FEBRUARY 20, 1992
PRESENT: Bill Donovan, Elizabeth Herbert, George Luteri, Harold
Rentschler, Holly Tabert-Johnson, Ken Westlake and Mary Winkler.
Mr. Krueger - Mount Prospect resident
Mr. Jack Williams and Mr. Scott Williams - JR Williams Co.
Lisa Angell - Public Works
ABSENT: Dick Bachhuber and Carl Maas
Chairman Westlake called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM.
The minutes from the December 19, 1991 meeting were approved as
Mr. Krueger expressed his concern and frustration with the Vil-
lage's modified volume -based refuse collection program. He
stated his. family of three has a difficult time reducing their
waste despite their recycling efforts. He was concerned that if
his family of three can't reduce its waste to two -32 gallon
containers per week, how to larger families manage.. The ques-
tion of taxes paying for solid waste services was also raised.
Several of the Commissioners responded to Mr. Krueger's concerns.
A brief overview of the landfill crisis was provided and how the
pay by container concept is a positive step in our efforts to
resolve this crisis.
Commissioners also offered Mr. Kruger suggestions on how to
maximize his recycling as well as consume= tips for source reduc-
Mr. Jack Williams, JR Williams Co., and his son Scott were
present to respond to any questions the Commission might have
regarding the Waste -Calc tracking system. Mr. Williams wrote
the Waste -Calc program for SWANCC. The Public Works Department
is one of four pilot communities using the system which ultimate-
ly will become the reporting system for all'SWANCC member commu-
nities using the balefill.
The Commissioners had a few questions regarding the reporting
system, ie, commericial tracking capabilities, but overall were
supportive of the various reports the program offered.
The Solid Waste Coordinator reported on the recently implemented
modified volume -based refuse collection program. Daily solid
waste set -outs are being tracked in sample areas throughout the
Village as one measure of program success. The Coordinator also
shared data on the resident inquiries/complaints Public Works
staff have received regarding the program. In the first week
approximately 30% of all calls related to the new solid waste
The Commissioners were reminded the 1992 yard material program
runs from April 1 through December 15.
The Coordinator reported implementation of recycling services to
townhomes and condominiums is almost complete and attention will
now be focused on adding apartment complexes to the program.
Overall, apartment complexes have been less responsive to the
Village's recycling program.
Discussion was held on the design of the booth and display
board. Although several good ideas were shared, including a
computer quiz developed by Commissioner Rentschler it was felt a
straightforward approach covering the Village's solid waste plan
should be followed. The other suggestions may be utilized for
the Public Works Open House in May.
Assigned times for booth coverage were confirmed and it was
agreed the Commissioners would,wear their Mount Prospect t -
shirts while manning the booth.
The Solid Waste Coordinator reported staff from the Illinois En-
vironmental Protection Agency (IEPA) made a site visit to the
Public Works Facility. The visit was part of the IEPA's evalua-
tion process of communities applying for a one day Household
Hazardous Waste Collection day. Although the IEPA representa-
tives verbally stated our facility would be acceptable for a
siting this does not guarantee selection as a host community.
Selection of Fall 1992 sites should be announced in the late
At this time the only presentations being made axe to
multifamily sites and these are usually conducted during work
hours with the property management representative.
Adopt -A -Highway - Commissioner Rentschler gave a thorough report
on Adopt -A -Highway Programs in several states; Iowa, Minnesota,
Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota and Texas. Each state has
their own guidelines and scope of services.
Although the general concensus. was the Adopt -A -Highway Program
provides a valuable service in many areas, this type of program
may not be appropriate in populous areas similar to the North-
west Suburban Area. They did agree however, that the Board
should be urged to support the model resolution provided by the
Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC) as state program. It was
felt this type of program would benefit rural areas in Illi-
nois. The Solid Waste Coordinator stated she would.find out if
the Commission needed to make a formal recommendation to the
Board on this issue.
White goods - The Solid Waste Coordinator updated the Commission
on plans for the collection of white goods in relation to Senate
Bill 989 which bans the disposal of white goods in landfills.
(The two part bill puts restrictions on landfilling white goods
effective July 1992 and a total ban by July 1994. It appears
there may be a strong lobbying to push back the effective
dates. However, as the ban is inevitable SWANCC has made con-
tacts with scrap dealers regarding potential contractual agree-
ments for the disposal of white goods from SWANCC member
The next regular meeting was set for Thursday, March 19.
There being no further business the motion to adjourn was moved,
seconded and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at
10:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
M. Lisa Angell
Solid Waste Coordinator