HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOW Agenda Packet 03/14/2000 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA Meeting Locabon Meebng Date and T~me Mount Prospect Sen~or Center Tuesday, March 14, 2000 50 South Emerson Street ? 30 p m I. CALL TO ORDER - ROLL CALL Mayor Gerald L Farley Trustee T~mothy Corcoran Trustee Denms Pnkkel Trustee Paul Hoefert Trustee M~chaele Skowron Trustee R~chard Lohrstorfer Trustee Irvana Wdks II ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 22, 2000 III CITIZENS TO BE HEARD IV. CREATION OF SISTER CITIES COMMISSION Beg~nmng ~n the late 1980's, the Vdlage embarked on a quest to estabhsh a S~ster C~bes relattonsh~p Over the course of the next decade, an Ad Hoc Committee of Mount Prospect residents convened to accomphsh that goaI Several close encounters have taken place w~th c~bes ~n the Czech Republic, Hungary, Un~ted K~ngdom and, most recently, France In late 1999, Mayor Gerald L Farley led a delegabon of Mount Prospecters to the c~ty of Sevres, France, a suburb outside of Pans The purpose of the trip was to explore Sevres' ~nterest ~n twinning w~th Mount Prospect ~n a formal relabonsh~p The trip proved successful and a delegation from Sevres was ~nwted to ws~t Mount Prospect ~n May 2000 with the end result being the execubon of documents formahz~ng a Sister C~bes relabonsh~p S~nce the trip to Sevres, the Sister C~bes Ad Hoc Committee has been busy planmng the detads of the May ws~t as well as dehberabng over the need for the creabon of a formal S~ster C~bes Commission Creabon of a permanent S~ster C~bes Commission would g~ve a h~gher degree of cred~bd~ty to the work of the group as well as g~ve ~t access to the resources of the Vdlage Attached for Wllage Board consideration and approval ~s a draft Ordinance creating a S~ster C~bes Commission Also ~ncluded are M~nutes from the last few Ad Hoc Committee meetings and a draft protocol that wdl eventually serve as the official twinning document Mayor Farley, members of the Ad Hoc S~ster C~t~es Committee and appropriate Wllage staff w~ll be ~n attendance to answer questions and facd~tate d~souss~on NOTE ANY INDIVIDUAL WHO WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THIS MEETING BUT BECAUSE OF A DISABILITY NEEDS SOME ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE, SHOULD CONTACT THE VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE AT 100 SOUTH EMERSON, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 60056, 847/392-6000, EXTENSION 5327, TDD #847/392-6064 V. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT VI. ANY OTHER BUSINESS VII. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FEBRUARY 22, 2000 I. CALL TO ORDER The meebng was called to order at 7 33 p m by Mayor Gerald Farley Present at the meeting were Trustees Paul Hoefert, R~chard Lohrstorfer, Denms Pnkkel, Mlchaele Skowren and Irvana W~lks Trustee Corcoran arrived at 7 35 p m Staff members present ~ncluded V~llage Manager M~chael E Janon~s, Assistant V~llage Manager Dawd Strahl, Public Works D~rector Glen Andler, and Sohd Waste Coordinator L~sa Angell I1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of M~nutes from February 8, 2000 Mobon made by Trustee Hoefert and Seconded by Trustee Lohrstorfer to approve the Minutes M~nutes were approved unammously III. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Uta Gilbert, 1510 East Emmerson Lane, spoke She ~s appearing before the V~llage Board to voice concerns about the trouble a neighbor has caused and the continued abuse of 9-1-1 for frivolous Police calls She stated that th~s resident makes it a point to call 9-1-1 to advise the Police of h~s acbv~t~es especially when leawng the State which was depicted ~n the recent newspaper arbcles She stated th~s resident has parked his car ~n her driveway and removed a construcbon horse from her apron that she had placed there to keep h~m from parking In her driveway She has concerns and does not feel comfortable around th~s resident based on h~s repeated actions Rmch Benson, President, Harvest Heights Homeowners Association, spoke He stated that the stocking of the Menards store ~s currently underway and there are many claims, which have yet to be addressed, and he ~s concemed the V~llage may grant occupancy w~thout these outstanding ~tems being addressed Joe Liberio, 302 Autumn Lane, spoke He was promised that someone would view the damage to his home and after that review, a report was drafted statmng the damage was not caused by the construction process He felt the allowances offered by the insurance provmder are too Iow and he has an insurance deductible to cover If tumed over to h~s own insurance company He stated his fence was also knocked down and has not been repaired Mr. Bevacqua, 222 Autumn Lane, spoke He stated that no contact has been made by the insurance company and has received no letter from them He stated that paint remains on h~s house and h~s garden was damaged to the point where it was completely unusable Trustee Corcoran voiced s~gnificant concerns that the CO should be withheld unbl these ~ssues are resolved and felt that there should be add,bona1 d~scusslon w~th the residents to arnve at settlement ~f necessary Richard Hendricks, 1537 East Emmerson, spoke He is recommending the Village take over the enbre intersection of Wolf Road and Central instead of hawng the intersection spht between Mount Prospect and Des Plashes He also stated that he brought up a concern regarding the hmng of Ron Pavlock as Pohce Chief 30 years ago and stated that he had bpped off the Da/ly Hera/d regarding a prewous invest~gabon and has most recently asked for res~gnabons of certain V~llage officials ~ncludmg the Chief IV. SOLID WASTE CONTRACT DISCUSSION Lisa Angell, Solid Waste Coord,nator, provided a general overview of the negobat~ons between the V~llage and ARC D~sposal to date She stated the discussions also ~ncluded the poss]b~hty of commercial waste hauhng As part of the negotiations, she surveyed other commumbes to determine what rates they were obta~mng through compet~bve b~ds and found that the majonty of the bids that are coming back are substanbally higher than the proposed rate recommended by ARC for mulb-year agreement ARC has offered a 4% annual ~ncrease through December 31, 2004 She stated the Solid Waste Commission has endorsed th~s proposal The proposed commercial rates presented by ARC could not be confirmed as to whether they were compebbve because of the limited ava~lab~hty of other commercial contracts Therefore, it is recommended that the Wllage Board consider going out to compebbve b~d for commercial waste hauling General comments from Wllage Board members Included the following items A statement was made that ~t is well known that Mount Prospect has a favorable waste contract among other communlbes It was also stated that while the 4% annual ~ncrease seems a i~ttle b~t generous, ~t could be conceived that the amount could be assumed to be catch up from previous lower percentages agreed to between ARC and the V~llage There was a quesbon regarding the acceptance of No 4 plasbc matenal There was also a d~scuss~on regarding household hazardous waste day 2 L,sa Angell stated that there ~s not much of a market for plasbc No 4 and stated that thera ~s wrtually no State funding available for household hazardous waste days any longer There is an opbon in the proposed contract for a household hazardous waste day for an additional charge of approximately $50,000 The Household Hazardous Waste Day would be available ~f the V~llage Board budgeted for the program Ken Westlake, Chairman, Solid Waste Commission, spoke He stated that whoever accepts the sohd waste day collection ~s responsible for the d~sposal and at the point of acceptance, exempts the homeowner from any l~ab~hty General consensus of the V,Ilage Board was to consider the new proposed contract, which would run through 2004 with a 4% annual increase. The Board also supported the rejection of the commercial hauling quote from ARC and directed staff compehbvely bid out the commercial component of the contract. IV. VILLAGE HALL TASK FORCE DISCUSSION Village Manager M,chael Janonis stated the concept was to bnng together stakeholders for suggestions and confirm or modify suggestions as presented by staff The purpose ~s to idenbfy persons that may offer ~nput into the process General comments from V~llage Board members ~ncluded the following ~tems it was recommended that only one representabve be appointed for TAP Mount Prospect and the Youth Commission and four resident representabves are recommended ~nstead of two as suggested by staff There was also a quesbon regarding the appointment of a representative from the Mt Prospect Park D~stnct It ~s ~ntended to garner as much public ~nput for the V~llage Board to consider at the bme a decision ~s necessary It was also recommended that there is a need for a facilitator to participate Village Manager Janonis suggested that a target report date of May 23 be established for the Task Force Consensus of the Village Board was to accept representatives as follows: representahve from the V~llage Board with an alternate member. representative of the Senior Adwsory Council. member of the Finance Commission. member of the Plan Commission. member of the Economic Development Commission representative of the Mount Prospect Public Library 3 1 representative of School District 57. 1 Representabve of the Chamber. 4 residential representatives. I representative from the Youth Commission/TAP Mount Prospect. I ex-off~cio member from the Mt. Prospect Park Distr~ct. 1 Village staff I,aison. The charge of the group as recommended by staff was also acceptable. The Village Board also reached consensus on the charge of the staff task force to d~scuss administrative needs of the facility. V. MANAGER'S REPORT None VI. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Trustee W, Iks requested additional d~scuss~on regarding the Menards' s~tuat~on and the residential damage Trustee Skowron suggested that a mediator be considered ~n order to bring the groups together to negotiate w~th an ~nsurance provider ~f necessary V,llage Manager Janonis stated that he could convene a meebng w~th Menards and the appropnate parties to determine the outstanding ~ssues Trustee Hoefert supported the ~dea of a mediator ~f necessary to get th~s resolved Trustee Hoefert also raised an ~ssue regarding the nght-of-way work that conbnues m the Un~on Pacific stabon area He recently saw an article regarding an altemabve snow removal matenal that ~s sprayed on the snow which causes ~t to melt F~nally, a suggestion was brought up at a recent Coffee w~th Council that the V~llage Newsletter be three-hole punched for retention and future reference by residents and he requested that th~s be considered by staff ~f ~t does not cost any additional money to prowde CI~OSED SESSION Motion made by Trustee Hoefert and Seconded by Trustee W~lks to move into Closed Session to d~scuss L~bgat[on and Collecbve Bargaining Motion was approved Meebng moved ~nto Closed Session at 9 53 p m Meeting reconvened into Open Session at 12 20 a m 4 II ADJOURNMENT No other bus~ness was transacted and the meebng was adjourned at 12 21 a m Respectfully submitted, DAVID STRAHL Assistant Village Manager DS/rcc H \GEN\Cow\Mmutes\022200 COW Minutes doc 5 DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. ? AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SISTER CITIES COMMISSION Preamble The Corporate Authont~es of the V~llage of Mount Prospect desire to establish a S~ster C~bes Commission to recommend pohc~es and establish programs for the V~llage's participation ~n the Sister C~t~es Internabonal Organ~zabon THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the President and Board of Trustees of the V~llage of Mount Prospect, Cook County, IIl~no~s, as follows SECTION 1: A new Article XV shall be added to Chapter 5 of the Mount Prospect V~llage Code which shall be and read as follows 5.150'1. PURPOSE. The purpose of the S~ster C~bes Commission is to recommend pohc~es and programs to enhance the V~llage's part~c~pabon ~n the S~ster C~bes International Orgamzat~on, and to maintain any relationship the V~llage m~ght estabflsh w~th a S~ster City It ~s recognized that there ~s no financial, pohbcal or rehglous goal of the program The sole objecbve of the Commission and the program ~s to promote goodwill and ~nternat~onal understanding 5.1502. CREATION AND MEMBERSHIP. There ~s created a permanent commission which shall be known as the S~ster C~t~es Commission The membership of th~s Commission, including the Chairman, shall be appointed by the Village President w~th the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees and shall be consbtuted as follows A The S~ster C~bes Commission shall consist of five (5) members The Chairman shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms as Chairman In add~bon to the five members appointed to th~s Commission, the Mayor shall serve ex officio B The ~n~t~al appointment shall be for the following terms Two (2) members - two (2) years Two (2) members - three (3) years, and One (1) member- four (4) years C The S~ster C~bes Commission members shall be residents or bus~ness owners or managers w~th~n the Vdlage who have an interest m promoting intemabonal goodwill D Immediately upon ~ts orgamzabon, the S~ster C~t~es Commission shall select from ~ts membership a V~ce Chairman and a Secretary The persons so selected shall serve for terms of one year and may be reelected E The Commission may also establish committees as it may, from t~me to brae, deem appropriate The committees may ~nclude, but not be hm~ted to the follow~ng (1) Special events, (2) Schools, (3) Houses of worship, (4) Servme Clubs, (5) Seniors, (6) Municipal, (7) Commercial, and (8) Youth Committee members need not be Commission members, but Committee membership requirements shall be the same as for Commission membership 5.'1503. MEETINGS. A The S~ster C~bes Commission may meet as needed but shall be required to meet on the first Thursday of each March, June, September and December Special meetings may be called by the Vdlage President, the Sister C~t~es Commission Chairman, or by any three (3) members of the Sister Clbes Commission B The S~ster C~bes Commission shall adopt rules for the conduct of its meebngs and keep written m~nutes of all meetings and proceedings C A copy of all minutes shall be forwarded to the V~llage Clerk for official records D All meetings of the S~ster C~bes Commission shall be public and its minutes shall be available for exam~nabon dunng regular business hours 5.1504. OBJECTIVE AND ROLE OF THE SISTER CITIES COMMISSION. The objective of the Sister C~bes Commission shall be to encourage and facilitate programs and exchange between Mount Prospect and its S~ster C~ty The S~ster C~t~es Commission shall funcbon as advisor to the V~llage Board on the following objectives A Development of annual programs and exchanges B The provision of such programs and exchanges, including finding and providing for host families and cultural experiences for approved ws~ts by S~ster C~t~es residents, and plans for reciprocal vis~ts for Mount Prospect residents and bus,ness persons m the S~ster C~bes 5.1505. ANNUAL REPORT. Each September, the S~ster C~bes Commission shall make an annual report to the President and Board of Trustees w~th respect to the follow~ng A Exchanges and proJects ~n the V~llage w~thin the past twelve (12) months B Planned exchanges and projects for the future C Recommendation of measures with respect to the S~ster C~bes program that should be considered by the Corporate Authonbes ~n the following twelve (12) months D Quahty of cooperation between Mount Prospect and its S~ster ~ C~t~es E Budget recommendations for the program's future SECTION 2: That th~s Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after ~ts passage, approval and pubhcation ~n pamphlet form ~n the manner prowded by law. AYES NAYS ABSENT PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 2000 Gerald L Farley, V~llage President ATTEST Velma Lowe, Vdlage Clerk Village of IVlount Prospect Mount Prospect, Ilhnms INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM' MAYOR GERALD L "SKIP" FARLEY DATE' OCTOBER 18, 1999 SUBJECT: OFFICIAL PROTOCOL BE'FVVEEN MOUNT PROSPECT AND SEVRES The rough draft copy of the Order of Bus,ness for Tuesday, October 19, 1999 contained a section for the d~scuss~on of the attached document Where it d~sappeared to ,n the final form I do not have the shghtest not~on I wish this ,tern to become number "E" under the Mayor's Report and subsequent designations, E and F, will become F and G The purpose of this review is to determine if this document of understanding meets..y~.~r. desires as well as my own It may be modified, expanded, or whatever, as you/may deem appropnate / Upon approval by us, I shall forward th~s document to the Mayor of Sevres for his - community's suggestions and approval Hopefully, a formal s~gning will take place ~n May 2000. Additional formal documents regarding our affiliation with Sevres will be forwarded and completed GERAL LD~"SJ~LEY GLF/rcc attachment OFFICIAL PROTOCOL BETVVEEN MOUNT PROSPECT AND SEVRES The Village of Mount Prospect is a member of Sister Cities International and adheres to the policies of this organization The Sister C~ty concept was Inaugurated by the President of the Umted States in 1956 to establ~sh greater friendship and understanding between the peoples of the United States and other nat~ons through the medium of d~rect personal contact ARTICLE 1 Mount Prospect and Sevres engage in this relationship with the following understanding · Neither committee wdl engage in the internal affairs of either commumty · The twinning Is a cultural instrument w~thout prejudice or part,san concerns It ~s neither pol~t~cal nor religious m nature · Any gestures of good wdl, irrespective of its ongln, opinions or their purpose, wdl be considered ARTICLE 2. Participation m the tw~nmng is free and not for the purpose of making money ARTICLE 3 The exchanges are based on an agreement of reciprocity ARTICLE 4 Exchange participants are responsible for the costs of transportation to the s~ster c~ty The cost of housing, food and tour expenses whde m the s~ster c~ty are the respons~bd~ty of the host c~ty ARTICLE 5 Participating host fam~hes shall not receive remuneration for their costs related to the hosting ARTICLE 6 The exchanges are pnmanly for human and cultural interactions, but we are open to other projects which may be mutually agreed upon Teachers, students, government officials, employees, business people, rehg~ous leaders and church people, medical personnel and c~tizens of both communities have opportumbes to travel and participate ~n exchanges ARTICLE 7 The exchanges are intended to promote cultural awareness and bd~ngualism and to provide opportumbes for people to participate in internsh~ps which may prepare them for a career Interns shall not receive a salary for their work unless otherwise agreed upon ARTICLE 8 The sister c~ties charter shall be signed by the mumc~pahty and the tw~nmng committee of each city. The charter shall be maintained untd it ~s rescinded by one mumc~pahty or the other All proposed projects shall be reviewed and approved by each committee, ARTICLE 9 Every proposed project shall define those responsible for the project, the - financial arrangements, and the dates when the project shall take place and its conclusions ARTICLE 10 The protocol signed by our committees shall be reviewed every three (3) years at a joint meeting These meetings wdl allow us to review and revise the protocol of our exchanges and to mutually agree upon new projects for the subsequent three (3) year period, The protocol is a text which contains all of the projects which the parbes have agreed to undertake over the next three (3) years ARTICLE 11 The twlnmng committees agree to reconvene In in accordance with this agreement ARTICLE 12 Th,s protocol shall be adopted in May 2000 upon review by a delegation from Sevres in May 2000. Francois Kosc~usko-Monzet Gerald L. "Skip" Farley Ma~re, Sevres Mayor, V~llage of Mount Prospect Date. Date MOUNT PROSPECT SISTER CITIES COMMISSION Minutes Thursday, February 10, 2000 ATTENDANCE' Tok~ko Blame, Carole Blocnxtmst. Yngve Bloomqmst, Larry D'Urso. Sansce Farley, Slup Farley, Lro Floros, Ld Floros, Melame Karsen, Mike Karsen, Dorothy Kucera, Maura Jandns, Barbara Persenalre, Jud Shnckland, Adelaide Thuhn, Fred Thuhn The meeting was called to order by Barbara Persenalre at 6 06 p m 1. Approval of Minutes Secretary Sandns presented revised rmnutes of December 6, 1999, and the nunu~.s of January 13, 2000 It was moved by Dorothy Kueera and seconded by Carole Bloomqulst to approve the nunutes of January 13 Melanle Karsen requested the following correct~ons to note that Melanle Karsen passed around a card from Rolande Sannelh of the staff of Mayor Kosclusko-Morelzet of ,5~vres, and under officers to change the title Recording Secretary to Secretary, and 'Corresponding Secretary to French Correspondent The Commission also asked that comments made by the Secretary concer~ing membership In Sister Clues IntereaUonal be included in the .lanuary 13 nunutes The nunutes were approved w~th the corrections ~ ~ 2. Home Stay Assignments for Delegates Jud S~ncldand stated that as he was m the process of selling his home, he could provide a condluonal yes that a delegate could stay with him 3. Finalize Itinerary for May Visit It was reporu~d that the dulegauon would be arriving m Clucago on Tuesday May 1;5 at 12 15 pm., and deparUng on Friday May 19 at 1 00 p m The idea of a rain plan was discussed, and it was suggested that we have umbrellas on hand rather than developing a nun plan LiI Floros explmued the luuerary On Tuesday, May 15, the delegation will arnve, and the Vdlage Board will host a recepuon for them at Village Hall Wednesday, they will tour ~vlount Prospect, and in the evemng the banquet will be held at Bn,~ol Court. Carole B loomqmst reported on the banquet menu, stating that it would consist of 3 type~ of hors d'oeuvres (rueathalls, pizza bagels, and chicken nuggets), tomato basil bisque soup, Bristol salad, roast turkey stuffing mashed potatoes cranberry sauce green beans and carrots and for desserL apple pie a la mode There wall also be an Ice sculpture of the Eiffel Tower. Carole Bloomqulst had drafted an invitation letler to clubs, buslues,~s and residents LiI asked Samce Faley to design a logo for the event The theme is *The French Conneclton ' It was suggested that a favor could be a lapel pm of crossed American and French flags Lll Floros went on to explain that Thursday, the delegauon would be visiting Chicago Friday's events would include a brunch (possibly at Friendship Conservatory) and the official slgmng of the Sister Cities agreement at Village Hall She said that more details would be discussed the cormng weekend at the Special Events Commission meeting, and that Special Events would be assisting in the planmng and coordination of the visit. 4. Pen Pal Program Melanle Karsen reported that she had received information on teachers that she could contact from Stvres, and had been communicating with them via ematl She explained that the Mount Prospect students would write descriptions of themselves, and the teachers m S~vres would pair them up wth the students there $fJter Cme~ Commt~:~on Mmute~ Pase 2. Meenng of February I0, 2000 3. New Business/Announcements Lan'y D'Urso reported that a volunteer at the Ltbrary. Juhe Colhns. was fluent m French and had offered to translate during thc visit Mayor Farley announced that Th~band LeScgmllon would be joining thc Commission Mt. Le ,Segulhon is from France. and has lived m Mount Prospect for 6 years. He had wnUen a letter to Mayor Farley expressing an interest m joining the Commission Thibaud works at Axon. a subs~thary of a French company, located in Kensington Basmess Center. Ld & Leo Floras discussed the idea of meeting with school dlsmct Supenntendents to inform them of the visit, and involve the schools ; Mayor Farley requested that the subeonuruttees and chairs be determined Thc Comrmssion reviewed and approved the Mayor's suggestions ~ l) Service Clubs - Trustee Irvana Wdks 5) Schools - Melame Karsen 2) Commercial - Dorothy Kucera 6) Churches - $.L. Scott, Adelmde Thulm 3) Special Events - Lfl & Leo Floros 7) Scmors - .lira Caulfield 4) Municipal - Maura J'andns Barbara Persena~re inquired about the status of the commumcaUon with Upplands Vasby Mayor Farley responded that it had been tabled for now, so that the Cormmsswn could concenWate on S~vre. s. Leo Floros requested that Secretary .iandns and Village Manger .ianoms prepare a list of recommended places to visit for ~he Mount Prospect tour to be discussed at the March meeting It was emphas~.ed that they would only be able to spend a short Ume at each place Melanie Karsen suggested that If fl~re is more Ume on Tuesday, something could be moved from Wednesday to Tuesday · .. ~ Samce Farley raised the ldo of presenting engraved sliver platters In honor of the ceremonial slgmng of the Sister Cluea agreement A platt? for both Mount Prospect and for S~vrea would be appropriate, both engraved m French and English Ld Floros passed around sign-ups for sub-comrmtteea Melame Karsen reported that she would be prcsenUng a "Passion for Pans" shdeshow at the Mount Prospect Library She is also teaching a community educauon class at Prospect I-hgh School enutled 'France on Your Own" for people interested m vmung France Barbara Persenan'e announced that a Sister Crees Convention was to be held on April 7 & 8 m Napervdle The cost is $40 This issue was tabled unul next month's meeting The next meeUng of the Sister Cities Conmussion vnll be March 9, 2000 The meeting was adjourned at 7.:20 p m Respectfully Subnutted, MAURA JANDRIS Secretary MOUNT PROSPECT SISTER CITIES COMMISSION Minutes Thu. rsday, January 13, 2000 A'rrENDANCE: Tok~ko Blaine, Carole Bloomqu~st, Yngve Bloomquist, Jamce Farley, Skip Farley, Leo Floros, L~I Floros, Melame Kamen, M~ke Karsen, Dorothy Kucera, Maura Jandris, J.L Scott, Paul Seils, Jud Stnckland· The meebng was called to order by Dorothy Kucera at 6 02 p m 1. Membership Issues Members were asked to rewew the membership roster and make any necessary correct;OhS. Mayor Farley announced that couples who were ~nvolved in the commission, both ind~viduais would be considered members, and each could vote It is Village pohcy that all members of Boards and Commissions receive a free vehicle st~cker, but ~n the case of couples they would only receive I st~cker per household 2. Pen Pal Program Melange Karsen reported on the Pen Pal Program. She was In the process of coordinating programs w~th L~ncoln Jr. H~gh, Prospect H S and Hemey H S 3, Correspondence with $~vrss Mayor Farley reported that he had sent a letter to the Mayor of S~vras to ~nqu~re about some severe storms they had recently encountered. Melame Kamen passed around a New Year's card that the Mayor received from S~vras, and a card she had received from Rolande ~.~t Sannelh, a member of the mayor of S~vras' staff 4. S~vrse Delegation VIsit · Banquet Lfl Floros reported that Carole Bloomqu~st would be handl;ng the banquet the week of the ws~t. The Banquet w;ll be held Wednesday, May 17, at 6 00 p m at Bnstol Court. The banquet w~ll be open to the community, and busmessas and organizabons in Mount Prospect would be Invited A response card would be placed in the next issue of the Village Newsletter, and the Informaben would be posted on the Commun~ Events s~gn as the date draws nearer The program was yet to be determined It was suggested that the various organ~.at~ons and service clubs bring their banners to represent them, and decorate the room at the same t~me Paul Se~ls of Busse Flowers reported that they would be doing the centerp~ecas, A banner could be placed in front of Bnstol Court welcoming the S~vras delogat~on Lil Floros stated that she thought the decorabens should be elaborate S~x people from S~vras w~ll be on th~ tnp There would be a head table for them. It was suggested that school bands could prowde the entertmnment ·Itinerary for the visit Tuesday, May 16 The delegation is tantat~vely scheduled to arrive on Tuesday, May 16 It would be d~cult to plan th~s day until we know for sure when they w~ll arrive There w~ll be a reception at V~llage Hall preceding the Wllage Board meeting, then they w~ll be inwted to attend the V~llage Board meeting, and then possibly go out to droner Wednesday, May 17 Mount Prospect Day Paul Se~ls of Busse Flowers has arranged for a trolley to dr~ve the v~s~tors around on their tour of Mount Prospect They w~ll ws~t V~llage Hall, schOols, busmessas, etc Wednesday evening will be the banquet S~ster Cities Commission Minutes Page 2 January 13, 2000 Thursday, May 18 The delegation w~ll visit Chicago The details on th~s trip are still being worked out. Fnday, May 19 Brunch (possibly at Fnendship Conservatory?), and ceremonial signing of the S~stsr C~has Agreement at Village Hall Janice Farley is talking to Manlyn Genther of the Library about having a display at the L~brery. El suggested talking to the Chamber about encouraging the businesses in town to put a display in their windows in honor of the v~s~t. Leo Flores suggested arranging meetings with the School District Superintendents 5. Home Stay Assignments Mayor Kosc;usko-Morizet and h~s w,fe w~ll stay w~th the Farleys. The Flores' offered to house one couple, and Barbara Persenaire w~ll house one individual. One host was still needed. Arrangements for the other ws~tors were d~scussed. 6. Officers Chair - Barbara Persena~re V~ce-Cha~r - Dorothy Kucera Recording Secretary - Maura Jandns French Correspondent - Melanie Karaen Paul Se~ls - Treasurer 7. New Business/Announcements Leo Flores requested that letterhead be designed for the S~ster C~t~es Commission. Suggested Suboomm~ttees were d~scussed 1) Serv~eClubs 5) Schools 2) Commercial 6) Churches 3) Spec~alEvents 7) Seiners 4) Mumc~pal The Mayor suggested meeting at least once a quarter He also stated that the charter for the Commission should go to the Wllage Board in Mamh so ~t is in place by April. Mayor Farley invited the Commission members to the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast on January 21. UI Flores rem~nded the Commission about Celestial Celebration and sa~d that t~ckets were st~ll available The next meeting of the S~ster C~t~es Commission w~ll be February 10, 2000 Dorothy Kucara adjourned the meeting at 7 20 p m Respectfully Subm~ed, MAURA JANDRIS Recording Secretary MOUNT PROSPECT SISTER CITIES COMMISSION M~nutes Thursday, December 6, 1999 A'i-rENDANCE Tok~ko Blaine, Carole Bloomqu~st, Yngve Bloomqu~st, Jamce Farley, Skip Farley, Leo Floros, L~I Floros, Melame Karcen, M~ke Karsen, Maura Jandns, Barbara Persena~re, J L. Scott, Adelaide Thul~n, Fred Thulin 1 The meebng was called to order by Barbara Persena~re 2, Mayor Skip Farley explained to the Commission that they would be rece~wng funds from the V~llage Budget, and therefore would need to formahze the orgamzat~on It was determined that an official structure would be dec~ded on and sent to the Wllage Board by March The Commission d~scussed ~f there would be formal arrangements for profass~onals through the S~ster C~t~es affiliation It was dec~ded that no, Ind~wduals could make their own contact, but the Commission would not have the resources to make such connections Melame Karsen reformed the Commission that a message from the Mayor of Sevres would appear m the January/February 2000 ed~bon of the Wllage Newsletter. 3 Sevres V~s~t - May 2000 Lil Floros reported on ~deas and arrangements for the v~s~t from the Sevres residents ~n May Lil reported that Paul Se~ls of Busse Flowers had arranged for a trolley to be available on the Wednesday of the ws~t for a tour around Mount Prospect. The Commission d~scussed ~nsbtubons, orgamzatlons, businesses, etc. that should be ~ncluded on the tour The hst of suggestions included Wllage Hall R~ver Tra~ls Pol~ce/F~re Headquarters Library Pubhc Works Park D~sthct Rec Plex Golf Course Lions School Kensington Bus~ness Center Prospect High School Randhurst St Raymond D~stoct 214 Tnmty H~stoncal Society D~stnct 57 3COM Lincoln Jr H~gh Bank Melame Karcen explained that they were more ~nterested in 'people' rather than government Sevres does not prowde the same serv~cas as Mount Prospect, such as pohce and fire They are more interested ~n schools and arts Leo FIoros suggested sending them a letter to get an idea what they would I~ke to do Melame Karsen sa~d that the schools were making connections w~th each other for students to start corresponding through ema~l It ~s hoped that these relabonsh~ps w~ll encourage fam~hes here to host ws~tors A d~scusslon took place on the banquet that ~s to be held ~n May The Commission talked about who mwtat~ons would be sent to It was dec~ded that service orgamzabons, churches, schools, Chamber of Commerce were among the orgamzat~ons that should be mwted The commission also d~scussed opening the banquet up to the commun~ Sister Cities Commission Minutes Page 2 Meeting of December 6, 1999 L~I Floro$ said that one day of their tr~p would be spent in downtown Chicago She talked about some ideas of what the ws~tors could do on their tnp to Chicago Barbara Persena~re explained that there were people in the comrnumty w~ll~ng to help w~th certain events Linda Larson of Mount Prospect National Bank offered to help with fundra~s~ng Mayor Farley commented that he would hke to offset the costs associated w~th the ws~t as much as possible 4 Other Business - Barbara Persena~re announced that the Mount Prospect H~stor~cal Society was hawng a potluck d~nner on Wednesday, January 5, 2000 at the Mount Prospect Country Club In the Walnut Room The guest speaker ~s a French national, and France was selected th~s year because of the pending S~ster City partnership w~th Sevrss The Commission d~scussed membership in the S~ster C~t~es organizabon Staff will call to determine what the benef~ of membership are, and ~f thers are any publications that the Commission should be receiwng The regular meeting t~me of the Commission w~ll be the second Thursday of the month, in the Training Room at the Public Safety building The next meeting w~ll be Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 6 00 p m The meeting was adjourned at 7'12 p m Respectfully Submitted, MAURA JANDRIS Public Information Officer Glen R Andler ~ Rodenck T O'Donovan Deput~ D~rector Streets/Buildings Supenntende~t Sean P Dorsey Paul C Bures Jeffrey A Wulbecker Sandra M Clark Mount Prospect Public Works Department 1700 W Central Road, Mount Prospect, IIhnors 60056-2229 Phone 847/970-5940 I=ax B47/253-9377 TDD 847/392-1235 AGENDA MOUNT PROSPECT SOLID WASTE COMMISSION MARCH 16, 2000 CONFERENCE ROOM B, PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY 1700 WEST CENTRAL ROAD 7:30 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES III. CITIZEN FORUM IV. SOLID WASTE PROGRAMS/DATA V. RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL SOLID WASTE CONTRACT UPDATE 1) Review/Recommendat,ons - New Contract Sol,d Waste Brochure VI NEW BUSINESS VII. NEXT MEETING VIII. ADJOURNMENT ANY INDIVIDUAL WHO WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THIS MEETING BUT BECAUSE OF A DISABILITY NEEDS SOME ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE PLEASE CONTACT PUBLIC WORKS AT 870-5640, TDD 392-1235. x luserslhsalwordlswMARagO0 DOC Recycled Raper - Printed w~th Soy Ink Mount Prospect Public Works Oepartment 1TO0 W Central Road, Mount Prospect, Ilhno~s Phone 847/870-5640 Fax 847/253-9377 TOD 847/392-12~35 MOUNT PROSPECT SOLID WASTE COMMISSION JANUARY 20, 2000 MEETING MINUTES PRESENT Lo~s Brothers, George Luten, Pankaj Pankh, Mary Rosen and Ken Westlake L~sa Angell Pubhc Works Rod Mobus, Judd Stnckland and Mary W~nkler. CALL TO .ORDER Chapman Westlake called the meebng to order at 7 40 p m APPROVAL OF MINUTES The m~nutes from the November 18, meebng were approved as written CITIZEN FORUM There were not c~bzens In attendance to address the Commission SOLID WASTE PROGRAMS AND DATA The Coordinator updated the Commission on negot~abons w~th ARC D~sposal for a new sohd waste contract ARC has submitted proposals for both a new res~denbal contract and for a commercial sol~d waste contract The Coordinator ~nd~cated the pricing for the res~denbal contract looked favorable and Pubhc Works staff were ~n the process of drafbng recommendabons for the Mayor and Vdlage Board Although ~t was d~fficult to conduct a cost analys~s of the commercial proposal at th~s t~me the submittal d~d not look favorable The Coordinator reviewed the proposed enhancements to the recychng program, which ~ncluded a drop-off for scrap metal and the mod~ficabons m the preparabon of corrugated cardboard for curbs~de p~ckup Recycled Paper - Pnnted w~th Soy Ink he Commission members reviewed and commented on the volume of recyclables collected ~n the curbs~de program NEXT MEETIN(~ The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, March 16, 2000 ~n the Public Works Facd~ty, 1700 West Central Road at 7 30 p m ADJOURNMENT There being no further bus~ness the meeting was adjourned at 8 30 p m Respectfully submitted, M L~sa Angell Solid Waste Coordinator MAYOR ~ VILLAGE MANAGER Gerald L Faxley ~ M~chaeI E Janoms TRUSTEES VILLAGE CLERK Ttraothy J Corcoran .~ Velma Lowe Pau, Wm .oef Village Mount Prospect Pachard M Lohrstorfer Den~s ~ Pr,ae~ Community Development Department Phone 847/392-6000 M~chaele W Skowron Fax 847/392-6022 ~rvana K W,~ks 100 South Emerson Street Mount Prospect, Ilhno~s 60056 TDD 847/392-6064 AGENDA MOUNT PROSPECT PLAN COMMISSION MEETING LOCATION: MEETING DATE & TIME. 2"a Floor Conference Room Wednesday Vdlage Hall March 15, 2000 100 South Emerson Street 7 30 p m Mount Prospect, IL 60056 I CALL TO ORDER II ROLL CALL III APPROVAL OF MINUTES A March 1, 2000 IV SUBDIVISIONS None V OLD BUSINESS A Development Code Exceptions - St Raymond's Parish/301 S I-Oka VI NEW BUSINESS None VII COMMENTS/OTHER BUSINESS VIII ADJOURNMENT Any m&wdual who would bke to attend thts meeting, but because of a d~sabfl~ty needs some accommodatmn to participate, should contact the Commumty Development Department at 100 S Emerson, Mount Prospect, IL 60056, 847-392-6000, Ext. 5328, TDD #84%392-6064. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT PLAN COMMISSION March 1, 2000 CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Mount Prospect Plan Commlssmn was called to order by Chmrman Mmhael Zadel at 7 32 p m at the Village Hall, 100 South Emerson Street, Mount Prospect, Ilhno~s ROLL CALL: Present upon Roll Call: M~chacl Zadcl, Chmrman Antoinette Astre~des Gary Grouwlnk¢l (7 45 p m ) Edwin Janus Wllbam Reddy Carol Tortorello Absent: Frank Boege Lores Velasco Village StaffPresent: Michael Blue, AICP, Deputy Director of Commumty Development Judy Connolly, AICP, Planner M~sty Das, Planner Others in Attendance: Robert Bush Ed Dowhng Crmg Famsworth Tom George M~ke Hddebrant Mark Lattner Don McLean Jamce Stone Gerry Stone Ben Trapam Nancy Uxa APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chmrman Zadel opened the meehng and asked for comments on minutes from November 17, 1999 and December 1, 1999 As there were none, Bfll Reddy moved to approve the mmutes from November 17 and Carol Tortorello seconded the motion The mottoned carried 4-0 with M~chael Zadel abstmmng Tome Asteneds moved to approve the minutes from December 1, 1999 and Ed Janus seconded the motion The mohoned carned 4-0 w~th Ball Reddy abstaining SUBDIVISIONS: NONE OLD BUSINESS: NONE MOUNT PROSPECT PLAN COMMISSION Minutes of March 1, 2000 Meeting Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: Development Code Exceptions - St Raymond's Parish/301 S I-Oka Chairman Zadel introduced the first item of business and asked Judy Connolly to present an overview of the case, PC-01-2000 Ms Connolly said that St Raymond's Parish is m the process of expanding ~ts facthty and ~s subject to current code requirements She said the petitioner ~s ~n the initial stages of applying for a building permit and Is seeking relief from Development Code requirements for storm water detention and streethght ~nstallatlon Ms Connolly mmewed the storm water detention exception first She said that the Development Code recognizes St Raymond's proposed addition as a new development and reqmms detention for the whole site The petitlonar proposes to provide storm water detention for the new structures only The petitioner would like to modify the parking lot along Elmhurst Road/Route 83 so the parking lot will store water on-site and not increase the amount of discharge into the combined sewers She said that the project also presents the Village with an opportunity to ~ncorporate corridor ~mprovements along Elmhurst Road/Rt 83 The improvements could be a combination of landscaping and new fenmng to screen the parking lot and enhance the Rt 83 comdor She said a landscape easement along the east side of the parking lot was not required for approval of the storm water detention exception request but that the request would be m keeping with the proposed Corridor Guidelines She said that providing detention for the new impervious surface only would be consistent with previous projects that included expansion of an ex~stmg facility Therefore, staff recommends approval of the petitioner's request for an exception to the Development Code's storm water detention reqmmments Ms Connolly discussed the second part of the case, the petitioner's request to not install stmethghts, as is reqmred by the Development Code She said that the petitioner feels that them is sufficient lighting at the site now and does not want to ~nstall new lights Ms Connolly said that although the existing lighting Is consistent with the amount of lighting ~n the neighborhood, the source does not meet Development Code standards She said that the existing streethghts are on ComEd poles and on the petitioner's property According to the Development Code, the existing ComEd lights would be replaced with aluminum standard poles and would be placed at the intersections and mid-block where necessary Ms Connolly said that the current lighting soumes were on private property or owned by ComEd and that the VHlage could not guarantee that the light source would always be available She smd that the petitioners request does not meet the standards for a hardship and that granting the exception would be ~nconslstent with previous Village pohcy when other petitioner's sought relief from this requirement Therefore, staff recommends denial of the petitioner's request for an exception to Development Code requirements for streethghts At a minimum, the petitioner could record a covenant agreeing to pay for the installation and fixtures if the Village determines that streethghts are necessary Ms Connolly said that representatives from St Raymond's were ~n the audience to answer Plan Commission's questions and that Chuck Llndelof of the Village Engineering Division was also ~n attendance if the Plan Commission had questions about the storm water detention design The Plan Commission asked for clarification on the storm water detention design Mr Llndelof reviewed the Development Code regulations relevant to the project He said that increasing the amount of discharge to the Elmhurst Avenue sewer, decreasing the rate of discharge to the sewer from the parking lot, and stonng water in the parking lot, would not impact the overall sewer system Mr Lindelof smd that no more than eight inches of water would be stored in the "poohng-area" of the parking lot and that the proposed design meets code He said that the parking lot's current elevation changes appear mlmmal because the changes are spread over the MOUNT PROSPECT PLAN COMMISSION Minutes of March 1, 2000 Meeting Page 3 length of the parking lot and that the existing topography is conducive to the petitioner's proposal Plan Commission asked about the additional mn-offthat would result from increased ~mpervious surface at the church site m relation to a reductmn of green space Mr Llndelof said that there would be sufficient storage m the parking lot to off-set the additional run-off created by the new impervious surfaces Plan Commission asked about the impacts on the adjacent neighbors and smd they were concerned that the existing capacity of the I-Oka sewer, the sewer in closest proximity to the addition, may not adequately handle the addltmnal mn-off They smd they were concerned that the neighbors would get water on their property If the sewer backed up Mr Lmdelof said that past experience has shown that IDOT% sewer (in Route 83) which the I-Oka sewer empties into, has occasion to back-up However, the petitioner's design would not aggravate the situation The Plan Commission smd they were not comfortable making a dec,sion on the storm water detention exception without knowing the I-Oka Avenue sewer capacity and impacts on the nelghbormg properties from the additional mn-off m the church area As the petmoner's engineering representative d~d not have th~s information, there was discussion about researching the Plan Comm~ssmn's question and contlnmng the case to the next meeting Ben Trapanl explained the petitioner's tight t~metable and asked that, since the design was rewewed and approved by the Village's Eng~neenng D~vls~on, that the Plan Comm~ssion make a decision tomght The Plan Commassmn said that they needed more mformat~on about the sewer capacity to make a decision about the Development Code exception request and Bill Reddy moved to end the d~scuss~on at th~s time and to continue further discussmn of PC-01-2000 at the March 15, 2000 Plan Commission meeting Tome Astenedes seconded the motmn and the motion carried 6- 0 Mike Blue asked the Plan Commission ffthere were other questions or issues for the petitioner to research for the next meeting Chmrman Zadel polled the Plan Commission The capacity issue was the only issue that had to be researched for the next meeting, and the Plan Comm~ssion would be supportive of the petitioner recording a covenant to pay for the streethghts at a later date ffthe Village determined that the lights were necessary Corridor Design Gmdehnes - prehm~narg designs Chairman Zadel introduced the next item of bus~ness and asked Judy Connolly to summarize the status of the project Ms Connolly said that the Plan Commission toured the corridors with the consulting group, Wolff Clements & Assocmtes and Graf/X in early December Based on that tour and their own research, the consultants presented prehmlnary findings and corridor conditions at the January 25th Commlttee of the Whole meeting Mike Blue said the purpose of tonight's presentation was to g~ve the consultants feedback on their prehmlnary conceptual designs He said the consultants would rewse the concepts according to tonight's discussion Mr Blue smd that the Plan Commission was invited to the March 28th Committee of the Whole meeting and that the consultants would present concept designs for Village Board and Plan Commission review Frank Clements introduced h~s associates, Craig Farnsworth and Don McLean, of Graf/X Corporation Mr McLean presented preliminary s~gn and banner concepts He explained the thought process behind the designs and smd that colors In the s~gn could be modified He smd that the revised sign would have a greater emphasis on "Mount" to distinguish Mount Prospect from nelghbonng communities The Plan Commission said that they agreed with the threctlon of the concepts There was discussion that the "picture" bannem would be unique and help differentiate the village from other commumtles while promoting local activities and reflect the seasons or other events MOUNT PROSPECT PLAN COMMISSION Mmutes of March 1, 2000 Meeting Page 4 Mr Farnsworth presented information about the focus areas He said that the site in relation to entry/exa to the Village and the amount of space avmlable determines the level of ~mprovement In some areas there was mom space available and allowed for a more elaborate sign or gateway feature Mr Famsworth presented several locatmns for new s~gns and explained how ex~stlng sign locations could be modffied His presentation included examples of possible low-lying wall designs, landscaped areas, and improvements in the median The main idea was that the signs, enhancement features, and landscape would be different throughout the Village, depending upon the amount of land available, the topography of the area and the relationship to entry into the Village The improvements would be constructed of s~mllar materials or incorporate elements of the s~gn presented by Mr McLean Therefore, the Village had flexththty m making corridor improvements as budget constraints, redevelopment, or new businesses opportunities were presented, while stall implementing umfied corridor unprovements The Plan Commission agreed w~th the consultants' designs with m~nor changes and ideas for improvement to particular sites Sub-recipient Momtorln~ Plan (CDBG) Chairman Zadel asked Misty Das, Planner, to beg~n the discussion of the CDBG subrec~p~ent Monitoring Plan Ms Das explmned that the new moartormg plan entaded four different procedures The first was a monthly status report from each public service sub-remplent, that detailed program expenditures, number of partmlpants and accomplishments for that month Ms Das stated that all subrempients had submitted their status reports for January 2000 The second momtonng procedure would be a semi-annual site visit from staff Ms Das said that the first of the semi-annual staff site visits was scheduled for June, 2000 At that time, staff would compde a formal report for the Plan Commission, detailing findings from the visit as well as a form summarlmng the subrec~p~ents monthly status reports from the previous six months The third momtonng ws~t was a site wslt from the Plan Commission CDBG sub-committee, made up of Tome Astendes, Carol Tortorello, Bill Reddy and Gary Grouwinkel Ms Das asked that, after each site wsit, 'sub-commltteee members report the visit to staff in order to keep a log of the VlS~ts Tome Asterides verified she would momtor Camp Fire, Club RecPlex and Boy Scouts. and Carol Tortorello verified she would monitor Clayground and the Mentor Program Ed Janus asked to be relieved of momtonng Access to Care and Bill Reddy volunteered to take his place Gary Grouw~nkel volunteered to momtor Resources for Community L~vlng and the Resource Center for the Elderly Ms Das explained to Plan Commission members that the fourth monitoring procedure was a questionnaire for the recipients of pubhc service funding Th~s questlonnmre would be completed anonymously during staff's site wsit Bdl Reddy and Carol Tortorello asked that all applications and monthly status reports from each public service program also be sent to the appropriate CDBG sub-committee member COMMENTS AND OTHER BUSINESS: Michael Blue explained that HUD has just recently visited the Village for a monltormg visit due to the fact that the Vdlage had not been monitored by HUD ~n ten years The momtonng visit was successful and HUD representatives reported no negative findings, only suggestions about record keeping and file management Mr Bluc stated that HUD representatives had mqmred about attending a Plan Commission meeting in order to g~ve CDBG allocation suggestions Chmrman Zadel stated that Plan Commission would bc interested ~n ~nvitlng HUD representatives OUNT PROSPECT PLAN COMMISSION Minutes of March 1, 2000 Meeting Page 5 to a furore Plan Commission meeting and the matter would need to be d~scussed at a future meeting Mr Blue also d~strlbuted ~nfonnat~on and registration materials for Plan Commission trmmng bmng conducted by the local professional planners assomat~on Ed Janus moved to adjourn the meeting and Bill Reddy seconded the motion The motmn carried 6-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 9 57 p m Deputy D~rector of Commumty Development Ju~tl~ M ~2o'na/ol[~, XICP, Planner m~sty l~as; Planrie~/ - Mount Prospect Public Works Department 1700 W OentrsI Road, Mount Peospeoc IIIimo~s 6005~-2229 SAFETY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING LOCATION. MEETING DATE AND TIME. Pubhc Works Department Monday 1700 West Central Road March 13, 2000 Mount Prospect, Ilhnols 60056 7 30 p m Call to Order It Roll Call Ill Approval of Minutes IV Citizens to be Heard V Old Bus~ness VI New Business A Request for No Parking along the East S~de of Louis Street Opposite 214 N Lou~s Street B Request for No Parking along the North Side of Prospect Avenue between Kemlworth Avenue and Lancaster Street VII AdJournment NOTE: ANY INDIVIDUAL WHO WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THIS MEETING BUT BECAUSE OF A DISABILITY NEEDS SOME ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE SHOULD CONTACT THE VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE AT 100 SOUTH EMERSON STREET, MOUNT PROSPECT, 8471392-6000, EXTENSION 5327, TDD 847/392-6064 ******** TO ALL COMMISSION MEMBERS ******** ******** IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND THE SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING ******** ******** PLEASE CALL MATT LAWRIE 870-5640 IN ADVANCE ******** Recycled Paper Printed with Soy Ink