April 19, 1990
PRESENT: Dick Bachhuber, Elizabeth Herbert, Paul Hoefert, Joe Kubik,
George Luteri, Steve Polit, Ken Westlake and Mary Winkler.
Glen Andler and Lisa Angell - Public Works Staff
Mr. Tom Kleczewski and Mr. Bob Tally - Browning Ferris
Industries, Inc.
Mr. Frank Breitsameter - Mount Prospect resident/Plan
Commission Member
ABSENT: Brian Robertson
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 PM by Chairman Westlake. The
March meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as presented.
Mr. Breitsameter was introduced under Citizens Forum, however, Mr.
Breitsameter stated he was in attendance for informational purposes
The meeting proceeded to item V with the introduction of Tom Kleczewski
and Bob Tally, BFI representatives. The following topics were
A. Current Recycling Program - March participation rates were
reviewed. There was concern raised over the number of bins being
reported stolen, however, no additional measures to control loss
were proposed. Public Works staff did indicate with the number of
bins requiring hand delivery that residents are told it may take
two weeks before delivery is made. The question was also raised
as to whether residents are putting out their bins on a weekly
basis even if the bin is not full. Mr. Kleczewski stated it
appeared residents had learned it wasn't necessary to place a
partially filled bin at the curb, so, for the most part.oniy full
bins are set out for pick up.
Chairman Westlake inquired about the transfer site for recycled
materials. Mr. Kleczewski indicated BFI was in final negotiations
with Multigraphics in leasing land for the transfer bins currently
at Melas Park. Glen Andler added that the Public Works
Department has suggested that a permanent transfer site be located
for leaves and snow. However, any steps toward land acquisition
would have to be negotiated through the Manager's Office.
B. Yard Material Program/Ordinances
Documentation of the number of yard material bags collected to date
was distributed. Glen Andler stated 34,000 bags had been
distributed to retailers and Village Hall. Commission Members asked
for clarification on a few specific items:
1) Trunk of tree - must be bundled according to dimensions
outlined in contract; not to exceed 5 feet in length, 24 inches
in diameter or 45 lbs.
2) Apples from store vs tree in yard - considered food waste and
disposed of as garbage.
3) Lumber - picked up with regular garbage
Following a general discussion of resident compliance with the
new yard material program, thus far, interest shifted to the
marketing of the composted material.
Several aspects regarding the composted material remain
undefined due to the newness of the program:
1) There is not enough material at this time to market or
determine if compost will be offered back to community.
2) Land & Lakes, Wheeling site, tipping fee is higher because
they do not know if Wheeling site has enough capacity; yard
material from this area may have to be hauled further
distance than Wheeling.
C. Additional Materials - Mr. Kleczewski asked if the Commission or
Public Works was aware the Mount Prospect Recycling Station was closing
as of April 25. No one was aware of this and it did raise some
concerns as to where residents not receiving curbside pickup would take
their materials. This also means BFI needs to find an alternate site
for newspaper. Lisa Angell is to contact FSC as to why the satellite
site was closing.
1) Steel cans - Tom Kleczewski indicated that these cans could
easily be incorporated into the curbside program. He
pointed out that steel cans need to be separated from
aluminum cans; loads are run through a magnetized conveyor
belt to separate the two materials. Bi -metal cans could
be mixed with aluminum cans if we expanded the program.
2) Plastics - BFI is in the process of buying equipment to add
to existing trucks inorder to pick up plastic. BFI is also
in the process of buying another facility for aluminum and
palletizing plastics. The time frame they are working with
is approximately the end of 1990.
Mr. Kleczewski did suggest that when we expand the program
to include plastics it be done on a phase-in process; first
with the collection of plastic milk jugs, second with
plastic liter bottles and then the plastic detergent
Mr. Andler suggested it may be beneficial to tie in the
expansion program with the new contract. He stated the
Commission could draft a proposal for expanded services
in the fall. Tom Kleczewski would be able to let Glen
Andler know in September where BFI is in meeting their
objectives. It was mentioned that Wellman accepts plastics
from BFI. The Commission agreed to defer discussion on
expansion of materials until August or September.
D. Multifamily Units - Mr. Andler stated the money Public Works had
requested for a pilot program in multiunit dwellings was still in
the budget. Through discussions between Public Works and BFI it is
becoming apparent that rather than going to the expense of igloos in
a pilot area it would be more efficient to work with modified
dumpsters. Glen Andler and Tom Kleczewski will work together to
identify placement areas of bins for proposed sites. Compliance
with Village ordinances will also be addressed before dumpsters are
placed. September was identified as the goal date for
The Commission thanked the BFI representatives for their input and
acknowledged the excellent job BFI is doing. After the BFI
representatives left the Commission viewed the Yard Material video
featuring Chairman Westlake and Glen Andler. The comments following
the video were very positive; the video will run on Cable during the
month of May.
Item VII on the Agenda, Staffing for the Public Works Open House was
addressed with a request for volunteers to man the recycling display
and be available to respond to questions.
Commission Members volunteered to be at the Open House during the
following times:
Steve Polit and Paul Hoefert 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
George Luteri and Mary Winkler 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Joe Kubik 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
As Brian Robertson was not present he is to be contacted to check
Glen Andler mentioned the Park District agreed to set up a compost demo
and be available to answer questions. The BFI recycling truck will
also be on display.
Before moving on to item VIII the Commission established a subcommittee
for designing a recycling packet for businesses. The subcommittee,
Paul Hoefert, George Luteri and Mary Winkler, will have a report for
the Commission at the June meeting.
Paul Hoefert also suggested the Commission gain on hands knowledge of
the landfill, compost facility and balefill through on-site visits of
each. The Commission fully supported this idea and Mr. Andler agreed
to set up a tour of the facilities. He will report back to the
Commission with details at the May meeting.
With the conclusion of the above topics the Commission moved on to item
VIII - Recycling in Europe. Steve Polit was absent from the March
meeting due to his trip to Germany. Steve spent a great deal of time
observing and gathering information on the recycling and consumption
habits of the residents in various German communities. Steve shared
this information and pictures with the Commission. Although Steve
related a great deal of valuable insights one comment that summarized
recycling in Europe was that the Europeans, overall, are much more
advanced in resource use, recovery and reuse than in the United States.
As there was no other items for discussion the next meeting was set for
Thursday, May 17, 7:30 PM at the Public Works Building. The meeting
was adjourned at 10:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
M. Lisa Angell