Community Room
Minutes: January 18, 2018
Attendees: Karen Agoranos, Christine Barr, Greg Bernert, Matt Bertke, Gerald"Skip"Farley, Janice
Farley, Christina Haskell, Doreen Jarosz, Mayor Arlene A. Juracek, Judy McGinnis, Denise Rano,
Trustee Colleen A. Saccotelli, Diana Sahakian, Rafi Sahakian, Patricia Usnik, Robert Usnik, Barbara
VanArsdale, Irvana Wilks
Not Attending: Evelyn Dorman, Paul Seils, Elizabeth Theiss, Steve VanArsdale
Guests: None
L Meeting called to order: Chair Robert Usnik called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM
IL Citizens to be heard: None
III. Motion to approve minutes: Trustee Colleen E. Saccotelli moved to approve the minutes from the
November 16, 2018 meeting; Greg Bernert seconded and the minutes were approved.
IV. Mayor's Comments:
a. Mayor Arlene A. Juracek commended Trustee Colleen E. Saccotelli for coordinating the
successful wine tasting event on January 11, 2018. Mayor Juracek pointed out that there
were several people at this event who were attending a Sister Cities event for the first time,
and offered the suggestion of considering the possibility of holding this event at a local art
V. Chair's Comments:
Robert Usnik covered the following topics:
a. Event planners contribute a lot of time and effort on our events and all Commission
members should come out and support all events.
b. Regarding a wine table and bartender at events - suggested that people bring wine for their
own table for Trivia Night. A discussion ensued wherein Mayor Juracek added that it is
important to note that if anyone present becomes overserved we need to find transportation
for them. Similarly, if children are present, parents would be responsible to ensure they
are not drinking. Denise Rano added that there would continue to be a snack table,however
attendees can feel free to bring their own food and beverages. The Pot Luck event,
however, will most likely have a bartender for the wine.
c. Regarding online payment (Eventbrite) or at-the-door admission to events - We should
mention that there is a service fee for online payment ($1.42). People are also able to
reserve tickets online, and they will be given a code so that they can pay $10 at the door.
The question came up as to whether Commissioners should be obligated to pay S15 at the
door. Various members had the following comments:
i. There could be a way of allowing Commissioners to pay the lowest cost.
ii. Commissioners should buy early.
iii. Commissioners should pay the same as everybody else.
iv. Pay a one-time annual fee to attend all events.
d. Regarding procedures for event reports—Reports do not have to be extremely detailed and
should be summarized as much as possible. For example: Who was the vender;what was
supplied; and attendance numbers.
VI. Treasurer's Report: Judy McGinnis presented the Treasurer's Report as of December 31, 2017,
and acknowledged the receipt of the $5,000 contribution from the Village. Rafi Sahakian moved to
approve the minutes; Barbara VanArsdale seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.
VII. Committee Reports
a. Wine Tasting—Trustee Colleen E. Saccotelli. Much positive feedback was received
from those in attendance. There were 37 pre-sold tickets and 9 purchased at the door.
Profit from the event totaled $243.86. Trustee Saccotelli thanked all who contributed to
the success of the event. Both the Village and the venue, Gathered, advertised the event
on Facebook, and Howard Kleinstein mentioned the event at the Village Board Meeting.
b. Trivia Night—Denise Rano. The event is scheduled for Friday, March 9, 2018 at 7:00
PM. Volunteers have already come forward to help with the set-up and to man the
registration table. The event is currently being advertised online. There will be items to
raffle off. All reservations are to come through Denise Rano so that we can have an
accurate count for planning tables, etc. Matt Bertke will be responsible for the prizes.
c. Student Exchange—Matt Bertke. Due to the holidays, there was nothing to report.
d. German Sister Cities—Skip Farley. No progress to report. A Mt.Prospect resident is
traveling to Germany to visit family and will attempt to arrange a meeting to generate
some interest.
e. Open Discussion. Judy McGinnis suggested coming up with another event to add to our
calendar. Robert Usnik stated that suggestions should be put into an email and it will be
put on the agenda to be discussed at future meetings.
f. Judy McGinnis also suggested creating a pamphlet with updated information about Sister
Cities. Our website has a lot of information about Sister Cities and its history, so as an
alternative, Rafi Sahakian suggested sponsoring a"movie night" or some other public
event to put us in front of Mt.Prospect residents.
VIII. Adjournment. The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 6:00 PM. Rafi Sahakian
moved to adjourn and Judy McGinnis seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Submitted by Patricia Usnik, Secretary