HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/28/1992 COW minutes Minutes COMMITI'EE OF THE WHOLE July 28, 1992 I Roll Call The meeting was called to order at 7.35 p m by Mayor Gerald L. Farley Trustees present were Mark Busse, George Clowes, Tim Corcoran, Leo Flores, Paul Hoefert and Irvana Wllks Also present were Vtllage Manager Michael E. Janonis, Public Works Director Herb Weeks, Pohce Chief Ron Pavlock, F~re Chief Ed Cavello, Personnel Coordinator Donna Russell, Personnel Intern Palge Winters, Police Commanders Joe Kolanowski and Mike Salat~no and Finance D~rector Daxad Jepson In addition, Fred Bench and Naras Statkus of SEC Donohue, approximately 20 children and adults representing the Learning School, three members of the pnnt medm and one resident were in attendance II Minutes of June 23, 1992 The minutes of June 23, 1992 were accepted and filed Trustee Mark Busse abstained from the vote for approval. In response to a question from Trustee Wilkg Village Manager Janonis stated that the revmw of the Building Code will be brought up at the August 11, 1992 Committee of the Whole meeting III Citizens to be Heard Learning School of Mount Prospect Mayor Farley welcomed the Happiness Fads and their teachers from the Learning School of Mount Prospect. This group has been chosen #1 in the nation by judges of the 6th annual American "Set a Good Example' contest for their efforts to help prevent drug abuse, dehnquency, llhteracy, and dropping out of school The contest is sponsored by the Concerned Busmessmen's Assocmt~on. Lorraine Menkaus introduced the Happiness Fads of the Learning School, Jacquelynn Meyers the Prlnc~pal and CnG~ Hams, the artlsttc director The Happiness Fads then performed an original play wluch emphasized the values they were promoting and sang several songs The Happiness Kids have presented their play and songs at a number of special events over the past year. Mayor Farley read a proclamation commending the Learning School and proclmmmg September 1992 as "Set a Good Example Month" in the Vdlage of Mount Prospect. Lmda Moore, representing Congressman John Porter, read a commendation that Representative Porter entered rote the Congressional Record ~ IV Presentation of a Draft ADA Transition Plan Vdlage Manager Janonts explained that July 26, 1992 was the date by which governments needed to have a transition plan m place for ~mplementmg the Americans with Dtsabd~t~es Act (ADA) The plan ts to serve as a grade for future efforts to reach full comphance w~th the Act which became law m January 1990 S~nce that time the Village has sohclted pubhc comment at an open forum, revtsed personnel policies, reviewed accessibility at all pubhc bmldmgs and physical assets, and made an assessment of accembd~ty to programs and services The tranmlon plan ts 90% complete with addtt~onal work required to develop cost estimates and to obtain pubhc comment Mr Janonis stated that there will be an ~mpact on the Vdlage budget and that most of the required changes wdl be considered in the normal budget process In coming years Trustee Clowes stated that this ts a Federal mandate where, w~th the exception of some tax credits, the government d~d not provide funds for implementation He also smd he was concerned w~th some of the restrictions ~n employment practices Village Manager Janonls responded that the major expense vnll be for curb ramping and that possibly Commumty Development Block Grant momes can be used for some of the reqmrements In response to a question on the number of d~sabled people in Mount Prospect, Personnel Coordinator Rnssell stated that 1% to 1-1f2% of the population are dtsabled She also smd that pubbc safety personnel are excluded from some of the restrictions and that you can ask relevant questions about essentml job functions Ms Russell added that all Village employees had received cultural d~versity trmnlng in preparation for implementation of ADA. Trustee Clowes said he would hke to receive cop~es of the cultural d~vcrslty material Trustee Corcoran smd that the ~ntentlon of ADA ts excellent but mandatory change wathout funding ts not fair He asked ~f the Village had a ballpark cost estimate Village Manager Janoms responded that the most slgmficant cost ts for curb ramping There are 600 intersections that need full ramping and 150 that need warmng strips The total estimated cost ts $1,320,000 for the full ramping and $180,000 for the warning strips Mr. Janonis added that the t~me required and personnel costs are s~gmficant but that it was a good investment He said we need to hve with the plan and get a feel for what ts needed. Trustee Hoefert asked ff the Vdlage will give special consideration to a family w~th specml needs Mr Janonis stated that we will try to balance those special needs with normal maintenance. Ms Russell stated that the Department of Justice has ~ndlcated that transportation routes and then pubhc access areas are the highest priorities Trustee Wilks expressed her appreciation for the work that had been accomphshed. She asked specifically if there was a process in place for an individual to receive special consideration Ms Russell responded that there ts a formal process ~n place with the Village Manager responsible for determlnmg the action to be taken Trustee Wilks asked what mechantsm was m place for notification of meetings and special communication needs Ms Russell stated that the Village has a hst of ~ndlv~duals who can "s~gn" but that an interpreter ts prowded only If there is a special request Vdlage Manager Janonts said that we had to provide "reasonable accommodations" and this provided some latitude in ~nterpretation Trustee Vfiiks commented that some of the bns~ness commumty asked if they could use the Village's TI'D telephone Mr. Janonis responded that the Village wdl make tnformat~on available whenever possible Trustee Busse asked how we have responded to complaints m the past Public Works Director Weeks commented that the Village has put in a number of new s~dewalks and addtt~onal handmapped parking spaces ~n response to complaints Trustee Busse followed up w~th a question regarding complmnts aga,nst bus,nesses Village Manager Janonis responded that the Vdlage ts not the enforcement agent for ADA but that the Village can change codes or zoning to encourage comphance. He added that the Village would work w~th business requests Personnel Coord,nator Russell introduced Paige Winters, an ~ntern who has put m a cons,derable effort to help develop the ADA transition plan. Police and Fire Headquarters Update Vdlage Manager Janonls stated that since hc started with the Vdlagc on July 6, 1992 much of hts t,me has bccn devoted to becoming famfl,ar with the status of the Pohcc and Fire Headquarters Budding Since approval of Change Order #2 ~n April 1992, substant,al construct,on progress has bccn made and at the same t,mc there have bccn add,tlonal opportumt,es to fine-tune some of the dcs,gns clements in the budding These recommended changes, along w,th the add,tlon of spccmllzed pubhc safety equipment and an increase in the furnlshmgs budget, will result m add,t,onal costs of approximately $320,000 Mr Janoms polntcd out that a Pohce and F,re Bmldmg ts a structure w,th umque needs and that some of the changes that can be made now wdl save money m the future A number of the recommended changes that are pend,ng will result ~n structural enhancements or are required because of bad soils Add~t,onally, Mr. Janonts stated that the other changes hc is recommending arc because the budget amounts for eqmpment and furntsh,ngs were originally based on general industry standards and now specific cost estimates arc available Also, a request for increased eng,nccrmg fccs ts bc,ng recommended because of add,t,onal work that has bccn performed In summary, the changes can bc grouped into four categories' 1) Pending coustructlon changes estimated at $62,000, speclahzcd cqmpment of $150,000, furntshlngs of $90,000 and fees of $16,780 The total of the recommended changes ts $318,780 Mr Janonts stated that he ts confident that thts group of changes wdl cover all but unforeseen conditions that may occur ,n the future Trustee Floros stated that he is ternbly d~sappo~nted to get this news at th~s stage of the project. He sa,d that somebody dropped the ball and that th:s reformat,on should have been brought to the Board's attent,on earl,er. Vdlage Manager Janonis responded that he thought it was ,mportant to bring this to the Village Board at th,s t,me Trustee Wiiks stated that she would have preferred havlang some Board members part,cipation in the planning process so that this surp~se could have been avoided Trustee Corcoran said he agreed w~th Trustee Floros that someone dropped the ball m th~s matter. Trustee Clowes sa,d he also agreed that thts ,nformatlon should have been brought forward sooner He also asked ,f the shortfall could be taken out of operat,ng funds F,nance D,rector Jepson responded that it would be almost ,mposs,ble to make up thts amount wthout affecting personnel Village Manager Janoms then reviewed the spec,tic changes that were being recommended Followxng are the categories of the proposed changes Construction Issues: 11 Structural design and s,te cond,t~ons est,mated at $29,622 32 Functional enhancements estimated at $18,868 Changes to provide future flex~bd,ty est,mated at $13,217 3 Police and Fire Equipment Police Department equipment estimated at $65,905 Fire Department equipment estimated at $85,757 Furniture and Furnishings Budget increase from $295,000 to $385,000 Engineering Fees Total Increase of $16,780 Village Manager Janonis explained that the above amounts were only estimates at this time and that if the Village Board concurred with the recommendation, he would get specific amounts from the contractors for the construction change orders Also, all items of equipment and furniture will be purchased on a formal bid basis The bds will be brought back to the Board for approval Mr. Janoms said he will work v~thln the parameters of these changes A motion was made by Trustee Busse and seconded by Trustee Corcoran to concur with the recommendation of the Village Manager and authorize an increase in the Pohce and Fire Building budget in an amount not to exceed $320,000 The motion passed unanimously It was pointed out that this action will be brought up for official action at the next regular Village Board meeting VI Manager's Report No additional information was presented VII Other Business No other business was discussed VIII Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10 43 p m Respectfully submitted, David C. Jepson, Finance Director DC J/sm 4