HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/24/1997 COW minutes~ , ' :~' ~ "~ MINUTES : ' ~' * ~ ~ ' ~' ';coMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JUNE 24, 1997 ORDER ~'~ : ~' Mayor Farley called the meeting to orde~ at 6:30 p.m., P~e~ent 'at the meeting were: Trustees George CI0wes, Paul H0efed,, Richard Lohrstoffer, Daniel Nocchi and ~m~na ~ks.~Tmstoo Cor~mn a~ivod at 8:00 p.m% 8taffpmsont includod Vi~la~o Mana~or, Mich~ 3anonis, ~Assist~nt Vill~ Mann,or DaVid 8trahl, Finan~ ~iroetor ~rian Cap~t°, P01ico Chief ~onald Pavlock, Fifo ~ub~ic Works ~imctor Glen Andlor, ~ssistant Finan~ ~iroetor Garol Wi0m~r, Dopu~ Public Wo~s Dim~0r 8o~n Dors~y, ¢oputy ~oli~ Chief Ron Richardson, O ~oputy Fifo chiof Mik~ Fi~ lab ~nd Cablo Production Coo?din~tor ~oss Row~. MINUTES Approva! of Minutes of May 27, 1997.' Moti°n~made by Trustee Corcoran and Se~nded by Trustee Hoefe~"to approVe the Minutes. 'Trustee cor~ran requested some additional re~isi~n~ to the Minutes regarding the Rand Road Corridor Study tone. He requested the Minutes be changed t° reflect the fact that it is a shared Corridor be~een ~esidential and commercial. Village Board members agreed to roviso th~ .language. The lan~ua~ sh°ul0 mfloet,the, fa~t that any type.of d~wloPment ?should not advors~ly impact~ fha rosid~n~s ~lon~ tho Corri0or or ~rosid~nts fivin~ near th~Corridor.~ ~ Minutes. w0[e~ ~ ~ap~r0v0d~ . ~ith~ _..the~ rovision. Approval of Minutes Of june~lO ~1 , , 997. Motion~ made by Trdstee Wilks and 8omndod by Trust~o ~o~hi.' Chamber r0quosted ~rian WoinB~r~. Minutos warn approvod with th~ revision as mqu~stod by tho BE HEARD ~ ~ CITIZENS TO ~998-2002 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ~a~or Fafle~ oponed th~ discussion by statin~ that th~ ~pital itoms listo~ in this ropo~ should bo considered as 'wish-list' itoms and aro only intended to provido prior information to th~ Vill~o Board members in ~nsi0oration for future annual ~ud~ot Haarin~s. He stated that this is lust an outline of staff has identified which tho Villa~o ~oard should ~nsid~r in th~ future. Village Manager Michael Janonis stated that this is the Village's first five-year CIP Program and it is geared toward large project needs in the future and is intended to forewarn the Board of projects in the future and to point to possible funding options if the Board desires to move forward with such a project. Mr. Janonis wanted to thank Finance Director Briai'i Caput0 and his staff for the effort in putting together the CIP booklet., He stated that there would be a comprehensive review on a rolling five-year period. Therefore, next year, he would expect to bring forward to the Board for their review a five-year CIP Program for the years 1999-2003. While the overall total cost of all the CIP projects is approximately $51 million, 34% of the project costs account for ongoing items including street reconstructior~ and ,TIF. items ;which are already funded by a funding source. Some items have been identified Which do not ha~,e a funding so~ce Or have a fUndin~ sburce which has not been directed by th~ Village Board to date:' He'~exp~cts that the ClP project will evolve 0~ver time to be' more of a comprehensive informational tool for the future. He w~nted the stress the fact that the mere:inclusi0'n' of the ~projeCt in the CIP .prggram~?es nbt necessary mean that the prOject has been 'appr(~ved nor is it h~pl ~'a pr~oposal at t~is time~~ It just lets the necessary to'co ete disCUssion on su Board know that this~ oj pr ect is on the horizon for future consideration. Finance Director Brian Caputo provided a general definition of what the ClP program is and how projects were determined to be included.'~ He stated that pur~ch~ases, of a useful life of more than one year and which cost more than $25,000 were generally ir~d, luded in the C!P budget. He'stated that ~ne~v vehicles are part of /'-"~ ~the Vehicle replacement fund and those are scheduled'replacement~'which would ~not be i~icluded.~ He provided ~an 'overview of:hbW the document is laid out r gard!ng whether thee item is a new iterh or an existing item Which the Board has previously approv&d for ·,funding. He sta~ed that additional~ attentibn should be directed toward th'e items listed for-the 1998 fiscal year~ because those items will ,show Up as part bf the- 199~ Budget process disCUssiorii- He Stated that he and staff members attempted to identifyI the Source of thb funds for~ the project wherever possi,ble and some projects may have multiple funding sources. Of course, the ~,,Village B~ai'd retains final authority to det,er:mine the fundingsource once a project is. apprOved "'~ ' ' ~ ..... '": ..-~ Cable Production Coordinator Ross Rowe provided a general'~verview of the item he is requesting through the Communications Division. He is requesting an off-line digital editing system because .,'his curTent posS.-production s~stem is CUn'ently eight years old and it has a useful life of approximately five years. He is requesting the item be replaced in two years. ~ i; General comments by Village Board members in~ludeci thefollowing items: Tl~ere ~v~s g~e~eral discussion relating to the age' of some of the equipment that the CommuniCations Divisi~)n cu~ently uses to broadcast meetings and programming. There was also Some discussion as t© fu{ure FCC regulations and their impact upon the cable television broadcasting 'programs through the Village channel. There was also some discussion as to the possibility of includ!ng the Channel 6 programming On ~a I~cal dj p~rsonal satelli~ dish. ~ :'~' Police Items: ~ ~' ~' ~ Police Chief Ror~ld Ribhardson pro~,ided a general overview of the items requested bythe police Dep~rtment.~ T~hese items included a Mobile Data Terminal (MDTs) r~pl~cement progi'am. 'He ~st~ted ~the MDTs were installed in 1982 in an effort to reduce radio traffic. 'At that t~me, their useful hfe was 5-7 years and at th~s tithe, theylar~e Still uSingti~e; ~ame'.terminals. Breakdowns have become very ~requent andparts are bec0mingm0re and more difficult to obtain. 'He stated a new product line has ~been. announced in the last week which would provide a Laptop workstation which is in the process of being field tested for Officer use. He expects this new system to become available in September of 1997 and he would request approximately $45,000 per year to fund replacement of all the appropriate MDT terminals over the next five years. He stated that all Northwest Central Dispatch towns ~will be involved in the pu~rchase in order to save monies through a group purchase: ' ~ '~"~ ~ F,nance Dire&to;Brian' Caput~J'st~ied thee appropriate f~nding source would be through th~ 'E-911 sYste~ if the 'sYstem-wide' implementation takes place. Otherwise,'tl'{e Board would need to ~onSider whether to change the surcharge for Mount Prospec( residents ~)nly to fund this replabement. Deputy ~Chief Richardson' stated that the new laptop Computers being proposed . Would'~ali0w Officers tobe more effi~,ient in the car and allow,them to write reports ~directly. from the ~vel'iicle.~ An0th~r: 'item~ he is requesting is the live-scan finger, printing Which would be combined with the digital mug shot technoldgy. He stated,that the Police~ Department has received Grant approval from the Federal govemrr{ent to assist in financing this. project. He also stated thb. t the Court systems are in the process of requiring this technology use as part of the cases. He stated ,, that the funding responsibility would be~ approxihiately 25% of the entire project for ,, the ~.~llage. Such technology would allow much faster Searches and processing of ~,suspects. He stated the equipment hoSt woUld be approximately $25,000 for the Village with approximately $8,000 of annual maintenance for~the program. He also stated that the cc~st may vary dependir~g 'on the respOnse,to the RFP which is currently ~bei.ng drafted through the County. Another item which,he is requesting i,s, photo lab equipment..~ He stated this equipment ,is ~being requested because of the'p,ossibilit~"i6f 'photO-developing ~ technology changes which would requi're additional Work'in-h0use'instead of using the DesPlaines Police Department for this activ The final item he is requesting considerate.on for ~s m ,cords imaging equipment. This would allow for imaging of paper copies of records and would improve the retrieval of the vast records the Police Department maintains. ~',:, General discussion by the Village Board members included the following items: rSome members asked the purpose p,f the system change from MDTs to laptops and Id WoA f0~'the'~llage Th ~a~s ~ls~) some discussion ~. how the applicability w0u .' ere~ ~,as to ~the ,rationale behind using E-911 surcharge monies for~ replacement of the laptops. There was,some discussioh a~ t~ how th6 new"equ, ipment would interact ~ ~with thecomputer equipment currehtli/'uSed ~by thee~ Police Department. There was also extensive discussion "regarding the funding requir:eme~ht Of the Village for the "live-scan digital mug-shot tech~,nBIogy.' ..... ~, ~/,~. Fire Department reques, : ~., ~ ,,,., ,, Fire Chief Cavello provided a'gen~ra"l" ~ '~:' ~ v: overview of the item's tl~e'' Fire Department is requesting and stated that they are in the process of rewew~ng all alternative '? funding sources to obtain possible funding for these items. The first item they are requesting is the replacement 0fIh~tUrn:ou{ gear Worn ~y F!r~efighters. He stated .~', ~ that the coat and:pants are S~t:i~duled for repJAcem~nt 6f'ten: sets annually, therefore, such a.replacement ~ch~dule~ ~v0uld be fun~l~d e~ year. ;;;, Deputy ChiefFigolah outlined the,request for funding to complete the Village .~'training room at the Police,and ~Fire training room. 'He stated that this original ' proposal .was included as part:oflhe building program for the~bu~ld~ng but was ..... , removed due to funding Concerns at that 'time.~..Ther(?a~'e funds'remaining in the General Building .Fund which w0bld cover these imProvemehts, to the room which ,~/~;would allow, extensive use for training purposes for not'only Police and Fire but , ~other'Village services.,· . 'Deput~/~ Chief Figolah~ also ou{lined the. proposal for an .'apparatus ~data-link. He described,tl'iis, li,nk as vehj similar to the Police MDT ~request which,would incJude information for pr~plans fo~.ii,ndividual buildings ~throughout the Village' and. H~;;Mat~details fo~ these 'buildings: There is a vast ...... amount of information that !s currently maintained on p.aPer records which would be ::::'~. ,~transferred to these apparatus data link devices. Chief Cavello outlined the propOsal for' Station' improvemer~t~ ih anticipation of female Firefighters being hired in the near future. These improvements would be at Stations 12 and 14. General comments by Village Board members included the following items: ,. 4 Th~re'w~s a general discussion regarding the items which were anticipated for the Village training room and the uses which would be anticipated for the room. There was alsoldi§cussion~egarding the turn-out gear and the possible savings of joint purchases with other. Departments. Some-Board ~members asked additional questions regarding the apparatu,s data'~link and how it would be maintained by Fire Community Development items: Community Development Director Bill Cooney provided a general overview of the Village Streetscape Program which would be funded through TIF funds. For -1997, the projected COst !s approximately $478 000' and future costs are dependent ..::upon downtowd redevelopment.' ~ There was aisc a.projected cost for property ~acquisitior~s in the downtown and Corridor improvements." He ~is requesting consideratio~ for 'a ~,oice permit system which would allow for details on various permits to be provided through the use of a special phone number' and code to callers without tieing up Village personnel. He is also requesting consideration for hand-hel¢ ~,omputer.s'Which will alloW'InsPectors to enter information directly into ~ ~laptop type ~devices in the field and information would be downloaded once they return,to the 0ffice.' He has also'included funding for a joint Village Hall/Senior C~nter f~(~ilit~.'~The cost eStimate is just a general estimate based on previous studies which had been undertaken. Final item for which they have included in their CIP program is a municipal parking facility which would service the joint Village Hall/Senior Center, First Chicago Bank, Library and commuters. Ge~eral~.. ~ c0mmentS o'f~ ., ,the, Village. , ', , B0ard, members included the follOWing items: ~Thel~e was some general conceptual disCussion regarding the future of the Village Hall. It Was generally agreed that ~an overall discussion about the Village Hall is premature at this time. There Were ~aiso'numerous~ questions regarding the ~proposed orridor improvements and do town redevelopment programs. ' Ubiicw 'D f, P orks~ e art nt items: : ' - Public ~Works Director Glen Andler provided a general overview of all the programs that the Public Works DepaJ'tment had included as part of their CIP ..' program. Many Of the items are existing 'and have received general approval from the Village' Board previc~usly'. -The Street Funding program has been approved although funding has yet to be appr~oved by the Village Board. The other item ,~ proposed ~s a water ma~n replacement along Route 83 which is part of the Route 83 re, con~struction proje'ctl There'is a proposal to increase the number of sidewalks to be built in town to i'edu~ the backlog and to start to reduce the numb&r of areas in town without sidewalkS.'' He has also'included funding to replace steel Street light poles'!~n~the Opu~/Kensing{onBusiness Center. Therewas also an estimate for rehabilitation work for the Wllage Hall if a new building ~is not constructed. A combined sewer replacement area needs to have a concrete analysis performed in order to determine the conditions of the pipes. General comments by,Village Board members included the following items: dis ega?di th~'el V t~d St "~ There,was a general cussion r ng e a w er tank maintenance programs and the proposed date for ~Painting, Th~r~ was als0 some dis~ssion regaling the timing of the infrastructure p~ojects~p[op~sed and the impact on the residents. Some Trustees en~uraged ~he~ Use of technolog~ w~ereve~ possible to improve operations. ~ ~ ~ ~ General ~mments by ~e ~llage ao~ m;mb~rs re~arding {~e CIP'P~ogram itself incl the folio ing Membem were en~uraged by th~ fa~ that this docUment ~n~e used for planning '~'~ and advises the Board well in advan~ of futur~ items whereby the Village Board ~uld address the need for the~e item~ and determine an app'mpriate funding : sours. Some members were ~n~r~ed how the~ ~d°cument should be approved for use. ~ ~llage Manager Janonis stated that the approyal or a~nowledg~ent of the ClP ; Pr~mm is not an approval 0f ~nding all proje~s provided but should only be used 'as ~a planning do~ment'f&~ annual budget~dis~ssi0ns 'and assist'the Board to ~ p o'rityi ' '" -'" ' ' ~ " consider whi~ projects ha e ri n terms of hm~ted funding oppo~umt~es. MANAGER'S ~, ~,,,. ~ ~ ~ .,~ ~ , ~ ~ , ~, ~ ~ ~ , .~ Assistant Village Manager Dave Strahl provided a general ove~iew as to the 'status of the TCI Public A~ss Studio. ,TCI had requested that the daily $50 fines be waived for the period be~een ~ri130 and Jun~ 30 in"0rder t0 install a $15.000 ' lighting board as re~mmended by ~llage staff. TCI representatives have advised 'the Village ~that the inclusion of this ~ighting board would'not ~el~ ~he ~mpletion ':of the public a~ss studio itself~ ~ , , , ,,v ~ , Mayor Farley e~ressed ~n~m that staff went ahead'and levied the daily fine for TCI for not having the studio ~mP~eted as of APril 30 without ~ Village Board approval. ........ ~ General ~nsensus of the Vdlage Board was t0 suppo~ the lee waiver as requested ;by,TCl provided the studio is ~mP~et~d dn ~J~ne '30 as~originaflY agreed to and all ~the~,penalties effe~ive as of June 30 be,im~bsed if the studio is not ~mpleted. ;~ Village Manager Janonis stated that the 4th'~of July Festival ~ates are July 2~. He,is ,proposing that the July 22 Committee of the Whole meetihg be moved to 'another date more ~nvenient for Boara members since thls~ 'TMmeetlng-~ ' is expected ' to'be,a pre-Budget Workshop and it.~6uld'be helPfQl'to'ha~e as many Board Will~ '{h Bba , members present as possible, e stated that he oll e rd members to dete~ne an appropriate date for res~eduhng th~s meeting. VI. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Wilks stated that she had provided a memo to the Village Board members regarding the floating Coffee with Council: ~She stated that the continuation of convening the Coffee with Council at the Village Hall and then moving the meeting is very disruptive and would request that the Village Board consider having the moving' Coffee with Council at one site only. Therefore, there would be no need to convene the first hour of the meeting at the Village Hall and then move the meeting. Village Board memb(~rs discussed how the current proposal came about and what the history was behind it. There was no consensus reached as to whether Trustee Wilks'~proposal should be considered at this time but there were some Trustees who supported her proposal and some Trustees who supported '.the ~current program. Trustee Clowes requested whether staff has determined when the next downtown redevelopment meeting will take place. Village Manager Janonis stated that he is working to find an open date at this time. Trustee Clowes asked what the status of the Ameritech cable discussions to include Mount Prospect as a service area. Village Manager Janonis advised Trustee CIowes that preliminary discussions have taken place, however, there will be a need for the Village Board to consider which direction they would like to go in the upcoming negotiations for a new Franchise Agreement with both TCl and Ameritech. Trustee Clowes stated that he would request the EDC be included in discussions concerning possible road funding revenue which will appear before the Village Board on July 1. Some Board members supported asking the EDC for input while others felt that such input would be excessive and there has been input by the Chamber already to a number of'the proposals under consideration at this time. There was no general consensus as to whether the EDC would be asked for recommendations concerning the revenue sources under consideration. Trustee Hoefert inquired as to the status of the print shop moving into the auto parts store on Central and stated that the outside of the building has deteriorated and requested staff review the condition and act accordingly. He also requested that staff review the lighting impact on surrounding properties by parking lot lights installed in various commercial parking lots. ii. ADJOURNMENT .... , ~ ,~. t~:,~'i.,~ ":The meeting was adjourned at 10:29 p.m... ' . 'i/ ' ' ' DAVID STIHL ' Villag fiage~~:-~ ~ '~'; ~'~';' :~ -*~v~'c:~ ~.~,, ~- ~,* ~.~ ~ Assistant eMa ~ " : 8