HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/12/1996 COW minutes MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MARCH 12, 1996 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Fadey, called the meet, ng to order at 7.32 p m Present at the meeting were Trustees George Clowes, T~mothy Corcoran, R~chard Hendncks, Paul Hoefert, M~el~aele Skowron and Irvana ~lks Also present were Vdlage Manager M,chael Janoms, Assistant Vdlage Manager David Strahl, F,re Chief Edward Cavello, Pohce Chmf Ronald Pavlock, F,nance D,rector Dawd Jepson, Deputy F,re Chief Steve Dumov,ch, Pohce Sergeant Kev, n Condon, Pubhc Works D,rector Glen Andler and Doug Edmonds, Executive D,rector of Northwest Central D,spatch MINUTES Acceptance of M,nutes from January 23, 1996 Mobon made by Trustee Clowes and Seconded by Trustee Wilks M,nutes were accepted unammously. M,nutes of February 13, 1996. Mot,on made by Trustee Wilks and Seconded by Trustee Hoefert Trustee Clowes requested a mod,ficabon to h~s comments on page two M~nutes were approved w~th rev, s,on. Mayor Farley abstained. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD None ~ IV. NORTHWEST CENTRAL DISPATCH-RADIO SYSTEM Village Manager Michael Janonls stated that the meeting tonight was ong~nally scheduled to d~scuss commercial vehicles, however, the d~scusslon on the Northwest Central Dispatch System was moved up because of an impending deadhne for a request for frequencies apphcation which is due by the end of the month Mount Prospect was an original member of the Dispatch System ~n 1972 with the V~llages of Arlington Heights and Elk Grove S~nce then, the Vdlages of Buffalo Grove, Palabne and the C~ty of Prospect Heights have joined In 1991, the D~spatch System went on hne w~th Enhanced 9-1-1 Emergency Call;ng System Today, the D~spatch System handles all Police and Fire calls for all member communities For the past several years, Northwest Central D~spatch has been studying modifications to the current System-w~de radio ~nfrastructure utilized by the participating commumties A number of factors has been guiding th~s review Two of the most important being steadily deteriorating System capa~ty on the Pohce side of the system and certain regulatory changes mandated by the Federal Commumcat~ons Commiss~on affecting the number and s~ze of the band-width frequencies Needless to say, an upgrading of the ~nfrastructure system is a major undertaking both from a technological standpoint as well as monetanly The conclusion that was amved at through d~scusslons of the Board members of the D~spatch System was the consideration of an 800 MHz trunk radio system with 11 channels However, ~n order to even consider the system further, the frequency ~tself has to be reserved by the end of the month through an appllcabon to the FCC There is no guarantee from the FCC that this frequency wdl be avadable in the future nor ~s it reserved for Police and F~re use in companson w~th a pnvate entity Sergeant Kevin Condon prowded a general overview of the current system and a h~story of the volume of calls which is currently handled by the system He also provided a summary of penods where the air is held for emergencies in the various commumtles VVhen the a~r ~s held for an emergency, all other communlbes which may be using that frequency are automatically moved to another frequency which does have other users on that frequency already, therefore, the frequency becomes very crowded w~th traffic He also stated that there have been ~dentified dead spots in various communities with the radio system ~tself He stated that congestion of traffic on the system, interference and coverage remain ~ssues which should be addressed and have only gotten worse over time due to hm~tabons of the technology Doug Edmonds, Executive Director for Northwest Central Dispatch, spoke. He stated this system in place ,s v;rtualiy the same as was put into place in 1972 It ~s quite aged and has become a fragmented system due to attempts to band-aid the system to keep it operational He stated that much of the t~me is spent addressing ongoing problems that occur such as the ones outlined by Sergeant Condon. He stated the origina~ system has served ~ts purpose well, however, its shortcomings are much more pronounced than m prewous years due to the volumes of traffic and other problems He stated the impend,ng need to file by the March 31 deadline is because the frequency may not be available at the next fihng in October of 1996. A review by a consultant has also supported the need for the upgrade to the 800 MHz system because of ~ts proven technology and it is used by other towns sucoessfully. He stated the recommended funding option to finance the system upgrade is to ,ncrease the telephone hne surcharge from $ 30 to $ 75 per line He stated that $ 75 was originally approved by Referendum but the communities chose to only charge $ 30 He stated that the $ 30 charge is significantly lower than other area systems and the increase to $ 75 per i~ne would be comparable and, ~n some cases, still less than many other system charges Village Manager Janonis stated that the other Village and City Managers of the member commumtles are the Board of Directors and they have been working with the techmcal staff to review the system and look at different opt;ons thoroughly over a long period of t~me Doug Edmonds stated that Buffalo Grove and Arlington Heights are on one frequency, Mount Prospect, Elk Grove Village and Prospect Heights are on another frequency The commumtles are separated into the frequen=es based on cumulative population totals He stated that system w~ll conbnue to have problems and could put Officers at nsk and create unacceptable consequences ~f ~t is allowed to continue ~n ~ts current fashion General comments of the Board members ~ncluded the following items Some Board members expressed a concern that such a large expenditure should have been discussed previously There was also concern that bnnging th~s for d~scusslon with the strict t~me frames which have been outhned puts the Board in a d~fficult position There was also concern that a rewew of vanous options should be provided to the Village Board and background ~nformat~on concerning the justification for the competitive b~ddlng process to be by-passed ~n th~s instance There was also additional ~nformation provided to the Board members concerning technical aspects of the recommended system Also, a descnpbon of the ,mpact upon the system if only some of the current participants approve the upgrade was outlined Discussion also centered on what exactly was needed from the V~llage Board at this meeting in terms of commitment for future consideration of spending the dollars to upgrade the system Finally, Board members requested additional history of data requests and demands on the system along w~th projected growth factors and a breakdown of all costs associated with the current system and possible upgrades A detailed cost/benefit rewew should be prowded to Board members for consideration Th~s cost/benefit analys~s would be reflective of each available vendor Doug Edmonds responded to many of the concerns of the Board members He also stated that ~t is unhkely that they w~ll be able to reserve 11 channel frequen~es ~n the future if they do not apply in th~s round He stated the reason that Motorola ~s the most hkely vendor is that other systems are proprietary and Motorola offers the best system available and has proven technology. Furthermore. the Dispatch System has already invested ~n new Motorola consoles which may not be compatible w~th other vendors The consultant and vendor are m the process of deslgmng the new system, therefore, it is unhkely that there w~ll be any mcompat, b~hty problems He also stated that if some towns do not approve the upgrade, there would be the requirement to devote s~ngle d~spatchers to ~nd~wdual towns ut~hzlng the old systems, thereby, costs would undoubtedly increase for the service By filing the applicat~on, municipalities are not obligated to fund the new system, however, there ~s a t~me frame that ~s established which a funding commitment must be demonstrated or the FCC w~ll reallocate the frequency that was reserved to someone else Consensus of the Village Board was to par'dcipate in the application process. Board members also undemtand that the application process may obligate them for future funding, however, a final decision on the funding will not be made until a later date. Trustee Hendricks abstained fTom the consensus due to a professional relationship with Motorola. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DEFERRED ITEMS REVIEW Manager Janonls stated that he would request the Board prioritize Committee of the Whole top~cs and he wanted to set up a system which would be used to put items upon the hst from the V~llage Board His goal this evening is to get consensus of the Board as to which topics should be on the list or taken off the hst A summary of the Comm;ttee of the Whole top~cs was prowded as follows Commercial Vehicles Discussion Weller Creek Bank Stab~hzat~on Busse Road Widemng Refuse/SWANCC - Two Can L~mit D~scuss~on Downtown/V~llage Hall Status S~x Month Budget Revmw/Pre-Budget Workshops Wisconsin Central D~scuss~on Emergency Preparedness D~scuss~on C~t~zen Services Survey Carbon Monoxide Detectors S~gns ~n the R~ghts-of-Way Downtown Redevelopment Rewew of Chapter 5 of the Mumc~pal Code - Boards/Commissions Open Meetings Saturday Workshop Roberts Rules of Order Parhamentary Procedure Workshop Mayoral Veto GIS Presentation Camp McDonald Improvement/Junsd~ct~onal Transfer D~scussion Seminole Road Jurisdictional Transfer D~scuss~on and Improvements General D~scuss~on on Jurisdictional Transfer of V~llage Streets Vehicle Maintenance Replacement Program V~llage Street Improvement Program Tenth Amendment Issues-Unfunded Mandate Resolution at the Federal Level Towing Contract D~scuss~on Annexation Opportunities Density/Redevelopment Opportumt~es Rewew of Gang Suppression Ordinance Pohce Traffic Unit Discussion Consensus of the Village Board was to request staff take the items off of this list which are already scheduled or are subjects which are part of the normal annual course of business. Such Items would include the Budget Hearings and the Six Month Financial Review, etc. Staff is to provide a revised list to Board members for their review. Board members will have the number of votes equal to the number of items remaining on the list. Therefore, Board members may use any combination of votes to weigh topics they feel should be discussed. Once the Board members have voted on the topics, the list will again be provided to the Village staff for a summary list and red;s~buted to Board members for further discussion. VI. MANAGER'S REPORT Manager Janonis reminded the V;llage Board and the pubhc that the Maroh 19 Board meeting ~s changed to March 20 due to the Pnmary Elect~on taking place on March 19 VII. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Skowron prowded a follow-up on the PaH~amentary Procedure question which arose the week before She stated that it was her understanding there is no permission requirement,necessary from the person that made an original motion in order for the original motion to be amended Trustee Wilks stated that even though there is no need for permission from the original person making the original mobon, ~t would be a courtesy which had been granted ~n the past for amendments to mobons Trustee Clowes requested consideration in the future that a mobon to adjourn procedure be ~mplemented instead of the chair determlmng when to adjourn VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adJourned at 10 21 p m Respectfully submitted, DAVID STRAHL DS/fcc Assistant V~llage Manager