HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/09/1994 COW minutes MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AUGUST 9, 1994 ~ I. CALL TO ORDER The meebng was called to order by Mayor Gerald Farley at 7.43 p m. Present at the meebng were Trustees George Clowes, T~mothy Corcoran, R~chard Hendncks, Paul Hoefert, M~chaele Skowron and Irvana Wilks Also present at the meebng were V~llage Manager Michael Janonis, Assistant to the Village Manager Dawd Strahl, Finance D~rector David Jepson, Assistant F~nance D~rector Carol Widmer, Data Processing Programmer/Operator Kewn Cnswell and Adm~n~strabve Intern Cathleen Freels II. MINUTES Acceptance of the M~nutes from July 12, 1994 Motion was made by Trustee Corcoran and Seconded by Trustee Skowron to accept the Minutes Mmuteswere unanimously approved III. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Frank Vlasny, 2103 Jody Court, spoke. He questioned the Mayor as to why the Northwest Municipal Conference Mayors are getting together to put a Referendum on the November ballot to address State regulabons and restncbons placed on mun~c~pahties Mayor Farley responded that the Mayors were d~scussmg a Referendum for the November ballot as a tax issue concerning tax hmlts on non-home rule communities and hope to provide education to ~bzens concem~ng the Referendum in the near future Emle Lasse, of 805 Souttt Elm, spoke He wanted to d~scuss the V,Ilage Manager's salary increase which was approved at the last V~llage Board meebng ~ he unable to attend the last week He stated since was meeting that the Village Manager in one year and three months has received a rinse of $17,000, or 25%, and the staff has increased by the addition of an Assistant Village Manager at a cost of approximately $60,000 which includes benefits He asked why was the Board ~s approwng these large increases for the Vdlage Manager and increas~ng taxes and fees to the c~bzens at the same brae He feels the raise is too high IV. VILLAGE-WIDE COMPUTERIZATION PLAN Assistant to the Village Manager Dave Stmhl prowded a general overview of the computer goals which have been estabhshed by the Computer Task Force made up of Dawd Jepson, Carol Widmer, Kewn Criswell and Dave Strahl The focus of the general goals which were determined to prowde the tools for Departments to address management needs These goals increase the tlmehness of service, minimize or ehmmate paper handling/processing, ehmmate duphcat~ve work, share informatmn across d~fferent Departments and ~mprove mformabon accumulatmn w~thout Incurnng additional staff brae These goals were estabhshed to prowde general gu~dehnes for dlscuss;on relating to each Department as ~t becomes more computenzed in terms of operabons and work processes The need to accumulate and analyze ~nformabon w~ll be streamhned w~th~n each Department through the use of the five general goals as a reference tool so that any chosen d~rect~on of the d~fferent Departments w~ll acknowledge the goals The five general goals are broken down ~nto short-term, m~d-range and long-term goals w~th objectives or examples used to achieve each level of goals Dave Jepson prowded a general overview of specific Departmental objectives and what each computer module ~s intended to achieve As part of the review of the computer program for the V~llage, he stated the Project Team looked at numerous other mun~c~pahbes for a sample of their expenences and recommendabons relating to software and hardware. Among the ~tems reviewed was the range of prices and approaches the d~fferent munic~pahbes used to achieve their computerization goals Departmental benefits are d~rectly attnbuted to the software and ~ts ab[hty to address the general goals as outhned prewously For example, a work flow rewew will occur in Inspection Services and Human Services as necessary to achieve general computer goals and ~mprove Department efficiency. Mr. Jepson rewewed the b~d process for the V~llage Board members stabng that a Request for Proposal (RFP) of over 100 pages was submitted to approximately ten vendors Of the ten vendors, five returned b~ds. He also stated that he requested ~n the proposal that all software vendors recommend the hardware to be used Th~s approach ~s somewhat d~fferent from prewous computerization programs ~n which the hardware was purchased first and then the software General d~scuss~on among the Board members followed ~n which employee user groups were suggested to be encouraged and the staff was also encouraged to make sure the hardware ~s s~zed to run properly ~f it is necessary to run parallel and oversize the hardware for future growth Board members also recommended the use of electromc ma~l and p~cture ~dent~ficat~on cards for employees General consensus of the Village Board was to move forward with the proposal as presented. V. FINANCIAL CONDITION Mayor Farley introduced the topic of the Village Financ~al Cond~bon and stated that it ~s Village Board pohcy to have a snapshot of the finan=al conditmn of the Village periodically This is a prehmmary rewew prior to the full s~x-month review which will take place m the next couple of months Dave Jepson provided an overview of the finances, outhned historical trends, today's cond~bon and projected future trends He also discussed the vanous Funds and the funding level of each Fund He also prowded an overview of the Fund balances in the various schedules He pointed out that he projects an approximate $400,000 deficit for the short budget year primarily because we will only receive one installment of the Property Tax dunng the short budget year. He also pointed out the future ~mpact of the new Revenues which the Village Board recently approved and stated, the Village is in a much stronger financial pos~bon than two years ago General V~llage Board dlscussmn followed Members stated that this recap is one of the better financial p~ctures they have seen in at least three years. The d~scusslon also asked what is the plan for Parking Fund surplus funds and suggested these funds be used for addressing downtown parking needs This financial snapshot Is for Information only and additional Information will be provided at the slx-moth budget review. VI. REVIEW OF THE VILLAGE PURCHASING POLICY Dave Jepson stated the V~llage uses a decentrahzed purchasing system which is also the trend in other mun;c;pahtles ~n the field of purchasing In a decentrahzed system, Department Heads have the respons~b~hty for purchas;ng ~tems specific to their operations and there is general management oversight by the F~nance Director and the Village Manager. He provided an overview of the nine specific pohc~es for purchasing which all V~llage purchases must fall under The document that ~s presented is an illustrat~on of what is already occumng among the Village Departments and the written document w~ll serve as a guide for purchases in the future There are three proposed changes outhned in the Purchasing Policy They are as follows: 1. Increase in the V~ilage Manager's authonty to purchase ~tems w~thout a formal b~ddmg process for $10,000 or less instead of the current $4,000 or less The consensus of the Village Board was to support the change. 3 2. Ehm~nate the bidding requirement for joint purchases with other ent~bes ~f the entity the V~llage is coordinating with conducted a compebtive bidding process Consensus of the Village Board was to support the change. 3 To authorize the disposal of goods w~th a value of $100 or less on an informal sale bas~s rather than a formal b~d process General consensus of the Village Board was to support this change. Add~bonal d~scuss~on of the V~llage Board members included suggestions to include standard bid (RFP) ~nformatlon for each Department to standardize the ~nformabon which goes out for request. A breakdown of the d~fferent types of Purchase Orders on the bill hst, for example, blanket P Os and then the descnptlons of the purchases Members also requested vehicle purchase ~nformabon and other compansons for larger purchases use spreadsheets for comparisons in order for V~llage Board members to more easily see the comparisons Finally, the V~llage Code should be revised to address purchasing respons~b~hties for the Finance Director and other members of staff in relation to what is actually occurring compared to what the Code reads at th~s bme General consensus of the Board was to approve the Purchasing Policy as outlined with the recommendations requested and to draft the Ordinance making these changes. VII. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT No report VIII. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Wilks stated that she received a call from a Mr Fefferman from American Truck Care Company. Amencan Truck Care had requested a Zomng change at the Mobil Tank Farm s~te on the south end of town for a truck repair fac~hty He ~nformed Trustee Wilks that Mobil has requested American Truck Care to w~thdraw its request for reconsiderabon at th~s t~me Trustee Clowes stated he has concerns relabng to Senate Bill 1822 which ~s currently before Congress and feels that the leg~slation could be detrimental to the control of the V~llage's nght-of-way relative to cable and telephone companies Trustee Hendrtcks stated that he would request recons~derabon of the V~llage Board approval to sell water to Prospect Heights for their new Pohce fac~hty at the next Village Board meeting X. ADJOURNMENT The Committee of the Whole meeting adjourned into Executive Session at 1030 pm Respectfully submitted, DAVID STRAHL DS/rcc Assistant to the V~llage Manager