HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 03-86 01/21/1986 RESOLUTION NO. ~-Rh A RESOLUTION APPROVING OF THE INFLOW/INFILTRATION CORRECTIVE ACTION PROGRAM OF THE METROPOLITAN SANITARY DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO WHEREAS, the Village of Mount Prospect has cooperated with the Northwest Municipal Conference and the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago to address the problems of water pollution and flooding; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago and the municipalities of the Northwest Municipal Conference have been working to develop a mutually acceptable cost effective program for assessing and correcting the problems of inflow/infiltration into the Sanitary Sewer System; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago and the Northwest Municipal Conference on behalf of it membership has negotiated such a mutually acceptable program that provides for a process of determining acceptable levels of inflow/infiltration and the extent of mandated remedial measures; and WHEREAS, this program entitled Inflow/Infiltration Corrective Action Program (attached hereto) will provide for the process which will determine a new standard which will supersede previous standards of the District with relation to inflow/infiltration; and WHEREAS, the Northwest Municipal Conference has recommended approval of the aforementioned agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That the ~Sewer Summit Agreement by the Metropofffãn Sanitary District of Greater Chicago and Tributary Communities" ("Agreement"), a copy of which is attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof, is hereby approved. SECTION TWO: That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the Secretary of the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago and the Northwest Municipal Conference. SECTION THREE: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: Arthur, Farley, Floras, Murauskis, Van Geem, Wattenberg NAYS: None ABSENT: None PASSED and APPROVED this 21st day of January , 1986. /1 / r l7 ¡ ¡ I j l.-t2't.¿ki.:!~ t\f ft-14....:.Æ<;¿,,-_- -C--arolyn-~. Krause Mayor .¿~¿ hd~ Village Clerk SEWER SUMMIT AGREEMENT BY Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago and Tributary Communities - September, 1985 f, -i"" ......) i-.. "'".---' - "-' . , . \ c' . ; .." , . " ~ ,- I. General Scope of Agreement This Agreement addresses resolution of infiltration/inflow (III) issues relating to separate sanitary sewers in the service area of the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago (MSDGC)~ Ail parties agree that removal of excessive III from sanitary sewers is consistent with an effective regional program for control of water pollution and sewage backup in the MSDGC service area. . Furthermore, this correctfve action must be undertaken in a manner which addresses federal, state. and local concerns. The goals of this regional program are as foliows: Is Prevention of water pollution; and . 20 Elimination of basement sewage backups and adverse surcharging conditions that cause hea1th hazards and financia1 losseso -. The parties recognize that the timeframes for achievement of these goais differo The first goal represents an aim which is driven . by requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act, as well as related State and MSDGC mandates.. The second goal represents the need for a phased program to accommodate State and MSDGC mandates~ z II. Compliance Strategies Ae Regulated Entities - As used herein. the term "tributary communities. shall include municipalities, townships, private utility companies. school and sanitary districts, and any other entity whicho~'ns and operates sanitary sewer systems which are tributary to the MSDGC system.. Bo> MSDGC Comp)1ance Criteria 0» The MSDGC has established as standard criteria that: (1) average daily wet weather flow snail not exéeed 150 gpcpd; (2) basement sewage backups shall be eliminated; and (3) adverse surcharging shalt be eliminated. These criteria represent the most stringent . requirements that will be enforced for correction of excessive III from sanitary sewèrs which are t,ributary to the MSDGC. However, a tributary colmlunity may el ect tó'" pursue an at ter- . native 181/1 Corrective Action Program {ICAP)M, based upon a cost-effectiveness analysis, in which case these standard c ri te ri a may not be appli cab 1 e * .- J c. ¡CAP Alternative - This course-or-action represents a strategy for incremental correction of excesssive III determined from. a cost-effectiveness analysis~ A tributary colTmunity must submit a formal, ras01 ution to the MSDGC by March 1 II 1986 in order to participate in the rCAp alternative" Sub- mission of this resolution serves to supercede the prior . resoiution whfch was provided in response to previous action to enforce the criteria referenced in B above& Once this action is taken, a tributary cotmlunity must complete a series of camp Hance actions, in a timely manner, as specified by the timeframes set forth within thi s Agreement& IH. I CAP Development Ao Tributarycomunities must complete. Sewer System Evaluation Studies' (SSES) as SOon as possible, but no:later than Janu- °ary 1. 1987.. The performance standards for such wcrk win be pursuant to USEPA regu1ations!guidance (40 CFR 35~2120t Construction Grants, 1985h MSDGC and the Illinois EPA will cooperatein.~he development and review of this work$ including providing the appropriate cost information for transport and treatment of excess flows~ Within a basin context, costs for transport ~nd treatment for the communities to the respective treatment plant will be based on realistic flow projections.. Existing transport and treatment capacity c.. D. 4 designed and intended for future population and develop- ment cannot. for the purpose of this cost-analysis and plan- ning, be used to accorrrnodate excessive III. B. Tributary communities must complete a design for public sector work identified in the SSES, as soon as possible. but no later than January 1.1988. Such design will. at a minimum, provide for corrective actions which are con- sistent with the USEPA definition of .cost-effectiveness. for removal of excessive III. Such work will include a proposed timely and reasonaMeimplementation sèhedule and funding arrangements which are appropriate for the circum- stances.. All des!gns will be subject to review and approval by the MSDGC and. if necessary. the Illinois EPA.. A program for the cost-effective correctio-ìf of private sources .of III must be initiated concurrent with the design work in B above. After January 1, 1987t the MSDGC will conduct a basin-by-basin analysis of the pctent1a1. cumulative effect of the corrective actions identified by the completed SSES studies. It is . . recognized and understood that where studies have. not been completed in a timely manner, then worst case assumptions 5 may be made with respect to flows in order to complete the basin-by-basin analysis.. Thi.s anaiysis wi11 correlate III removal projections to assess the impact on transport and treatment capacities.. TIrfs analysis may identify continuing concerns relative to the goals in Section I that willneces- sitate consideration of further corrective actions for par- titular basins or sub-basins.. E" An ICAP Technical Panel will be established by January li 1986.. This Panel win act in an advisory capacity and will be composed of appropriate elec.ted officia15and other repre- sentatives from the tributary cOlmlunitiess and the MSDGC. . The 111100'15 £PA and the USEPA may participate as observers.. The Panel will be given the following duties and assignments: (1) develop, by March 1,1986, recommendations regarding thec9mponents used to compute transport and treatment cost; 0 (2) review and comment upon by March 1,1986, flow metering criteria used to evaluate III; (3) develop, by January Is 1987, guidelines for the long-terms operation and maintenance of sanitary sewer -systems in th MSDGC service area; and (4) re.view and corrment upon the basin analyses prepared pursuant to D above.. With regard to item (1) and related cost-effectiveness analyses, the 1111no15 EPAanå the USEPA will continue to serve as the final approval authority for specific community projects. . IV. 6 F. The MSDGC will prepare and distribute a semi-annual status report regarding progress made by the tributary communities. This report will include a summary of any enforcement 'actions taken by the District. ICAP Implementation A. Tributary cofmlunities wnl "start- implementation of cor- rective actions designed pursuant to Section III B as soon as possible, but no later than July It 1988. Each tributary community wfllsubmit to the HSDGC a reasonable, mutually agreeable comp~iance schedule together with a final comple~ tic" date based upon the nature of the corrective work to be performed and the funding mechanisms to be utilized. Such agreement will be formally codified in an enforceable - manner, and 'will incorporate the program in Section IIIC together with a program for long-term operation and maintenance of the communities' sewer systems. B. - After July 1,1988, the MSDGC will initiate action to address any continuing concerns identified pursuant to Section III D~ For each such instance, the MSDGC will convene a "Sewer S~stem Compliance Conference- which will include appropriate tributary communities, the Illinois EPA and the USEPA. Each Conference will discuss the, nature of the continuing v. 7 concern and 'any practicable additional corrective action, including innovative mitigation measures. Each tributary community will evaluate and formally comment ~pcn the engineer- ing and economic feasibility of, and timeframe for achieving compliance with any additional corrective work~ - As soon as possible, but not later than one year after convening a Conference, the MSDGC will adopt a final compliance program which will be applicable',after the completion of the corrective work implemented pursuant to subsection A above. In no instance, howevert witl any final corrective work be beyond that which would be necessary to comply with Section II as Cs The MSDGC will prepare and distribute a semi-annual status report regarding progress made by the communitiess This report will include a summary of any enforcement actions taken by the Districte Special Compliance Considerations Ae Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections III and IV~ those tributary communities shown in Attachment 1 are considered to be in comp1fance with I/I removal provisions and need not complete a new or revised SSES. Specificaììy~ this 8 determinatiòn is based upon the MSDGC criteria of 150 gpcpd and prevention of basement flooding. Such listed communities, however, must still comply with an acc~ptable long-term operation and maintenance program. B. Those tributary communities, which as of the date of this agreement anticipate meeting the MSDGC criteria, may proceed to meet the requisite burden of. proof in an expeditious manner. These tributary communities must evaluate the results with respect to the MSDGC criteria of 150 gpcpd and preven- tion of basement flooding. If compliance is demonstrated to the satisfaction 'of the MSDGC before July 1,1986. then . these communities will have completed their corrective programs. If compliance is not achieved, then these corrmunities must , complete an up-dated SSES by no later than January 1,1987, and necessary designs by no later than January 1.1988. "Finally, these communities must also comply with Section IV. VI* Evaluation of Impacts from Residual Flow A. The MSDGC. in cooperation with the communities and the Illinois EPA. will plan:for and initiate a special study of the impacts ot "residual- III remaining in the separate sewer systems. 9 This study.will begin in the Spring of 1987 and continue for the period of time necessary to adequately characterize the impacts in areas where corrective actions have been impiementedo Wherever appropriate, this study will also evaluate the feasibility of implementing further site-specific mitigation measures, such as off-linet temporary storage. 80 The results of this special study may be utilized for the Conferences convened pursuant to Section IV B, and for con- sideration of any refin~~ents which may be appropriate in State regu1ations as they affect the service area of the MSDGCo In addition, the Illinois EPA will consult with the USEPA and resolve matters relating to federal rules, regulations and grant ~onditfons applicable to the MSDGC~ VII~ Execution of Agreement Ae B.. By signature hereto, the parties representing the HSewer SummitU confirm their commitment to the implementation of this Agreement.. The MSDGC will expeditiously incorporate the substance of this Agreement lnt~ the Manual of Procedures for the Imple- mentation of the Sewer Permit Ordinance by January 1,19860 10 this Agreement into the Manual of Procedures for the Implementation of the Sewer Permit Ordinance by January 1, 1986. Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago ATTEST: By: Date: Village of Mount Prospect ATTEST: ¿¿¿~ By: t~/~ /I k:~ Carolyn H. Krause, Mayor Date: ~ ß¿ FIr'€' (Seal)