HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/26/1964 VB minutes MINUTF. S OF MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES HV. LD MAY 26! 196~ ?residsn~ $chlaver called ~he meeting ~o orde~ 8:07 P.M. wi~h the following members present: roll call Busse Bergen ~as~erline Ek~en Phillips Absent: Bruhl, who arrived T~us~ee Ek~en, seconded by T~us~ee Busse, moved for approval of ~he minu~es of Hay 19~h as COrrected. minutes Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse Bergen Casterline Ek~en Phillips Absent: Bruht Mo~ion carried. T~us~ee Phillips, secondedby ~us~ee ~en, moved fo~ approval of =he followi~ bills: bills General $19,05~.20 Parking SysTem ~.~2 LibPaPy Lib~aPy BI~. Bond 6 In~., 19~9 2~669,6~ ~26~22.01 Upon ~oll call~ Ayes= ~usse ~e~gen ~s~e~l~ne Absent= ~uhl ~us~ee Ha~y B~uhl a~ved a= 8=15 ~us~ee Ph~liipsi seceded by T~s=ee Busse~ moved =o MFT 20 CS open bids fo~ ~T 20gS ~v~g. and~p~ov~en=s, ca~ied by ac=~o~ and ~he b~ds were ogened as follows: N~e Check ~n~ of Bid A~cole Midwes~ Co~p. CeD2ified $12~500 $179,599.05 Geo. H. HamPcO, Inc. Cashiems, $12,500 177,781.05 Allied Asp~lT Co~. Cashiers; $12,500 172,~17.80 Mayem Pavin~ Co, Cashiers, $18,000 173,1~7.20 Rock Road Cons~Duc~ion 0~, $12,500 17~,109.25 Thesebids were ~fe~d by:~esiden~' Sch~vem ~o Mm. My~ En~l~ of Consoer, To,send and ~o M~. J~es Kin~ fo~ checki~ and ~ecommenda~on, LaTe~. in ~he mee=~n~, ~. En~le~ and ~.' Kin~ ~tuDned wi~h =he ~ecommenda=ion =o accep: =he low bidde~, Allied Asp~l~ Corporation. They also mepo~ed ~ha~ Maye~ Pavin~ had made an Daisin~ ~he~ accel bid ~o $17~,1~7.20. ~e en~ineeD~s es=~a~e of 20 CS c~e ~o $173,708.8~. May 26, 196~ I o%\ T~ustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Ekren, then MFT 20CS moved to accept the bid of Allied Asphalt Corporation of $172~17.80, subject to the approval of the Illinois Division of Highways, and that deposit checks for the two iow bidders.be retained, returning the others. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen B~uhl Busse Caste~llne Phillips ~Ekren : Motion ca,Tied. Trustee Ber~en~ seconded by Tmustee B~uhl~ moved fence Khe ~eques~ of Ralph Ad~s~ 1101 Lincoln S~ee=, be denied for emec~ion of h[$h fence ove~ 3-1/2 feet. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Be~en B~hl 5usse Cas~emline Phillips E~en Mo~on ca~ed. Buildin2 Tmus~ee Bergen annoucced ~ ~he following cwo were s=ill in Build~n~ C~K~ee for discussion= A~win$ masonmy buildings only in =he indus~ial secK~o2 an8 ~qui~n~ landscaping of f~on=-yard setbacks fo~ buildings in ~he indus~r~l section. TrusKee Ekmen~ seconded by T~Kee Busse, moved passage of ~d. 98~ Ord. 98q Fmanchise~ G~NTING TO THE ILLINO~ BELL TE~PHONE COMPLY Illinois Bell ITS ~SSEES. SUC~SSO~ ~D ASSI~NS~ ~RTAIN RI~TS. Upon moll call= Ayes= Be~en B~uhl Busse ~sKe~k~ne Philips E~en This is an unspecified %e~ franchise w~th a five year escalato~ clause. T~us~ee Cas=erl~ne ~epom=ed =~T ~en~a=ive health Health ordinance ~d been submi%=ed by ~he Board of Health resamdi~ all food ~ndling es=ablis~en%s; ~his pmoposed omd~nance will be looked ~e~ by &K=~ney Hofe~K. Elk Ridge Ref~ed =o Plan C~ssion: F~i plats of Elk Ri~e Villa S~. V~lla Su~vis~on_~s 6, 7 and 8. ~na~e~ Appleby repot=ed =~ he had rec eived an Bmlckman Manom official recorded copy of B~c~an Mano~ Subdiv~s[on~ Doc. ~17~52327, Feb. 9, 1959, which shows Tha~ ~he wes~ half of Wheeling between Foun~y and sou~h of H~hl~d ~s be~n dedicated. M~. Appleby also mepo~=ed that the ~llhouse at No] 6 Well 5 i~ in ~ood shape and ~he ~unas have been landspaped. D~scussion re gasoline s=ora~e ~ank unde~o~d for Pine S~. 2arace V~l~e u~ on Pine S~ee~ =he Village ordinanc~dc no~ allow a =~k of ~his size a= ~h~s loca~lon~ however, i~ passes ~he requ~e- men~s of =he Na=ional Boa~ of F~e ~de~i=9~s~ Chief ~be~k~p sta~ed ~ he felt Th~s ~s end,ely safe as it is a wa~er p~essure =~k 1/2-~nch =hick, holding 10,000 gallons. May 26, 1964 May 26, 1964 Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that variation to allow this installation of underground gasoline s=orage tank be granted. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Busse Phillips e'- Ekren Casterline ! Nays: Bruhl Motion carried. Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved for ~he passage of Ord. 985 with plat: AN ORDINAMCE ANNEXING VILLAGE-OWNED PROPERTY TO THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT. This 125' x 80' piece of land was acquired with Hatlen Heights Water Company and abuts Forest View School property. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Busse Phillips ~kran Casterline Bruhl Mo=ion carried. Attorney Hofert reported that Centralwood Subdivision Special Assessment case is set for hearing before Judge Adesko on June 26 and 29th. Representatives of the State Highway Division, Messrs. A1 Sifter, William Griffin and Carl Anderson, project engineers, explained plans for improvements of Highways 1~ and 88 to be put through as soon as possible, and further explained that after this paving is finished there will be no parking al- lowed on State highway property. Merchants with business in the central section protested against the parking ban; M~. Sifter explained that the Sta~e would be willing to make cir=ain concessions temporarily. President Schlaver stated that it would take the Village a little time to acquire more off-street parking, and take other measures to help the flow of traffic along the state-owned highways. Attorney Hofert asked for a year's time to set up parking to taka care of the 72 spaces tha= will vanish; it was agreed that there will be further discussion and that commitments will be made in writing. · Mr. Luther Joseph, 1202 Wes~ Lincoln, complained about the d~ainage problem in front of his house. This matter was referred to the $~aet Committee and the Village Engineer. Mr. Wm. Jean, member of the American Federation of Musicians, living at ~08 Oak, asked about the Village ordinance forbidding live music to be played where liquor is served. Attorney Hofert replied ~hat it is the right of ~he Village to place any restrictions it cares~ to. upon the sale of liquor. Mr. Jean, violinist, stated that he thought it restricted the right of musicians to obtain work, and also that he thought live music to be generally of higher caliber than that played by juke boxes, which are allowed throughout the Village. Adjournmen~ by acclamation at 11:08 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ruth C. Wilson, Clerk May 26, 196q