Community Room
Minutes: March 15, 2018
Attendees: Karen Agoranos, Christine Barr, Evelyn Dorman, Gerald "Skip" Farley, Janice Farley,
Christina Haskell, Doreen Jarosz, Mayor Arlene A. Juracek, Judy McGinnis, Denise Rano, Trustee
Colleen E. Saccotelli, Diana Sahakian, Rafi Sahakian, Elizabeth Theiss, Patricia Usnik, Robert Usnik,
Barbara VanArsdale, Steve VanArsdale, Irvana Wilks
Not Attend. �: Greg Bernert, Matt Bertke, Paul Seils
Guests: None
I. Meeting called to order: Chair Robert Usnik called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM.
II. Citizens to be heard: None
III. Motion to approve minutes: Skip Farley moved to approve the minutes from the January 18, 2018
meeting and Trustee Colleen E. Saccotelli seconded.
IV. Mayor's Comments:
a. Trivia Night was a great success and Mayor Arlene A. Juracek thanked Denise Rano for
another job well done.
b. Language Stars went out of business, and the Village is hoping to find another business
along the same lines.
c. Our next visit to Sevres is coming up in 2019, and with that in mind, the Commission
members who have had continuing contact with their counterparts in Sevres should figure
out what our delegation would like to see and do during our visit.
d. Thanks went out to Doreen Jarosz and Karen Agoranos for all their help with the
V. Chair's Comments:
a. Denise Rano was again thanked for doing an incredible job with Trivia Night.
b. Illinois Sister Cities will be holding their annual meeting in April in Springfield. Talked
about the annual meeting last year and about the impact the Illinois Sister Cities
organization does or does not have on our local Commission. Conversation ensued around
who the liaison would be with whom we could share our activities through their web site.
VI. Treasurer's Report: Judy McGinnis presented the Treasurer's Report as of February 28, 2018,
Steve VanArsdale moved to approve, and Elizabeth Theiss seconded.
VII. Committee Reports
a. Trivia Night, Friday, March 9 — Denise Rano. Denise thanked everyone who helped set
up and tear down for the event. There were 100 participants this year. Prizes were gift
cards, Swiss chocolate, Sevres pens, free tickets to the Alliance Frangaise trivia event, a
silver desk set and a large gift basket with wine and food. Ticket sales for the raffles
totaled $1,376 less some minor expenses. In the future we need to encourage online
registration, and those planning to attend must let us know in advance with whom they
would like to sit during the event. The Daily Herald ran an article about the event.
b. Pot Luck Dinner, Thursday, April 12 - Rafi and Diana Sahakian. The event was
announced online March 15 and people were already beginning to register. Prospect High
School students will be providing musical entertainment. Attendees will be asked if they
would like to provide a copy of the recipe of the dish they want to share, to try to make the
experience more interactive. There will be a wine table at this event. With the date of this
event having changed, there was concern about the turnout. Going forward we will be
adding Howard Kleinstein to the Event Form so that if there are changes to our events —
dates venue, etc., he will be aware.
c. French Market — Barbara VanArsdale and Judy McGinnis. There was some concern
regarding the construction plans in the area and how would this affect the French Market.
It is our understanding that regardless of which lot we will use, the entire market will be
together. Invitations have been sent out to 80 vendors, and 4 of them have reserved a spot.
d. Student Exchange Donation — Matt Bertke, Liz Theiss, Christina Haskell. There could
not be a meeting to discuss the scholarship because the group has grown. This group must
now give a 48-hour notice of any meeting. There has been interest on both sides for the
exchanges, but the French contact had been ill, slowing progress.
VIII. Open Discussion.
a. Irvana Wilks brought a copy of a brochure and introduced the idea of producing an updated
version surmising that people at the French Market were looking for literature about the
Commission. A rack card was suggested instead that would provide information and be
more cost effective.
b. Story Time at the French Market was discussed, with the possibility of having high school
French students participate.
c. Suggested coming up with other events to take place after the French Market.
d. Skip Farley stated that he received a phone call from Wn6dicte Kosciusko-Morizet asking
about our commission, and people she knew. She said she would like to come to visit, even
if it isn't an `official' visit.
IX. Adjournment. The next meeting will be on Thursday, May 17 at 6:00 PM. Raft Sahakian moved
to adjourn; Barbara VanArsdale seconded. The meeting adjourned at 6:56 PM.
Submitted by Patricia Usnik, Secretary