HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/1964 VB minutes MEETING OF BOARD of TRUSTEES HELD ON MAY 19.t 196~,, , Clerk Ruth Wilson called the meeting to order a= 8~32 P.M., and upon roll call the following members were present: roll call Phillips Busse Ek~en Bergen Bruhl Absent: Casterlibe P~esident Schlaver, who arrived later. · True%es Busse.'ssconded by Trustee Bruhl,moved that Trustee Ekren ac= as President pro tam until Mr. Schlaver's arrival. This motion carried by acclamation. Trustee Bergen, Seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved for the approval of the minutes of May 12 as cormected, P. 5: Sea,rave minutes combined bid: $89,66~.00. Upon roll call: Ayes: Phillips Busse Ek~en Bergen Bruhl Absent: Casterline Pass: Ek~en Motion carried. Trustee Bruhi, seconded by T~ustee Bergen, moved for the approval of the following bills: bills General $2,.929.13 Library 200.00 Fire Sra. Constr. 196~ 120.00 Municipal Bldg..~ond Interests, 1961 Waterworks & Sewerage ~06.52 Waterworks & Sew~e~ge Acquis. & Cons~. .19t25~.26 .$26,157.36 Upon roll cai1: AYes: Sergen Busse Bruhl Ekren Phillips Absent: Caste~line MoTion carried. Trustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Phillips, moved that the'Village Board cancel the following waterworks & sewerage Fund finance corporate warrant as it has not been received by the payee and considered lost. and that the Village Treasurer be authorized to issue a new warrant =o replace this canceller:chi Warrant #C-838~, issued ~-22-8~ =o Paul's Welding Repair Servicefor,592.00. Upon roll call: Ayes: ~erge~. Busse Bruhl Ekren Phillips Absent: Caste~line '' Motion carried. May 19, 196~ finance Trustee Bruhl~ seconded by T~ustee Busse, moved that the following General Fund. Corporate Wazn~ant be cancelled as it was returned by the payee: Wal~-ant #C-7976, issued 3-18-6~ to June Brownell for $7.50. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Absent: Casterline Motion c~ried. Trustee B~uhl~ seconded hyTrus=ee Busse, moved to finance accept the Financial Repor~ for the month of April~ 196~, subject to annual audit. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen B~uhl Busse Ek~en Phillips Absent: Casterline Motion carried. Tmustee'Bergen, seconded by Buildings refe~ ~o the Village AT=omney ~he question of revising The build- ing code to allow only solid masonry' buildings ~o be erected in the I-1 zone. Upon roll call~ Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse · Ek~en ~Phillips AbsenT: Casterline MoTion carried. T~ustee Bergen, seconded-by Tmustee Busse, moved that until the opinion of the Village Attorney isreceived, the Build- ing DeparTment cease issuing building permits for erection of corrugated metal buildings in The I-1 zone. Upon rol% call: Ayes: Bemgen Bmuhl Buase Ek~en Phillips Absent: Casterline Motion carried. Trustee Bergen, seconde~ by TrusTee Busse, moved that Zoning - I-1 the Village Attorney investigate The question of regulating the regulations use of the ~front yard setback required rom indusi-~ial plants. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen B~uhl Busse Ek~en- Phillips Absent: Castemline Motion ca~ied. T~us=ee Bergen brought up the case of the new ca~ Rand Auto Wash wash currently Being erected on Rand Road southeast of Gunnell's Bldg. Dept. Bowling Alley; a stop work order had been issued by the Building Department because This layout was not ~ollowi~g The plans approved by the Village. LetTer of explanation dated May 16th was read by Manager Appleby and followed by verbal explanation given by Robert Boles~ architect of Band Road Auto Wash. l~esident $chlaver armived at 9:18 P.M. and assumed the chair. AfTe~ further discussion it was detemmined That this matter should be ca,tied forward by the Building Committee with the aid of the Village Attorney. Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved to Fire award con~ract to Ameri~an-~a France for one 90-ft. aerial Equipment platform with a 1250 gpm pump and one 1250 gpm pumper, because American ~a France meets all specifications, and purchase of this equipment will continue the Village standardization program. 90-ft. aarial platform - , 1250-gal. pumper = 26,956.70 $91,~53.20 Upon roll ~all: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Ekrea Phillips Absent: Casterline Motion carried. Trustee Busse, seconded by T~ustee Bruhl, moved for the Police purchase of 2 P12mouth Police Patrollers fr~ Mark ~otors, the iow bidder, for $~,386.00 with $800 each trade-in. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen .Bruhl Busse Ek~en Phillips Absent: Casterline Motion oa~ied. Finance Directpr King observed that the~e Plymouths have proved out very well in maintenance ~o~t~ .... Trustee Ek~en read report and memo re Zoning case 64-20, Zoning Case heard on May 15t~,. petit$one, r, Village of Mount P~ospect: 64-20 "This was a request of t~e ~illage for a special use with variation of front set-hack of present I-1 ~ning so as to erect a garage on property located at 11 So. Pine S~reet, owned by the Village. "The Zsning Board of Appeals voted 7-0 to allow the special use request but to disallow the variation." MemoPandum: "The petition of the Village concerns a piece of property located at 11 South Pine Street now zoned I-X and consisting of 228 feet fronting on Pine Street and with a depth of 157 feet or a total land area of 36,000 square feet. It is the proposal of the Village to e~ect a solid masonry building of 24,500 square feet. The Village asks for a special use to cons~uct a building to be used for garage, storage and repair of equipment, The Village also asks for a variation of the front yard requirement so the building can be built to the front lot line rather than the 25-foot set-back requi~ed by our ordinance. "The Board of Appeals voted 7-0 to approve the special use request but voted 7-0 to deny the erection of the building to the front lot line for The. following reasons: 1. The very' apparent dangerous precedent that would he set. ~ · . 2. The danger to citizensfor the two exits opening upon j~h~ 19, 1964 upon the sidewalk with absolutely no a~ea between the sidewalk and The exits that would be used by the vehicles stored in The garage. 3. 'The erection of this proposed building wiThouT proper setback and landscaping would, in The opinion of the members of the Zoning Bo~u~d, create a s~ucTure of unattractive lines and not a worthy addition To The Village. It seems To The -- members of the Hoard that The Village shou%d set an example with its municipal bqildSngs That wou~d add %0 The attractiveness of the Village and also serve as a model for future erection of other buildingsinThe Village. The members of the Zoning Board were also of the opinion that the Village failed to prove a hardship in This case, which is a requirement of ou~ o~dinance in o~der To g~anT a variation. The members of The Zoning Boaz, d were als0 of the opinion That they must adhere To the legal requirements as set forth by the ordinance rather Thanto rule upon questions and requests based upon The advantages to the Village that would accrue To the Village Management resulting fmom the erection of The p~oposed building upon ,an insufficient land a~ea fo~ the building area proposed. A suggestion was made, agreed to By The Village Attorney, that The pmoposed building could be Built to within five feet of the rear lot line and This would, in effect, mean That The front of The building would be e~ected with a~provision for a fifteen- foot front yard set-back. This would mequiz'e a ten-foot variation for The front yard setback ~nd a five-foot variation for the rear yard setback which would be mo~e accpptable tothe Zoning Board of ~-~ Appeals. -E~ F. Martin, Chairman G. E, Janobsmeyer~ AcTin~ Secretary T~usTee Bmuhl questione~ The advisibility of granting speciai use with variation instead o~rezoning~ and was info~med That This con- cerns current litigation matters. Recess was called at 9:5~ To inform M~. Bruhl of This matTer~ and reconvened at ~0:05. T~usTee Ek~en, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved to concur with recom- mendation of the Zoning Board To allow special use fo~ above-mentioned property. Upon roll call~ Ayes: Busse Bergen Bruhl Ek~en Phillips Absent~ CasTemline Motion carried. Trustee Ekren, seconded by T~ustee Busse, moved fo~ The Ord. 98~ passage of O~dinance #982: Special use Pine St, garage AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT'S ZOHING ORDINANCE ~-~ BY AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TOETHE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT SO AS TO CONSTRUCT A ~ARAGE, gTORAGEAND KEPAIR BUILDING AT 11 SOUTH PINE STREET Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bl, uhl Busse Ekren Phillips Absent: CasTe~line Motion carried. T~ustee Ekren. seconded by T~ustee Busse, moved for The Ord. 983 passaga of Ordinance #~3~ Ord, 983 AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE BY GRANTING A Zonin~ - Pine VARIATION IN FRONT YARD SET-BACK A~D REAR YA~ St. ~arage SET-BACK TO PROPER~ O~NED BY THE VIL~ ~D ~OCATED AT 11 SOUTH PINE ST~ET Upon ~o~ calll Ayes: Be~en Busse Ek~en Phillips Nays: B~hl Absent: Cas~evline Mo~ion ca~ied. T~us~ee E~en ~e-Dead ~epov~ ~d memo f~om the ~nin~ Zonln~, Case Board ~e Case 64-12, heard Feb~y 28:h, pe~i~ione~ ~ic~ 6q-12 ~si~Cl~k Oil i Refini~ Co,, askin~ rom B-3 zonin&. ~is ~ep~ and m~o ~n be found in the minutes of March 3~d, and shows ~: ~ha $oni~ Bo~d =eco~ended denial of ~his on ~he ~o~ds of spot.zoning. ~us~ee Ek~en, seconded by ~as~ee B~uhl, moved ~o conc~ ~he ~nin~ B~d, as ~he Judiciary Co~i~ee also fel~ ·his would be considered spo~ ~aint in ~ indus~tal and ~esi- dential ~ac~. ~ustee Ek~n continued ~he~ Zo s~a~e ~ Judiciary Committee wishes to po~ ou~ ~hat i~ is also basing i~s opinion on ~he fac~ ~ ~he Ame~ic~ Lesion en:e~ed ~o an a~men~ wi:h ~he Village which we beli~e they should now live up ~o. This cove~n~ s~a~es ~ ~he p=ope~y ~o R-1 zon~. The Village A~o~ney~also ~p~ined ~ in ~36 a~es s~ound~$ ~his lO0'~x 150' ~ea ~s ~ez~ed ~o I-l, ~ of which is now o~ed by ~he Br~in~ Comply. The ~ic~ Aa~ion ~ac~ was ann~ed in ~957 o~ ~958 and ~iven a B-3 zonins but ~he~e was, a deed covenant_ issued.~.Zo ~he effec~ t~ ~his pDopeV~y would ~ev~ ~o R-1 ~, ~old o~ ~s no lon~e~ used as a clubhouse by ~he A~ic~ ~eiion. Upon ~o1~ call: Ayes: B~en Busse E~en Phillips Absent: ~s~e~line Mo~ion ca~ied. T~us~em E~en, seconded by ~s~ee Phillips, m~ed ~ha~ Zonin~ Boamd ~he; Zonin~ Bo~d of App~is ~ .paid fo~ ~ s~c~l heavies held special fees aZ the ~etitio~ of ~he Vill~e$ $~0-f~ ~he c~imn, $5 for each member present. Upon roll call~ Ayes= Busse Bruhl. ~ergen E~en Phillips Abse~: ~s~erline Mo%ion ca~ied. ~esiden~ Schlav~ designated M~. Appleby =o a~Tend County Cook Count~ Zoni~ h~ving~. ~cke~ 742, ~e~ding amendmen~ ~o Zonin~ ~he Coun%y Zoning ~di~e ~o be held J~e 4, Room 535, ~ County Building. 19, 1964 Manager Appleby read letter f~om Salvato~e Di Mucci Bldg. Dept. dated May l$~h~ asking fo~ mee=i~ wt~h ~chi~ec~l Village A~omney~ Building Dep~en~ and h~self ~fusal of 2he Archi~ec~al Co~%%ee ~o ~r~ Di Mucci Buildems a building pe~mi~ on Lo~ 2~0~ Elk R~dge V~i~. This ~efe~s ~o ~%ion of %wo iden%i~l ~anch houses side by side, This ma~er was mefe~d ~o the Buildin~ County Mm. Appleby read le~e~ f~m ~olland Frozen, Zonin2 da~ed ~y 18~h, re~ard~ V~lla~e~s objection ~o county fora gas s~a~ion a~ Foun~y ~d Wolf Road, askin~ ~he Vil~e withdraw i~s objection and ~n~a~n~ possible annexation of =his p~ope~y ~o ~he Vil~ge. The Board decided To ~e no o~he~ %ion a% This ~ime~ askin~ M~. App~eby--~o so info~ ~. Franzen. C~andon .T~s~ee Ek~en, seconded.by ~us~ee Busse, moved:~o ~f~ Mano~ pla~ of subdivision of p~oposed Cmandon Manor, alon~ Busse Road, ~o ~he P~n C~m~ssion fo~ i~s s=udy and ~eco~en~[on. Th~s subdivision is ou=side =he Village. l~i=s. This mo~ion ~ied by accl~a~ion. ~esiden% Schlaver ~e~ le=%e~ f~om Clyde Deyo~ C~v~c P~es~den~ of ~he ~oun~ ~ospec~ Base~ll Association for Boys, 0~gantzaTions ask~g fora p~ission to sell de~ls on ~y 2~ and~2~ ~o f~ds rom ~his association. ~s~ee Ph~llips~ seconded by T~us- =ee Be~en~ moved ~o allow ~h&s solici=a~on,, and ~he mo~ion ca~ed by accla~ion. ~es~den~ Schlave~ ~ead ~epo~ f~ ~he h~b~a~y Boa~ fo~ ~he p~evious f~scal ye~ uopy of which is ~ncluded wi~h ~hese m~nu=es. ~es~den~ Schlav~ ~ad le~e~ f~om C. A. Benowiscz of Sta~e Hi2hway =he S~a~e of Illinois Highly D~v~sion [nfo~n~ him ~ha= the S~ate plus ~p widen Golf Road =o ~ l~es wi%hin ~he nex~ f~ve years~ ~ po~ion between H~hway 1~ and Rohlw~g Road (Rte. ~). A~o~ney Hofe~ ~ted ~ ~he~e had been 01d Omchamd conferences wi~h ~he o~s of ~he Old O~c~d Co~y Club Count~ Ci~ e~y~ and ~ cop~es of p~o~sed ~d~nan~ w~%h plan and layouts would be ava~l~le ~ =he Clerk's office w~h~n ~he nex~ few days. ~. ~. Bol~os of 1700 ~aP~ ~ne a~ose, exp~ining Colonial ~ he l~v~ i~ =~ 9o~on of Colonial Heights mos~ ~ecen~ly Heights annexed~ asktn~ %~ ~he Vil~e 9~ev~= d~pi~ on s~und~ng yack= lots~ put in s~ee~ l~h~s~ and pave ~he o~he~ ~lf of ~he s~mee~. The ~esiden~ explained ~ha= ~hese i~ova~ions ~ake =ime and ~ no ~ax monies would be fo~hc~ng fm~ =his a~ea rom a~ leas= a yea~ ~o cove~ ~hese:expend~%~es. Adjoumnmen~ by acc~a%~on atl0:50 Respec=fully ~ubmi~ed, Ru~h C. Wilson, Clerk May 19, 1964 May 14~ 1964 Mt. P~ospect Village Board Mt. Prospect, Illinois Gentlemen: Attached you will find the treasurer's annu~financial report and the librarian's statistical report of the Mt. Ph~pect Public Library for the fiscal year May l, 1963 to April 30, 196~% Books added to the library shelves this year totaled 6,204 volumes of which 3,441 were adult books and 2,783 were juvenile books. This brings our book collection to 35,023 volumes. The contract with~the Chicago Public Library for a loan of approximately 10~6 books:to supplement our book collection was in effect thi~ past year.:~ Magazine subscriptions have been increased to 102 publieations.~ Some religious magazines and trade journals have bemn donated by interested patrons, .... ~'. .'. The circulation reached a 1/4 past,.~ar - 225,046. Of this number 104~580 were adult 150'.466 were juvenile books. Public and parochial school t~library unde~ teacher supervision to become better acc ~ library facllities. The Friends of The Library continue~ help to the library by conducting pre-school story hour; with records of the Summer Reading ~lub which had an 2,980 children; and providing material gifts as well. Displays in the display cases located east entrance of the li- brary have been of particular The second floor of the library a section for back numbers of magazines and ~.,of,~val~e~o the high school and university students, and, to ~,~eseaDch. Eventually magazines w~ll be charged from the ~stalled charging desk located on this floor, and this space will bec quiet study area for adults and high school students. A special staff member in charge of publicity has effectively informed the public regarding the libraries activities, the acquisition of books and matters of general interest to the public, At a special meeting held April 20, 196~ the library members accepted with regrets the resignation of ~s. R~ McMahon, treasurer of the li- brary board. ~.. F, Biermann was appointed by the library board to fill the vacancy created by M~s. McMahon's resignation. May~ 19, 1964 The ~ ex.~ fac. ilities of ad~quatel~'~":-~ovlde rom the £1D~a~ies ~equl~ements in ~he fo~eseeabl~ fUtuPe. Howeve~ when i= becomes necessamy to add to the ~istin~ facilities i~ is the pmesen= option of ~he boamd that such expansion should take place thmou~h =he use of boo~obiles. The Mt. Pmospect ~blic Library has enjoyed ~eat popul~i~y wi~h its boPmowems because its pumchases have kep~ it current with newly pub- lished ~oks and books in demand by the ~eade~s. Its c~culation person is app~x~a~ely ten book~ p~ yea~ which is exce~ent. Th~s we feel attests to the p pula~l~y and este~ ~he pa~ons ~ve of the li~y ~d i~s semvices .... Meta W. Bi~ner, ~esident ".' ': ~' (~ms. Vi~o~ F. Bit~ne~) May 19, 1964 TREASURER' 8 REPORT ANNUAL STATEMENT 1963 - 1964 ADMINISTRATION Salanies .............. $ 28,924.47 Illinois Municipal Ret irement Fund 2,398.87 Social Security ........ 63.00 Supplies .......... 2,521.99 Postage and Express ..... 113.59 Printing and Stationery. . 96.75 Telephone ...... ~~ii'!: 275oll Insurance o : .... ..... ; .... 636.03 Other Opera~zng . Expens~ , :~ . 318.94 : ) ,~,.. $ 35,346.55 BUILDING ~ii:~: : :. ~ Ja~ito= .... ~'' . $ 4 800.00 ::: ' ...... , Meat ..... ~ . ? ...... 888.13 Light, and Wa~e~.... %,,~.:..~ . , . . . . 65.ll F~n~e and F~es.;,'~ ~: · . , .... 1,678.q4 ~ndscaping , .... ?:~ Q ..... . . 2~.56 Mazntenance ..... ~;,'~ ...... 231.90 Build~g Si~e .... ~,s..~,,~ .,, .... 5~000.00 BOOKS ~' '~"' ... Adult Books .... ......... $ 12,227.28 Chil~en' s B~ks. ....... 7,117.33 Peni~icals .............. 1,021.96 Book B~d~g ' 221 l0 Reco~s .......... , .... 32.35 Su~er ~eading Club ........ ,, 293,q0 TOTAL ~PENDI~S* ..... 68,9~8.ll INCOME: Balance on ~nd 5/l/63 ............ $ 3,267.~2 Rece[p=s ~om ~es ........... 6~,607.~1 Receip=s Erom Fines, Een~als, etc ...... 9,859.8~ Interest on ~eas~y No~es ........ . 4~2.26 ~ TOTAL INCOME .... . . . . UNEXP~DED BA~NCE- t~y l~ 196~ ............ $ 9,228.62 May 19, 1964 'c: ANNUAL ~EPORT ~' MAY 1963 - APR. 30~ 1964 PART 1 - LIBRARY ORGANIZATION & OPEP~TIONS Hours library open each week 62 Number of registered borrowers: Adult, 6755 Juvenile~ 9122 Total, ~5877 Numbem of nonresident borrowers: Adult 174 (family ca~ds) Family Fee-$10.00 Population served (1960 census)22,9~5 Yea~ central libz'ary built - 1950 Year of last majo~ ~pmovemen~ - 1962 No, of p~ofessional ~ud~eted positions 2 No. of all o~her staff budgeted positions 7-1/2 Annual salany of Chief Libmarian $6300.00 PART. 2 - Collection ¢ Circulation ADULT JUVENILE TOTAL Numbe~ of libna~y volumes end of year 20~652 ~,, 1¢~3~1 35,023 Volumes added du~in~ yea~ 3~%~1'/: 2~763 6,20~ Nu~e~ of volumes c~cu!ated du~in~.yea~ 9~7~;'? .1~6~016 2~0,190 Photos, pic~es~ pnints 9'~7'~:'~X 863 10,739 Sold ~co~din~s (discs) 363-5~ 697 1,060 Film (~eels) !11. St. , :::~, ':; ~:' 2,890 2~890 ..:.. ' 0~'~80" ~ 150,~66 255,0Q6 Total PART S - FI~CIAL INFOR[.~TION ~ :~ ~ceipts - OpePatin~ ~nd: ~ :>,Expenditumes - Ope~atin~ ~pense: ~ount fmom t~ levy 6~,607.~1 . :Sa!~ies, P~ofessional 6,S00.00 Fees f~om non-~esidents 1,325.00 ~ala~ies, .assistants 22,62~.~7 F~as, da~Ees, lost books 7~35.83 Janito~ S~vice ~,800.00 Rental ~ok collection 862.21 Boo~s-'.. 19,3~.6t Othem so~ces 678.86 Periodicals 1,021.96 .~ Sound ~co~din~s 32.35 Total Receipts 7~,909.31 Insurance ~ 6S6.03 Repairs and ~p~ovements 256.~6 Unexpended ~iance f~om Furniture ~d f~tu~es 1,6~8.~ p~evious ye~ 3~267.~2 Supplies 2,521.99 Telephone 275.11 Assessed valuation of PostaEs, ~ei~ht, express 113.59 village 89,760,6S8 ~int~ 96.75 S~ding and ~eh~dinE 221.10 Rate of t~ levy fo~ Othe~ operatOR ~pense Q~025.25 libbey .076~ Total Op~at~ Expense 63,9~8.11 Capital expense 5,000.00 Ba!~ce on hand end of 9,228.62 fiscal P~kT ~ - INTE~IB~Y LO~S Nu~e~ of vol~es 5o~owed in ~epo~tin~ yea~ 167 .'May 19, 196~ ART 8 '~ NAMF. S OF LIBP~RY BOARD , : .... iBi~ne~, P~es. 300 W. Milbu~n Avenue 1959~965 ~Kes~e~ 801 So. Elmh~s~ ~ad 1961-&~7 M~s. H~ Anderson 9 So. William St. 1959~1965 ~s. R. M=~hon 5~3 E~ L~co~ St. 1961-1967 ~s. W, KiPchhoff 118 So. Owen S~. 1963-t969 ~. J. ~igley 213 So. Pine S~. 1963-1969 P~T 9 - FULL TI~ STAFF, ~s, R. E, Schl~em Libma~ian M~s~ G~ ~enhe~e~ ReferenCe L~a~ ~ H~ Li~le Cus~Odian DaCe: May 13. 1964 /s/ I,~.a E. Schlerame~' (MFs. R. E,), Lib~,a~ia The Bo~d of D~ecto~s he~ewx~h a~.,,~.~,~ove ~epomt and su~i~ it to the Illinois S~a~e L~a~, 'May 19, 196~