommendation to follow the Village's policy of focusing on arterial
streets for installing new sidewalk and to deny the request for sidewalk on Dale Avenue at this time.
The lack of overall support from residents shows it should not be considered ahead of the priorities
of arterial streets, collector streets, schools and parks.
The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Prosperi.
It was clarified that a YES vote was in favor of the request and a NO vote was to deny the request for
sidewalk on Dale Avenue.
Vice Chairman Prosperi—NO
Commissioner Keane—NO
Commissioner Tortorello—NO
Superintendent Moe—NO
Officer Angarola—YES
Battalion Chief Grandgeorge -YES
Officer Angarola and Battalion Chief Grandgeorge responded with their vote that they regard streets
safer with sidewalk.
The request to install sidewalk on Dale Avenue was denied by a vote of 4-2.
B. Briarwood Drive West Parking Restriction
1) Background
Lake Briarwood Subdivision is located at the southwest part of Mount Prospect and has a single
ingress/egress to the neighborhood. The roadway around the lake has curb and gutter with an
enclosed drainage system. It is approximately 26' wide with parking allowed on both sides of the
street. The road bends sharply near the entrance requiring vehicles to slow down at the turn.
Residents have indicated parked vehicles at the bend can make navigating the turn difficult.
The Engineering Division met with nearby homeowners and Association members to discuss the issue.
Comments ranged from prohibiting parking on both sides of the street to making no changes. During
the discussion it was noted the primary issue is vehicles parking on the inside of the bend because
these vehicles limit the view of oncoming vehicles. The consensus of the group was to prohibit parking
on one side of the street (inside of the bend) only.
2) Analysis
The section of roadway in question is 60' in length. There is not a history of accidents at this location.
Prohibiting parking would provide three less spaces for on-street parking. This will not have a
significant impact on the residents as on-street parking is not in high demand at this location.
Adequate parking will still be available for residents.
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Prohibiting parking on one side of the street will improve visibility for motorists navigating the bend.
It will also make it easier for longer vehicles such as school buses, fire trucks and landscaping trucks
with trailers to make the turn. The Police Department and Fire Department do not object to the
request to prohibit parking at this location.
3) Recommendation
The Engineering Division recommends to prohibit parking on the west side of Briarwood Drive West
from a point 85' south to a point 145' south of the centerline of Briarwood Drive East.
4) Discussion
Traffic Engineer Lawrie provided a brief presentation on the issue. He summarized the existing traffic
conditions and described the recommended parking restriction.
Commission members did not have any questions.
Marilyn Sohram, 2721 Briarwood Drive West, explained the difficulty with making the turn with
vehicles parked on both sides of the street.
Robert Gomez, 2702 Briarwood Drive West, would be affected by the parking restriction but is in
support of the recommendation. He asked that the Police Department continue to provide speed
enforcement in the neighborhood. Officer Angarola said the Police Department would continue to
do so and provided Mr. Gomez his contact information.
Vice Chairman Prosperi made a recommendation to approve the parking restriction as presented by
Traffic Engineer Lawrie.
The motion was seconded by Superintendent Moe.
The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0.
Commissioner Keane mentioned the grass at 1007 Cardinal Lane is very long and has not been cut in quite
some time. Traffic Engineer Lawrie said he would give this information to the Building Division for follow-
With no further business to discuss, the Transportation Safety Commission voted 6-0 to adjourn at 8:42
p.m. upon the motion of Commissioner Tortorello. Commissioner Keane seconded the motion.
Respectfully submitted,
Matthew P. Lawrie, P.E.
Traffic Engineer
TSC Meeting Page 8 of 8 June 10,2019
June 10,2019
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SECTION ONE:That Section 18.2006, "SCHEDULE VI—"NO PARKING ANYTIME"of Chapter 18
of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, as amended, is further amended by inserting the following:
"Name of Street Side of Street Description
Briarwood Drive West West From a point 85' south to a point 145' south
of the centerline of Briarwood Drive East."
SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage,
approval and publication in the manner provided by law.
PASSED and APPROVED this 16th day of July, 2019.
Arlene A. Juracek, Mayor
Karen M. Agoranos