HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.1 Chicago Executive Airport Master Plan Process Page 1 of 2 �71 ,RZY Agenda Item Details Meeting Mar 1 , 2019 - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLEA * Note meeting location change* Category 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS Subject 4.1 Chicago Executive Airport Master Plan Process Access Public Type Discussion Public Content Information Chicago Executive Airport (CEA), owned by the municipalities of Prospect Heights and Wheeling, Illinois, is in the midst of a Master Planning Update process. This is the first complete update in 30 years; some scenarios under discussion have created concerns among stakeholders in the outcome. Stakeholders can be reassured that the public participation process is working. At the Committee of the Whole (COW) on March 12, representatives from the Village will address the community on the CEA's Master Plan process. Mayor Juracek, a member of the CEA Stakeholder Involvement Group has significant stakeholder experience with airport planning and regulatory processes through her active participation in the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission since 2007, serving as its Chair since 2015. She will facilitate the COW discussion and will provide Trustee Rogers the opportunity to discuss his role on the CEA noise committee. The discussion will include CEA's role in the Chicago regional airspace from an operational and regulatory perspective, where the Chicago Executive Airport is within the planning process, how resident comments have been factored in and how residents can keep up to date. The Village has a page devoted to the Chicago Executive Airport Master Plan process on the Transparency portal: www.mountprospect.or /G CEA. The CEA issued a press release late Friday afternoon indicating the elimination of consideration of runway expansion beyond current airport boundaries as part of the master planning process. While the master planning process will continue, runway options beyond current boundaries are no longer being considered. The press release is attached. Alternatives 1. Present on the Chicago Executive Airport's Master Plan Process. 2. Action at discretion of Village Board. mmvv. CEA Master P Il� Update M i � ,, , n C Mayor iii . I� IPd I l C -M�.ste it-.PI1� in-., �,�. . .9 - 1 NI i,,�IPd (1,196 I l P d P d lrl � t l� Page 2 of 2 Administrative Content Executive Content CƚƩ LƒƒĻķźğƷĻ wĻƌĻğƭĻ March 8, 2019 CEA ANNOUNCES UPDATES TO AIRPORT MASTER PLAN Chicago Executive Airport today announced the elimination of consideration of runway expansion beyond current airport boundaries as part of the master planning process. While the master plan update remains ongoing, runway options beyond current boundaries are no longer being considered. and anticipated needs of airport users and stakeholders in order to determine what improvements are necessary and appropriate over a planning horizon that spans the next twenty-plus years. The process includes analysis of several factors that the airport must consider in order to operate successfully, including existing conditions, changing technologies, economic and regulatory trends, environmental concerns, demand and capacity for airport services, and the financial feasibility of any alternatives it might choose to explore. The update is a requirement by the Federal Aviation Administration, which update to 1986. The study is designed to begin with unconstrained ideas about potential changes at the airport. Those options are then evaluated by engineers, airport tenants, interested agencies and organizations, the owner municipalities, and all interested citizens. options has given some residents of Wheeling and Prospect Heights the incorrect impression that the airporteyond its the maximum value from the update and to achieve a result that will provide a vision for the coming The airport leadership team is committed to the successful completion of the master plan and remains excited about exploring options for maximizing capacity to serve its users with greater effectiveness and efficiency, including reconfiguration of runways within the physical footprint of the airportJamie Abbott, Executive Director of Chicago Executive Airport. the airport continues to seek public input and feedback. The next master plan open house to update citizens is July 11, 2019 at the Ramada Plaza, 1090 S. Milwaukee Ave, Wheeling, IL, time to be determined. ### About Chicago Executive Airport Chicago Executive Airport (CEA) is hosting approximately 78,000 corporate, charter and recreational flights annually. CEA is home to three national fixed-base operators and over 250 aircraft. Located is jointly owned by the City of Prospect Heights and the Village of Wheeling IL. For more information, visit chiexec.com, follow @PWKChiExec, or connect on Facebook. For further information: Mr. Jamie Abbott, 847-537-2580, info@chiexec.com. Chicago Executive Airport Community Update March 129 2019 Mayar, Airlene XJuracelk (..".['iicago II xeCLA!ve Airport owinerd by tlri rmalrllicipallitlies of1::::lrospect II Neigbits ainrd Wheelhling, Illihnois, lIs lila t[-ie mirdst of a IMasteir Il1llalrnlrnlilrng L)prdate process. r�-,is lIs t[-ie first complete Llprda: t lila 30 yeairs,� sorne of t[-ie sceinairios LlinrdeirrdiSCLISSiMl have cireaterd coincerns arnoing stak6holrdeirs lila t[-le OLACOrne. rhe pUrpose of t[liS (JOCUrneint liar to provirde wl Llprdate for t['ie MOLBIt1::::lrospect Village Boarr.-I ainrd villageresirdelints lith Irespect to t['ie process ainrd tlr Irepireseintatioin Of Ma: LBIt1::::lrospect resirdelints lila t[-ie 1:::::AA governerd master plaininiing process. SUbseqUeint to t[liS Llprdate, Ileardeirs[-ilip of Ci..:..:..'A will provirde a rnoire lin rdept[-i explainadoin of t[-ie master plain process ainrd progress to rdate. rhe 1::AA's pUblic. pairficipatioin process liar workiing. o lRecap What we kinow regarrdiing sceinairiOS Llinrdeir' coinsirderatioin. o exeCLItives will pireseint lila t[-ie next few weeks lila oirrdeir to allow t[-iern to lilrncolrpora. te inew rdevelopirneints. INAOLBIt1::::lrospect Iresirdelints Iha ve cirer.-fible repireseintatioin to ardrdiress t['ie cornirmBlity toinig[-itainrd lila t[-ie process. o Mayor JLlir'acek 1.) 1r lin rn edh a in Ica I/aeros pace eingilin eeirilin g 35 year Ihistoiry of orklilrn lila t[-ie electiric power linr.'Rlstiry, Whidh Ihas ma iny tedhinical ainrd regUlatory pa: irallels. /` ctliv lila t[-ie 01 Na ire Noise (..".ornpatibilhlty (..".ornrnissioin siince 2007, a 21 year olrd rOLRICI tabl(:.; t[ a: Ihas rnoire t[-iain 60 II ALRlicipal ainrd school rdlistlrlict members ainrd helr.l Up by t[-ie II:AA as t[-ie golrd stainrdairrd of cornirmBlity eingagerneint. t,.[' a: of t[-ie (..".ornrnissioin siince 2015. l::.::.::.ingagerJ lila grOLlinrdbireakiing work oin r ois rnitigatioin, Irecoginizerd lilrnternatioinally. ('Alinreint 1::ly QUIet activity lIS LRN.Jergdling t[-ie II::::/`A Irevi(:.m process. If airgest resirdeintial SOLMICI lllrISaallatlioin progirarn lila t['ie COLlintry. lRegcalla irly atteinrds lilrnaJUStlry coinfeireinces oin 6 6half of t[-ie 0M...X."., as Ireceintly as Ili. st week. Winineir of t[-ie 2019 Walt Gillfillain Awairrd recoginizilr�g OLItstainr.'fling adhi(werneints lila noise abaterneint ainrd a Lista: lilrnabilllit lila aviatioin, thea elint erd by t[-iel'..'.)avis Air QUality lResearIre C einter. Meets regcalla irly wit['i II:AA ainrd will rJo so next week. (IRegioinal Ardirniinistrator, l'..'.)epLJty Ardirniinistrator, parr-)ject Ileards, 01 Na ire cointirol toweir mroan erneint). o rialstee lRogeirs 11111 Airdhitect ainrd eingiineeir Mill I Aves it tall /A, iraiser.I ft.-airnily t[-ieire, Iloing teirmresirdeint. Mill rialstee Girossi, also oin t[-ie village boarrd, Illives iiia t['Ie afire a as well. Why IsMasteir l:::1llairnirnliirn inecessairy? • Mainrdaterd by t[-ie 1:::::AA. • A stir'LlCtUirerd process t[-iatIs a it ecessairy preireqUisite for fLRN.'fiing ainrd coinsirdeiratioin of ainy opeiratioinal dhainges. • SUbject to ferderal call es as to Ihow t[-ie process iia coin(JUcterd. • INALISt llr�dklrde coir Bird of a wirde rainge of poteintial fUtUire OLACOrnes, llr�CILJ(Jilr�g "(10 inot[-iiing" ainrd S[ILIt CJOWI tall / caininot make LRlilateire: l rJecisioinsregairr.-fling filig['it piroce(JUires ainrd ir'Llinway Utilizatioin ainrd CMlfigUiratioin. o plays ain llimpoirtaint irole lin tr itegioinal ainrd inatioinal airspace as t[-ie piriinciple reIlii eveir airpoirt for Ol Naire. rhat aiirspac iia a virtUal SLJpeir'['iig['iway lin t[-ie skk:.a,s t[-iatIs ma it by t[-ie 1:::::AA. o Mainagerd by (..".'[-iicago (..".einteir A lin ALA ir'oir'a. Oine of 22 A s opeiraterd by t[-ie 1:::::AA. l::::Iirirnairy respoinsibility for seqUeindling ainrd sepairatioin of oveirflig[-its, airrivals ainrd rdepartUires to pirovirde safe, oirrdeirly ainrd experditiOUS flow of airciraft. Mill 91,000 sq.irni. llr�CILJ(Jilr�g paints of111kinois, Ilirnrdliairna, Il idhigain, Wiscoinsiin ainrd Ilowa. AbLAS t['ie INAiinineapolis, Kainsas (..".'ity, Ilirnrdiiairnapolis ainrd (..".%levelain(d A limagiine flig[-its eine teininis balls b(::;,iing t[-iirowin at t[-ie ceintefir. A mainages t[-ie ternpo, pace ainrd r.-firectioin of t[-ie teininis balls ire t[-ier t[-iain Ihaviirng t[-iern beiing t[-iirowin rainrJornly ainrd Ir ap['iazarrdly t['iir'OUg['l t['Ie air. • I Now cain itesirdefirms be morffectliv iiia t[-ie process? o Neer: to be coinstrUctive rat[-ier t['iain rdestir'LlCtive. • lRecoginize t[-iat ainxieties, qUestioins ainrd coinceirris oir aingeir Ihave beeinexpiresserd ainrd recog in Izer.-I. rhe tiim liar now tolistein, participate pirofes slioirna llll iiia t[-ie process ainrd Ilearn. lin retUrn, YOUir itepin eseintatives eine better able to i�ISLJir Ihave a poweirfUl ain(.1 effective seat at t[-ie table. • A victor liirn t['ie ("JiSCUSSiOin to rdate Is tlr itecoginitioin by t[-iat we eine Ilegitimate stak6holk-lefirs as t[-iat teirimIs rdefilinerd by t[-ie 1:::::AA. • Allow t[-ie process to cointiinUe to aa SUir'e lointerm pairtinefired[-ilip liirn t[' OLACOrnes. • 1rd ire itepin eseintatioin ainrd StU(.'fieS Uln(deirway. • I or. itepin eseintatioin llr�dklrdes SUpport from state ainrd fer.-Jeral officials. • (..".oingiressioinal QUI(B't Skk:.�,s (..".%aLJCLJS Mill IApirish, QU!gley, Sdhakowsky SeinIl'..'.)Uckwoir't['i former rneirnb(:.sir. • 1:::::/ Air eaUt[loirizatioin bill mainr.lates ardrditioinal work of Ilor.al llimpoirtait ce. 2 o rhe 1rdeiral Aviatioin Ardirniinistiratioin (1::AA") lReaLAhoirizatioin Act of 2018 ("Act"), passer.1 Vey (.".oingiress oin Octob(:.,ir 3, 2018, rdevotes ain eindire sectioin, "ritle 1, ALAhOirizatioins, SUbtitle to "Airpoirt INoise ainrd Stirearn1kiniing." Arnoing t[-ie 22 pirovisioins einacterd by t['ie SUbtial e, at ast 12 rJeal r.-firectly oir linrdiirectly wit[-i airciraft noise. rhese ll�ldklrde. t.. Ari j c> (2) Sectioin 7 13 Ai r IR 1NA r Ii v i::::: A I IR 1::::)1 A IN IN 0 Ii s im l:..:..:.VA[ ON 1'. 1 VIN 1::: Accelerates ainexisding rJear.-Thline for 1:::AA to corr pl t Ireseardh oin a llt lrna tliv Inoise metirics as a po:sbl Ireplacerneint to If [..'.YN wit[-iiin oin e year. * (3) Sectioin 174 LJ 1:11)A r�i IN G A I Ii:::R Ii::::)o�i:::R r' NGl&l...� l\AAl:::`S lReqUires t['lat .... ... ... ... airport operator's UpClate t['ieiir' noise exp0SUir'e maps Iif t[-ieire Iis a dhainge lila opeiratioins t['iat WOUICI reSUlt Illrn eit['ieir "SUbstaintial inew lincompatible Use," or "siginificaintly reClUce noise oveir exisding noincompatible Uses." * (4) Sectioin 175 A 1'..)1'..)IR S S I IN G 0 NA NA LJ IN II..r NGl&l:..:..:.: lReqUires 1::::::AA to coinsirdeir r.-fispeirsal of inew IRNAV rdepairtUire proce(JUires below 6,000 feet Ilf. (1) reqUesterd by t[-ie airpoirt; (2) rdispeirsal WOUICI not Iha ve safety of effidleincy limplicatioins; ainrd (3) WOUICI Inot Illrncirease noise oveir ot[-ier noise seinsitive aireas. r�-iis pirovisioinlincireases t[-ie av&lUe for pUblic llrIpLlt. * (5) Sectioin 176 0 NA NA ..J lN 11 r III VOi VI: NA 1: N r' IIIA 1:::::%`A IM:.:.:.:x I 0(.."XA INILII r Ii:::R o li s lReqUires 1AA to pirepaire a Irepoirt (wit[-iiin 180 rJays) recomirneinr.-fling rnet[-iords for IlimpIrovilrng coirnirnLMa alit Iilrnvollyerneint lila Itt ein pirr-)jects, a: Ir (JiSCUSSilr t[-ie specifics of Ihow ainrd M-iein t[-ie 1AA will eingage airpoirts ainrd comirmBlities llr SUdh proposals. * (6) Sectioin 179 A I Ii:::R Ii::::)o: i::: ...r' IN 0 1 S 1: im Ii r I GA riGN AN[..) SAI:::::i ry 3,---r-tJ Ii Y lReqUires 1AA to CMICILIct a StUCjy to Ireview ainrdevalUate exisding StUClies of t[-ie irelatioins[-sip betweein jet airciraft appiroadh ainrd rdepairtUire speerds ainrd coinrespoinrdiing noise limpacts oin overflowin comirmBlities. r�-iis sectioin reqUires t['ie 1::�AA to rJo 4ha t Iit lis alireardy rdoiing (see, e.g., t[-ie work ofMassadhUsettS IlllStlitaate of redhinology). * (7) Sectioin 180 l:::Ri:GlGNA[ 0 NA�B LJ I)SNM.::.N 1AA IIs reqUirerd to rJesiginate ain 11r1(diViClUal to b(:.a t[-ie Il:Regioinal OrnbUCIsimain lila eadh Iregioin to ardrdiress "iSSLjes Iregairr.-fling airciraft noise, POEILAIMI, ainrd safety". r ---r-t j�i. eqUires t['ie Geineiral ACCOLlintability * (9) Sectioin 186 s r'AGl:..:..:..� 3 A I IR IRA .. ...-)y lR Office to CMICILIct a StUCjy evalUading t[' poteintial p['iaseOLJt of Stage 3 airciraft. rhis Iis a rebirt[-i of t['ie qUkd pro qLjo cointaiinerd lila t[-ie Airport INoise ainrd (..".apacity Act M-iidh reqUirerd t['ie p['iaseOLJt Of Stage 2 (inoisier) airciraft, lila retUrn for M-iidh t[-ie ferdeIra: l goveirruneint pireempterd all Ilocall airpoirt Innise ainrd access iregUlatioin, see, e.g., 49 § 4"7524(a). 3 * (10) Sectioin 187 A I IR IRA r' IN 0 1 S X 1:)0 S L)IR lReqUires 1:::::AA to complete "oingoiiirn iteview of t[-ie irelatioins[-iip betweein airciraft inoise expOSUire ainrdIts effects oin comirmBlities" wit[-iiin two years. SUch a "review" COUIrd, liirn piractice, accelerate 1 :AA policy work t[-iat liar alreardy Uinrdeirway, StU(Jyilr�g dhainges liirn 1:::::AA'S Use of tlrl If [..'IN 65 r.TB t[-iires[-iolr.-j for Ilwd Use compatibility ainrd siginificainteinviroinimeintal impacts. IIt Is a "irevii ew" ainrd, t[ILIS, merely t['ie stain of a hOp(3'fLJlly more proClUctive process. * (11) Sectioin 188 s r t..)1'.)Y YING I MY dMG SOLYM'. 1 1:::::V 1::::: S ... ... .. ....... ....... r�.iis pirovisioin seems sorne4hat ClUplicative of sectioins 173 ainrd 187 iiia t[.lat iIt reqUires 1:::::AA, wit[-iiin oin e year, to evalUate alternative metirics to t['ie CUrreint rdainig[-it Revell stainrdairrd (I YIN) SUdh as t[' Use of aCtUalnoise saimpliing ainrd ot[-ier met[.1ords. .. ::: % % "1 0 1� * (12) Sectioin 189 s r't.Yl'..'.)Y ON Ii::::,o r IN rlAl I 1:..:..:.A Ii r I AM'..) II II .. I'll, OV IR 1II Gi r' IN 0 1 S ........ ...r�.Jis sectioin reqUires a LRliveirsity to be eit gagerd to StUrdy t['Ie 'lincireirneintal healt[-ilimpacts oin itesirdeints Illivliirng pairtly or Mldlly Uinrdeirneat['i filig[-It pat[.1s most fir eqLjelrltly Userd by airciraft fllyiing at ain altiitUrd Iloit t[-iain 10,000 feet, lInClUr.-filng CjUiriing takeoff ainrd Ilair rdiing." IIt also reqUires "ain assessirneint of t[-ie irelatioins[-iip betweein a peirceiverd iiirnr.irease lin airciraft noise, llrldkjrdihng as a reSUlt of a chair ge liirn filig[-it pat[-is t[-iat liirncireases t[-ie visibility of airciraft tire: m a ceirtaiin Ilocatlioin, ainrd ain aCtUal ilincirease lin airciraft noise, partiir.Ulairl liirn aireas iitlr Ihig[-i oir vairiabl Ilevels of inoiraiirciraftitelater.l airnbi(::,int noise." SOUrces ainrd r'eSOUir'ces available. o Village tire: inspair eincy portal. (www.i,nOLli�"itpir,ospect.oir'g) o website ainrd op(::.;,in meedings. (www.dhaireinoise.oirg) o website ainrd 1:::::acebook pages (www.dhiexec.cOrn) 4 Chicago Executive Airport (CEA) Airport Master Plan Update FAQ!s Who owns and operates the Chicago Executive Airport? in x986, Mth fUndhig IlDiroxiia ed Ilxy the Fed eiralI A0 at fon Ad rnhnMrafion, the VH1 age of WheeHng a ind Oty of Prospect I IIoIghts DL11-chased the Ahrpoirt firoirn i°its thein IlDiriirate owner, p he Ahrport i°is governed and operates i°in accordance Mth an Iliiiteii,goveii,iiiii-neiiitall Agireernent enteired hito lbetween the VHHage of Wheehing and the Oty of Prospect I IIoghts. An appohnted Board of Dhrectors oversees 4rpoirt operafions �by as IlDirofossioinaall staff, �he 4rpoirt its finandaHy se SL!ffiCfient. N6-their rmlliiCiilDaHty IlDiroOdes financilalI SLI!IIDllDOII'ttotllieAii"IlDoiirvt, pieAii-IlDoii-tfLlliiidling °isgeiiieii-atedfii-oii-nAii"IlDoiirvtii-evellILiie, Hheire °isnoIocalI taxpayer umoney expended on the opeirafion of the 4rport, CEA fin as cornrmlllfity asset that Ibenefts firoirn as cooi-6inated as 11 Mth the sponsoir cornl'mlliilfies. What is an Airport Master Plan Update? An Ahrpoirt Master Nan Update us a ) annhng dOCLH-nent, pyp�caHy, for a 20 year )lannfing Ilnourizon, 0' A's Master Nan Update fin piroacfive and Hentffies the ) aIIS for fUtUire facHkty needs weHI fin advance of the aCftlalI need for the facHffies, MUch IIlllko as coirnrmllli°ity cornpirehensi°ive )lan, ths fix done to elISUire that CEA s prepaired to accoirm-nodate fUtUire deirnand to av6d fa6lg Linfavoirabe effects dLiie to I°I111SLIffident facHkfies, p he CEA Master Nan was IlaSt Updated fin 1984, Mth a Ilkey OLItCOirne Ilb6ng an gall' to Dirfngfing the ai°iirfi6d info coirnpHance Mth the FAA safety regLllati0111S. Who is preparing the Airport Master Plan Update? .......... PROJECT ILIEAD AGENCIES MUNICIPALITIES Chicago Executive Airport(CEA) Federal Aviation Aclminustration (FAA) Ciity of Prospect Heights Illinois Department of Transportation Village of Wheeling Diviision,of Aeronautics(IDA) Chicago Executive Airport (CEA) Airport Master Plan Update FAQ!s Who pays for the Airport Master Plan Update? No 'nL1 III fUnds a ii-e expended on the AIrport master Pll a in Up date, CEA IlDays foi-the IlDii-olect OLI!t Of AIrport ii-eve III Lies, Hie A Irport Master Nl a in Up date Is 61&Ne for fed eii-all a ind state urv61mbUrsernent at 95%, No Dropei-ty taxes wHl Increase dLiie to CEA, What has the approach been to the Airport Master Plan Update? �he Board of Drectors of CEA have chosen to accoimpHsh the DlannIng effort In Ilnllnases, �he Ilxn^xll of detail and coimplexIty wIthIn the DlannIng effort filHl Increase as the IlDrocess IlDllayS OLC MOVIlig d6bei-at6y MHl elISLIre transparency and coi-ni-millIty Inv6vernent, Accomplishments to date -- Phase � in the SUrnimer of 2014,the )lannIng effort Ilneyaaun to ensUre that the coimimUnIfies are IlDest able to �leveii-age the aIrport as the asset It Is whHe stIHl coimplyIng wIth fedeii-all obHgafions, Phase II IlIdLided as OsIonIng process, and stakeh6der eingageiment whIch contl-IbLlted to the ovei-aaH1 OsIon, )UH-pose and need for the AIrport Master Nan Update, Phase II was cornpleted III SUrnimer of 2015. What was heard from Phase/�) • AIrport dev6opiment at CEA Is econoi-nIc dev6opiment for the VIHage of WheeHng and CIty of Prospect II eIghts, • Concerns heai-& • Safety • AIrcraft noIse CEA has urvmoved forward wIth noIse -6ated pi-ojlects these are separate and not Ilna^fiung condUcted IlDy the AIrport Master Nan Update tearn, �l impacts to the envIii-oniment Accomplishments to date -- Phase H Phase II II of the AIrport Master Nan Update was condUcted In two IlDarts, • Part One Forecast of FLItUre AvIatIon Dernand, CEA ii-eceIved ii-eqUIred FAA appi-ovall In UallLlary 2017, • Part �wo FadHty ReqUIrernents, FAA IS CLH-i-en-ty Ilnmurvfc inimi°lung an on goIng revIew, DL11i1g Phase IIID User SLIIII'Veys and IntervIews were condUcted wIth exIsfing tenants, CEA Users, as weHl as fi-acfionaand chaii-ter aIll-CII-aft Users at CEA, Chicago h ^ca= o Execut^ve Airport ^ rport (CEA) Airport ^ pot Master aste ~ Plan Update pdate ~��K � � � �~ � " " "�~�. ~� What was heard fronnPhase //�) w TheprimaryconstraintidenfifiedWas runvvay |ength |imftations, w Through the surveys and interviews, It was confirmed that [EA is unique because It serves as the top Chicago metropo|ftan area re|iever airport in both itinerant and |oca| operations, yet users consider it to be constrained re|afive to comparab|e re|ievers in the nation, Are there guiding principles for the Airport Master Plan Update? During the Phase | visioning process, fourguiding princip|es were set forth as a road map forfuftlre p|anning' -- |ntegrationofthe Airportvvithinthe |oca| communifies -- Fu|fi||mentofthe Airport'sro|e -- EnhancementofAirportsafety and compatibi|ity -- Maintenance offinancia| viabi|ity What are the components of an Airport Master Plan Update? The Airport Master Nan Update process is guided by the FAA and ukimate|y resuks in projections of fuftlre aviation activitygrnvvth (Forecast) and preparation of an Airport Laynut P|an (ALP), Themajnrtechnica| e|ementsnfthe CEA AirpnrtMaster Nan Update III the fn||nvving� -- |inventory nfExisfing Airpnrt [nnditinnsand Faci|ffies -- Forecast nfAviatinnDemand -- Demand/[apacityAna|ysis -- Faci|ityRequirementsand |denfificatinnnf|ssues -- Definitinnand Eva|uafinnnfAfternatives -- Envirnnmenta| Overview of Proposed Deve|npment -- AirpnrtLaynutNall -- [apita| |mprnvementPrngram What is a StakehCJ|derUn\/CJ|\/e[0ent Plan /W\? The S|Pisa |ivingdocument that serves asab|ueprintfor definingoutreachtoo|sand methods, he SP a|soidenfifiesro|esand responsibi|ifiesofpaitcipantsand estab|ishesthe fimingofpub|icinvo|vement activities, The DRAFT SP was avai|ab|efor review at the first Pub|ic &4eefing, Chicago Executive Airport (CEA) Airport Master Plan Update FAQ!s Will there be opportunities for public involvement? 111(6s, theire ivdH be a oubkii� orc)gran'i ani!�I the hitegiratic)n tc)cflsani!�I c)p1pic)rb,un.ties suii��,h as brie'Ings, in'ieetings ani!�I eingagen'ient oirc)giran'is tc) ensure that the appirc)w��h tc) oubkii� �s e��1�11!�ient, he oirc)�ei!�ft tean'i ivdH xmsistendy ivc)rk� livith ageIIS iiies, IIS'iU, ties, ah-pc)rt usersani!�I the II input us thircmighcmit the 14orc)ii�ess ani!�I ivdH be witadaHe hn un"'iany livays ani!�I thi-cmigh se,itei4I c)p1pic)rb,Vn II ties, Exaimples indude, Pu[flHc Meetings (Open Il fou a« NewsIetters/factall eets Webs�te Sob4l Meda A )LIbHC hnv6veirnent Ifnurvaayraauan Ilxurvfia ges the gap Ilbetween the Ahirpoirt, Ilocall goveiriniment and the )LIbkC, What is a Stakeholder lrivolvernent Group? baa assM Ilan the devebpirnent of the Ahirport Master Nan Update and Ilnurvxn^fHe technl°icall hl�)Llt at decl°isl°ion pohnts, the prolect tearn has estabhshed a Stakeh6deir Illnxaallxaauanent GII-OLI!Il) as as Ilkey way four the )LIUk's hl�)Llt to lye urvxllnurvxnxned, A Stakeh6deir Illnxaallxaauanent GII'OLIIIl) (3G) consists of as Ibalanced urvelpiresentaafiiaaln of coirnirmllll°ityeadeirs firoirn gll-OLIIll)S SLICh aS� Locall Officak Agaux ncl°°ies CMcGIIMLII)S CEA Corporate �enants CEA Hxed Based Operators CEA Geneirall Avflafion Chaimbeir of Cornimerce & Vfsor and Convenfion BLIi'eaLIS Econornl°lc Devebpirnent Emergency Managernent State & Federall 6ected Ofllcak &G umernllxxurvx Ml Ibe asked to urvelpiresent thehir urespxxfin^x agency or COIIIStftients and Ibe the condLift Of hinfoin-nafion exchange, Chicago Executive Airport (CEA) Airport Master Plan Update FAQ!s What is an Airport Layout Plan (ALP)? An Ahirpoirt LaYOUt Nall (ALP) Is as set of scalled dirawIng depIctIng exIsfing and 11pIIryoposed fUtUire fadhfies and 11xurvaalperty necessairy to the opeiratIon and devdopirnent of the ahirport, Aug ALP Is a urvxqUufiurvxuanent ofthe FAA, and the ALP umUSt Ilex appiroved first, IlDy the CIty of Prospect 11 eIghts and the VdHage of Wheehing and then IlDy the FAA Defoire fUll-ther steps In the devebprnent lfprocess can DegIn, 11t ShOLdd Ilex noted that devOopirnent IS 1110t gUall-anteed If fUtUire fadffies aire shown on the ALP, How do � cornment throughout the Airport Master Plan Update? PLONIC and stakehoWeir coi-niment and Ill1)Llt to the StUdy aire w0corne, Corniments on the Ahirport Master Nan Update can �De filed OLIt Ilnmum l,ii::l::ps:://www.cl,iiexec.com/cea master plan/contaCt LJs/, AHI hll)Llt 0111 the Ahirpoirt Masteir Nan Update wIH1 lam urevImaaamd and consIdeired, Atha 11nuvllllnllllm Ilhas the oppo ILI III Ity to 1lpirovIde coi-niments at Open 11 OLIse Ilrvmmmfinyn. �Ilnm first Open 11 IlOLIsm was idd on Decernbeir 4, 2018 and the second Open 11 OLIse Is schedUlded fO1- Ldy 11, 2019, What are the next steps? Ahirport Ilrvmaaxtmllry Ilnllaallnllnfiling defines Ikdy chainges III fUtUire deirnand, IdentIfies any Ilrvmfixxfiling or necessary fadhfies that WOLdd Ism IlregUufillrvmd to Ilrvmmmt that deirnand, devdops as seiles of 11nmtmllntllall akeirinatIves and thein cireates aCapIta�� improvernent Prograrn to DrIoirffize any steps In the devdopirnent ofthe Direfeiri-ed akeirinatIve, Mow Is as 11process giraphIc that depIcts Phase 111111 urmaallor pirojlect 6eirnents, g g QQ 00/00/000//1' Evaluation Airport and Layout Plan Screening Orr 1, Criteria ON 5/ PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Chicago Executive Airport (CEA) Airport Master Plan Update FAQ!s i he Afteirinatives Dev6oiDirnent and EvaLlati()111 IlDrocess is r u7nau7dated, One Ilkey 6eirnent of the Drocess is illdLiding the No BUTd or "i�)o 'Jot[flii iig" Ate rnafid,�,fe uii ii the e,,fahmfion, i he No BUTd scenairio wH1 lye eva�lLliated with each Direfeiri-ed akeirinative, /had: is the anticipated tirneline? Mow is an anticiiDated thimehine that illdLideS Llixorning SiG Meetings, PL!Uic Ilinforvimatlion Meetings, and reSLIftS of Phase II ii, We are CLII,renfly DireiDairing for the SiG #2 'neeting, Preferred Development We Are Hme Concept Phase 3 Public Public Report Final Airport Begins SIG#1 Meeting SIG#2 SIG #3 Meeting Fail 2019 Layout Plan CNO 2018021 T,ec mentot It sond"App is 2 0 Public Meeting 6)Slcikeholdu nvdvernerfl (-';roup meo-Hrig A Pieleired Deveiar.xnenl Cori epl Repad /had: will the Airport Master Plan Update include? i he AiriDoirt Masteir Nan UiDdate wH1 illdLide a Preferred Dev6oiDirnent ConceiDt and the No BUTd ConceiDt, /had: is the Preferred Development Concept? Seveiral IlaYOUtS WH1 lyse cine ted dUiring the AiriDoirt Masteir Nan UiDdate Drocess, i hese IlaysUtS afire caHed akeirinatives. Each afteirinative wH1 lye eva�lLliated thl-OLIgh a SCIreening Ilxurvsnxess. i hese akeirinatives wH1 evellftlaHy lye inain-owed down to IlLI!St one akeirinative, which is urvefeiri-ed to as the Preferred Dev6oiDirnent ConceiDt, iii°isw°i 1111 lbellIIICllLiidediiitotIIieA°iii"IlDoii-tMasteii- Pllaiili)llDdate, What its a "No Bufld" Alteirnat-Jve? A, "i'Jo [34,NH<!F' RL1111way Afteirinative wH1 lyse illdLided in the AiriDort Master Nan UiDdate, No BUTd u7 eans that theire is a Ilncssslffiiilhty that the 11-LIIIIIWay WH1 anot In exiDanded, if the No BUTd Afteirinative is chosen, the AiriDort Master Nan UiDdate Ilxurvexxss wH1 C0111tilIlLiie fury the urvsuurnaiiinder of the AiriDoirt, Chicago h ^ca= o Execut^ve Airport ^ rport (CEA) Airport ^ pot Master aste ~ Plan Update pdate ~��K � � � �~ � " " "�~�. ~� What is being done about the noise? Based onpub|icfeedback from previousPhase || ofthe AirportMaster Nan Update, noiseisakey concernsurrounding the Airpoirt, CEA comp|eteda0oiseExposureMap (0E&4) Update projectin2O17 toUnderstand currentand projectednoise |eve|saroundthe Airport, The Residenfia| Sound |nsu|afion Program (RS|P) vvi|| dckoffin2O19, The RS|Pisfundedbythe FAA and isaseparate projectfromthe Master Nan Update, Has noise gotten worse at the Airport? No, |nthe past 3Oyears, noisehas reducedby3O% (see chairtbe|ovv),This isdueinpartbecauseaircrait have becomequieter, TheG5D0Lcontouristhe thresho|dUsed byFAA fordeterminingpotentia| RS|P qua|iftation, Area of 46se hyqiact 1987 898 Acres 414 Acres 2 12 Ac res 2001 979 Acres 433 Acres 204 Acres 2006 852 Acres 406 Acres 191 Acres 2016 629 Acres 271 Acres I 17 Acres D0Listhe Day-0ight Average SoundLeveL |trepresents the tota| accumu|ationofa|| soundenergybut spreadoutuniform|yovera24-hourperiod, What are sCJ[0e of the safety improvements made at CEA? Safety has a|vvaysbeen the numberone priorityatCEA, For the past 3Oyears, everyresourceavai|ab|e has beenUsed tokeep the residentssurrounding the airportsafe, |n2O15, CEA invested $13,5&4intothe insta||ation of an E&4AS (Engineered &4ateria|Arresfing System) system, An E&4AS system invo|ves |ightvveight, crushab|e concrete b|ocks that crush underthe weight of an aircraft, ]ust three mon-ths afterinsta||ation, the E&4ASstopped an aircraitfrom enteringPaatine Road, Becauseofthe safety improvement, therewere noinjuriesorfata|ffies, Someaddffiona| safety improvementsmade atCEA inc|ude� numerousbui|dingsand obstrucfionshave been removed, fu|| para||e|taxiways have been constructedtoreducerunvvayoccupancytime, safety aireas have been re giraded to 'neet FAA standards, and the Dii-h-nall-Y 11-LIIIIIWay at CEA was wHened hin 2002 to increase the margin of safety, Chicago Executive Airport (CEA) Airport Master Plan Update FAQ!s What happens after Master Planning? �heire air e seveiral steps that aneed to lye coirnpleted lbefoire an ahrport can hrnpleirnent the Preferred DevdopirneInst Concept, Each step, IIIstedb6ow, Ilrnuvllnt fil-St (1) lye deshred and secondy (2) 11n Ust lye SLIpported finandaHy lbefoire Undertaken, IIt can take seveiral years foir the Preferred DevdopirneInst Concept to lye COIIStl'Llcted, STEP ............. tTEP 6i --------------------- 019&)�Soqqfjpp�THEW lNSTRIUCT'ION PREFERRED PE EL F`M�q� NPEFT WAmb COMPLY04TME-' �4MbMh,s if the runway were to be expanded, would this cause issues with storryiv ater? hstorq c plllhj, St()r fI'Mia to r Iinan age ment for dieiiio^Ioprnient at CEA hils bee n go lierr wiil [:ry a '14 a ster 'ilrahnage Study;llpprui,,er] bill the P,Aetropo I u taini )Ahmtem Red a rn�ftion D!:ItrICt Df Grea::m t� � Chic�mgo (Pl1/M/RDGQ. w ntly, CEA w o',Ades the N!x:)mmuni ty bem::'fit of 198 au e feet of flooci stxm age, greater fly"iSII I Is reqROred b'j the 11,1aster IIilrairiage StUd'j. Its the hm we, ft lt CEA, Aldl Comphl ill a aIpphcable )MAIRDGC ar ] FB'lidlhl"l, reguk)tiDr1`:'1 Chicago h ^ca= o Execut^ve Airport ^ rport (CEA) Airport ^ pot Master aste ~ Plan Update pdate ~��K � � � �~ � " " "�~�. ~� (�'urrendy, CEA a�tua||yhe|pm reBiona| utormxwater. As afundioningtrbutar9tothe Des P|ainea River, the Wheeling Drainage DitchproVidescriticm| stormm/atermanagement�ontro| toV0hee|inB. The �irportnot nn|yrea|ignedand aidenedthe ditchtnirnpriz�vest�!rnnxvaterf|0im/s' butalso coniliertedareasnftheairfie|d intotennporarij atmrmm/ater atmrap:,e. 011/er 198 acre-feet mftemporari�stornnxwatell' detention has been orowidedbythe Airportm/hichenhanceore&na| flood controL |nflood eVents^ the mirfie|ditse|ffunctions as s1(�rage'xvhi|e |eavingthe airfie|d safe and accessib|e to aircraft What would be sCJ[0e reasons to expand the runway? The currentrunvvay |engthis5,OOOfeet, When itrainsorsnows, someairp|anescannot operate becausethe required |ength fortake-offor |anding is not vvithin the safety rangefortheir equipment, TIIS isa|sotrueonhot summerdays, Arunvvayextensionvvou|dmake operationofcurrentequipment safer, Uf \/CJU expand the rUnyya\// will larger planes cCJ[0e with it? A |onger runvvayvvou|d not resuk in commercia| airservice (air|ines |Ike United and Sou"thvvest) or major aircall f|ights (|ike UPS or FedEx) at [EA, [EA Intends to remain as a Genera| Aviation airport, FAA regu|ationsgoverning airportsand air|ines isstringent ascommercia| airpassengers know, There has beennoapp|icationtotheFA4forcommercia|service, noair|ineshaveexpressedanyinterestinoperating out of CEA, and FAA regu|ationsvvou|d make commercia| service virftla||y impossib|e, Will there be ecCJnCJ[0ic development opportunities in the Airport Master Plan Update? The Master Nan Update Phase ||| processfocuses on economic deve|opment oppoIIuIII ifies, Chicago Executive Airpoirt is fu||y seff funded with no burden on tax payers, By ensuring aill and use compatibi|ity, [EA promotes both aviation and non-aviation re|ated businesses that provide jobs for resIdents and tax doHars for the Clty of Prospect Helghts and the VlHage of Wheehing, What are the tax beriefits? |n itscurrentconfiguration, the CEA provides $33O &4i||ion in regiona| economic benefitasvve|| as $23 &4i||ion insa|esand rea| estate tax revenues, A key e|ementofPhase ||| ofthe Airport &4asterNan Update vvi|| be the identification of economic deve|opment opporftlnities, By ensuring airport and use compatibi|ity, promotionofeconomicdeve|opmentand sustainab|edeve|opmentpa1terns, CEA p|aysan integra| pallIll suppoIIingsustainabi|ityinthe[ityofProspect Heightsand the Vi||ageofVVhee|ing, vvhi|e ensuring the futurefinancia| viabi|ityofthe airport, Chicago h ^ca= o Execut^ve Airport ^ rport (CEA) Airport ^ pot Master aste ~ Plan Update pdate ~��K � � � �~ � " " "�~�. ~� Wide anexpanded ruIII Way may impact theexisfing tax base, itisanticipatedthateconomicdeve|opment associatedvviththe expanded runvvaymay offset someofthe impacts, AsvveprogressvvithPhase ||| of theAirport Master Nan Update, eva|uafion criteria for assessing runvvayakernativesvvi|| be deve|oped and it is anticipated that cost, inc|uding impacts to the exisfing communitytax base, and community impacts, inc|udingimpactstohomesand pub|icspaces, vvi|| beinc|udedinthe ana|ysis, What is being done about potential environmental impacts? Upoin cornp|efion of the Ahirpoirt Masteir Nan Update and appirova| of the ALP, If CEA Intends to move any specific project forward for imp|ementation, a detai|ed environmenta| study comp|ying with NEPA is required by FAA, Airqua|ityand environmenta|jusfice aretvvo ofmany environmenta| componentsthat vvou|dbestudied, Theproject Learn vvi|| continuetoba|ancethe essentia| federa| and state regu|ations, the needs of the surrounding communities and the future needs of the airport, vvhi|e engaging stakeho|ders, |Ike yourseff, and seek input throughout theprocess,