HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/16/1969 VB minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR F~I'ING OF THE P~ESIDENT AND BOAED OF TRU~T~S December 16, 1969 CALL TO ORDER P~esident Teichert called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.Mo call to order INVOCATION Trustee Soderm~u gave the invocation. ROLL CALL Present upon roll call: Ahem Bluest Kilroy Norris Heiter Sodermsn Teichert APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PEEVIOUS I~:~:t'iNGS BEGULAR 5t~£~ING OF DECE~ 2, 1969 Pg. 3 re Century Tile-~oCase 69-19P add: "State statutes re- approval of minutes quire a ~ vote of the Trustees. The Chair ruled that the Village ordinance being stricter thmn the State Statutes, and presumably valid, control. No objection was made on the part of the Trustees as to the ruling of the Chair." Trustee~Furst, seconded by Trustee No~-z-ls, moved the minutes of the regular meeting of December 2, 1969 be approved as amended. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. SPECIAL ~EE~ING OF DECEMBER 9, 1969 Correct spelling of Mrs. Heidt's first name is "Lynnm~'~. Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved the minutes of the Special Meeting of December 9, 1969 be approved ~ as amend- ed. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Norris Reiter Soderman Pass: Ktlroy Motion carried. Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved to ratify the actic~ taken at the special meeting of Decez~ber 9, 1969. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern Furst Norris Heiter Pass: Kilroy Nays: Soderman Motion carried. APPROVAL OF Gene ral $71,17~.29 approval of bills Parking System Revenue ~38.88 ~r F~et Tax 336.05 Waterworks & Sewerage Fund 12~75~.~7 $~,703.69 Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Soderm~n, moved to approve the above bills for payment. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Eilroy Norris Reiter Motion carried. Trustee Eilroy, seconded by ~"ustee Reiter, moved to approve the Financial Report for the m~uth of November, 1969 subject to audit. December 16, 1969 ~ Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. conEendation PRESENTATION OF CO~V~NDATION i presented ~. ~resident Teichert presented a resolution of commendation to !Earl Lewis ~ ~O~rn~r Trustee E~rl Lewis. MAYORAL CITATION Maoral citation President Teichert presmnted a M~yoral Citation to Mr. Kenneth K. Kitzlng' 'Kitzing for saving the life of his neighbor who was injured while repairing his automobile. ~new police NEW POLICE OFFICERS '~officers - oathCommissioner L. Ostling gave the oath of office to the following [given new police officerts: Andrew.Toth, Robert Randolph, Theodore I Gorski and Thomas Jacobi. ~Northern Ill PUBLIC HEARING NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY Gas Co The Village Attorney summarized the agreement presented by North- em Illinois Gas Company for the benefit of the Board and advised the proposed zoning is in conformity with the Village Plan. The property is comprised of approximately 268 acres lying southwest of Fo~dry and Wolf Roads. Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to authorize the Village President and Clerk to siga and attest the agreement for annexation and instruct the Village Attorney to draft a resolutic~. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Heiter Soderma~~ Motion carried. Mrs. Idyl Nipper, 1216 Meadow Lane, a me~ber of a homeowners association directly south of the property appeared to request information on the proposed use of the property. Mr. Richard Hendrlcks, 1537 E. Emmerson, member of the Fairview Gardens Assoc. also spoke before the Board regarding Future development of the land. ~ CO~ICATIONS AND PEI'ITIONS i69_1~P Mr. Marvin Metge, attorney representing Centurff Supply Co. (Case I 69-19P) stated affcer Further discussic~ with his client, they had agreed to limit the height ~restriction of the proposed build- ing to 19 1/2'. He requested a.motion for reconsideration of I the case. However, the Chair ruled this would be out of order. refurbishing The Village ManaEer,s request for refurbishing his Qffice and Manager's officehiS secretary's office for a quoted amount of $2,661.00 was de- ferred to the next regular meeting. ~T~'~:~: CHAI3~F.N ~EPORTS Trustee Sodermen read a report of the Building Committee with 69-35A regard to Case 69-35A - Howard Beherns, ?01 South Owen. The Board of Appeals by a vote of 2-2 failed to reccm~,=nd approval of the - requested variation for utilizatic~ of the side yard at the north end of the property. The Building Committee by a 2-1 vote recom- mand~d approval. The administration fo~d no objection to the variation, provided petitioners sign a hold harmless agreement to run with the land to insm-e Village protection should damage occur in the Future to the proposed structure by reason of the Village's entering upon the easement north of the property for the purpose of .maintaining certain sewer lines located at the rear thereof. The petitioner agreed to sign such an agreenent and to work with the Village personnel to have it recorded. The Committee then directed the Village Attorney to ~ a variation o~iinance fo~ first reading on December 16, 1969. Trustee ~derm~n, seconded by Tsustee Ahem, moved to concur with the reconmendation of the Building Committee to grant a side yard variation at ?01 S. Owens. December 16, 1969 Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Kilroy Reiter Soderman Nays: Furst Norris Motion carried. Trustee Soderman presented an ordinance for a side yard vari- ation at ?01 S. Owen for a first reading and requested the Clerk to place it on the next agenda for final reading. The Com-,ittee considered ~mltiple occupancy permits and recc~- multiple occupanc mended amendments to Section 21.218 6~ the Building Code for permits issuance of same rather than partial occupsncy certificates. The Building Committee further directed the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance for first reading at the December 16, 1969 meeting. Trustee Soderman, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved the Board concur in the Building Committee's recommendation te change the B~flding Code to permit issuance of ~ltiple o-.~upancy permits o Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Trustee~ Soderman presented for first reading an ordinance re- gadding multiple occupancy permits and requested the Clerk to place the amendment to 21.218 6f the M~unt Prospect Municipal Code on the next agenda. ~he Building Ccmmittee reviewe4 Case No. 69-46A - Village of 69-46A Mount Prospect {Pesche's Florist property) petition for vari- ation for operation of greenhouse and nursery with incidental -" parking therefore, in addition to an existing residential building. The Board of Appeals voted 4~0 to grant the Variation, finding that since the land had been involuntarily annexed, the owners w~ald be able to continue their business as long as they desire. It is understood that the~ Pesche's would dedicate the s~h 33 feet of their land for the~ eventual improvement of Grove Drive. Trustee Soderman, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved to concur in the recommendation of the Building Committee to grant a vari- atien for Pesche's Florist, subject to d~dication of the bou~y line of 33'. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Nor~-is Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Soderman presented an ordinance granting variations for property located on the south side of Golf Road at the westerly limits of the Village and requested the Clerk to place it on the agenda for second reading on January 6, 19~. Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved for waiver bookkeeping roaching of the rules to consider the bookkeeping machine in the Finance Dept. ~" Finance Department. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilrey NQrris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Kilroy advised that the bookkeeping machine is in need of repair and it would cost an estimated $2,800 which amount could cover the cost for a new program of outside service at 13~ per billing quarterly. This 'mathod w~ald facilitate matters in the Finance Department where there is a lack of personnel to accomplish the work. December 16, 1969 TruStee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved the Board auth- orize the expenditure of approxim~c~l~ $3,000 fo~ programming the Village utility bills through the services of the Mount Prospect State Bank. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Reite~ Scde~-,~n Norris Motion carried. JUDICIARY Windsor EstatesThe J~di¢iary Co~ittee considered'proposed aranexation of pro- per~y west of Lir~le~an s~uth of~ Golf, k~ow~ as Windsor Estates, comgrised of ninety lots. The Co~ttee reco~m~e~ded annexati~ a~d directed the Attorney to dra~c an ordina~ce and the Village Clerk to notify the Fire Protecttc~ District. Trustee AherI1, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Judiciary Co~ittee to ar~lexthe property. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Ahem 9~esented an ar~exatton ordinance for. Windsor Estates for a first reading and requested the Clerk place it on the agenda of the nex~ regula~ meeting for ~Inal ~eadtng. Vogt's plat of sub~ivlslon~ was~eO~sidered by the T~:~ittee and Vog~ 's by a vote of 3-0 recommended concurrence with the ?la~ CoNm~ssion to approve the resubdlvlsion of two lots on rS. Lancaster nea~ ?e~d- leton Place. Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Reiter, moved to approve the 91at of retubc~tvision and authorize the President and Clerk to sign. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem .Furst Kil~oy No;~i~is P~t~er Motion carrie~. 68-66A Case No. 68-66A - Ean~hurst-CorDoratfon petition for height va~i- aticn was $~idered at the Cc~.~nittee meeting but will be deferred until the January 20, 19?0~'meeting. / Case 69-31P - Mack Cadillac Corp - PUD: The Committee recc~x~ended 9-31P concurrence with the reconm~ndatlon of the Plan Commission to approve the planned unit development. Trustee Ahern~ senonded by T~ustee Kilroy, moved to concur in the recc~endatio~r~of the Plan Commission and Judiciary Committee to approve the Mack Cadillac Pl~lned Unit Development. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kflroy Norris Motion carried. The. V~llage Attorlley was directed to draft a suitable ordir~nce fo~ the Mack Cadillac Corp~ ~UD, 69-30P Case No. 69-30? - Pre-annexation zoning of property north of Lincoln a~d east of Weller Creek, known as Wol~ley property. The Judiciary C0n~nittee recommends concurrence with the reoon~ne~datlon of the Plen C~mission to der~ the pre-annexation request of the subtect proDerty known as the Worley property. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy N~n~is Relter Motion carried. December 16, 1969 ase No. 69-33P Matz Funeral Home, Inc. - request to rezone 69-33P 408-10 E. Rand Road from R-1 to B-3. It was the sense of the Plan Commission that had ft~ePal hc~es been allowable under B-2 classification it rosy have approved the rezoning, but dig not make such appro%-aI because of the less restrictive uses allowable ander the B-3 zc~Lng. Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved the Village Board cc~cur with the Judiciary Cc~aittee's recommendation and over-rule the Plan Cc~Eission denial to B-3 and rezone the property located at 408-~10 E. Rand Road from R-1 to B-2. After further discussion, Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Fur~t, moved to postpone ccnstderation of the motic~ until the January 6, 1970 regular meeting. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Ktlz~y Normals Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Case No. 69-16P PUD at 3012-14-20 S. Busse (Versailles Apts. ) 69-16P - Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Norx.is, moved to concur with the reco~nendation for zoning R-4 under PUD for the pro- pertY. Upon roll c~11: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilr~y Norrls Reiter Soderman Motion carried. St. John's Church Aunexatien was reviewed and the Conmtittee St John's Church referred the plat of ~ne~ation to the-Village Engineer for study. Jursich Plat of Resubdivision was studied and T~ustee Ahem, Jursich Plat seconded by Trustee Sederman, moved to concur with the vote of the Plan Commission and Judiciary Co,~,~ttee and approve the plat of sUbdivision and authorize the President and Clerk to sigs. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Motion carried. The Judiciary Committee is reviewing the necessity of f~quermy of Village Board meetings and considering the manner in which the length of time expended can be reduced. This item remains on the charge sheet and suggsstions and recommendations of the President and all Trustees were solicited. ~R BUSINESS The ordinance aragexing the Kenroy property was presented for Kenroy ~irst rearming and the Clerk was requested to place it on the agenda of the next regular meeting for final reading. Kenroy zoning and PUD ordinances will be placed c~ the nsxt regular meeting agenda for first reading. Case 69-65A - MarJorie Douglas - petition for land use vari- 69-65A atic~ at 222 S. Emerson was referTed to the Building Co,~.~ttee. Old Town Sanitary District meres da~ed December 3, 1969 from Old Town Sanitar~y the Plan ConEission was referred to the Judiciary C~,~,.~ttee. District The Village ~ngineer report re the Roth dedication on Linne~an Road was referred to Judiciary C~,.~ttee. Roth Case 69-28P - Village of Mount Prospect - amend Secs. 17, 26 69-28P and 31 of the Zoning Ordinance was refer~ed to Judiciary Com. December 16, 1969 FI~E AND POLICE CO~'~'~ -Janu~ 12, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. JUDICIARY CO~I'IT~1. - January 8, 1970 BU~.DING C0~££~ - Janua~ 14, 1970 PUBLIC WO~ES COM~'c,'~ - December 17, 1969 - (Special Assessment #~O & Kaplan &'Braun 2nd Add. recapture ord.) PUBLIC B~T~TH AND SA~ - (With Safety Commission) Saturday, Jan 10 at 9:00 A. M. HOLIDAY HESOLb~ION NO. 36-69 Holiday Trustee Reiter, seconded bY Trustee Furst, moved to waive the rules Resolution 36-6~°r the purpose of r~ading a resolution extending sincere wishes rot a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to citizens of Mount Prospect. Unanimous. President Teichert read resolution #36-69. Trustee Furst, seocnded by Trustee Reiter, moved for passage and approval of Resolution No. 36-69. Upc~ roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Relter Soderm~n Motion carried. adj ourrm~nt ADJOUBNME~T Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Furst, moved the meeting be adjourned. Time: 11:05 P. M. U~us. DONALD W. GOODMAN, Village Clerk December 16, 1969