HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 6 06/05/1917 "'f~ 019 ORDI!ANCE 10. 6. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY CEFTAIJ RIGHTS IN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED, by the President and Board of Tru8te~8 of the~illage of Mount Prospeot, Oook County, Illinois:... BECTIOt' 1. That Ohicago 'l'elephone Company, its suocessors, leeses and assigns, are hereby granted the right to construct, erect, renew, maintain and operate in, upon, along, across, under and over the streets, alleys and publio ways of the Village of Mount Prospect, lines of pOles, wires, cables, conduits, vaults and laterals and to use the same for the transmission of sounds and signals by means of eleotricity for a period of Twenty-five (25) years from and after the date of the passage of this ordinance. SEeTIO! 2, The location of the lines of poles now existing ls hereby approved an~any change therein or extension thereot, as well as the co nstruction of conduits, vaults and laterals shall be under the direotion of the Ohairman of the Cpmmittee on Streets andAlleys of aaid Village, who shall issue written permits therefor. Said lines of poles and condUtts with vaults and laterals shall be 80 plaoed and maintained as not to interfere with ordinary travel on said street., alleys and public-ways, orldth any municipal water or sewer pipes now existing or which may hereafter be laid by said Village, and in case of bringing to grade or. ohange of grade of any street, said Oompany shall change its struc- tures so as to conform thereto, and said 8hloago telephone Company, its suocessors, lesees an~assigns, shall hold said Villag. harmless from alldamages.zJesulting from the construe- tiono~maintenance of the structures hereby authorized, . provided that said Village shall give said Company prompt and adequate notice of the" beginning of any suit, or the filins,\ ..... of any claim with said. Village for suoh damage an~shall f more.ov. e r... f urn.iS.h said ocmeanYWith all information in its poss8selon concerning the ame. The r,ight of way hereby grante4s. hall not be exol sive, but said Village reserves the right to grant a like right of way to others, the~ame, o howovar. not to interfere with the privJ.,leges hereby given, and the privileges hereby granted are to be taken and exer- 01.ed, $ubject to any ordinance or regulation of police llAture, whioh the Board of '1lrusteea may bave power and see fIt at any time hereafter to adopt, not destruotive of the right.rbereby granted. .' SECTION ~. The said Qompany shall allow the ~1llag. the use Of Its poles and fixtures for the pqlioe and ~flt".al"rm wires of said Village, reserving on the top orosl e arm or each pole sufficient space to carry such wlr, under d!rection of said Oompany's Manager in said Village, aI'MI so as not to interfere with said'Oompany's use. la.ict:Il.s.cago TelepboneCompany, its sucoeseors, lesee8 and'asslgn8.'atter tho establishment of an exohange hereunde~ an~so long as said Oompany furnishes exohange service in said Village, shall fur- ~l,h the said Village fr~o~ charge with local exchange eer- ~. . .-- '020 vie. for Village business oniy one telephone in the resi. delloe;of,th~ViIla.ge President., one 1ll the'residenceof the Village' Olerk, one in ~he Vil1ag~all,' and ~:me in each 'h-e Ing~nl House maintained by said Village.. , the Oompany's usual contract for each, telephone 80 furnished 'shall' be " prEtviousl.y signed. fOl" said Village by the President. thereot having en- dorsed thereon the terms of concession herein provided for. SECT 101 4. The rates, for telephone' exchange ser- vice within the-corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect, shall not exceed the, regular schedule of rates for like service in other places under like oonditions in said Ohicago Telephone Oompany's territory. SEOTION 5. In the event that the Illinois Itate Public Utilities Commission or any body, board, commiosion or court of competent Jurisdiotion shall adjudge any provision or provisions hereof invalid, illegal or void, such invalidity or illegality shall in no way effect the validity or 1egali~y of the remaining prOVisions of. this ordinanoe and this ordinance in all other respeots shall oontinue in full force or effect ' as if such provision or provisions had not been adjudged in- valid, illegal or void. SEOTIOR 6. This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in foroe from andafter its passage and the filing in the offioe of the Village Olerk of a written and unconditional acoeptance of its provisions by said Ohioago Telephone Company. Passed this 5th day of June, 1917, Approved this 5th day of June, 1917. l1t' , , ~ ~~ President . Attestl d~~ tkJ , ge Olerk . w -;;a'l1,r. 1.)1\",":'" t ...;."...1 ~(, --4