First Floor: Community Room
Minutes: March 16, 2017
Attendees: Evelyn Dorman, Janice Farley, Skip Farley, Christina Haskell, Judy McGinnis,
Paula Randant, Denise Rano, Trustee Colleen E. Saccotelli, Rafi Sahakian, John Sibrava,
Mary Ann Sibrava, Marianthi Thanopoulos, Elizabeth Theiss, Patricia Usnik, Robert Usnik,
Barbara VanArsdale, Steve VanArsdale
Not Attending: Mayor Arlene A. Juracek, Gary Randant, Diana Sahakian, Paul Seils, Irvana Wilks
Guests: None
L Meeting called to order: Chair Robert Usnik called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM.
IL Citizens to be heard: None
III. Motion to approve minutes: Skip Farley moved to approve the minutes of the January 19, 2017
meeting, John Sibrava seconded, and the minutes were approved.
IV. Mayor's Comments: Robert Usnik commented on behalf of Mayor Juracek:
a. Plans for the French visit are coming along. There have been Face Time meetings with
Assunta Mesmin from Sevres. Seven people will be in the French delegation: Mayor
Gregoire de la Ronciere, Fanny Herve, Assunta Mesmin, one other person from Sevres,
one person from the opposing party, and two young people, approximately 18 to 19 years
of age. At the time of this meeting, we do not yet have all the names. Mayor de la
Ronciere will stay at the hotel at Randhurst. Fanny Herve might stay with Mayor
Juracek, and Assunta Mesmin will likely stay with Robert and Patricia Usnik We will be
seeking volunteers to house the other visitors.
b. The French Legion of Honor presentation will be on April 3, at 2:00 PM. The Consulate
General from France will be in Mt. Prospect to present the medal to Major Jack
Bornhoeft, Ret. Invitations have been sent to State and Federal officials, and the
Mt.Prospect Board of Trustees.
c. During the Centennial year,instead of boxes of candy being distributed during the
Holidays, the Village will be hosting a picnic for the Sister Cities Commission in the
month of July.
V. Chair's Comments:
a. Robert Usnik announced that new Sister Cities Commission positions will be created so
that each position has a backup. A nominating committee has been formed consisting of
Robert Usnik, Barbara VanArsdale, and Trustee Colleen E. Soccotelli. Positions that are
up for appointment or re-appointment are: Vice Chair, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer,
Secretary and Assistant Secretary. Volunteers should submit their names by email, and
this will be discussed and voted on during the May meeting.
VI. Treasurer's Report: Skip Farley presented the Treasurer's Report through February 28, 2017. The
Village's contribution will be reported in 2016, at the request of Finance. The contribution for 2017
will likely appear in the next report. During this discussion, Marianthi Thanopoulos proposed a new
form for depositing funds from events. Judy McGinnis moved to approve, Rafi Sahakian seconded,
and it was approved.
VII. Committee Reports
a. Trivia Night—March 10, 2017—Denise Rano. Eighty-two people attended the event.
Because of the large turn-out, this event will likely be held in March next year as well.
Le Peep, Emerson's Grill and Black Fin donated gift cards that were raffled off. Extra
money was raised by selling `free answers' for $5 each per table. The attendees were
very receptive to this new feature. The event's profit totaled $962.62. Rafi Sahakian will
work on implementing a way for people to register for our events online, but not pay
online. Additional venues in which to advertise Sister Cities Commission events were
also discussed.
b. Pot Luck Dinner—Rafi Sahakian. The Village could not accommodate April 27, so
the event was moved to May 11, 2017 at 6:00 PM. The event will move back to April in
2018. As last year, there will be students who did the exchange speak about their
experiences in France, and piano students will provide the music. We will plan to
advertise the event around the Village in the next week or two.
c. Student Exchange and Pen Pal Exchange—Mary Ann Sibrava, Christine Haskell
and Elizabeth Theiss. One student has been matched for an exchange which will occur
in July/August. Another student has two pen pals, and they are talking about an
exchange in the future. Assunta Mesmin, from Sevres, has five students, age 10 to 15,
who would like to participate in the pen pal program.
d. German Sister City Status—Skip Farley. A letter was received from a German mayor
who may be interested but must present it to other officials in the city.
VIII. Open Discussion.
a. Barbara VanArsdale announced that Sister Cities embroidered polo shirts will be
available from Admiral Graphics. Set-up cost is $60 +$30 per shirt.
b. Le S&ren. The French are requesting that they send their newsletter electronically.
c. The Commission discussed collecting email addresses of people who would like to
receive emails about our events.
d. Judy McGinnis discussed the French Market with a Centennial flair. New vendors will
be available.
e. Paula Randant distributed ISCA information about the meeting in Schaumburg, and
discussed the highlights of the program, and provided information about the International
Sister Cities event.
IX. Adjournment. The next meeting will be Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 6:00 PM. Barbara VanArsdale
moved to adjourn, and Evelyn Dorman seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at
7:28 PM
Submitted by Patricia Usnik, Secretary