HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/1964 VB minutes MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD' AUGUST 18~ 1964 President Schlaver called the meeting to order 8:05 P.M. with the following members present: Bruhl Bergen Busse Ek~en Cas=erline roll call Absent: Phillips T~us~ee Bruhl~ seconded by T~us~ee Cas~erline, moved for. approval of the minutes of the previous meeting of August 6. minutes Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Bergen Busse Ekren Casterline Absent: Phillips Mo~ion ca~ied. T~ustee B~uhl, seconded by T~us~ee Cas~e~line~ moved rom approval of bills as follows: bills General $ 5~,082.75 Parking ~ys~em Revenue 1~325.98 L~a~y . 2~326.85 Mo~o~ Fuel Ta~ 35~616.69 Library Bldg, Bond ~ In~. 1961 3~227.50 Wa~e~wo~ks & Sewerage 29~915.93 Waterworks 6 S~e~a~e Acquis. & Cons~c~ion 2,19~.00 $125,687.70 Upon ~11 call: Ayes: Bruhl Be~en Busse Ekmen Cas~e~line ~sen~: Phillips Mo~ion carried. T~s~ee Be~e~ s~a~ed ~ A. ~on Wilso~ of fence 109 S~h Albe~ is askin~ fop 15-f~. ~ske~weave-type fence 5 ft. high as a p~ivacy scPeen~ ~he nei~hbo~ =o ~he no~h, Waldema~ Biela is no% a~mee~le, sta~in~ ~ha~ his p~ivet hedge is fence enough. Af~e~ Sho~= discussion, ~us~ee Be~en, seconde~ by T~s~ee Cas~erline, moved no~ to ~an~ peri= e~ec~ ~his fence, which ~s a~eady been built. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Be~en Cas~e~line Nays: B~uhl Busse ~sen:: Phillips Mo~ion defea=ed. The Boa~ discussed ~k~ chan~es o~ additions ~o =he fence o~dinance, as variation =eques~s a~e incmeasin~ly ~akin~ ~he ~ime of ~he Board. ~s=ee Ek~en su~es~ed ~ivin~ mo~e latitude of decision ~o ~he full~e s~aff. A~o~ey Hofe~ advised ~ha~ deoision as ~o allowin~ a fence ePec%io~ sho~d no~ be left en- tirely t~adjoinin~ nei~ors~ but mus~ c~e ~ the mulin~ b~y even if a~ ~imes i~ is ~ vamiance with ~he opinion. August 18, 196~ fences T~ustee Busse, seconded by Trustee Castevline~ moved to ~etain the p~esen~ policy of asking fo~ neighbors' consent by ko be used only as a guide in allowing fence variations. Upon roll call: AyeS: B~uhl Bergen Busse Absent: Phillips Motion ca~vled. T~ustee Caste~line suggested addition of o~dinanee sc~een~type fences~ as for patio, pools, e~o. P~esident Schlaver asked the Building Committee to work on ~he p~oblem. T~ustee Ekmen, seconded by ~ustee Bmuhl, moved ~o fence ~man~ ~he fenoe variation of A. Go~don Wilson a~ 109 Albe~. Upon ~oll call: ~yes: B~uhl Ek~en Nays: Be~en Busse Cas~emline Absent: Phillips Mo%ion defeated. ~us~ee Ekmen pointed ou~ ~o ~. Biela ~ha% ~he above mo~ion mean~ ~a~ ~. Wilson would be o~i~ed ~o ~e~ do~ ~he baske~- weave screen he ~d ~eoenTly e~ec~ed. T~s=ee BemEen, seconded by ~s~ee Cas~ePline, moved fence ~o allow ~ace Winkel~ke of 812 WeGo ~all ~o e~ec~ ~edwood louvre sc~een-~ype fence, 2~ fee~ lon~ and 5 fee~ hi~h, subjec~ ~o ~i~=en pe~ission f~om nei~hbo~ on ~ha~ side of the p~opemty. This will ~lp baffle noise f~ ai~ condi~i~nin& Upon ~11 oall: A~es: B~Uhl Be~en Busse Ek~en Cas~e~line Absen=: Phillips Mo~ion ca~ied. ~us~ee Be~en ~ead ~he followin~ le~e~ ~ Federal Signs Si~n Co.~ July 21, 19~ Deam M~. Be~en: Subject: Go~yea~ Ti~e & Rubbe~ C~pany R~d ~ FoUndry Rds., M~. ~ospec~ Will you please conside~ ~his let~e~ as a ~eques~ fo~ a variation cove~in~ ~wO (2) identical pylon moun~ed displays as pe~ G~dyea~ p~int ~363-6~ enclosed herewith. ~e display is to face Foun~y Road and ~he o~he~ display is ~o face ~nd Road. The displays a~e a s~d~d diamond shape ~yp~ double faoe ~d made of porcelain entel s~eel wi~h the meadin~ "GOODY~AR" in neon ~bin~ and wi~h a neon bo~de~ a~ound ~he periphery of ~he display~ the a~a of the di~ond shape display ~o~als 17~.5 sq. f~. Also a=ta~hed to the uprights is a pomcelain en~et steel unill~i- na~ed panel ~eadin~ "AUTO SERVICE C~NTER" wi~h an a~ea Of 63 sq. ft. The ove~-all hei~h~ of ~he display is 37 f~. In cheCkin~ wi~h =he buildin~ depa~enT we were advised ~ha~ ~his location is zoned ~ limi~in~ The hei~h~ of a display ~o 26 fee~ 'and also limi~in~ ~he si~n a~ea ~o 96 sq. fT. The buildin~ is presently undem oons~ion an4 is lo=ated a~oss f~ ~ndh~st Shoppin~ August 18, 1964 Hoping that every consideration be g~ven and pray that the signs Board of Trustees will &~ant this variation. Thank you. Very truly yours, T. B. Kerkhoven Trustee Bergen, seconded by T~ustee Casterline, moved to allow Goodyear Tire & Rubber Cb. to erect two signs as described in foregoing letter, with max;mm height of 35 feet. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Busse Ekren Pres. Schlaver Nays: Bruhl Casterl*ine Absent: Phillips MoTion carried. TrusTee Casterline pointed out that the sign ordinance, a fairly recent document, was set up with the advice of leading sign companies; the majority of variations allowed had been because const-~uction was star~ed before the ordinance was passed; he felt that =he ordinance was meaningless if variations were handed out indiscriminately. TrusTee Bergen' brought up the case of Serafine's town- Bldg. h~uses on Lincoln Avenue; building inspector's report showed they $erafine were structurally sound hut not habitable, that work was very Townhouses slow. President $chlaver asked that notice be serVed by Village prosecutor that he will prosecute within 30 days if ~mmediate ~_. s~e~s are not taken to finish this building. Trustee Bergen read letter signed by Building InspecTor Bldg. Joe Pecoraro To Vinan Bldg. Corp., who have taken over Tally Ho Tally Ho ApartmenTs wherein Vinan is given until August 26 To pu~p out water-filled basements, backfill around foundations and cut weeds. Mr. Peter Perice, president of Vinan Bldg. Corp., replied as of August 18Th that his corporation had only just completed the nec- essary paper work ~o Take control of this project and intended to start construction immediately. Trustee Bruhl, seconded Dy TrusTee Casterline, moved to Finance accept Financial Report as of July 31, 196~ pending audit. This motion carried by acclamation. TrusTee Bruhl reported that he had received letter from garbage North Suburban Council on Refuse Disposal stating that meeting will he held August 26th in Wilmette, and asked that either Hammerer or Mr.' He;hr;ch aTTend the meeting that night. Trustee Bruhl complained of erection of name signs Village reserving stalls in the Village parking lot for employees use; property Mr. Applehy explained this was done because of overcrowding on court days. President Schlaver asked Manager Appleby to review this situation. Trustee Ekmen read the following letter: Insurance Angus~ 13, lg6~ Court suits ~r. Lloyd Lentzner Employer's MuTual of Wausau 7~ll Lake Street River Forest, Ill. Dear Sir: Re: Law Suit Designated as Schroeder vs. Basenhart et al - 63 C 27720 Circuit Court of Cook Count~ Ill. Please be advised that Two officials of the Village of August 18, 196g Hount Prospect, one John Bickley, a previous trustee and the other, Fire Chief Haberkamp, were sued in the above entitled cause. Youm Company was advised and Mr. Albert Horrell, Attorney for other defendants, secured s judgment order dis- missing the suit against all concerned including Mr. Bickley and Chief Haberkamp. I have been informed that you feel that you owe a defense to Mr. Bickley but not To Mr. Haberkamp per the Village Treasurer of Mount P~ospect. I would appreciate affirmation of your position in this matter and that you take note of the let- ter sent me by Mr. Albert Horrell, and that you contact him and arrange To join him in the defense of Mr. Bickley and or Mr. Haberkamp. If it~is not the intention of the insurance company to defend Mr. Haberkamp, I will appoint ~r. Howell To so do. I would appreciate confirmation upon ~eceipt of This letter and your informing me of your' position in This matter. Sincerely, Edward C. Hofert, Village Attorney Mount P~ospect Trustee Ek~en, seconded by Tmustee Bruhl, moved That Attorney Hofert be given authority To hire M~. Albert Hot,ell to defend Edwin Haberkamp in The event the Village insurance company, Employer's Mutual of Wausau, declines To include him in The over- all defense. This motion carried by acclamation. Trustee Ek~en read letter from Allan Silver, nan, attorney Zoning Case representing Hall & stone, petitioners in Zoning Case 54-17, -- 64-17 wherein Mr. $ilverman protested the fact that this case was imme- diately handed over ~o The Board of T~ustees Without notifying him that it was to be broughk up. ATTorney Mofert pointed out That appearance before The Board of Trustees on matters That have previously been heard by The Zonin~ Board is not a right, but a privilege granted a% the discretion of The Board of TrusteeS; The Board of T~usTees had no obligation tO notify Mr. Silve~man before Taking up this case. VillaEe Manager Appleby was asked to go into the background of This case, taking into account Zoning Petition Nos. 62-22 and 64-5 as well, and to give the Board a summary of The facts To date. M~. Bill Kleiner aske~ for permission To speak to the Lake Bmiarwood Board, stating that he represented Mr. Lindquist, builder, who is currently buildin~ on Three lots in Lake Briarwood, abutting The Commonwealth Edison right of way. This right of way is in The Village, but the area to be built upon is no=. Mr. LindquisT pro- posed to either ask annexation to The Village With R-~ zoning, including a portion of The right of way, or to lease a portion of the sight of way if The Village will give it zoning to allow parking. M~. HoferT advised that The correct procedure is To petition for annexation of That part no% in The Village, a~king for The desired zoning. This matter was refer~d ko the Judiciary Committee. T~ustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Busse, moved for the Ord. 991 passage of Ord. 991: Special Use AUTHORIZING ~ SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A THEATER (INDOOR) - AT THE RANDHURST SHOPPING CENTER. August 18, 1964 ~pon moll call= Ayes: Bemgen Busse Bruhl Cas=erline Ekmen Absen=: Phillips Mo=ion cammied. Rafemmed Ko Chief of Police: Pe=i=ion fom erec=ion of Traffic stop sign aK Henry and Louis. Refermed to Police Co~i=tee= Question of possible police or tmaffic guard pmo=ection acmoss Hwy. 83 aK two points, nomth and sou=h of the %macks. Tmustee Castemline, seconded by T~us=ee Busse, moved Sidewalks =hat the east side of Emerson Street be=ween Busse and Central Streets be Created in the same mannem as the wes%side, i.e., oemen= be=ween =he walk and =he s=meet. Upon moll call= Ayes= Bemgen Busse Bruhl Castemline Ek~en Absent; Phillips Motion ca~ied. Pm~siden= Schlavem asked rom concu~n-ence of the Boaz~ P6tice Pensio in his appointment of R. L. Start=on Ko =he Police Pension Boamd Board for a =emm of two yea~s beginning the p~evious May 1 of this yea~. Stanton T~ustee B~uhl, seconded by T~ustee gkmen~ moved Ko so concum. This motion cammied by acclmma=ion. P~esiden= Schlavem expmessed hope that Mm. He~man Health Maenisch, Heal=h Inspector, would soon be out of the hoD~ital and asked =he Boamd to concu~ in appointment of Robemt Heinrich as Ac=lng Heal=h Inspec=om un=il Mm. Haenisch recovems. Trustee Castemline, seconded by T~ustee Bmuhl, moved Ko concum in this appoin~mem=~ and =he motion cammied by acclama=ion. P~esidnet Schlavem announced that he was going Ko call Special a Special Mee=ing of =he Boaz~ fom next Tuesday Ko consider possible Meeting annexa=ion of Old Omcha~d Coun=my Club and =he =ax lev~ ordinance. Tmus=ee Ek~en read mepomt =umned in by Robemt Heinmich County re Coun=y Zoning cases 7~3 and 7~6, petition rom upgmading single Zoning family mesidence dis=riot and installing amt~ficial lake in a~ea over 18 ac~es, on the wes= side of Wheeling Road sou=h of Palatine Road~ and commended him on the vemy fine repomt. Mm. John Kurhajec of 200 Nomth glmhurst mead peri=ion Water signed by a dozen pmoper=y ownems along wes= Thayer complaining Streets that meseeding of pamkway al%em ins%alia=ion of wa=e~ main was un- (Parkway nex~ satisfactory, and asking =ha= i= be done pmopemly. M~. Appleby to Episcopal explained that he lived neam theme also~ =ha= two seedings had ChUrch) failed because of weathem conditions, but that anothem at=amp%was going to be made now =hat the peak of summem had passed. P~esident Schlavem pmomised the homeo~raems %ha= ~his mat%em would be taken Adjournment by acclama=ion aK 10=37 P.M. Resp~c=fully submitted, Ruth C. Wilson, Clemk August 18, 1964