MARCH 19, 1992
PRESENT: Bill Donovan, George Luteri, Harold Rentschler,
Holly Tabbert-Johnson and Mary Winkler.
Mr. Dick Hendricks - Mount Prospect resident
Mr. Tony Kies - Daily Herald
Lisa Angell - Public Works
ABSENT: Dick Bachhuber, Elizabeth Herbert, Carl Maas and Ken
CALL.TO ORDER: Vice Chairman Luteri called the meeting to order
at 7:40 PM.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes were approved with the follow-
ing typographical correction; Page 1, 6th line under Citizen
Forum, should read ... how do larger families manage.
Mr. Dick Hendricks shared the following concerns with the Commis-
1) The Village will implement a one container program for basic
refuse service. He cautioned the Commission there would be a
residential revolt if the one container policy was adopted.
2) The surcharge residents must now pay for additional refuse
3) The two container limit; he interprets the two container
limit as an equivalency standard which allows him to use his
three (3)-20 gallon refuse containers for weekly collection
without additional cost as his three containers do not exceed
the 64 gallon volume of two -(32) gallon refuse containers. (32
gallon refuse containers are the maximum size of refuse contain-
er for curbside pickup allowed by the solid waste contract.)
A lengthy discussion of the Commission's recommendation to the
Village Board of Trustees on the two (2) container modified
volume -based program was held. While Mr. Hendricks suggested he
has heard many negative comments about the modified volume -based
program several of the Commissioners countered that they had re-
ceived very positive feedback from residents while working at
the Mount Prospect EXPO.
The discussion ended with Vice Chair Luteri agreeing to
Mr. Hendrick's request to put, in writing, the Commission's
intent when they recommended the volume -based refuse collection
program, ie, two containers (any size) or the equivalency of 64
The Solid Waste Coordinator updated the Commission on services
to single family and multifamily units.
1) 8,000 pounds of PETE #1 chipped plastic was returned to ARC
as unmarketable due to contamination and consequently
landfilled. (Containers made of PVC #3 plastic apparently
slipped through the sorting process and even though it was a
small amount the load was unacceptable to our end market user.)
To avoid further contamin4tion and jeopordizing our place in the
market only PETE #1 plastic soda containers will be collected.
The Solid Waste Coordinator clarified the apparent misunderstand-
ing regarding the Village adding corrugated to the recycling
program. Village staff have met with ARC to discuss the possi-
ble addition of corrugated to the program per the direction of
the Village Board. The Board has not approved the addition of
corrugated to the recycling program therefore, no date for imple-
mentation was determined. It was suggested by one of the Commis-
sioners that the misinformation originated because an ARC repre-
sentative indicated to him at the EXPO that ARC could begin the
program in six weeks.
It was reported a number of residents have set out yard materi-
al, especially brush before the collection period begins. Yard
material collection will begin April 1 and continue through
December 15.
The Solid Waste Coordinator explained SWANCC's proposed pilot
program for the collection of household hazardous materials.
SWANCC is seeking 4 member communities as pilot sites for house-
hold hazardous waste storage vaults to be used by the residents
of that community. SWANCC will pay for the vault, permitting,
etc. and the participating communities will be responsible for
the cost of collection/disposal and administration; approximate-
ly $50,000 per community/per year.
The Solid Waste Commission supported the Village's interest in
pursuing application as a pilot community. The Commission feels
one of Mount Prospect's fire stations would be an appropriate
site as it is manned 24 hours and has trained personnel to han-
dle the materials.
The Commission members requested this issue be listed for fur-
ther discussion at the April Commission meeting.
The Solid Waste Coordinator stated the Park District requested
use of the Solid Waste display as part of the Earth Day Celebra-
tion April 25 and 26. She will check to see if they would like
the Commission to staff the display.
The Public Works Open House is scheduled for May 16 from 9:00 AM
until 1:00 PM. The Solid Waste Display will be set-up and the
Commissioners will be available to answer questions and promote
waste reduction programs.
It was suggested samples -of contaminated materials be displayed
at the Open House. The Coordinator stated she would try to get
the material from ARC.
As ARC Recycling has recently installed equipment which allows
for some automation of sorting recyclables at their site it was
suggested a tour be scheduled. One recommendation was to sched-
ule the tour the Saturday after Memorial Day as the station
would probably be running full force that day. The Solid Waste
Coordinator will contact ARC Disposal to discuss potential tour
The Solid Waste Coordinator stated she will be attending a one
day seminar on White Goods in April. At this time there is
question whether the legislation affecting the landfilling of
white goods will go into effect as scheduled, July 1992 and July
1994. There apparently will be strong lobbying to push the
dates back this spring in Springfield. However, in anticipation
of the inevitable SWANCC as well as other governmental organiza-
tions are working.to provide alternative disposal methods.
There was a brief discussion about
laws. It was suggested that bottle
cling programs because the revenue
sustain programs.
the pros and cons of bottle
laws can hurt curbside recy-
from aluminum is needed to
The next regular meeting was set for Thursday, April 16.
They_ _ng no further business the motion to adjourn was moved,
seconded and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at
10:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
M. Lisa Angell
Solid Waste Coordinator