HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/16/1964 VB minutes MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD JUNE 16, 1964 : President Schlaver called the meeting to order at 8:19 P.M. with the following members present: roll call Busse Bruhl Casterline Ekren Phillips Absent: Bergen Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved for approval of the minutes 6f June 9th as submitted. minutes Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Bruhl Casterline Ekren Phillips Absent: Bergen Motion carried. Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved for approval of the following bills: bills General $10,270.15 Motor Fuel Tax 8,641.69 Waterworks & Sewerage Fund 12,26~.58 Waterworks & Sewerage Acqui. & Construction 2,505.~ $33,681.86 Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Bruhl Casterline Ekren Phillips Absent: Bergen Motion carried. Trustee Bergen arrived at 8:22 P.M. Trustee Bruhl~ seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved to Financial accept financial report for May 31, 19B~ pending fiscal audit, report This motion carried by acclamation. Trustee Bruhl reported that sales tax income to the Taxes Village for the month of March c~me to $30,~q8.82~ President Schlaver added that this is an increase of over $~000 since a year ago and that we are fourth municipality in the area in the amoun~ of tax earned. Discussion was held regarding contemplated erection Engineer of bridges to carry automobiles over Weller Creek at two other bridges places. TrusTee Casterline, secOnded by Trustee Phillips, over Weller Ct. moved to e~ploy the engineering services of Greeley ~ Hansen for the purpose of drawing plans to construct brid~es over Weller Creek at Emerson and at CanDota. Upon roll call: Ayes; Busse Casterline Phillips Pres. Schlaver Nays: Bergen Bruhl Ekren Motion carried. June 16, 196q rees Trustee Casterline read portions of letter from Nels Johnson Tree Experts, who currently hold contract from the Village for tree trimming: May 9, "Dear Mr. Appleby: : Considering the control of Dutch elm disease and the preservation of public elms in the village of Mount Prospect, Ill. and that the prngram was initiated some nine years aec, a review will, perhaps, prove interesting. The Mount Prospect Dutch elm control program became the first such attempt to control Dutch elm dis- ease in the metropolitan area ..... ...Mount Prospect, a community where elms make up some 90% of the tree population, the effectiveness of the prngrem appears most satisfactory and encouraEinE. MaintaininE the present rate of Dutch elm disease incidence, discountin~ cures and also new planting, it will be some 300-400 years before the last elm in Mount Prospect has vanished. · ..During the morning hours of May 9th, a violent storm hit the Chicago area, causing much damage to trees. Some trees in Mount Prospect were damaged. In spite of it being Saturday, an ad- equate emergency crew was dispatched to Mount Prospect; other crews were sent elsewhere. In the past, althouEh..without a con- tract or bindinE agreement, the pattern has always been the same; instant response to emergencies - - trees down, split, broken, hazardous limbs. The rate per hour has also always been the same as for major operations ..... "The Nels J..Johnson Tree Experts, Inc. proposes to carry out satisfactorily all major tree conservation measures, including pruning, spraying, cabling, reinforcing, tree removal, stamp grinding (rate per inch to benegotiated) at the present hourly rate of $3.40 per worker. Materials, such as cable, steel rod, tree seal to be billed at now prevailing costs. It should perhaps be noted that we have served and are serving some eighteen co. unities. Also that the number of "tree trim- mers'' on our crew in Mount Prospect alone is greater than the total number of tree trimmers employed by the average tree service firm in the metropolitan area. Our machine park of mistblowers, sprayers, wood chippers, stump grinders, trucks, etc., also far exceeds that of the average operator. "If my proposal is accepted, I am confident it will be mutually satisfactory and result in still better control of Dutch elm disease and preservation of the trees in Mount Prospect." Respectfully submitted by Nels J. Johnson Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved to ac- cept Nels Johnson's offer as shown~ extending the contract at the same rate as the previous year, eLTm~mating the tree spraying. Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Casterline Ekren Phillips Nays: Bergen Bruhl Motion carried. June 16, 1964 Chief WhitTenberg repo~Ted That The Police DepaPtment Police came in No. 2 in pistol shoot held among nine towns and received nine othe~ individual p~izes fo~ marksmanship. T~ustee Ek~en read the following lette~ f~om J.E.M. Zonin~ Enterprises dated June 9th, signed by Jerry M. Chez: Case 6q-5 "Dear Mr. Ek~en: The undersigned is a partner in J.E.M. Enterprises which is the petitioner in the petition to have the p~ope~ty at The southwest comnem of WesTgate Road and Meadow Lane annexed to the Village of Mount l~ospect and zoned R-~ multi-family ~esidential. The Zoning Boamd of Appeals, as a ~esult oran open hearing, certified That The property should be annexed and ~eZoned subject to the follow- ing conditions: 1. To construct a maximum of 1#0 units. 2. To pave"0u~ half of. WestgaTe and Meadow Lane Roads in fron of our property only. Paving to be approved by Mt. P~ospsct. 3. To construct a ~idewalk along Westgate and Meadow Lane Roads, a~ong ou~ pmoperty line. ~.. To provide adequate garbage pads for p~oposed development. 5. To insure maintenance of WestgaTe Road~ from Central Road to ou~ property. "I wish to advise you that we have made every effort to comply with the requirements of the Zoning Boamd of Appeals with The fol- lowing ~esults: . . . 1. Although The Zonin~ Bca~d of Appeals by its decision would permit us To consT~ucTa maximum ofl~0 apartment units, we understand that there has been a change in the zoning omdi- nance of the Village since that ~ime and we a~e Therefore prepared to accept a lesser numbe~ ofuniTs Than 1~0. 2. We agree To pave our half of WestgaTe Road and Meadow Lane in front of our p~ope~ty~ with the paving to be appmoved by the Village. 3.We agree to construct a sidewalk along our property line on WestgaTe Road and MeadOw Lane. ~ ~. We agree to p~ovide adequate garbage pads for The p~oposed development. 5. We have been assumed by the p~oper township and county offi- cials That Westgate Road would be paved and maintained by the authorities and we expect to have available fop you a let~e~ To That effect. However, in order That the hea~ing on annexation and ~ezoning not be held up until we ~eceive said letTeD~ we agmee~ in the event that a letter is not forthcoming before the next meeting of The Village, To deposit with The Village our pmopo~tionate share of what the cost of paving the road wouldbe inrelation to all other p~ope~ty using Westgate Road. "In addition to the above, The Village also required that we get a cerTifica~on that there, wassufficient water supply and sewage facilities ~nd That wehave The right to makeconnections into existing facilities. ATtached heDeto ams letters from Consoer~ To%~asend & AssociaTes~ Consulting Engineers, as to the waTe~ capacity and a letTe~ from National Shopping Cente=s, Inc. as to our right to connect into The facilities controlled by them. The only other conditions set forth by the Zoning Board of Appeals June 16, 196~ was that of approval of the Mt. P~ospect Fire Departmen~ as ~o ac=ess ~o interior apartment buildings. It is impossible =o get %he approval in advance because we a~e unable at this time to submit plans to the Village and the Fi~e Department, u ' until the q estzon of the number of apartments has been set- tied. "We do agree That as one of the conditions prior to The issu- ance of a permit to bring in ~r~itten approval from ~he Mt. Prospect Fire Depa~menZ.. "I would appreciate.this matter beir~ pm~sented to the Vil- lage Boa~da% the.next meetin~ in order that we might Takead- vantage of the present weather conditions in getting our construction underway," Very t~uly yours, J. ~. M. Enterprises By/ Jerry. M. Chez T~ustee Ekren then read the following letter from National Shopping Centers, Inc., dated April 23, signed by David W. - Bemmant: "Gent lemen: This is to inform you that we have this day agreed to permit J.E.M. Enterprises to enter our property, to con- nect up =o our sanitary and water lines in the location as specified by Consoer, Townsend & Associates, and shall provide them with the necessary legal easement fo~ the running of their lines ~o said connections, all of which is to enable them to service their proposed l~0-unit apa~%-ment development located at the southwest =orne~ of Westgate Road and Meadow Lane." Very Truly yours, MOUNT PROSPECT PLAZA By/ David W. Be~mant Trustee Ekren ~hen read the. following letter from Consoer, To~vasend & Associates, dated April 28: (J.E.M. is also Te=h Assoc.) Tech Associates 5251 N. Lawler Chicago 3~ Illinois Gentlemen: This is to advise that we have investigated the feasibility of connecting ~he proposed 300 apartment Serafine Development and the proposed l#0-apar~ment Tech Associates Developmen= to The sewer and water utilities now in place in the Mt. P~ospect Plaza Shopping Center. As a ~esult of these investigations we are of the opinion that the utilities at The shopping center have capacity available to serve the above-described apartment developments. We are attaching hereto o~ preliminary plans showing p~oposed wa~er exxensions =o serve these projects and also cum preliminary p~an showing sewer extensions to serve these proposed p~ojec%s. June 16, 196~ f There are any questions please advise." Very truly yours, Consoer, Townsend & Associates William J. Cadigan Trustee Ekren reviewed the comments of the Zoning Board shown in the minutes of February 18th (also see petition for annexa- tion in, the minutes of January l#th.) Chief Haherkamp arose and stated that the plans passed the requirements for in.ess and egress of fire equipment. Discussion centered mainly on the paving of Westga~e Road; this is on a half-section line and requires an 80-foot dedication. Mr. Chez repeated that he was willing to improve that portion of Westgate Road abutting his property for the ~0-foot width required for the western half. Trustee Busse stated that he would like to see a letter from Wheeling Township Commissioner Everson indicating will- ingness to allow paving o~ the entire road. Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Phillips¥ moved to concur with the Zoning Board of Appeals in Case S~-5 and that the Villag~ Manager and Village Attorney be requested to work out suitable escrow for ~aving of this portion of Westgate Road to be built, with Mr. Chez and with the owners of the Plaza Shopping Center (Bermant)~ also to instruct Attorney Hofert to ch~aw up ordinances for annexation and zoning of this property. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Casterline Ek~en Phillips Nays: Busse Motion carried. Police & Fire P~esident Schlaver reminded the Board that ou~ Police and Fire Commission will-he hostat convention of commissions from our State next Sa~day, and also announced that he will be out o~ town for the next'three ~eeks on business and vacation. Attorney HoferT reported that the Zoning Board is reviewing the proposed text emendment to the Zoning ordinance Zonin~ re Open Space Planning and its application =o Old Orchard; the hearings regarding possible annexation aud rezoning of Old Orchard have been completed and are now awaiting the revision of the Zoning ordinance. Attorney Hofert reported;re Cook County Zoning hearing County held in the Village Hall on Monday, June lSth re 50 acres pro- Zonln~ posed for rezoning to apartment use on the northeast corner of Linneman and Algonquin Roads; 879 apartment units, to be arranged in a clover-leaf, classified as one building, although it was actually s string of buildings attached by solid walls. The Village presented Fire Chief Haberk~mp and Eugene Baug~=aann as opposing witnesses. Mr. Hofert went on to explain that this is one of a series of assaults on the Cook County Zoning ordinance rngarding zoning of property in Elk orove Township south of Golf Road; if the hearings were all successful, ~000-~000 apart- ment units would be erected in that area. Trustee Ekren referred to former zoning case, B~-21 Zonin~ Case W-G Sales Company, now known as the Trieger Apar~ent, at ~15 63-21 ~ast Prospect Avenue, Robert Babbin & Associates. Mr. Mark Crane of their insurance company is asking for assurance =hat work on ,~his building will go forward. June 16, 1964 Trustee Ekren, seconded by T~ustee Bruhl, moved that Village Attorney HoferT be requested To reply To Mr. Crane to the effe~ that occupancy permit will be granted from the Mount P~ospect Building Department upon compliance wi~h the Village Building Code~ This motion ca~ried by activation. T~us~ee Ek~en ~ead ~he followin~ ~epo~ f~om the ZoninE Case Zonin~ Board ~eZonin~ Case No. 6q-21 Heard ~y 21,. 196~, Peti~onem: Gol~la~ B~os., Inc. This was a ~equesT by pe:itione~ ~o ~ezone fmom B-1 =o B-8 a parcel of ~nd located in ~he Plaza Shoppi~ Cen~e~. The ~nin~ ~oa~ of Appeals vo=ed 7-0 =o app~owe the meques~. E. F. Mamtin, Chairman G. E. Jacobsmeye~. At,ins Sec'y ~us=ee ~kmen. seconded by T~us~ee Phillips~ m~ed ~o concu~ with ~he ~eco~endaTions of ~he Zonin~ Bo~d and ~he Village A~o~ey ~o ~aw up Khe ~equ~ed o~dinance. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Busse Bmuhl Be~en Caste~line Ekmen Phillips Mo~ion ca~ied. Mm. John Nom~hco~e Of Bam~ing=on Trucking Company asked VillaEe At~o~ey Hofem~ fom an opinion of clause in this company's con,matt wi~h ~he ~il~e ~equi~i~ ~h~ ~o pick up mefuse a~ ~esiden~ial ad~esses; one apa=~en~ house ~s hi,ed an ou=side ~ucking fi~. This ma~=e= was mefe~ed =o ~he Village A=Tomney fo~ s~udy. Adjoum~en= by accla~=ion a~ Respectfully su~itted, Ru=h C. Wilson Vil~ge ClePk June 16, 1964