OCTOBER 17, 1991
PRESENT: Dick Bachhuber, Bill Donovan, Elizabeth Herbert, Holly
Tabbert-Johnson, George Luteri, Carl Maas, Harold
Rentscheler, Ken Westlake and Mary Winkler.
James Kapocius - Village Marketing
Ken Van Byssum - Arc Disposal
Lisa Angell - Public Works
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Westlake at 7:33 PM.
The minutes from the September 19, 1991 meeting were approved as
As there were no residents present the meeting proceeded to the next
item on the agenda.
Ken Van Byssum, ARC Disposal, and James Kapocius, Village Marketing,
presented the reusable household item collection program available to
the Village. Village Marketing has been contracted by the Juvenile
Diabetes Foundation (JDF) to market and administer a reusable household
item collection program as a revenue source for their organization.
The presentation was made as part of the Village's solid waste
contract. The collection of reusable household items is an option
included in the contract. If the Village chooses to implement this
option, per the terms of the contract ARC is responsible for
contracting and administering the services of a charitable organization
collecting household items. ARC has selected Village Marketing/JDF as
the provider of this service. The service offered by Village
Marketing/JDF is provided at no cost to the participating community.
(Initially, Ken Van Byssum stated there would be no cost to the Village
since Village Marketing/JDF were not charging for the service.
However, when it was pointed out that ARC had identified a per unit fee
in the bid proposal he hesitated and said he would double check and get
back to the Solid Waste Coordinator.) If the program was implemented
collections would be three days a week/the third week of every month;
the days would be constant. ARC would work with the service providers
in setting up a routing schedule.
Village Marketing/JDF would provide bags and a detailed brochure to all
participants. Rather than doing a mass distribution of bags throughout
the Village the provider, Village Marketing/JDF, asks that the Village
make the bags available in public buildings. Replacement bags and tax
receipts would be left when a collection was made. The organization
does not accept furniture and asks that the bags be left by the
residents front door rather than the curb. They will return the
following day for missed pickups.
The Village Marketing/JDF program is currently in 6 communities.
However, there is no data available regarding participation rates or
volume collected. Village Marketing does request the Village make
their decision by January of 1992, allowing for a six (6) month lead
time. Mr. Kapocius also stated Village Marketing requests a six (6)
month probationary period and a 30 day discontinuation notice from
participating communities.
The Solid Waste Commission was receptive to the Village Marketing/JDF
program but did express a few concerns:
1) ARC's cost for the service when the program is provided at no cost
by Village Marketing/JDF.
2) Whether or not the contract for services is between ARC Disposal
and Village Marketing, a for profit business, or ARC Disposal and
JDF, a nonprofit agency.
3) Would the Village's involvement with JDF suggest the Village
supports one charitable organization over another.
4) Is there any data available from other communities with a similar
program; volumes collected, diversion and participation rates.
The Solid Waste Coordinator indicated she would follow-up with ARC
Disposal regarding per unit costs and contact other municipalities with
the program. Discussion of the reusable household items collection
program will be continued at the November Commission Meeting.
The Commission reviewed the September data and noted the difference in
volumes collected between old newsprint and mixed paper. Several
Commissioners requested additional data be incorporated into the
monthly data report, ie, tipping fees, data from last year for
comparison. The Solid Waste Coordinator stated modifications to the
report would be made for the additional data, where possible.
The Solid Waste Coordinator updated the Commission on the multifamily
recycling program. She mentioned that Commissioner Rentscheler had
requested to accompany her when she made multifamily site visits; the
invitation was extended to all Commissioners.
Chairman Westlake stated he had a speaking engagement scheduled in
November. Commissioner Johnson thanked Commissioner Winkler for making
a presentation to the Kiwanis Club in her absence.
The Solid Waste Coordinator stated she is continuing to make
presentations to multifamily sites but it is difficult to coordinate
presentations with the Commissioners because requests for presentations
are frequently made on short notice. She also mentioned she had
contacted the library and is working with them to set up a presentation
date. The presentation, open to the public, would include an overview
of the Village's modified volume -based refuse collection program which
goes into effect February 1, 1992.
Commissioner Maas shared the information he gathered from paint
manufacturers in regard to acceptable disposable methods. He indicated
that despite the verbal support for reclamation programs their is a
large void when it comes to implementation.
Vice Chair Luteri also shared with the Commission the research he had
done, including data to identify "household hazardous materials";
according to documentation ony 1% of the material in landiflls is
considered household hazardous waste. He stated that a number of
materials identified as household hazardous materials are already being
dealt with, ie, waste oil, car batteries. Vice Chair Luteri suggests
that the Village's efforts for a one day IEPA siting be tied in with an
on-going program to meet the needs of the community.
Commissioner Bachhuber stated he did not draft a letter regarding the
recycling program because the letter would have a greater impact when
more data is available, ie, volumes collected over a longer period of
A few of the Commissioners commented on the letter and newsarticle
received from the Citizens for Waste Solutions regarding Champaign-
Urbana's decision to contract with XL for solid waste services. This
prompted discussion of the blue bag concept for collecting recyclables.
The next regular meeting was set for Thursday, November 21.
There being no further business the motion to adjourn was moved,
seconded and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM.
M. Lisa Angell
Solid Waste Coordinator