FEBRUARY 18, 1999
George Luteri, Rod Mobus, Pankaj Parikh, Mary Rosen, Ken Westlake and Mary Winkler.
Lisa Angell
Lois Brothers and Judd Strickland
Chairman Westlake called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
The minutes from the January 21 meeting were unanimously approved with the following correction.
Review of Solid Waste Services, second paragraph, third sentence; However, a new contract would
not take effect until May 1. 1999, should read, However, a new contract would not take effect until
May 1. 2000.
The Solid Waste Coordinator reported on her meeting with the owners of Ashley Cove Apartments
regarding the construction of refuse enclosures. It is believed the enclosures will decrease the amount of
litter strewn over the property. She stated a follow-up meeting was scheduled for Saturday, February 20
at the property.
She also stated letters had been sent to Lakeside Buildings C and D regarding centralized recycling
services. A resident from one of the buildings had contacted the Village wanting to know why her
building didn't recycle. The Coordinator explained that her Association had chosen not to recycle but
she would send another letter to both buildings encouraging their participation.
It was noted that the volume of recyclables collected was consistent with the amount typically collected
during this time of the year.
A summary of the Commission's discussion and recommendations are as follows:
Basic Service
• Refuse
The Commission continues to support the modified volume based program that includes 2-32 gallon
.bags/containers per week with 3 cleanup weeks per year.
■ Bulk Items
The Commission recommended bulk items remain part of the basic service level. It was noted that
residents still seem to hold their bulk items for cleanup weeks, and therefore additional information
should be published promoting the disposal of bulk items on regular collection days.
• Recycling
The Commission supports the blue bin system. However, information will be gathered on the blue
bag system. The Commission also requested information on the total number of trucks ARC has in
the residential areas on a daily basis.
The Commission also discussed the current requirements for the collection of cardboard. Although
they recognize the requirements may cause some additional work for residents they agreed no other
viable options were available.
■ Yard Material and Brush
The Commission believes yard material collection should remain a user fee system.
However, they. did recommend residents be given the option of a subscription service.
The subscription service would allow residents to receive unlimited collection of containerized yard
material on their regular collection day. Residents would be billed a flat monthly fee according to the
terms of the contract.
The Commission recommended the existing brush program remain in tact. There was discussion
regarding the collection of unbundled large limbs at various times of the year. The Commission felt
resident's needs were better served with the weekly collection of bundled brush at no additional cost.
Refuse/yard material stickers
The Commission also discussed the potential benefits of making the stickers available through the
mail. Apparently this comment was made to one of the Commissioners as one way to improve the
program. While the Commission acknowledged there might be some benefit, there was also the
potential for a number of problems with such a system. In addition, the Commission felt that with the
stickers available at the grocery stores everyone in need of stickers had, in most instances, a
convenient opportunity to purchase them.
The Commissions overall approach to this process was to determine whether the existing program could
be further enhanced. The general consensus was that the program was very effective, and seemed to
be well accepted by the community. However, the Commission did recommend that the bid
specifications include other service options to allow for a cost analysis of the bids. For example, the
cost-effectiveness of the modified volume -based program versus unlimited collection or a split in recycling
revenue rather than lower rates and no split.
Since the last bid there have been some changes in available services. Hence, the Commission did
recommend several items be removed or revised, i.e., a required drop-off location for recyclables,
collection by a charitable organization, etc. Co -Chair George Luted had already highlighted the outdated
language or services and offered his copy to the Coordinator.
The Solid Waste Coordinator informed Chairman Westlake that he should be prepared to present the
Commission's recommendations to the Village Board at the April 13 meeting.
The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, March 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the Public Works Facility, 1700
West Central Road.
Chairman Westlake noted that in addition to any updated discussion of the solid waste contract/bid
specifications the Commission will need to focus on the May 15 Public Works Open House.
There being further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
M. Lisa Angell