HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/27/1971 VB minutes MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL ~i'ING OF THE P~IDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 27~ 1971 CAIJ, TO ORDER Call to order President Teichert called the ~eting ~ order a~ 8:08 P.M.  INVOCATION Trustee Soderman gave the invocation. Invocation ROIL CAlL Present ~pon roll call: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Roll Call Reiter Soderman Te'ichert APPROVAL OF MINU'f~S OF APRIL 6, 19?l Approval of Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Norris~ moved the minutes of minutes April the regular meeting of April 6, 1971 be approved as submitted. 6, 1971 Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. APPROVAL OF MIN~I'~S OF APRIL 17, 1971 April 17, 19?l Pg. 2 - Change first paragraph to follow after meeting reconvened following an Executive Session for consideration of a ma~ter of pos- sible litigation. Trustee Sodern~n, seconded by Trustee Reiter, moved the minutes of the special meeting of April 17, 1971 be approved as amended. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Mo~ion carried. RATIFICATION Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to ratify the Ratification of action taken at the special meeting of April 17, 1971. action taken April 17, 1971 Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Soderm~u, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved for approval Approval of bills of bills in the following amounts: General Si10,106.53 Parking System Revenue 10B.65 Motor Fuel Tax ........ 30,386.94 Waterworks & Sewerage Bond and Interest 58,006.25 Depr., Imp., & Ext, 480.00 Operation & M~fntenance 27 ~ 81~. 18 $226,~96.55 Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahena Furst Kilroy Reiter Soderman Nays: Norris Motion carried. Trustee Soderman, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved to approve the Financial Report for March 1971 subject to audit. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem F~rst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. C0~ICATIONS AND PETITIONS S.A. #70 Mr. Joseph Pargulski appeared before the Board to inquire about the status of Special Assessment #70. He was advised the ~atter is now in the Circuit Court. PRESIDenT ' S REPORT President Teichert reported on the Mayors and Man~gers meeting N.W. Municipal of the Northwest Muni~ipal Conference in Springfield. Some of Conference the topics discussed were revenue sharing with the State, zoning and land use and ancillary with that, increasing the power of NIPC, which ~t with rather concerted objections from the various ~nicipalit~es represented. PROCLAMATIONS President Teichert proclaimed the week of April 25 through May 'Baby Week" i as "Baby Week", and urged residents to become familiar with the work being done by the Infant Welfare Society. President Teichert proclaimed the week of M~y 2 throu~h May 8 "Fire Service as Fire Service Recognition Week within the Village of Mount Recognition Prospect as a tribute to our skilled and courageous firemen. Week" COmMItTEE CHAIRMEN REPORTS FINANCE COMMI~T~E An ordinance adopting the 1971 licensing code - relating to licensing code application forms - was presented for second reading. Trustee application SodermSn, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved to amend the wording forms in Section 10.102 - Application Form - J. to delete items i and 2. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried~ Trustee Sederman, seconded by Trustee F~rst, moved to change Section 10.102 the wording under Section 10.102 - Application Form -K. to read: "A statement as to whether the applicant seekin~ such a license has ever been convicted of a felony, aud if so, the nature of the offense and the p~ishment of penalty assessed therefor." Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Soderm~n, seconded by Trustee Reiter, moved to amend Article III Article III - Revocation or Denial - Section 10. 301. Procedure. Section 10. 301 -B. to read: "That the applicant or license holder has made any false, fraudulent, or misleading material statement, or has been convicted of perpetrating a fraud ~oon any person - - whether or not such fraud was ~erpetrated in the course of conducting any business in the V~l~e of Mount Prospect; or that the applicant or license holder has commit~ a felony; or Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Soderman, seconded by Trustee Furst, moved to amend Article III - Revocation or Denial - Section 10.301. Procedure. -C. to read: '~i~nat the applicant or license holder has con- ducte8 any activities directly related to his business in the Village of Mount Prospect in ~.unlawful r~uner or in such a manner as to constitute a breach of the peace or a menace to the health, safety, or general welfare of the public." Upon roll call: Ayes: Aher~ Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Sodermau Motion carried, APRIL 27, 1971 ith the above changes made in the ordinance, Trustee Soderman, seconded by Trustee Furst, moved For passage of Ordinance 2B02: Ord, 2302 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING 'l~; 1971 LICENSING CODE Licensing Code Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Sodenmm Motion carried. Trustee Soderman presented an ordinance amending Section 2.102 of the Municipal Code of Motmt Prospect which would make the annual Section 2.102 salaries of the new T~ustees taking office May 1st $1200 per year. Trustee Reiter voiced objection over the percenta~ of the increase. Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to waive the rules requir~_~E~two readings of an ordinance. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Soderman Nays: Reiter Motion carried. 5¥ustee Soderman, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved to approve passage of Ordinance #2203: Ord. 2303 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTICN 2.102 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT Section 2.102 Upon roll call: Ayes: Furst Kilroy Soderman Teichert Nays: A~ern Norris Reiter Motion carried. The Clerk was directed to place the following statement read by Trustee Soderman in the minutes. "The Finance Committee has worked very hard in an attempt to put together a workable budget prior to the seating of a new Board. BudKet We present ~his budget with a desire to assist the new Board. We are aware of the monumental orientation problem that faces the new Trustees and it is hopeful theat the proposed budget ~ill reflect ~ the collective attitudes of the present Trustees, both as to com- munity needs and priorities. Obviously, the budget can only be a guideline since it is the appropriation ordinance that, in fact, deternfunes the ultimate finaucial operation ofoour Village. We be- lieve these guide lines established by the outgoing Board will prove beneficial to the new Board ... we fully expect the new Board will alter and amend the budget as they address themselves to the municipal problems of our community. There are many ways to analyze a mtmicipal budget and, dependiog on the approach taken, different conclusions can be reached. I will take this simple route ofmerely explaining the .~..ucreased exp~aditures of $824,B18.00 and where this added revenue came from. Based on last year's budget of $3,191,383.00, the increase of $824,318.00 represents a total expenditure increase of 26%. The added expense can be al~%ocated roughly in the following manner: Salary Increases $270,000.00 New [Mloloyees 170,000.00 Equipment, etc. 100,000.00 Garbage Fee 28,000.00 Land Acquisition (Parking Lot) 60,000.00 Water Main, Wells, etc. 196;000.00 $U24,000.00 APRIL 27, 1971 The salary increases for present employees work out roughly to an 85 increase~ This is quite in line with the surroumding area which shows that the average increases for various conm~n- ities range from 7% to 10%. All of the increases shown in this budget are the result of many hours of negotiations and would appear to be equitable conclustions. The $170,000.00 allocated to new employees contemplates 5 additional policemen and 6 additional firemen (to be added December l, 1971), an additional inspector for the Building Department, 2 engineer-inspectors and an additional draftsman for the Engineering Department, an additicaal secretary for the Finance Department, an additional secretary for the Fire -- Department, and 8 additional employees in the Public Works Department. An added $100,000.00 in the general fund for equipment, building repairs, etc., which are detailed in the budget for the Board's esamination. The $28,000.00 increase in garbage collection reflects increased labor costs under the existing contract as well as additional residences in the Village. The $60,000.00 for land acquisition contemplates additional commuter parking. The increase of $196,000.00 in the waterworks and sewerage fund contemplates necessary rehabilitation and extension of our existing system merely to stay in good operating condition. Expansion of our water system, as suggested in the recent report submitted by our Village ~hgine..er, is not a part of the present budget. The sources for the increase in revenue can roughly be allocated in the following manner: Increased real estate tax levy $400,000.00 Increased Sales Tax, Licenses, Fines, etc. 275,000.00 Unused bond money 150~300.00 $525,000.00 Because the Finance Committee was not in full attendance at our final deliberations, no formal recommendation is made but the budget is p~esented as the work produce of the Committee for the Board's approval." In discussion, Mr. William Radtke, of the Radtke Insurance Agency, explained some of the problems causing the increase in insurance rates, The Finance Committee was charged with "Insurance Safety Program". Trustee Sodermau, seconded, by Trustee Furst, moved to approve Approval of the budget as submitted. budget Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to waive S.A. #67 the rules to consider an Agreed Order concerning Special Assessment #67. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. APRIL 27, 1971 pecial Assessment #67 was to pay the cost of paving and otherwise i~proving West Lonnquist Boulevard at Route 83, property known as Dorothy Kester property. M~. Kester is deceased, and the new owner, Jon L. LilJequist, has been negotiating with the Village and will dedicate an adequate protion of the southerly protion of Lonnq~ist Boulevard so that the Village will proceed at its expense to improve Lonnquist. Trustee Kilroy, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to authorize the Village President and Attorney to sign the subject Agreed Order for Case No. 66 CO 585. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. FIRE AND POLICE CO~I'ITEE Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Reiter, moved for passage of Ord. 2~04 Ordinance #2B04: . Amen ~5ing Schedules AN ORDINANCE AMENDING S~HEDULES I, IV, VI, XI, AND XIV I, IV, VI, ~I, & OF THE 1970 TRA~'~'±C CODE Xl%' of the TRA~?'IC CODE Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. JUDICIARY Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved the President be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest Rebeck's plat of Rebeck's plat resubdivision of!lot 10, located on Souhh CanDota in Prospect of resubdivision Park Cotmtry Club Subdivision. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reit er Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Reiter, moved to authorize the President to sign and the Clerk to attest Owner's Subdivision to Owner's Sub- be known as Lot "A" on East Northwest Highway in Busse's Eastern division Addition to Mount Prospect, provided the owner ~antees he will waive the rights to object to the spread of any special assessment for any alley. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Reiteu, moved to authorize the President to sign and the Clerk to attest the Busse Road Subdivision Busse Rd. plat for property lcoated south of the Comuonwealth Edison Company Subdivision right-of-way known as Lot 2 in Edward Busse's Division, upon post- ing of bonds for any public i~provements thereon, if required. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Soderman Motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS RESOLUTION CANVASSING VOTES - APR]X. 20, 1971 VILLAGE k~.~.CTION This election was held for the purpose of electing three Village Resolution Trustees and two library Directors. There were ~,~ ballots cast Canvassing Votes in the following met: April 20, 1971 election V]W.I.AGE TRUSTEE Richard Hendricks George Anderson Richard Monroe 2,180 Kenneth Scholten 1,96R L]~$yd Norris 1,148 APRIL 27, 1971 LIBRARY DIRECTORS Mary Ellen Brady 2,915 Robert Nordli 2,801~ Miscellaneous Write-Ins 6 Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved for passage of Resolution ll-Tl: Resolution 11-71 A RESOLbTION CANVASSING THE VOTES CAS~ AT THE REGULAR Canvassing the MUNICIPAL F.T.~.CTION HELD APRIL 20, 1971, AND DECLARING votes THE RESULTS THEREOF Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reit er SodernRu Motion carried. A public hearing on a pre-annexation agreement of property located wouth of Algonquin and east of Nordic Road was pre-annexation continued to the Board Meeting of May 18, 1971. agreement Trustee Furst, seconded by Trustee Soderman, moved to waive the requirements of two readings of an ordinance transfering amounts smong appropriations. Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Scderman Mo~ion carried. Trustee Frust, seconded by Trustee Sodernmn, moved for ~d. 2305 passage of Ordinance 2305: authorizing AN ORD]]WANCE AUTHORIZING TRANSFERS AMONG trausfers am. Gag APPROPRIATIONS appropriations Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reit er Sodermm] Motion carried. Trustee Soderman, seconded by Trustee Kilroy, moved to accept the proposal of Radtke Insurance Agency for general Radtke Insurance insurance coverage effective May l, 1971, as recommended by ~ncy the Insurance Commission, Upon roll call: Ayes: Ahem Furst Kilroy Norris Reiter Sodernzu Motion carried. Two-hour park~ on the west side of the 300 block of North Wille was referred to the Fire and Police Cor~ttee. Request of St. Pual Lutheran Church for one-way si~s was referred to the Fire and Police Committee. 1971-72 MSD Maintenance Agreement was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Request of Mrs. Loi~ Insolia for no parking at WaPella and Council Trail was referred to the Fire and Police Committee. ODOK COUNTY ZONING DOCKETS 1923 and 1924 The Fire Chief reported he attended the Cook County Zoning Board of Appeals hearIng held April 19, 1971 at the Wheeling Village Hall. The petitioner requested a zoning change from an R-4 single-family residence district to R-5 General Residence District (apartments) with a special use for a plannec unit development. The property is lcoated on the west side of Wolf Road approximately 180 feet north of Euclid Avenue. The Village has been granted a 21-day period of time to file a formal ob- Jection if desired. APRIL 27, 1971 his matter was referred to the next agenda for consideration on May 4, 1971. APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVERS Appointment to The Village Msnager announced the appointment of Mr. Charles Board of Local Beesley, 107 W. Berkshire Lane, as a member of the Board of Improvez~nt Local improvements. NORTHERN II,I,INOIS GAS COMPANY A~ The Village of Mount Prospect will be supplied without charge an Northern Illinois amount of gas not tg, eseeed 65,000 therms for municipal b~ildinge. Gas Co. Agreement ADJOU~ AdJournment Trustee Ahem, seconded by Trustee Soderm~n, moved the meeting be adjourned. Time: ll:10 P.M. Unanimous. DONALD W. GOODMAN, Village Clerk