NOVEMBER 15, 1990
PRESENT: Dick Bachhuber, Elizabeth Herbert, Paul Hoefert, Joe Kubik,
George Luteri, Ken Westlake and Mary Winkler.
Glen Andler and Lisa Angell - Public Works Staff
ABSENT: Steve Polit and Brian Robertson
Chairman Westlake called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM. The October
meeting minutes were approved with the following corrections;
1st page - last paragraph;last sentence should read; At this time
research indicates the leaves have little effect on the crops.
No residents in attendance.
The most prevalent matter under curbside recycling was the continued
cost for taking newsprint to processing facilities. Although, Chairman
Westlake stated he heard that the worse was over and the paper market
was on the way up on the East Coast. Despite the revenue loss in the
paper market it is still cheaper to pay the $10.00 a ton fee than to
pay tipping fees at a landfill to dispose of the newsprint.
It was also mentioned that based on questionnaire results the monthly
participation rate may need to be increased.
Glen Andler informed the Commission the yard material program was
extended one week; residential yard material will be collected by BFI
through Friday, December 7. Glen also gave a report on the Public
Works' leaf program stating the last week of pick up was the heaviest.
Public Works' crews worked Saturdays and Sundays, when necessary to
keep on schedule. Although the rain set the crews back he anticipated
the leaf pile at Melas Park should be gone by Thanksgiving. The cost
of the program will run between $80,000 and $100,000.
Glen Andler announced the Christmas Tree Collection Program would again
be performed by Public Works' crews. In its third year of existence
the program will run three weeks from December 26 through January 15.
The trees will be chipped by Public Works' crews and the chips will be
available to residents at no cost. After the 15th BFI will collect the
trees for disposal in the landfill. Flyers promoting the program will
be distributed to all tree vendors in the Village; vendors are asked to
give a flyer to a resident upon purchase of a tree.
A rough compilation of the questionnaire data was distributed for the
Commission's review. Glen mentioned that it was difficult to do a
final compilation as the Commissioners did not use a uniform method
when tabulating. George Luteri volunteered to input the data in his
software program so the results could be graphically illustrated. It
was also suggested that a thank you to participants, as well as, a
summary of results be printed in the Villlage newsletter.
Paul Hoefert wondered whether residents understood the pay by the
container question because the response to this system and the yard
material bag system were so different. (Support for the yard bag
system was extremely high vs. very little support for the same type of
program for household garbage.)
It was suggested the Commission may want to research other communities
with a pay by the container system. Chairman Westlake and Dick
Bachhuber volunteered to draft a questionnaire and contact those
communities with the results available at the December meeting.
The Commission agreed since the majority of responses ran along the
same vein it would be of little merit to continue tabulating, but all
comments on returned questionnaires should be read.
Glen Andler opened the discussion by sharing the costs BFI submitted
for the collection of plastics (milk jugs and liter soda bottles) and
steel cans. Glen informed the Commissioners that even with a $0.25
revenue return per home/per month the cost for recycling would be $2.00
per home/ per month. If the Board approved expansion BFI would be
ready to start "tomorrow" but realistically the Village would not be
able to implement until January 1. Information/instructions would need
to be included in the Village Newsletter; delivery December 17.
Recognizing the need to make a recommendation to the Committee of the
Whole for the November 27 meeting the Commission voted 6 to 1
recommending expanding the program to include plastics and steel cans
effective January 1, 1991. Chairman Westlake will address the Board at
the COW meeting advising the Board of the Commission's recommendation.
All Commission members were urged to attend to lend support. Glen will
submit a memo to the Manager and Board detailing program costs compared
to surrounding communities.
Glen Andler advised the Commission that if the Board approves
expansion, at this time, or if materials are added at a later date, the
Village may want to consider using a larger curbside bin. He has
discussed this matter with Rehrig Pacific in terms of an exchange
program. Glen will provide costs to the Commission at the next meeting.
This matter was deferred.
Chairman Westlake read Steve Polit's letter of resignation to
Commission members. He also relayed that Brian Robertson had verbally
informed Glen Andler of his intent to resign from the Commission.
Paul Hoefert suggested if any of the Commissioners know anyone who may
want to serve on the Commission they should make their recommendations
known for the Mayor's consideration.
George Luteri updated the Commission on recycling at commercial sites.
George stated he spoke with Mario Tristan, Fire Department, who
approved recycling bins for commercial buildings, as well as, Desk Top
recycling containers. Paul Hoefert asked when Village Hall was going
to start Desk Top recycling. Glen Andler stated that Public Works was
waiting to evaluate volume and storage capacity of its Department, for
the paper, before adding additional public buildings to the program.
There being no other business, Chairman Westlake reminded Commission
members the next meeting would be Thursday, December 13, and adjourned
the meeting at 9:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
M. Lisa Angell