HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/27/1965 VB minutes MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUST~ES HELD APRIL 27~ 196.5 . t~esident Schlavel~ called ~he meeting to o~der a~ 8:10 P.M. with the following members present: roll call Der&en Busse Cast,line Ek~en Bruhl Phillips Trustee Casterline~ seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved for the approval of the minutes of April 6th as sub- mitred, minutes Upon ~oll call: Ayes= Bergen Busse Casterline Ek~en Bruhl .Pass: Phillips Motion carried. T~ustee BTuhl, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved fo~ the passage of the followin~ bills: bills General $ 64,319.78 Pamkin~ System Revenue Libma~y '~,~8.21 ~"~ Fi~e Equipment 1964 1~086.63 Fi~e S~ation Cons~r. 1964 Wa~e~works 6 Sewerage Acquis. ~and Construction 10,891.28 Waterworks and Sewe~ageFund 28~8q2.20 Waterworks and Sewerage-Dept. Impr. and ~xtension 7.20 $119,179.66 Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Casterline Ekren Phillips Busse Mo~ ion ca~ried. T~us~ee Phillips, seconde~ by T~us~ee Bz~uhl, moved Wate~ Imp- to open bids fo~ the followin~ construction: 500 lineal feet rovements 8" cas= iron water mai~, to be laid on Golf Road between Wapella and Candota~ reservoir ovemflow fo~ Pine S~. 2 pressure connections oonnectin~ Blue~ Citizens Water Com- pany ~o ~he Village water sys=em. This motion wascar~iedby acclamation and the followin~ bids were opened: Abbott ConstrucTion Co. $8,800 Bowler & Di Paolo 13,500 ~=~ Rossetti Contracting Co. 12,630 T~ustee Phillips, seconded by T~ustee Bruhl, moved that =hese bids be refem~ed to the Wa~e~ Engineering and Finance Depart- ments fo~ study and recommendation° Mo~ion carried by acclama- tion. April 27, 1965 Ii0 Manager's report Manager Appleby gave report, reading letter of ~atitude fop past winter's snow plowing by St-neet Depart- ment~ stating that connections between Bluett Citizens water system, and ~he ~illage had been turned on April 22nd} that flushing operation for that entire system had been completed by th~ wat~Depa~m~ht the p~eviOuS day; that lette~ had been received from the County Highway stating that improvement of Central Road was scheduled for late in the summers that notice had been received that .Bluetts Fairview Gardens and abutting territory had petitioned the Courts fop annexation to the Village. Traffic Village Manager Appleby ~ead letter from the firm of ConsoeP, Townsend & Associates regarding bids for fic signals at Main and Gregory, as follows: April 25~ 1965 Mr. Harold Appieby Dear M~, Appleby: Re: MFT Sec, 21-CS- Traffic Signals at Main and Gregory Streets - C.T.&A. No. 6%-21~ We ,%%"ansmit herewith 2 copies of a tabulation of the bids received by :he Village on April 20~ 1965 rom the referenced traffic signal p~oject. Bids were received from 5 contrac- tors, listed below with their total bids: CgntmactoP Total, Bid Hec~eP'& Company, Inc. $ 19.919.50 Knott & Miellym I~c. 2!~16~.95 Con~rac%ing & Material Co. 22,10~.00 Wood Electrical Constr. Co. 22~000.55 (as corrected) G. Ai Rafel & Co., Inc. 23~0~7.~0 All extensions and totals were found to be co~ect with the exception~of the extension for Item 1 in Wood's bid. This tension is shown corrected together with the corrected total, on the bid tabulation. Wood!s corrected ~tal bid places this contractor 3rd with respect to the low bidder. It is recommended that the award be made to Hacker & Co., Inc., the low bidder, in the amount of $19,919.50 which sum is under the engineer's estimate. This award should be made subject to the approval of the Illinois Division of Highways. If the .award is made as recommended, please advise and we will draw up the contract and submit the necessary copies fop execu- tion by the con,actor and the Village. The proposal guaranty checks for Hacker & Co. and Knott & Mietly should be~etained until the contract and bond of the successful bidder have been properly executed and approved. Ail other guaranty checks should be returned to now. We Petunn herewith for youm files the proposals submitted by the afore-mentioned contractors. YePy truly /s/ Myer April 27, 1965 ~ustee BPuhl, seconded by T~ustee Ek~en, moved to accept TPaffic siEnals the iow bib of Hecker & Co. for $19,919.50 and to return bid checks of all unsuccessful bidders, with the exception of the ~eccnd lowest bidder, Knott Mielly Co. Upon Poll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Casterline ~k~en Busse Phillips Motion ca~ried. Following is memo fx~m Citizens Advisory on Vil~e Insumance: InsuPance Re: Insurance Bids of Apmil 6, 1~65 fmc: Roy Swenson, C~i~man The CiTi~ns Advisory Co~i~%ee on Vil~e Insuma~ce ~ecom- mends ~ha~ ~he VillaEe aco~p~ insurance bid No, 2 of ~ollins Bu~diok Hun~e~ Co. in the ~oun~ of $17,191.83. We ~ec~- me~d ~ha~ ~his be paid in annual instalments and =hat the insu~e ~emain wi~h this a~ency .rom a pe~i~ of ~ee ye~s as p~eviously appmoved by the B~ of ~stees. ~ new build~s and latest equipment have not been included in ~his p~emi~ so ~he~e will be a sli~h~ ~c~ease in ~he ~o~t when The policy is ~itten effective ~y 1, 1965. I% is ~ec~mended =ha~ ~he buildinEs ~d con~en~s policy which has ~wo yea~s memaini~ wi~h ~ploy~s Murals of Wausau be c~oelled effeo%ive midni~h~ A~il 30, 1965. The p~mi~ on %his policy is paid annually so ~h~e should be no additional expense involved. By plaoinE all ~he insurance wi~h one a~ency, all the policies will ~hen exp~e aT %he s~e ~e in ~ee yeams. T~stee B~uhl~ seconded by ~ustee Phillips~ moved ~ha~ =he B~md au~homize pumchase of insumance in acco~d~ce wi~h ~he ~ecu~en~%ions of ~he Citizens Advisory who ~ec~ended Rollins, B~dick, Hunte~ fo~ a to~al p~i~ of $17~181.8~, and t~ the unsuccessful biddems be so advised. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Be~ B~uhl Busse Ek~n Cas~e~line Phillips Mo~ion ca~ied,. ~us~ee Busse~ seconded by ~us=ee B~en, moved Police - caps ~= the Village ~na~e~ be authorized ~o obtain bids fo~ ~e- placement of Police Ca~s 12~ and 120. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Be~Een B~uhl Busse Cas=e~line E~en Phillips Mo~ion ~ca~ied. Tmustee Phillips, seconded by T~s~ee Bmuhl, moved O~d. 10~6 fom ~he ~ssa~e of 0md. 10~6: Wate~ Mains AMENDING CHAP. 23 of ~he MUNICIPAL CODE ~ WATER MAINS Upon ~oll call: Ayes: Be~en B~hl Busse Castemline E~en Phillips Motion c~mied. ApPil 27, 1965 This amendment requires private contractors to install pipe and fittings as per specifications given therein. Ord. 1047 Trustee Bruhl, seconded by T~ustee Ek~en, moved Streets - for the passage of C~d. 1047: Excavations AMENDING CHAP. 9 of the MUNICIPAL CODE RE EXCAVATIONS Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Casterline Ekren Phillips Motion carried. This amendment gives specifications for .digging of excavations around street parings and sidewalks. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Castertine Eknen Phillips Motion canried. Colonial Heights Manager Appleby read the following letter f~om Unit 10 neet Ben Hemmeter: Re: Colonial Heights, Unit 10 I have reviewed the plans and specifications for the above subdivision and they meet with my approval. I recommend that 'the Village Board approve them. The estimated cost for the improvements are as fol- lows: -Streets and Sidewalks $47,000 Water mains 14,500 Sanitamy Sewers 12,750 Storm sewers 37,750 $112,000 The engineering inspection fees will amount to approximately 1% of the improvements costs or $t,000. T~ustee Bergen, seconded by Tnustee Casterline, moved for the approval of plans and specifications in Colonial Heights Tenth Addition. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruht B~sse Casterline Ekren Phillips Motion ca,tied. Manager Harold Appleby read the following letter from Neal Hunter of Colonial Heights, Inc. April 23, 1965 P~esiden= and Board of T~ustees Gentlemen: We hereby request permission to construct the public improve- ments consisting of cumb and gutter, pavement, sidewalk, water ma/ns, sanitary sewer mains and storm sewers as shown on plans prepared by W. N. Fletcher, Engineer, dated Janual~y 1965, vised March 30, 1965 and identified as 65-4 at our own expensa April ~, 1965 nd at no expense to The Village of Mount P~ospecT, in Colonial Heights Colonial Heights 10Th Addition Subdivision. When These improvements are completed and accepted by The Village of Mount Prospect, they shall become the property of said Village without cost or expense to said Village. Inasmuch as the storm sewer has been oversized To comply with The Waller Creek Drainage District's plans for The drainage of a large area south and west of This subd~vz- sion, it is our belief That we should be ~eimbursed for the excess cost of The larger pipe when drainage struc- Tures for The area outside our subdivision are connected :o it. We Therefore request that The Village accept The accompanying agreement. There is precedent for This prooedurm, ~f fumTher discussions are required on the agreement, we request That permission be granted To proceed with the public improvements at this time in order Tha~ buildin~ permits may be secured. There is attached a oon~racT for Trees To be planted in The parkways and a check in The amount of $1,080 To cover said Tree planting. This is to be set up as an escrow by The Village. There is attached a check for $120 to cover s~x'eeT signs at CresTwood and Martin, Crestwood and LonnquiesT, Martin and Ha~len, Lonnquist and HaTlen, which will be furnished and installed by the Village. A check in The amount of $1000 ~o be set up as escrow for payment for engineering supervision ~nd inspection of The public improvements outlined is enclosed. A duly completed and executed corporate completion bond as ~equi~ed by ordinance from The Subdivider to ~he Village of Mount Prospect in the amount of The Engineer's estimate To insure The installation of The public impDovements out- lined, is enclosed. Very Truly yours, Neal L. Hun%e~, . Colonial Heights, Inc. Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved That :he subdividers of Colonial Heights be allowed To install public improvements atTheir own expense, in the Tenth Addi- Tion, but that The matter of reimbursement agreement on storm sewers be referred To The new Board. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Bruhl Busse Ek~en Casterline Phillips Motion carried. T~usTee Busse read the following statement regarding Police Dept. The Police pi.stol range: ~ Pistol Range "One of the Things I had hoped To see accomplished during my ~erm as Trustee was the.installaTion of The pistol range for The Police Department in Fire STation #2. Thespace was planned and constructed for This purpose, but T~e equipment was not included in the bond issue. It was necessary to.wait until the station was completed To see if any funds might be April 29, 1965 left overthat could be used for the range. "Bullet traps, target carriers, shooting stalls, shielding, lights and communications equipment are estimated at $15,000.00 ,~,, Partition and ceiling for a ready room 1,750.00 Alteration of heating and ventilating 1,250.00 Accoustical treatment 3,000.00 $21,000.00 "You have all received a copy of the memo dated Aprit~ 15th from M~. King indicating that approx/mately $7000 will be available toward a range from the bond issue. Ten>~thousand dollams was appropriated, but not used this year because the building program was not completed as soon as expected." Trustee Busse, seconded by T~ustee Castemline, moved to recommend to the new Board that it include in the1965-6$ budget sufficient money to complete the installation of the pistol range as contemplated by This Board. Upon roll call: Ayes: Busse. Bergen Bruhl Ek~en Casterline Phillips Motioncarried. Trustee Casterline gave first reading of proposed Streets - ordinance changing the name of Golf Lane in Wedgewood Terrace names Subdivision to "Wedgewood Lane". The purpose of the name ~-~ change, of course, is to lessen confusion with Golf Road. Referred to the Building Committee: Plans for Bldg. - Kruse's addition to ~estaurant and tavern at 100 E. P~ospect, Kruse's. T~ustee Ekren brought up Zoning Case 55-6, Jacob Zoning Case Kallan, recommending favorable action upon this appeal by the 65-6 ~ew Board. M~. Robert Teichert, trustee-elect, asked if there were any safeguards against a possible futura request for ~ezoning to B-3 of this property, now asking for use va3~iation. Attorney Dudley Sullivan, speaking for Mr. Kallan, replied that this was hardly possible inasmuch as such an appeal would have to go through :the Zoning Board and any objections could be hea~.d~ that time; that Mm. Kallan merely desired to con- tinue his greenhouse business as he had done for some years in the past. Zoning Case T~ustee Ekren read the following repot from the 65-8 Zoning Board re Case 65-8: REPORT Re:CaseB5-8, petitioner, Annen $ Busse, Inc. Heard: April 9, 1965 This was m request for a special use to allow a drive,in estab- : ~isbme~t with a variation for a 15-ft. re~u~ yard instead of the ~equired 20 ft., of property located at ~2~-~26 W. Northwest Highway, Mt. P~ospect. During thepublid beaming, the petitioner was unable to substan- tiate the hamdship requirement necessary for a variation :and officially amended hispetition to withdraw his request for a variation. April 27, 1965 There were approximately 30 objectors present in the audience, including 3 legal objectors immediately across the street on Walnut, north of the subject property. The petitioner gave very little infor~nation in his presenta- tion, provided no plans or data on the position of the struc- ture on the property, no traffic control plan, no indication of driveways, entrances, exits or parking stalls, until near the end of the hearing when he drew a hasty sketch at the in- sistence of The Board. The Zoning Board of appeals voted 6-0 to deny the request for the special use. E. F. Martin, Chairman H. H. Ross, Acting Secy. This matter was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee B~uhl, moved for Ord. 1048 passage of Ord. 10~8: Scaven~e~ Licens AMENDING SEC. 15.1701 (b) SCAVENGER LICENSES This allows only one scavenger pez~nlt for residential pick-up at a time. Upon roll call: Ayes: Bergen Busse Bruhl Ekren Casterline Phillips Motion carried. Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved for Finance Repot acceptance of Financial Repo~ ending March 31st pendinE fiscal audit. This motion carried by acclamation. Trustee Ek~en, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved for Res. 10=65 the adoption of canvassing ~esolution, No. 10-65: Canvassing the vote CANVASSING THE VOTES CAST AT THE REGULAR ELECTION HELD ON APRIL 20, 1965 AND DECLARING THE RESULTS THEREOF Upon roll call: Ayes: Bruhl Bergen Busse Ekran Phillips Casterline Motion carried. This resolution is contained in these minutes on a separate page. President 8chlaver read the following letter from the League League of of Women Voters: Women Voters April 26, 1965 "" Dear Mr. Cahlver and Members of the Village Board: On behalf of the League of Women Voters, I want to express our sincere appreciation of all the cooperation and help extended to us in the past. As official observer at the Mt.-Prospect's Village Board Meetings for our League, I could ask for no better reception than I have received from this Board, the Village Clerks, the Village Manager and other employees of our Village. April 27, 1965 Thank you very much !!! Very truly yours, Irene Waterhouse (Mrs. R. O. Waterhouse) 1425 Birch Drive, Mount Prospect Architectural President Schlaver read the following letter of resigna- Committee - tion from Mike Mokate: Mike Mokate April 22, 1965 Honorable Clarence O. Schlgver President, Village of Mount Prospect Dear Mr. Schlaver: It has been a pleasure to serve the Village of Mount Prospect on the Architectural Commission during your administra- tion. However, I have no desire to continue in this capacity beyond your term of office for reasons which you well understand. Therefore, I am submitting my resignation toyou effective Tuesday, May ~ and hope that this will be accepted. With all good wishes. Sincerely, G~ Michael Mokate President Schlaver read the following letter from Attorney Attorney Hofert Edward C. Hofert: Resignation April 27, 1965 President and Board of T~ustees Village of Mount Prospect Gentlemen: ~IN RE: POSTOF ¥ILLA~E ATTORNEY Please be advised that effective May 4, 1965, I resign as Village Attorney of Mount Prospect. I submit this resignation so as to permit the newly elected President and Board of Trustees to select legal consul of their own choice. I thank the Village, Mr. Schlaver and the trustees, for whom I have served, for the oppo~tunlty to render service. Sincerely, Edward C. H~fert President Schlaver President Schlaver read statement as follows: When you are run over by a steam roller you are not in a very good position to either laugh or cry. I don't intend to do either tonight. But I do want to thank Village Manager, Harold Appleby, department heads and village personnel who have worked loyally with me in the four years of Mount Prospect's greatest growth and p~ogress. I Want to thank those retiring members of the Village Board - Bill Phillips, George R..Busse and William Casterllne who have given largely of time, energy and good counsel as tmustees and who, like met are now returning to normal business, professtional and personal life. To those who remain on this board - Parker Ekren, Harry Bruhl and Frank Bergen - go my earnest wishes for fruitful endeavor. April 27, 1965 ?/7 .. ,.. To members of the library board, plan commission, zoning board of appeals, and other boards who have helped during my administration go my sincera thanks. .I have valued the devotion to law and the best interest of the village display~d by my counselior Ed Hofert, who in the past four years has undoubtedly worked harder than any Mount P~ospect village attorney, often inthe defense of hopeless legal causes. Likewise I have treasured the painstaking work of Village Clerk, Ruth Wilson, possessed of many of the same village- devotion qualities of her late husband and t~ustee, Howard Wilson. Ail ofus who will be leaving quietly andwithout comment next Tuesdaynight have, I believe, enjoyed working for the good of the village in which we reside. The legacy of good government left behind may some day be evaluated more high~ than in the emotional days during and after an election. Thus, there are no regrets. C. O. Schlaver The meeting was adjourned by a=clamation at 10:10 P;E~[ Respectfully submitted, Ruth C. Wilson, V~!lage Clerk April 27, 1965 1% RESOLUTION NO. 10-65 A RESOLUTION ~ANVASSING THE VOTES CAST AT THE REGULAR ELECTION HELD ON APRIL 20, i965,1 AND DECLARIN~THE RESULTS THEREOF. WHEREAS, a regular election was held in and for:~he Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, on Tuesday, April 20, 1965, for the purpose of electing a Village Presi- dent, a Village Clerk, three Village Trustees, each for a four-year term, and four Library Directors, two for a six- year term, one for a four-year term (to fill a vacancy) and one for a two~year term (to fill a vacancy); and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees have canvassed the vo~es cast at said election and are ready to report: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois: ~Section 1. Thatsald election was duly held as pro- vided by la'w'. Section 2. That $,091 votes were cast in the follow- ing manner: For Village President: Name Nun~er of Votes Daniel Congreve 3,61~ Clarence O. Schlaver 2,425 6. Michael Mokate 1 Harold Ross 1 For Village Clerk: Richard H. Monroe 3,371 Ruth C. Wilson 2,657 For Village Trustees: Robert W. Colfer 3,552 Joseph J, Grittani $,488 Robert D. Teichert 3,794 William L. Phillips 2,505 Fred W. Buhrke 2,426 William J. Reinert 2,297 April 27, 1965 For Public Library Directors: Six-Year Term Franklin R. Friday 2,720 Mary C. Gardner 2,921~ Meta W. Bittner 2,532 Florence Retherford 2,387 Four-Year Term Charles J. Sullivan 2,543 John D. Weber 2,074 Gilbert I. Liebenow 405 Two-Year Term Marion R. Clark 2,759 Frederick W. Biermann 192 defective ballots were cast and not counted. ,Section 3. That inasmuch as Daniel Consreve received the highest nu~-~ of votes, he is hereby declared elected to the office Of VillaEePresident of the Village of Mount Prospect. That inasmuch as Richard H. Monroe received the highest number of votes, he is hereby declared elected to the office of Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect. That inasmuch as Robert W. Colfer, Joseph J. Grittani, and Robert D. Teichert received the highest number of votes, be and each of them are hereby declared elected to the office of Trustee of the Village of Mount Prospect. That inasmuch as Franklin R. Friday, Mary C. Gardner, Charles J. Sullivan and Marion R. Clark received the est number of votes, be and each of them are hereby declared elected to the office of Library Director of the Village of Mount Prospect. That all foregoing officials so elected shall qualify in the manner and time prescribed by law. Section 4. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect~after its passage and approval according to law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day of April, 1965. Clarence O. Schlaver Attest: Ruth C. Wilson, Village Clerk April 27, 1965