HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 25-69 09/16/1969 21,) 968 772 RESOLUTION NO. 25-69 ~ A RESOLUI'ION GPJ~'IT'ING r,m. AETHUR BATI'J\.GLIA A LICENSE TO 'PLACF UTHO\1Ey'1ENTS ON 'PUPLTC PHOPERTY _.~x" ~ Y ,~lEREJ\S. the petitioner h~ renues~ed permission of the corporate authorities ,f-~~ . of the Villare of r."ount 'Prospect to pl~ce an automatic la"m snrirJ.::1ins ~ ;; II systerr: upon the parle/my adj acent to his lot 2t 911 Robert Dr1 ve; 2nd '" A~~ WHEREAS, the Builclinr CO!'!1rdttee of the Board of "'rustees of the Villare l{. . ~J I of r'Dunt PI'~'SpeGt hasrevievJed the rr:atter here:i.n 2nd has reco~nded . -V to the PreC"l"~ent !:)nc~ ~{~!:)rd of (T'n1\~t-pet:" the "'T"r,....o..'..-, o~ thp ~f'r'\re'n"eYi+-..t"""1Y!en \ ~ ,)- '1111 requ~;t; - a;ld'"' -. . <~,. ,~~c' ,. ),)"" 0~" G,; " v (:L.I- , .,~ ,-,,~ v,.. ...,.1.\.,.. -... ~ ~ \'HEFEJ\S, the President and P02rc of T!ustees of' the Villa[;"e of r'bunt Af't...\t I Prospect conSloer thIs to be in the best interests of the Vil1arre of P'k \" I. r'bunt Prospect; 'J' II i 1':O\'J, THEREFOPE, BE IT FESOLViD DY TEE PPE;; nnTT Pl-JD BOAPD OF TPU~''I'EE;-' I OF TI1. J" L.u.I\G..., .Jr r:ctnrr DH(:B"ECT, C(jOY COUl'ITv, ILLINOE: I '. . >:<: ';rT T . .h~ {~ II !: ;1 I, SECI'ION ONE: That the petitioner, J'rt.hur Bclttar:lia, be dven a Ucense persor1~11" '+-0 r1ac'" ,w1,.1 tn n.p""......'te ~n "'u+-o""'a+-~c l~'m <>!'1yo';nk1l'nrr< ~v...te'" .."J; .. C.J. ,1 ~"~)...... :c:: C4 \.A I.J \....),~;../..(... {.,;. (.~ v .j.. .V.J.. .l.C,"J.. ~)t-'.....i-.l-L..... .."; 0,).;:) ,. upon the unpaved portions of certain DubHe rirht-of-way le7ellv descy'iber.l as follo\~ts: 'I'hat thirty-three feet wIthin the dedicated ri;:.ht-of-vmv lyinr- ad.j acent and contip:!J.ous tc the ,.!est, south'.'I'est, and south } ot linp<,~ of' Lot rJf 'in '~('h<:l'T:i 1';1'" .,r.ri Vn.-th TY1C C'un~et Ifp'; .-r.+-o: ..."........ -to .1.# t:_....) __'~J, ..~,~. (..~~__ ~.)_. c,...l--<.. .; j~ ..At _,_ "., '.-. l~_..._,... "-'/.J-.~:_...~L,;c... hre~t- +-r.~t- p~,y>1- C.f" t-hc:. 1,l.::'st 1 I? thp ~lortr.~"e~t- 1 (}l ref" \, ;::,......, \.<.1...0..., .lC...t.I,., '~ Vi\~, ,',f':::'-J,... ".._ .......Jv,. \./..i"",,,_,,,; .../'t..... .:!ection 14, Townshir North, Penge 11, F2.St of t~1e rrn:i rd Principal i'feridi811, l;rinr- ~rort.h of the cer:ter line of' ::ee0?:" S Hoad (Golf Hoac), except the 1.,lef:'t 25 acro~, thereof, in Cock County, Illlnois. f"0 C) St:CTIOI"J T~~TO: Thf!.t the s.7~~ter" :;;h?_l~ be c~onstl~_lc:t,ej and thE" ~l~r2ter Ilnes 18J.,d in confor~1ty ">",ttth ttie dra!~\'inr-s ShOtJID on F~xhibit t c~t,t2"chec hereto and JTBde 2 part heY'eof. CD 0) CC ~ --.} I........) SECTION 'I'HFEE: That the petitj.oner, F,rthur Pattac-:li2, shall hold h8rr"'less the Vl'l'la()'"lC> of' ~rount v""'o...-.ect ~ts "''''en+-''' emn10'rees and.ren.....pc-pntr;t-.;..'pc> .L.II,. (r/- -'.:.. ,,iJ ..v J. ,a~,,' 'J .;;<' (~"'.' t...~), "'t'"J.. IJ -, ,...", '-'r-_.l.~,.Cl.."J.'(.,v-.i..\';,_...) j n the rranner set forth i.n EyJl1b:i.t B attached hereto 2nd ~ade a part herecf. SECTION FOUR: That thIs llcense, dvinr: the petitioner the privl1er-e cf installing and operatinr; the said lavm sprinkHnr: systeM without M.vinr the sald petitioner any possessary interest or estate in the pbove-descrlbeG land, shalJ temJnate at such t ire as P,rthur Battar:1ia, his heirs, lerattees, or devisees have no ri;:;hts, interests, or estate in the land located at 911 Robert Drive, IV'ount Prospect, Illinoj s and legally described 8S follo\'!s: Lot 26 in Schavil,4e end Knuth, Ine., Sunset Heirhts '"Jest, that part of the \<Jest 1/2 of the NorthNest 1/4 Section 14, '}'ovmshir> Lll North, p,ange 11, East of the Third Principal Veridian, lyi,np: North of the center line of Seer;er's Hoad (Golf Road), except the 1:Jest 25 acres thereof, in Cook County, Il1inols. SEcrION FIVE: That the VUlare Clerk is hereby directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution and its Exhibits \dth the Cook County Recorder of reeds wi thin ten (lO) days after passare. SECI'rON SIX: That the Director Building and Zoning of the Village of JVbunt Prospect is hereby directed to issue 2 building pemit pursuant to the license granted herein. SECI'rON SEVEN: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passare and approva1 in the r:anner provided by law. AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 16 Dt,Y OF SEPTf]/ipER. 1969 / / <f',,,,~._--~--:~ ... P.obert /., /,,/ / --<-.< ;p-,.,::"""~/ ,,/ ,,<,...<;: L'!" '.,.; / -z;. ~_~~..... .....-'t"~, _.- "--~ D. Teichert. Vil1aP'E' President ATTEST: f'V c:; (0 0") CO -....,J -....,J rv AGREEMENT 'lb1s Agreement made and entered into this 2nd da,y of Septent>er, 1969, by and between the VILLAGE OF ftDUNT PIDSPEC'l', a JI'l!m1cipal corporation of the State of Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the VILLAGE, and Art Battaglia and Elizabeth Battaglia of 911 Robert Dr! ve, Mount Prospect, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the PErrrIONERS, upon the mutual covenants and ca'lsiderations expressed hereto: Wl'lNESSRm : 1. Being f'ully aware that the f'1!:1'l'!'IONERS have no ownership or cmtrol over the right-of~" parkway abutting their property, camD'lly known as the said 911 Robert Dr! ve, which right-of-way parkway is located parallel to the abovementimed property and the ~roved street known as Robert Dr! ve, I : I all owned by the VIlLAGE, the VIlLAGE agrees to pass Resolution No. 25-69, I of which this Agreenent is a part, granting the PErrrIONERS the license to go upon the property described in the said Resolution for the purposes of erecting an autanatic lawn sprinkler system thereon. 2. The PElTl'IONERS agree to 1ndem1f'y and do hereby at all tines save the said VILLAGE free, clear and harmless from all loss, cost, and expense of and frail all claims, demands, and actims and courses of action resulting !'ran I"'.: c_~ or which may result !'ran damage to the said sprinkler system hereafter erected or extended upa1 the above right-of-way resulting rran the use by the said VILLAGE, its agents and/or representatives, of the said right-of-way. c.c cr: 0: ~ ~ N IN WITNESS WHEREOF: By: '/".'./; ,c';~:".'....,~_;~:-,.f'(;""", ~?:/ /-/< . _,' ,.(_'t.--- Village President AT.IESl' : i!;!6~ /":/~:) t:?~I/~::cl 'J ~77/l <' J1 L: ... ,-,1'~ Vi ,/ EXHIBIT B . Sr11 NI'E OP I~INOIS comITY OF COOK ) ) SS ) I, Marie T. Hard, do hereby certify that I 81'11 thG' clU::"J qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of t.i1e Village of noun'c Prospect in the; CCL;,1'~ " and State aforesaid, aDd as such Deputy Clerk I am the keeper of the I'ecOI'd~:; Dnj -L~i_l'2s of the B08:ed of Trllst2cs c,f~ said '\Tilla~;e. I do fur~her certify that attached herE.~to is a full. tru.2 c.!'..'~ corr-ect copy of RESOLUTIO~,J NO. 25-69 duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of r~ow1t Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, R.t its legally convened meeting held on the 16 day of September, 19 70, and that at the time of adoption of said RESOLUTION W). 25-69 the Bo~d of Trustees voted as follows: AYES : J~ I'WYS : 0 l\BSEi.JT : 2 all as appears in the official records of said Villa.q;e in my care Cl..'1J. custod;y. Dated at r;;ou..'1t Prospect, Illinois, thi3 17thday of'September, 19 69 ~ \0( ~ - I\<"T,.1"C;.1.. Clpr1" Vl'l]~O'c, of' ~Iic;"rl'~" F-""u~"'n':'1C':. . LA:,..._"'..... ,..... ..1:\...;). -'- .u(:)'-"...... VLl u ; -\.~\,\i-f1'J' -'-", !;' ('look Co' "n'c;v Tl1" " I, ., ... "';w1.:<. v _>- lAJ. o...;:J ...1._ ,1iII.""" .,' _ft.:. "'':'/v --~ 1 ~ --l-.-~ ~~5 F;,l 12 I 0 SE'. 25-(4) 4 3 1 5 1 ~: It. ',' ()' 7.... -i .\ 2 d .} 0 U I I (, l\.1 lJ, _t... ~~~ 1'."V 1_. '''11 ')..... ~ ,/ /!J I BOOK80S OF PLATS PAGEL~ MAIL DOCUMENT V HAS BEEN MIS~8~~~W