Community Room
Minutes: September 21, 2017
Attendees: Karen Agoranos, Matt Bertke, Evelyn Dorman, Janice Farley, Skip Farley, Christina
Haskell, Doreen Jarosz, Mayor Arlene A. Juracek, Judy McGinnis, Denise Rano, Trustee Colleen E.
Saccotelli, Rafi Sahakian, Paul Seils, Elizabeth Theiss, Patricia Usnik, Robert Usnik, Barbara
VanArsdale, Steve VanArsdale, Irvana Wilks
Not Attending: Diana Sahakian
Guests: Christine Barr, Greg Bernert
L Meeting called to order: Chair Robert Usnik called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
IL Citizens to be heard: None
III. Motion to approve minutes: Skip Farley moved to approve the minutes of the July 20, 2017
meeting, Rafi Sahakian seconded, and the minutes were approved.
IV. Mayor's Comments:
a. Mayor Arlene A. Juracek announced that the French delegates will be able to attend the
time capsule burial and will be with her on the stage during the ceremony. Immediately
afterward, we will take the French delegation to visit Cantigny.
b. It was recently discovered that there is a large Bulgarian population in Mt. Prospect. The
Bulgarian Consul General is interested in the idea of a Bulgarian sister city. This could
be a topic of discussion, and a possibility to pursue. Sofia, a city with a population of
approximately 70,000,would be the city that is interested.
c. Mayor Juracek introduced Karen Agoranos and Doreen Jarosz as the Commission's new
d. Christine Barr and Greg Bernert were introduced, and are scheduled to be voted in as
Commission members at the next Board Meeting.
V. Chair's Comments:
a. Chair Robert Usnik stated that he met with Karen Agoranos and Doreen Jarosz to discuss
their duties as newly appointed liaisons. The Commission is striving to create central focal
points to limit our contacts for better control. Karen Agoranos will handle the newsletters
and other publicity. Doreen Jarosz will handle administrative, petty cash, and room
reservation responsibilities. A more efficient method of tracking money flow still needs to
be determined; possibly submitting expense information to Doreen Jarosz to forward to
b. French Visit: The itinerary for the visit was distributed to all Commissioners. There will
be a reception at the Village Hall Board Room at about 7:30 PM on October 12, and
attendees will convene in the Board Room to await the arrival of the delegation. The full
itinerary was discussed along with logistics.
VI. Treasurer's Report: Judy McGinnis presented the Treasurer's Report as of August 31, 2017. Paul
Seils moved to approve the minutes; Skip Farley seconded.
VII. Committee Reports
a. French Market-Barbara VanArsdale and Judy McGinnis. There were 26 tents, and
all of them made a profit. The Sister Cities made $1,800.00 before expenses.
b. Student Exchange—Elizabeth Theiss, Christina Haskell and Matt Bertke. Elizabeth
Theiss presented a report of activities.
i. Language Stars program was a success.
ii. The home exchange is progressing nicely and families have been in touch.
iii. A French student came to visit this summer, and there have been 7 pen pal
iv. Lincoln Middle School is trying to work with Sevres to do a class-wide project,
including a video project involving day-to-day culture.
v. The cultural celebration at the library will be held in October, and it will be
French this year.
vi. The Student Exchange information meeting has been moved to November 1 at
the Library.
c. Wine Tasting—Trustee Colleen E. Saccotelli. It was suggested that the wine tasting
event be held at Gathered, but we still need to investigate as to the expense. It was also
suggested that we pair a food demonstration with the wine tasting. We will use the same
wine distributor as in the past, and are considering Dave's Specialty Foods for the food
demonstration, and will obtain bids from both. November will not work this year, so the
event will be moved to January.
d. German Sister City—Skip Farley. The sub-committee is scheduled to convene again
in October and will continue searching for a German sister city. A Mt.Prospect resident
has family in Germany and will be visiting them soon, and will try to gather some interest
during that visit.
VIII. Open Discussion.
a. Irvana Wilks talked about her website. She has a dedicated page for Sister Cities and has
several pictures from past visits to Sevres.
b. Robert Usnik outlined approximate costs for entertaining the French during their visit.
IX. Adjournment. The next meeting will be on Thursday,November 16., 2017 at 6:00 PM. Barbara
VanArsdale moved to adjourn and Denise Rano seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM.
Submitted by Patricia Usnik, Secretary