HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/19/1969 VB minutes REGb~ ~ETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUST~S .. AUGUST 19~ 1969 CALL TO ORDER President Teichert called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. INVOCATION Trustee Ahem gave the invocation. VIRGIL BARN~'I~i' The newly appointed Village Manager was present and President Teichert introduced him. PRESE4TATION Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ball were presented with a ~0unt Prospect flag to be sent to their son in Viet Nam. HONORARY CITIZENS Trustee Lewis, seconded by Trustee Reiter, moved to amend the rules to OO present Honorary Citizen Certificates to ll Tunisian students. Unanim~6~nPrary hO Certificates were presented to Ehaled Ben Yahia, Jouda Hsmmami, AbdelwahedCitiznes ~zib, Aliz Hsmz~oui, Ferida Osman, Naima Ayari, Catherine Puigalli, ll ~ F~zia Ehenissi, Hedi Guolla, Youseff Mokadden and Warren Cooke. T0nisian ~Z~ ROLL~-~ ~ALL Students Present upon roll call: Trustees Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderman President Teichert PBESENTATION OF PARCHNFJ~T RESOLUTIONS Resolutions of commendation were presented to former Trustee Joseph Grittani and former Village Clerk Richard Monroe. Former President Congreve and Village Manager Robert Moore were also recipients of resolutions of com- mendation but were unable to attend the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved the minutes of August 5, 1969 be approved as submitted. Upon roll call: Ayes: Shem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Pass: Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Lewis, moved the minutes of the special meeting August 7, 1969 be approved as submitted. Upon ~oll call: Ayes: ~hern Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Lewis, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved to ratify the action taken at the special board meeting of Au~st 7, 1969. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderm~n Motion carried. APPROVAL OF Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Lewis, moved for approval of bills in the following amounts: General 36,929.68 Motor Fuel Tax 26,661.57 approval of Waterworks ~ Sewerage Fund 3,385.21 bills Total Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderman Motion carried. August 19, 1969 Trustee Kilroy~ secnnded by Trustee Furst~ ~v~ved the Financial Report for July, 1969 be approved subject to audit. Upon roll call: Ayes: ~hern Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderman Motion carried. CiTIZF2~S TO BE HEARD ,Mr. Willia~ Moore, attorney for M~. Bartmann~ appeared on behalf of the Citiznes owner of property known as Twin Links at the triaungle of Foundry mhd Rs.nd Heard He was advised the petitioner should resubmit a plat of subdivision to the Plan Com?is~ion. ~,~rs. Carol ?uffato, 420 S. Main~ appeared before the Board to request assistance in having sidewalk ds~?aged by the roots of trees growing in par~ay repaired" ~n front of her property amd that adjacent. She described the condition as hazardous. The matter was referred to the Public Works Co,.~:ittee and Trustee Ahem advised ,Mrs. Ruffalo she would be notified of the n~ght this matter would be considered by Committee. Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Lewis, moved to waive the rules for Countryside the purpose of hearing from ~,~. Gordon Ramsey of the Countryside Bmnk at Bank the western half of the building at Golf and Rte. 83 and the attorney~ M.r. John Seewald~ representing the bank. The bank has leased space in the building since August, 1968~ but has not been operating as a bank. The Building and Zoning Co~issioner has not issued a Certif_~cate of Occupanc.~ because the basement of the buildin~ is incomplete. It was expalined that the bank has a charter from the State of Illinois and must start ope~-ation by geptember 20th of this year. It is the intention of the petitioner to lease these premises upon completion of the Kenroy development, at which time the bmnk will be relocated. In the meantime, the hours of operation of the Countryside Bank will be limited, i,e. 9:00 ~M to 2:00 dam y, but will be closed on Yfednesday, and open from 9:00 ~M to Noon Szturdays. Trustee Reiter~ seconded by T~astee Kilroy, moved to, table action unitl the first board meeting in September~ (the 2nd of .Sept. ) to review the parking problem. T~stee Lewis, seconded by Trustee Furst~ moved to direct the Building and Zoning Commissioner to permit occupancy subject to his approval after inspection. Upon the motion to table: Ayes: Reiter Ki!roy Soderm,an Nays: Ahern ~kurst Lewis Teichert Motion Failed Upon r,~tion to permit oceupancy: Ayes: ~hern ~rst Lewis Teichert Nays: Reiter Kilroy Soderman Motion Carried ~ M~YOR'S RBPORT President Teichert reported on a meetir~ he attended in Washington DC Mayor's report which the mayors of Illinois were invited to attend. Matters on meeting in discussed were noise and air pollution, water, youth problems, health Washington DC education. During this meeting it was broght out that the Federal Government is offering the ~reatest contribution in the form of study and expertise of the ac~ministration. President Teichert stated he hoped the Villagewould participate in these meetings on a two year basis because he felt this was a wothwhile pro.am and he is directing a letter to Senator Percy indicating his approval of future meet~s which he felt would be beneficial to ~unicipalities. o 1969 .~u~ust 1~, COM~'IT~E CHAIRMEN REPORTS BUILDING Roger Fink - Case 69-3A - petition to erect 2-story building on lot 104' deep, 25' wide, zoned R-3 at 215 W. Prospect Avenue. Motion to Case 69-3A table made July 15, 1969~to "over-ride recommendation of Board of Appeals to deny, and grant the requested variations." A letter was read which was written to the petitioner by Illinois Retail Hardware Association offering to purchase the property for $5,500. Mr. Bill Ewart, Managing Director of the Illinois Hardware Association, appeared before the Board and stated negotiations were still under way. Trustee Soderman, seconded by Trustee Reiter, moved to table this matter until September 16, 1969. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Sodermsn Motion carried. Salvatore DIMucci - Case 69-38A - southwest coroner of Golf and Busse, Case 69-38A petition to reduce the parking ratio f~om 4-1 to 3-1 in shopping center.~ DiMucci This is for a B-1 use in a B-3 zoning. Trustee Lewis, seconded by Trustee Furst, moved to over-ride the recommendation of the Board of Appeals snd grant the variation with such stipulation that parking for the parcel contain a minimum of 480 spaces and that the use of the parcel at auy time. may $ include the dispensing of food for consumption on the premises, but to an extent utilizing not greater than 2,000 sq. ft. of public sitting Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Purst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Sodermau Motion carried. FINANCE CO~'l'i'~ Finance Com~mittee by a vote of 2 and one pass, moved to deny the Open Pantry located at Golf and Busse (not within the Village limits) the Open Pantry "' application for a liquor license, liquor licer~ Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Lewis, moved to object to consid- eration of the motion because it was not proper procedure, on' the basis that the municipality does not have Jurisdiction of the property. Upon motion to object the roll call ~as: Ayes: Lewis Reiter Nays: Ahem Furst Kilroy Pass: Sederman Motion failed Upon call to deny license the roll call was: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Reiter Pass: Lewis Soderman Motion carried. Chapman-International Airport's request for liquor license for catering . type of license for Town Hall and Tartan Tray was before the Finance Chapman Intl Committee for consideration. The administration was requested to draftAirport req a new type "E" license ordinance to submit to the Finance Conm~ttee. liquor lecens~ _.. Palos Plaza Restaurant Lounge, now known as Flsming Torch located at 253 E. Rand requested a Class R liquor license. The Finance CoK~mdttee by a vote of 2 and one pass, moved to recommend approval. Trustee Kilroy~q seconded by Trustee Reiter, moved to grant a Class "R" liquor license ~'-am~ to the Flaming Torch at 253 E. Rand (Palos Plaza Restau~nt). Torch liquor license Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Reiter Nays: Lewis Pass: Soderm~n Motion cs/~!ed. August 19, 1969 The Finance Committee recom~ended by a vote of 2 and one pass to transfer Butch the existi~ liquor license of k~ayne's Redwood to Butch McGulre of Mt. McGuire Prospect~ Inc. located at 300 E, Rand. Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee liqour Lewis, requested Board concurrence to approve transfer of the liquor license license of Wayne% Redwood to Butch McGuire of Mt. Prospect, Inc. located at 300 Rand. Upon roll call: Ayes: Lewis Kilroy Furst Teichert Nays: Ahem Reiter Pass: Soderman Motion carried. Request of Kust Armon for liquor license was considered by the Finance Commlttee. H~a~ever~ the petitioner had no specific location for the operation of a business. The Finance Committee requested this be dropped from the charge sheet. As a Fatter of inforPation, T~astee Kilroy advised that Mr. Gottlieb of Kenroy, Inc. stated they will apply for four licenses (M, C, B, D) at the completion of their planned development on Elmhurst. ~k~ustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee ~rst, moved that it be a matter of record that the Bom~d has seen the planned development and if all qualifications are met, licenses B, C, D and M be ~anted in the Kenroy developemnt area. Upon roll call: Ayes: Lewis Kilroy F~mst Reiter Pass: Ahern Soder~n Motion carried. Trustee Kilrmy reported the Finance Committee moved to recommend denial of Gmnnell's pro-rated license refund by a vote of 2 with one pass. Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Lewis, moved to derby a refund of a pre-rated license fee to Gunnell's Restaurant. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst !~llroy Lewis Reiter Pass: Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Kilroy stated Prospect House Catering is contemplating applying for a liquor license but at this time they have not decided the type needed. No report, Class R Finance Co~ttee requested the administration ~nend the ordinance to licenses increase the category to two Class "P~ licenses. A draft would be prepaired. Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Thustee ~rst, moved to concur in the Finance M~ FinanCom~ttee recommendation (vote - 3-0) to accept the ~9~T Financial Report Report as of December 31, 1967 as presented by the Deps~tment of Public q,~orks and Buildings. Upon roll call: Ayes: ~ner~ Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderms~n Motion carried. Trustee Kilroy reported there would be a specail meeting of the Finance Committee Monds,y, Au~st 25th at 7:30 P.,. to consider the Tax Le~, Ordinance. FIRE AN]3 POLICE COr~9~II'TE~ Bridges ~ne Fins_ncc Committee by a vote of 2-0~ recommended awardLnE of the eng?_neer- across lng contract for bridF, es across Weller Creek at Georg~e Street and See Weller to Bernard H. ~. Hemmeter for ~ 7.~o of $170,000 (the estimated cost of con- Creek struction) and Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Ahern, moved for Board Upon rel! call: f~yes: ;ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Au~st 19, 1969 rustee Reiter read Resolution I8-69: Resolution 18-69 RESOLUTION FOR IMPORVEMENT BY MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE (Candota from Manawa to Council) $89,000. Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved for passage of Resolution 18-69. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy lewis Reiter Sederman Motion carried. Trustee Reiter read Resolution 19-69: Resolution 19-69 RESOLUTION FOR I~ORVEMENT BY MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE (William from Lonnquist to Berkshire) $78,000. Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved for passage Of Resolution 19-69. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Sederm~ Motion carried. Trustee Reiter read Resolution 6 · 20- 9. Resolution 20--69 RESOLUTION FOR IMPROVEMENT BY k~JNICIPALITY UNDER THE TLI,INOIS HIGHWAY CODE (School intersection with Weller between Lonnquist and Council Trail) $78,000. Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved for passage of Resolution 20-69. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderman Mostion carried. Lonnquist Improvement: The Cormmlttee inquired of the Acting Village Manager about response from School District 59 regarding cooperation with the Village on the improvement of Lonnquist Parkway to Meier. Mr. Zir~nennsnn advisedLonnquist the School Board a~ed to participate to the extant of $2600 for the im~ Improv, provement and it was estimated the total cost would be $7500. Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved to authorize the expenditure of Village funds - for the additional amount to complete the entire 1/2 street with School Distriot 59 sharing one-third the cost of $?500. Upon roll .call: A · yes. Ahem Furst Kilroy lewis Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Improvement of Maple Street between Moehling Drive and Shabonee: The Fire and Police Conm~ttee requested the administration to prepare an estimate of the total cost for this improvement and to seek out bothImproveme~t the Park District and the church adjoining this section of Maple St. on of Maple either side to determine whether or not these two parties would partici- St. pate in the cost of the improvement. Stop signs on Cottonwood Lane: The Committee by a vote of 2-0, recommended the stop signs at eastbound and westbound Cottonwood placed at the intersections of Birch and Cypress Drives be made permanent. Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Signs on Ahem, moved to concur v~ith the Fire and Police Committee to amend the Cottonwood traffic code regarding the stop signs at Cottonwood. Lane August 19, 1969 · Upon roll call: Ayes: ~dnern Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderman Motion carried. The Committee requested the project entitled "Public Works and Building~s re: "Tree Planting in Parkway Areas Along Golf" be removed from its charge sheet and placed more appropriately to the charge of the Public Health and Safety Co~ittee. JUDICIARY COMMI'iTEE -- Trustee Lewis, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved the second reading of the annexation ordinance of the Worley property be postponed to a time in- definite. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem }tarst Kilroy Lewis Soderman Nays: Reiter Motion carried. Trustee Lewis read for first reading an ordinance amending Map 8-S of the Zoni~ Ordinance (Case 69-9P) ~'~%. Prospect Safe Deposit Corp. and requested Case the Clerk place it on the next agenda for final reading. An amended ordinance 69-9P would be presented, deleting certain portions of Section 2. PDI~LIC }~EALTH AND SAFETY COD~,'iITi'EE NIPC Rep~NIPC Report: Trustee ~st gave a report of his meeting with the Northern Illinois Planning CoFmission which was concerned with the suburban plan for tremsportation. Other matters under discussion were flooding problems and traffic. However, some were the concern of individual municipalities. Trustee Furst outlined the projects of other communities. 0~-~ BUSINESS V. Mgr. Acting Village Manager gave a detailed report on his review of the var~_ation reports ordinance for Mufich Buick at }enry and Thayer~ and his on-site investi~tion. ~. Walter Jeske and M~o Frank Shcoenber~, 105 S. Louis, requested further consideration regarding the height of the fence surrounding the property. fence onThe matter was referred to the Fire and Police Committee, for a meeting to S. Louisbe held September 8th. Trmstee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to waive the rules in order to read a resolution of good wisher and con~atulations of the Village of l~qneeling on its Dis~ond Jubilee. Upon roll call: A · yes. Ahem Furst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Res. Resolution 21-69 regardir~ ~neeling Diamond Jublilee was read. 21-69 Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Reiter, moved for passage of Resolution 21-69. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahern F~rst Kilroy Lewis Reiter Soderman Motion carried~ .. Acting Village Manometer ~ve a report on the Mt o Prospect Rural Fire Protection AgTreement and no action was taken until such time as the Elk Grove Rural Fire Protection Agreement is passed simult~uneously. : IT~'~S TO BE P~R~D ~ . Bresler Realty Co. plat of subdivision was referred to Plan Commission. Case 69-25P rezone PO( to Pi 1200 Roosevelt Rd. was referred to Judiciar%~ ComP~t tee, Case 69-24P rezone ,~ ~ corner Golf & Linneman PO( to R-1 was referred to Judiciar~y Committee. Au~st 19, 1969 ase 69-27P rezone 303 E. Kensington R-1 to B-3 with liGuor license re-Case striction was refer~ed to Judiciary Committee. 69-27P Petition of residents area Brickn%an's 1st Add. re cats was referred to Public Health and Safety Committee. Koziol's plat of subdivision was referred to Judiciary Committee. Bonnie's First Addition was referred to Judiciary Committee. Munao's 3rd Addition was referred to Judiciary Com~ittee. Kaplan & Braun 5th Addition was referred to Judiciary Committee. DiMucci Subdivision (~olf & Elmhurst) ~,~as referred to Judiciary Committee. Reimsn Subdivisio~ was referred~ to Judiciary Committee. Legal notices - publication was referred to Finance Com~ittee. Plat of resubdivision F~. Prospect Safe Deposit was referred to Plan Corm~ission. Annexation - Kaplan & Braun 4th & 5th Additions referred to Judiciary Committee. Possible analysis of Village gevernment was referred to Finance Committee. Mutual Aid ~reement was referred to Fire aud Police ~orm~ittee. /mprovement of Willow est of Tamarack was referred to Public Health and Safety Committee. Overpass on Northwest Hwy. to Meadows Park was referred to Fire and Police Cor~vitt ee. Improvement of dedicated streets was referred to Fire and Police Committee. Increase in number of patrolmen was referred to Fire and Police Committee. Case 69-26P Fairview Gardens rezone P~X to R-1 was referred to Judiciary Case Com~dtt ee. 69=26P Case 69-21P Amend Sec. 15, 16 of Zoning Code was referred to JudiciarYCase 69-21P Committee. In~orove~nts on Lincoln Street was referred to Public Works Committee. Improvements on Linneman Road was referred to Public,Works Committee. Vacation of We Go for park was referred to Judiciary Committee. Request of Mount Prospect Targeteers was referred to Fire and Police Come, It tee. COMM~'I'±'~ ANNOUNCEmeNTS Public Works - August 20 Judiciary Committee - August 26 Special Fianance Committee - August 25, 7:30 ADJOU~k~ENT Trustee Reiter, seconded by Trustee Ahem, moved the meeting be adjourned. Time: 12:50 P.M. Unanimous MARIE T. HARD, Deputy Clerk A~sust 19, 1969