HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/10/1964 VB minutes /oo MINUTES OF HEETING OF BOA~OP ~US~ES HELD HARCH' 10, 196~ President Schlaver called the meeting to order at 8:07 P.M. roll cell with the following members present: Bergen Busse Casterline Bruhl Phillips Trustee Ekren arrived a few minutes latent. Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved for approval of the minutes of March 3rd as submitted, minutes Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Phillips Absent: Ekren Motion carried. Trustee Ekren arrived at 8109 P.M. Trustee Bruhi, seconded by Trustee Bergen, moved for ap- proval of the following bills: bills General $38,698.88 Parking System 71~.~ Library 1,983.15 Waterworks & Sewerage 20,807.22 · ~Wa~erworks,.& Sewerage ~. Acquis. &Cons~r ~98.00 $52,701.70 Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Ekren Casterline Phillips Motion carried. T~ustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved that Waterworks payment be made to Fleetwood Contractors for their work at Well 6, Division D Installments 1 and 2 in ~OTal amount of $10,958.55. Upon roll Call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl BUsse Ekren Casterline Phillips Motion carried. Trustee BUSSe, ~econded" by Trustee Bruhl, moved that the traffic Village Board instruWt the Village Engineer to seek permission from the State Highway Department for installation~ operation and maintenance Of permanently mou~ed automatic school erosslng stop signals plus all necessary underground duct and cable work for full traffic signal con- ~rols to be installed with =his initialinstalla~ion a= Lonnquis% and 83 with work ~o comme~Ce as s~on as permission is granted. Upon roll ~all!, Ayes: BeTgen BrUhl Busse Ekren Casterline Phillips Motion carried. Trustee Busse further suggested ~ha% Mrs. Dorothy Koester, who lives traffic at L°nnquist and Hwy. 83, be contacted ~o see if she Wo~l~ allow her shrubs to be trimmed to permit ~eater visibility at the corner. March 10, 196~ traffic Trustee Busse, seconded by T~ustee Bmuhl, moved that the Village Enginee~ Pequest the State Highway Depam~ment ~o install stop and g0 automatic signal lights at the intemsection of Main S~meet with G~egomy S~mee=, since this intersection is at.~he half-mile poLnt between two elec~mically eon%-~olled in- re, sections. Upon 5oll call: Ayes: Bergen B~uhl Busse Ek~en Castemline Phillips Motion T~us~ee Busse, seconded by TDustee B~uhl, moved East Highland Avenue be made one way z-arming ess= be=ween E~ St~ee~ and Rand Road, wi%h ~i~h~ ~umn on %o Rand only. Upon ~oll call~ Ayes: Be~en B~uhl Busse E~en Cas=e~line Phillips Me,ion c~mied. Police Dept. ~esiden~ Schlavem congratulated ~he PoliCe Depa~en~ upon ~hei~ winninE of =he No~hwes~ Conf~ence Pistol ~his is ~he second =~e =his Depa~en~ has won ~us~ee Ek~en, seconded by ~s=ee Phillips, moved OPd. 963 ~he passaEe of ~d. ZonlnE, St~ Raymond's Case 6~-8 ZONING ORDIN~CE ~ATING TO PROPERTY L0CA~D AT 311 S. IOKA, ST. ~YMOND~S CHURCH Upon ~oll call: Ayes: B~Een B~uhl Busse E~en Cas=eTline Phillips M0~ion ca~mied. This allows a ~-cam ~a~e =o be buil~ up°n p~ope~=y zoned R-1. ~us~ee Ek~en~ seconded by ~us~ee ~s~emline~ moved 0md. 96~ fed The passage of 0Tdinance Zoning, Winkelmann's Case 6~-9 ZONING ORDINAN~ ~LATING T0 PROPERTY LO~D AT ~10 WEST NOR~WEST HIGHWAY Upon ~oll ~11= Ayes: BemEen B~uhi Busse Caste~line Ek~en Phillips Mo=ion cam~ied. This ~ezones Winke~ann~s Shell S=a=ion a= NoD=hwes~ Highway and Cen~Dal f~om I-1 to B-3 (Zonin~ ~se ~9). ~us~ee Ek~en ~ead ~he followinE le~=e~ f~ %he Plan Colonial Hts. C~iSsion ~=ed March 10: .8th Add'n "The Plan Co~ission meco~ends ~he approval of ~he pla~ of Colonel Heights 8~h Addition~ which is at~ached %he~eto." Respectfully Richard R. Youn&~ Ac~in~ Chai~an H. G.' Appleby, T~us~ee Ek~en~ seconded by ~ustee B~uhl, moved fop approval of subdivision pla~ of Colonial Heights 8~h Addition ke~ally descmibed as follows: Ma~eh 10, 196~ Pa~t of Lots 2 and 7 in 0wne~S Divi~~ion, a sub of the SE 1/4 (except the W 1/2 of ~he SW 1/~ thereof) of Sec. 10, Twp. ~1 N, R-ii, E 3md P.M. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bemgen B~hl Busse Ekmen ~s~e~l~e Philips Mo~ion ca~ied. ~us~ee Ek~en ~ead ~he followin~ le~e~ da~ed ~h Gnarled Oaks S~. 10~h f~om ~he Plan C~mission: unlncoPpoPated "The P~n Co~issi~ ~ec~ends ~he approval of ~he pla~ of Gna~l~ Oaks Su~ivisio~ which is a=~ached ~he~e~o." Ricked R. Yo~E, Ac~inE C~ H. G. Appleby, Secretary ~us~ee Ek~en~ seconded by ~us~ee Phillips, moved ~o approve pla~ of s~division of ~aml~ Oaks Subdivision outside the Village limits nea~ ~os~ Heigh~s~ legally described as a sub ~ %he NE 1/~ of Smo. 22~ To, ship ~2 N~ ~nEe 11. Upon ~oll ~all~ Ayes: Bem~en Bmuhl Busse E~ Cas%emline Phillips Mo~ion T~us~ee Ek~en, se=onded by ~us=ee Phillips~ moved ZoninE Case =o concum with ~he ~eco~endation sho~ in ~epo~= f~om Zonin~ 6~-10 Bo~d (Ma~ch 3) =o approve ~nexa=ion and zon~ of p~ope~y in ~n~E Case ~-10~ C~les and ~ace ~ay, and Hazy and Ma~ame~ C~is=~nseu. Upon moll ~all~ Ayes: Bem~en Bmuhl Busse Ek~mn ~s~e~l~e Phillips MoTion ~us~ee Ek~en~ seconded by ~us~we ~s=e~ine~ moved O~d. 965 f~ ~he ~ssa~e of O~d. 965 as follows: Annexation Gmay p~opeP~y ~ ORDIN~CE ~NEXING PROPERTY TO ~E VI~GE LO~TED AT 10, 12 and 110 EAST ~D ROAD Upon ~11 call: Ayes: Be~en Bmuhl Busse Ek~en ~s~e~line Phillips Mo~ion ca~ied. '- This is ~he Gmay prope~=y mentioned above. T~usTee E~ seconded by ~s~ee Cast,line, moved O~d. 966 fo~ ~he passage of ~d. 966 as follows: Zonin~ Gray property AM~DING THE VILLAGE ZONING ORDIN~CE ~LATING T0 PROPERTY COMMONLY ~OWN AS 10, 12 a~ 110 EAST ~D ROAD Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Be~en Bmuhl Busse E~en ~s~eml~e Phillips Mo%ion c~ied. This zones ~he ~ay p~ope~y =o B-~. March 10, Yearly budget P~esident Schlaver referred abe budget to the Finance Committee for hearings. Mm. Appleby asked if'he might attend meetings for each depamtment regarding ~his T~ustee Casterline read the following memo dated Streets Ma~ch 6, lg6~ f~om the Village ~nage~ to the Street Co~ittee: f~u~ t~t it ~ be necessary to ~esu~fa~e the ezistin~ m~t to p~ovide a p~ope~ c~o~ ~ ~aina~e fo~ the street. This in~icate~ th~ ~ms~ability of ~placinE the makeshift facin~ on the so~th side of Zhe~ ~oad and p~o~idinE a curb the~e A sto~ ~elief sewe~ in 1951 Was designed to ~n o~ ~ple St~ee~ ~om Linco~ S~eet to ~ospect Avenue~ westerly on ~ospeot f~om ~ple Street to ~in S~t. This sewe~ hasbeen constructed on ~ple S=~eet fmom Lincoln to a point app~ox~ately ~70~ south of ~ospeot Avenue. Before anymore payment is installed on =h· south side of ~ospeot Avenue the sewem should be installed at least to Emerson S~eet. In addition to melievin~ the sto~ sewe~ on ~e~son it will a= this t~e p~ovide ~a~a~e fo~ the intemsectton of ~ple and P~spect and pe~it d~ainaEe of a mo~e economically desi~ne~ pavement onP~ospect Avenue. The cost of the sewem is estima=ed to be app~xi~tely $ 8~500 Estimated cost of turbine and ~vi~ the. south side of the street is 2~500 Resumface existin~ pavement on~ospect Avenue:which is scalinE to make a =~plete & finished ~p~ov~ent 1,200 $12,200 Aftem ~eviewin~ the enti~e situation it is the joint opinion of ~. H~ete~ and myself that the MFT p~o~ should be extended to include the sewe~ ~tension and ~ehabiiit~tion of the entre stmeet between Maple and Emerson at this t~e. H~ G. ApPleby g0CS ~ustee Caste~l~ne~ seconded b~ ~ustee Busse~ moved that ment onP~ospe=t Avenue, includin~ sewe~ womk and savin~ ~utte~ and mesu~faoin~ ~efe~ed to in fome~oin~ m~o of ~uh 6be appmoved rom addition to the lgS~ MFT p=o~ in' place of the pmevious ~- p~ov~ent p~nned fo~ ~ospect Avenue. Upon moll call: Ayes: Be~en Bmuhl Busse Caste~iine Ek~en Phillips Motion T~ustee Caste~line info~d the Board that he ~d ~e- ceived a lette~ si~ned by Mms. R. C, Becke~ pmotestin~ the widen- in~ and ~p~ov~ of Busse Avenue ~d ~memsQn Street mentioned in pmevious minutes~ alon~ withpetition s~Ened by 812 names, said petition statin~ as follows: Whe~efo~Q be it ~solv~d that certain citizens of the Village of Mo~t ~ospeot, Illinois~ a~e aw~e of pendin~ plus to widen ta~ s~Qets in the Village bf Mt. P~ospect, Illinois~ in pa~ticula~ March 10, 196~ usse Street between Main Street and Emerson Street and Emerson Streets Street between Busse Street and C~u~ral Road. Said citizens are cognizan~ tha~ said plans are against the public interes~ for the following reasons: 1. Cutting down 30 trees in the hea~ of the Village can only contribute to the spread of blight and to enlarging the sea of asphalt threatening to engulf us. 2. The Gross Traffic Survey makes no recommendation to widen either s~reet, and in fact does not even menKion ~he block of ~me~son S=ree~ in question. It does make many other practical suggestions for relieving the pressure in %his locality that up to this ~ime have not even been tried. 3. Expenditure of $36,000 to relieve a %-~affic situation that exists according To the Gross Survey for but 3-1/2 hours ps, week is an impruden~ expenditure of motor fuel tax funds which could be spent ~o better advantage in o~her much more critical areas. Discussion followed~ interested members in the audience adding their re, hal objections to this p~oposed improvement. T~ustee Bruhl, seconded by Tmustee Bergen, moved that this pro- posed widening and paving be deleted from the MFT pro,am for this year, to be considered at a later time. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Bruhl Bergen Nays: Busse Castsrline Ek~en Phillips Motion declared defeated. P~esident Schlaver announced that he was in favor of this propo- sition, and ~hought it in the best interests of ~he Village to go ahead with it. Village Manage~ Applsby read letter f~om M~s. George Fire Dept. Hansen of 211 N. P~ospect Manor, showing ~ati~ude for services of the Fi~e Depart~ent in her ~ime of trouble. AKtorney Edward Hofert reporKed thaK he had a~tended Water Pates rateinc~ease hearing re Citizens Utility Company, stating that this is ~o be continued to the next day. M~. Hofert informed ~he Board that M~. Sal Di Mucci S.A. ~63 and M~. Rober~ Irmige~ had entered protes~ agains~ Special As- sessment ~63, Kenilworth Avenue improvements. Hearing for this assessment was continued un=il March 2Std. Trial date of March 18 has been se~ for Ba~mann vs Bartmann,63-S- Village (63-S-31596). 315q6 Adjournment by acclamation a~ 9:58 P.M. Respectfully submit=ed, Ruth C. Wilson, Village Clerk March 10, 196~