PRESENT: Dick Bachhuber, Rod Mobus, Harold Rentschler and Ken Westlake.
Bill Bowman - Arlington Heights resident
Trustee Hendricks
Lisa Angell
ABSENT: Bill Donovan, Elizabeth Herbert, Holly Johnson and Mary Winkler.
Following a tour of Envirowood the Commission members met at the Public Works Facility at
8:30 PM. However, as there were not enough Commission members present for a quorum an
informal discussion was held. The following is a summary of the discussion.
Mr. Bowman introduced himself as an Arlington Heights resident who had a number of concerns
regarding solid waste issues including the use of tax money for the balefill and other-SWANCC
projects. The Commission members responded to Mr. Bowman's concerns and shared
additional information regarding solid waste problems and solutions.
Trustee Hendricks also addressed the Commission for approximately one hour to update them on
SWANCC activities. His concerns included SWANCC's recent request to the TEPA to allow for
three (3) changes in SWANCC's operation permit:
1) Expansion of operation hours.
2) To allow for a certain amount of waste to be left in a cover container inside the building
3) Discontinue Saturday hours
He also distributed copies of minutes from the August 10th SWANCC meeting.
Trustee Hendricks also expressed his doubts that the Rolling Meadows Transfer Station would be
developed. He also stated he requested the Board of Trustees to consider withdrawing from
Trustee Hendricks also directed the Solid Waste Coordinator to put in the meeting minutes his
public recognition of Lois Brothers and George Luteri for their religious attendance at the
SWANCC Citizens' Advisory Committee meetings.
In addition he asked the Coordinator to find out if the bales from the Glenview Transfer Station
were being opened at the Green Valley Landfill. One of the Commissioners reminded Trustee
Hendricks that Brooke Beal from SWANCC was to obtain this information and report back to the
Board of Trustees.
Chairman Westlake also explained that whether or not the bales were opened at the landfill there
was an economic benefit in transporting the waste in bales to the landfill.
While there was some discussion on the issues raised by Trustee Hendricks the Commission
members reminded Trustee Hendricks they were basically removed from any decisions and/or
recommendations regarding SWANCC.
The Commission members thanked Mr. Bowman and Trustee Hendricks for sharing their
concerns. Mr. Bowman was also given the name of the Arlington Heights Health Director to learn
more about the Arlington Heights Environmental Commission.
There being no further discussion the meeting was closed.