PRESENT: Dick Bachhuber, Bill Donovan, George Luteri, Rod Mobus, Harold Rentschler,
Ken Westlake and Mary Winkler.
Ms. Ann Tennes - Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC)
Trustee Richard Hendricks
Lisa Angell - Public Works
ABSENT: Elizabeth Herbert and Holly Johnson
Trustee Hendricks stated he came to once again publicly commend Vice Chair Luteri and Lois
Brothers for their religious attendance at the SWANC6 Citizen's Advisory Committee Meetings.
The Solid Waste Coordinator stated there were no changes to report in solid waste data/programs.
A question regarding what items were collected during clean-up week led to a more detailed
discussion on the proper preparation of recyclables. The Solid Waste Coordinator explained that
per the contract residents do not have to separate any recyclable materials except mixed paper and
corrugated cardboard. In response to a question regarding the of collection corrugated cardboard
the Coordinator reviewed the specifications and the reason for these guidelines. (Due to limited
capacity on the recycling truck corrugated cardboard must be no larger than 2' x 2' to maximize
volume of material collected and use of trucks.
Ms. Ann Tennes, Assistant Executive Director of SWANCC made a presentation on commercial
recycling. Ms. Tennes gave a general overview of the measures SWANCC has taken to promote
and educate businesses on recycling in the commercial sector..
• Developed a comprehensive guide to reduce waste in the business place, "Waste Reduction in
the Work Place."
• Seminars and presentations to business organizations; Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, etc.
• Waste Audits -analysis of waste stream of businesses located in SWANCC communities at
no cost to business.
She then provided a comprehensive look at the pilot business recycling program in Park Ridge.
The program administered by SWANCC and funded by SWANCC and the Illinois Department of
Energy and Natural Resources serves over one hundred businesses in downtown Park Ridge.
Since implementation of the program in June of 1994, 30 tons of material have been recovered;
fibrous materials (paper), aluminum and steel cans are collected. Businesses are able to share the
outside containers at a cost of approximately $8.00 per month; 1.5 cubic yard containers and 90
gallon toters.
Although commercial recycling in Park Ridge is not mandatory it is hoped the businesses will
continue on their own at the end of the one year project.
The Commissioners expressed a great deal of interest in the Park Ridge program and indicated
they would like to have a tour of the program which Ms. Tennes agreed to arrange at the direction
of the Commission. She also offered to assist in any way that she could if the Village elects to
pursue commercial recycling.
One of the key issues raised was whether commercial recycling should be mandated. Ms. Tennes
mentioned that Elk Grove Village instituted an ordinance mandating all licensed refuse haulers
have the capability of offering customers recycling services as well as report to the Village at least
twice a year the volume of recyclables collected from businesses; aggregate figure.
It was suggested that before the Commission pursued this subject further they should present their
concept to the Board of Trustees at the next Coffee with Council; November 12. Chairman
Westlake encouraged those members who could attend to do so.
Vice Chair Luteri stated he had recently been on two inspections of the Wheeling Township
Transfer Station, the last one being October 13. He stated he observed a very clean operation.
No other business was brought up for discussion.
The next meeting will be held, Thursday, November 17, 7:30 PM in the Public Works Facility,
1700 West Central Road. If you would like to attend this meeting but need assistance due to a
disability, please call 870-5640, TDD 392-1235.
There being no further business the meeting was adjoumed at 9:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
M. Lisa Angell
Solid Waste Coordinator