HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/1964 VB minutes HINUTE$ OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES.HELD ON TUESDAY~ ~L~Y 5~ 196~ P~esident $chlaver called 'the meetir~ to order at 8~22 with the following members p~esen~ roll call ~usse B~uhl Cas~e~line Ek~en Phillips Absents ~usKee Phillips~ semonded by ~us~ee Cas~eml~e~ moved minutes rom ~he approval of =he minuSes'of April 28~h as su~i~ed. U~n uoll call: Ayes: Busse B~uhl Cas~e~line E~en Phillips ~sen~: Be~en Mo=ion c~ied. T~s~ee Phillips~ seconded by ~s~ee Busse~ moved ~o Fi~e S~ation accep~ ~he bid of Jo~ hinds~om~ Inc. of ~lin~on Hei&h~s, ~o No. 2 build ~he Fime S~a~ion on ~he sou=h side fo~ a ~o~al amoun= of $16~,~58 ~cludin~ Al~e~na=es 1 and ~. Upo~ ~oll call: Ayes: Busse B~hl Ek~n Phillips ~sen~: B~en Mo~ion ca~ied. Ai~er~e ~ provides for vinyl asbestos flooning ~s~ead of regul~ asbestos ti~e Ion an inc~ase o~ $~70.00, ~o have a 2asking ~loor with easie~ ~in~e~ce~ .Alte~.~ pnovides for screens and s~o~ windows ~o~ $350.00. Tnus~ee Phi2iips~ seconded by-Trustee Busse, moved ~t bid b~ds ~o~ ~he ~ee iow bidders be ~etained ~d of bonds and checks ~ ~unned ~o all o~her bidders. This mo~ion carried by T~s~ee E~en read ~he ffollow[nS nepo~ from ~he Zon~g B~rd re Case 6~-~5: Zoning - Case No. 6~-15 Rel~n~g Case 6~-51 ~ ~o~he~ I~linois Gas Comfy Heard Ap~i 2~, 196~ The petition pem=aLns to fom~y ac~es of land which ~ont on Foundmy Road, ly~ on the south side of Fo~y goad~ ~d a ~eques$ rom ~he Dezon~ of such l~d fDom R-1 to I-1. Subject ~o ~he condition ~ha= =he pet~=ione~ will cove~n~ a~D~ =o ~s~ict~o~s of use~ the p~o~$s~on of s=~ee~s ~d fo~nce s~and~s such as will be pmovided in ~he p~oposed "M-P Planed ~nufact~in~ Distich" ~d~ce now u~ consi- deration, · he Zon~g Bo~d of Appeals vo=ed ~-0 ~o Decommend ~he ~an=ing of the May 5, 196" 9'1 There were many objeoto~'s p~esent fz'om The ~esidenTial a~eas which adjoin and pa~-tly su~ound The p~ope;ty in question. E. ¥. MarTin, Chairman . M~lco~ G. Yo~g, Ac~ing Sec'y ~us~ee Ek~en gave su~y of le~e~ f~ A~o~ey P~es of the No~he~n. Illlnois Gas Company~ expla~zn;~h~s~ c~pany s (Ri;heime~ ~ Ri;he~e~) has been ;iven to each t~us~ee. P~es a~ose~and explained ~ha~ a po~ion of ~he 9~ope~ty to be sold to the A~a~-S~one Company~ a Mo~ ~ospec~ maceu~ical fi~m who wishes ~o exp~d its facili~ies~ and ~ha~ upon ~ssa;e of =he pmo~ zonin;~ ~his sale will ~o ~ou;h. ~us~ee E~en mead le~em f~ Robe~W. Colfe~ who also a~ose ~d ~eite~a=ed ~he con~en=s of his let=e~-staTin; ~hat his' ~oup of neamby homeo~e~s had appea~ed as objectors in case of excessive ~affic and pa=kinE alon; Fou~my Road. The sentative of A~na~ SCone ~eplied That plenty of off-s~ee~ ~kin; ~d been ~l~ned~ and held ~p a~chi~ec~s .~us~ee Ekv~ seceded by ~us~ee Busse~ moved ~o c~cuv wi~h ~he ~eco~en~ion of =he ~nin; Board in ~se 6~-15 ~o allow mezonin~ to I-1 fo~ No~hemn Illinois ~s Comply Upon ~11 .call: .Ayes; ~hl Busse Caste~line E~en Phillips ~sent: Be~Een Mo~ion taxied. ~us=ee E~en, seconded by T~us~ee Cas~e~line, moved Ord. 980 for ~he pas~Ee of ~d. 980 wi~h ~es~ive covenant: Mor~hern Illinois Gas Company ~ O~IN~CE AM~DING THE VIL~ OF MOUNT zoninE PROSPECT ~NING 0~IN~CE ~LAT~G TO PROPERTY .COMMONLY ~0~ AS THE NORTHE~ ILLINOIS ~S CO. 'PROPERTY 0N F0~DRY ROAD EAST 0F ~D ROAD U~n ~oll call: Ayes: B~hl B~se ~s=e~line E~en Phillips Absent: . Mo~ion Above-mentioned cove~n= sho~ ~ 'lUl.?~tg __ _ ~S~ICTI~CO~T NORT~ ILLINOIS ~S COMPLY, a co~po~a=i~ of I~l~ois, fo~ itself, its successoms ~d assiEns does hereby the VILLAGE OE MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, a ~nicipal compo~ati~ of Ill~ois, t~ the followi~ described p~op~=y, ~o wi~: The Wes~ 1/2 of %he Wes= 1/2 of the Nov=hwes~ 1/4 of Section ~5, To, ship 42 No~=h, ~nse 11 East of the Third ~incipal Me~idi~ ALSO The east 75 feet of =he Sou~h ~0 fee= of Southeast 1/4 of =he Nom~heas~ 1/4 of Sec. 34, To, ship 42 North, ~nEe 11 East of ~he ThUd ~cipal May 5, 196~ ALSO The North 100 feet of that part of the Northeast 1/~ of the Southeast'l/~ of Section $~ eforesaid, lying easterly of the center line of Rand Road, all in Cook County, Illinois. no~ any portion themeof will net be used for the following purposes: (a) Building material storage yard ~b) carting, espress, hauling or storage yard. (c) Coal, coke or wood (d) Lumber yard. This covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon the parties and all persons claiming thereunder a~d shall be construed as a real covenant running with the land. Th.is covenant shall run To the benefit of The Village of Mount Prospect which may enforce its terms by an appropriate form of action in law or equity in any court of competent jurisdiction. Dated this Fifth day of May, NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY by Charles F. Henness, Vice President Attest: F. Vermant, Jr. Assistant Secretary Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Casterline, movedfor the approval of the following bills: G.enerat $23,113.72 Pa~king SysT~ 1,217.01 Library 1,226.06 Fire Sra. Constr. 196~ 13.3~ Fire Equip. Fund 196q 15~83 Public Works Bldg. 196q 18.33 Waterworks & Sewerage 15~680.1.5 The restrictive covenant mentioned is included with these minutes herein. Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Phillips mo~ed as follows regarding the Bart~nann court case~ That building permit be issued upon assurance that Court Order to the effect shown in the covenant has been entered, said buildin~ permit~ To allow the erection of fence 17 feet south from the north line of B-3 property in question. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekren Phillips Absent: Bergen Motion carried r. Don Lewis as President of the Northwest HOmeowners thanked the Board for their very fine effert in trying to solve the knotty problem of the Bartman case, commending the Board for doing the best it could. Mr. Bartmann thanked the Board for their final decision and hoped that their future relationship will be on a happier level and Pledged his full future co-operation. Mr. Ekeren informed Mr. Bartmann that Mr. Hofert had carried forth all dealings with the authorization of the Board~ COVENANT BETWEEN CHARLES BARTMANN AND THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT The Village Attorney is to modify the order of the Court entered in the case of Bartmann vs the Village of Mount Prospect in'the following particulars: 1. That Bartmann will erect a ~ 1/4 foot chain link fence to be located on the property per Exhibit 1 introduced in the trial court except that a mantenance gave 36 inches wide be included along the south portion thereof as shown in Exhibit 7 before modified, and except that such fence shall be moved south for 17 feet, said fence to be erected before the Plaintiff is entitled to a certificate of occupancy for the premises; and that Bartmann is to keep said gage locked securely except when in use for moving maintenance equipment through same. 2. ~hat the light standards placed on the property not exceed 15 feet in length, and point their light in a downward direction~ in this connection it being understood that the premises --~ in question will not be operated by the plaintiff past the hours of 12 o-clock A. M. and that only such light as may be required for maintenance thereafter shall be permitted for such time as is necessary to clean up the premises. The court is to reserve juris- diction for this purpose.- 3. That before plaintiff shall.be entitled to a certi- ficate of occupancy the premises will be hooked up to the Prospect Meadows Sanitary District sewer nearest,the property or i~s suc- cessor in title to same. 4. That the Village of Mount Prospect will mutually agree to the dismissal of its appeal. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Busse Casterline Phillips Ekren Absent: Bergen Motion carried. Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trus~eeCasterline, moved t~t the invoice of Nels J. Johnson in the amount of $1,610.20 for tree trimming from April 16 thru 30, 1964 be approved for payment chargeable to the budget for the period ending April 30, 196~. Upon roll call: Ayes Bruhl Busse CasterliA~ Phillips Ekren Absent: Bergen Motion carried. iscussion was held regarding maintenance of public Village owned buildings and ~grounds~ M~. Appleby stated that the Fi~e De- pmoperty pa~tment hasagreed tomaintain the grass aroUnd the Village Hall~ the $%'~eet Department to follow up with p~uning~ etc. The street Depa~tmenthas also improved the a~ea around the railroad tracks$ the Village hopes tO receive bette~ co-operation in the future f~om chicago & Northwestern P.R in maintaining its right-of- T~ustee authorize expenditure of $320.00 for t~eatment and improvement of lawns, etc. a~°u~d the Village Hall as detailed in Mr. Appleby's memo of April Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Busse Caste~line Ek~en Phillips Absent: Bergen Motion carried. T~us=ee Phillips~ seconded by T~ustee B~uhl, moved that Well #7 the Finance Director be autho~izedtomake final payment to J. P. Miller Artesia~ Well ¢o. for work at'Well ~7, in the amoun~ of $12~5~0~00 Upon ~oll call~ Ayes: Bmuhl Busse Caste=~ine Kk~en Phillips Absent: Bergen Motion carried. T~ustee Casterline recommended giving con=rac~ for ~rec- Public tion of Public Works Building.on Pine $%1~eet =o A. H. Vixen Company, Womks 3108 Sou:h Oak Pa~k Avenue, Berwy~ who is no= the lowest bidder. Bldg. Discussion followe~ regamding the merits of ~he bidders, contrac~ T~ustee Caste~line, seconded by Tr%tstes Phillips~ moved ~o award contract for e~ec=ion of Public Works buildinE on Pine A. H. Vixen Company subject to the ~ezonin~ of the p~op~ty in- volvedo Upon roll call: Ayes= Busse Caste~line Phillips Nays: Absent: Bergen Motion oa~ied. TDustee Casterline, seconded by Tmustee Phillips, moved that the bid bonds of the Custer an~ Miller companies be returned and that the thDee iow Hds still be held. This motion cazu. ied by acclema- t ion ~ M~. George Jacobsmeyem a~ose and introduced legal ob- ZonlnE Cass jec~ors to Zonin~ Case 6~-13~ Di Mucci petitioner, who is ~e- 6~=13 questing B-1 zonin~ for property along sou~h side of Golf Road Di Mucc~ wes~ of Hwy. 8~, Mx,. P. Carponelli of ~02 West ~olf Road, ob- jected on grounds of spot zonin~ and traffic congestion. Attorney return brief in Citizens UTility Ra~e case~ which will go befome Ill. Comme~ce · he Comme-roe Commission fo~ a final ruling. Commission May 5~ 196~ Sevemal homeowners in ~he Vicinity of'St. Raymond's Charity Church voiced p~o~es~ ovem plans of cool, tee f~m t~ church ·o ho%d 3-day camnival in ~heim pamkin~ lo~ a= Lincoln and 83~ c~in~ ~ =here would be noise and nuisance. M~. Tmapani ~plained ~ha= he had c~vassed the nei~hboms and ou='' of n~e only ~ee ~d objec~ed~ ~ ~his c~i~y even~ was urgen:ly needed :o p~ovide g~ facilities fo~ =hei~ school; t~ certain c~mi~men~s had been made which would be v~y cos~ly · o c~cel. T~us=ee Ph~ll~ps~ seconded by ~s=ee S~hl~ moved C~v~c. . ~o allow S~. ~ond's Ch~h ~o hold ~hei~ ~n Fa~ ov~ ~he Organizations M~omial Day holidays. Upon Doll call~ Ayes= Bnuhl' Busse Cas~emline B~en Phillips Absen= ~ B~gen Mo~ ion carnied. Bartmann court Mm. C~Dles BaD,ann ~ose ~d ~ead s~a~enT apolo= case gizin~ for his previous a~%ach upon A=%o~ey Edwand Adjo~en~ by activation a~ 10=~2 Respectfully submitted Phyllis Ga~dne~, Deputy Clemk ~ay 5, 1964