HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/09/1993 COW minutes Minutes CO~Z~B O~ ~i~ ~OLB March 9~ 1993 The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Mayor Gerald Farley. Present at the meeting were: Trustees Mark Busse, George Clowee, Timothy Corcoran, Leo Floros, Paul Hoefer~, and I~ana Wilks. Also presen= a~ ~he meeting were: ~v~llage Manager Michael Janonis, Inspection Se~ices Director Chuck Bencic, Economlc Development Director Ken Fritz, ~blic Works Director Herb Weeks, Fores~er Sandy Clark, Assis~an~ Director of ~lic Works Glen ~dler, and co~lssion Chai~an Richard Back,er. In add~tion, four me,ers of the media were in a~tendance. II Minutes of Feb~i~ 23~ The minu~es of Feb~a~ 23, 1993, were accepted and filed with ~he modifications. Trustee Corcoran made the motion and T~s~ee Wilks seconded. III CA~i~ens to be Hear~ No citizens to be heard. IV Eleva~e~ Wa~er S~orage T~--L~s~ape Pi~ Mr. Weeks gave an ove~iew of the need to take do~ existing landscaping to pain= the elevated water s~orage tank. The scheduled ~o begxn mid to late April and finish la=e July. The Wittenberg memoraal pla~e will be refurbished and reinstalled. The plans do not include wa~er due ~o liabili~y and COS~. There will be provisions made for future addi~ional ligh=ing. Mrs. Clark described ~he two e~ibits for landscaping. The major difference between the ~wo plans is exhibit A has slow growxng, long living Maples arced the water ~ank. In about ten years when ~he ~ank will need to be repain~ed these ~rees will be about twenty fee~ which allows easy access to the ~ank. Plan B includes fas~ growing, shor~ living Cottonwood/Poplars.~ These ~rees will be abou~ ~hir~y ten years and will be cut down when ~ank is repain=ed. E~ibi~ A has a more involved planting arrangement ~han plan B. The cost of Plan A is $21,800. If four or five Maples are added ~o surround ~he tank, ~he cos~ ls $23,6~5. Plan B cos~ Is $1~,000. ~ters were mailed info~ neig~ors of plans. Staff is reco~ending E~xbx= A and the Village Manager concurs wi~h ~his reco~enda~ion. Mayor Farley asked abou= salvaging any existing growth. Mr. Weeks replied the Sco~ch Pine are too large to save. T~s~ee Hoefert asked about addi=ional street lighting. Mr. Weeks said ~hat Evergreen S~reet needs additional ill,ina=ion for the office buildxng, and ~he busy in~ersection of Maple needs more illumination. T~s~ee Clowes said he is in favor of using ~he fastes~ growing coverage which would be ~he Cottonwood/Poplar trees. Mr. Weeks pointed ou~ ~hat planting beds are differen~ in the ~wo plans and ~he cos~ ~o upgrade plan B's beds to plan A's beds would be $3,800. Mrs. Clerk co,ended on possible negative p~lic teac=ion =o cu~ting down healthy ~rees as called for in Plan B. T~stees corcoran, Floros~ W~lks ~d Hoefer~ were in favor of plan A. T~stee Busse had no reaction due ~o his la~e arrival to meeting. T~stee H~efer~ would like ~o see ~he lighting plans for the area prior to any installation. ~. Weeks will bring plans. Consensus on Plan A. Committee of the Whole Minutes March 9, 1993 V Municipal Signage ~. Civic Events Signage Mr. Fritz recommended moving the Civic Events sign to the Southeast corner of Northwest Highway and Route 83 on the train station property. This location ~ll give the sign better exposure. The first proposal explores reusing the existing sign. Rainbow Signs proposal is $1,200 and Signs of Distinction proposal is $1,950, however, the existing sign is in need of extensive repair. With this in mind two more proposals were obtained for a new sign. Rainbow Signs preliminary proposal is $6,900 and White Way's preliminary proposal is $8,955. Note that Rainbow Signs design is less money and more attractive, and White Way's design calls for a fifteen foot sign which requires a variance. Staff recommendation is for sign height to be fifteen feet for better visibility and less vandalism. Electric Message Board would be an additional $25,000. Mayor Farley asked about rehabilitatingthe existing sign. Mr. Fritz explained the existing cabinetry and sign face would need to be completely replaced. Public works currently repairs the existing sign annually. The new sign designs have the capability for four civic organizations logos. These organizations could support the new sign. Trustee Hosfert asked about the height of the current sign. Mr. Fritz said it is about thirteen feet which is one foot higher than our~ ordinance allows. The sign was donated by the Lions Club and installed in the early 60.s~ has been at three other locations and has been refurbished once. Truatse Hosfsrt asked about the extent of damage. Mr. Weeks described damage at the bottom leg supports and at the bottom sheet metal from salt. Mr. Weeks does not have the cost for refurbishing the sign. Trustee Wilks favored the Rainbow Signs design, but would not favor the fifteen foot height. She felt that the Village should live within the requirements of the Sign Ordinance. Trustee Floros stated he agreed the height should be twelve feet and asked about position and readability of the sign. Mr. Fritz said this is to be determined. Trustee Busse asked for a comparison of overall size of existing sign and proposed sign. Mr. Fritz said that they are about the same size, approximately seventy-two square feet. The maximum allowed by code Is seventy-five square feet. Trustee Busse feels we should go for the fifteen feet variation to show businesses it can be done. Trustees Corooran mm~ Clowse support Rainbow Sign and the fifteen foot height. Trustee Hoefert felt that the Village should stay at the twelve foot height and that it should use the existing sign and get cost to refurbish this sign. Trustee Wilks encouraged the community's civic organizations to sponsor this new sign. Mayor Farley supported the fifteen foot height. He stated there was support for a new sign (Rainbow design) at the new location. The Board also directed staff to go to,bid. B. Signage for Police and Fire Headquarters Mr. Fritz reported the exterior illuminated wall signs w111 be installed over the hose tower and over the exit doors by the fire apparatus bays. He has received two proposals= fourteen inch illuminated reverse channel letters for a cost of $15,800 from White Way and fifteen inch illuminated routed face cabinet for a cost of $15,296 from Nelson-Harkins. In addition, White Way has proposed four additional non-illuminated, high reflective signs for directional information at a cost of $5,350. Village Manager Janonia explained ~ommittee of the Whole Minutes Marc~[9,~ 1993 the building allowance of $20,000 was a "plug" budget figure. The prices for the exterior lighting are coming in higher. If less expensive lighting is used it will defeat the effort: to enhance the exterior of the building. The $20,000 would cover the coat of the exterior signage. The interior aignage would be lees than $10,000. Village Manager Janonia is looking for concurrence on location of exterior signs and will go out to bid for specific signage. Trustee Hosfsrt prefers the reverse channel lighting and would like to see the pictures. Trustee Wilks would like to see MOUNT PROSPECT on the building, and will reserve opinion until she sees the pictures. Trustee Clowss expressed interest in final design of directional signs. There was general consensus among Board members to pursue the general design concept as presented. Staff will keep Board members advised as design concept is finalized. VI 1993 Construction Season Projects Village Manager gave an informational overview of the extensive road construction projects planned by the State and the Village. We have contacted the businesses, schools, etc. in the area of construction, held a press conference, and produced maps and brochures for information. Ma~or Farls~ asked if the road reeurfecing project timeline could be compressed by delaying removal until the roadway is ready to be resurfaced. Mr. Bencic explained that road construction ia done in four distinctive steps. Coordination of these four steps is the time consuming element. Trustee Hoafsrt complimented Public Works on the brochure format to inform the public. Trustee Hosfsrt asked why crews sometimes replace only ama11 one foot sections of curb. Mr. Bencic stated the small curb replacements are due to deteriorated curb joint or beginning work on a cUrb Joint rather than saw-cutting the middle of the curb. Trustee Hoefsrt asked about the variations on the modified roll curb. Mr. Benclc explained this curb is made free hand which produces variations. Trustee Wilks asked how the twenty-four resurfacing projects compare with previous years. Mr. Bencic stated in the past years we have had twenty-two to twenty-four. Last year we completed 5.1 miles and we have six plus miles of resurfacing this year. Trustee Nilks asked if the project is contingent on the passage of the 1993-94 budget. Mr. Bencic concurred. Trustee Wllks asked if the same resurfacing crew worked on the entire Village. Mr. Bencic said it depends on the work load. Sometimes it is advantageous to split the curb and paving contract. VII Ca~le Telsvision S~stom Diecussion Village Kanaqer ~anonis said he was looking for direction from the Board on policy issue regarding T¢I, TCI has taken an aggressive stance with the Village. Although the Village has a rem/strong legal and technical stand with the cable company, this stance would commit a great deal of resources which may not be in the best interest of the Committee of the Whole Minutes March 9, 1993 Village or the residents. The Franchise modifi~ation would include= going from duel cable to single cable which reduces the channels from 120 to 60, a reduction of access channels from thirteen to eight, modest monthly price reduction, a $1.50 charge for =he cable guide, deletion of Lifeline option, deletion Of minimum staffing in access studios, converting letter of credit to a bond, and discussion of the legal transfer of ownership to TCI. Benefits to residents include= modest price reduction to resident, however the Village can not regulate this pricing, and residents with cable ready TVs may benefit from single cable technology and may no longer need a converter box. Mayor Farley asked about the Lifeline option for communication and health conneotioel with residents. Mrs. Pasalic responded that this service did not develop. Meyer Farley asked about the access channels. Mrs. Pasalic stated Mount Prospect is the only channel doing programming. A few schools, churches and the park dis=riot have expressed interest. Mayor Farley asked if these groups could share channels, village Manager Janonis stated a sharing of channels could work in most cases and may promote more interest. Meyer Farley feels we should convert to the single cable with the caveat that we acquire the same terms as other communities. Trustee Hoefert agrees with Meyer Farley and asked if compressabillty will bring back some access channels. Mrs. Pasalic said digital compression will probably be implemented in the next two years and will greatly increase the of channels. Trustee Coroorsn gave credit to the Village for TCI's improvements. He supports going to the single cable, and asked about the weather channel. Mrs. Pasalio said to get the weather channel back we would need to give up one access channel. Trustee Wilke would also like to see the weather channel come back and concurs with the need to go to the single cable format. Trustee Clowes egress it is time to move to the single cable and feels other groups could share access channels. Trustees Buses and Flores support recommendations to go to single cable format. Village Manager Janonie said it will take about three to.four months for residents to experience the change. Meyer Farley stated that staff is authorized to proceed with negotiations with TCI to secure at least the same favorable terms as other communities when they converted to the single cable format. VIII Maneger,s Report Budget review will be Saturday March 13 and 20 and will be held at the Senior Center Building. This Saturday's Coffee with Council will be held during the budget hearings. Trustee Wilks said we need to formally communicate with the other entities who may lose their access channels. Village Manager Janonis agreed. X Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.